Listen ~ The Maze Runner ~ Ne...

By lara_baby

18.8K 149 134

Danielle is the only girl have ever set foot in The Glade. Ever. And being the only girl she gets a few perks... More

1 ~ Nightmares
2 ~ Touring
3 ~ Argue
4 ~ Party
5 ~ Fight
6 ~ Dawn
8 ~ Alone
9 ~ Eavesdrop
10 ~ Please
11 ~ Note
12 ~ Memories
13 ~ Plan
14 ~ Test
15 ~ Breakfast
16 ~ Sobs
17 ~ Letters
18 ~ Melissa
19 ~ Thomas
20 ~ Glade
21 ~ Listen
22 ~ Fear
23 ~ Monitors
24 ~ Teresa
25 ~ Run
26 ~ Newt
27 ~ Pain

7 ~ Talk

824 8 7
By lara_baby

Danielle's P.O.V

Elijah wrapped up my ankle and the two of us left the Med Hut, going straight over to the dining tables for breakfast. Thankfully, there was quite a lot of food left and we managed to pick up something substantial before departing from one another to the opposite ends of the dining hall, me with FryPan and Minho and Eli to Chuck (the two seeming to have clicked easily).

I smile when Minho looks up to me, returning the gesture as I sit across from the two boys. "Morning, Dani." FryPan says cheerily, barely looking up from his plate of food. What is it with guys and eating? Is it impossible to pause for a moment to greet someone properly? To be fair I don't even get annoyed at it anymore. I would be worried if they did anything different.

"Morning Fry." I return, taking a mouthful of my apple as Minho groans and lays his head on the table. "Howcome you aren't running this morning then Min-Hoe?" I ask the dark haired boy, who groans yet again. "Shhhhh..." He whimpers, raising his hand as if to silence me. I raise an eyebrow at him and let out a small chuckle, seeing FryPan mouth 'hungover' from beside him. "Ahh..." I sigh, nodding my head.

Both FryPan and I laugh. "Thought you could handle Gally's mix, Minho." I taunt, taking another loud bite from my apple. Minho raises his head from the table to glare at me, but gives up halfway and goes back to 'sleeping'.

I shake my head with a smile and look around the table, noticing Newt wasn't here like he usually was. "Hey, where's Newt?" I question, speaking to nobody in particular. "I'm not sure. He went to work early I guess. Or maybe Alby needed him for something." FryPan shrugs. "Was he ok when you guys were talking to him? Or did he seem, annoyed?" FryPan shrugs again.

"He didn't seem much different. Just, quiet. So actually yeah, maybe." Why can't guys give a straight answer either?!

"Do you know why?" I grill, feeling a little annoyed that Minho, the person besides me that knows Newt the best, is practically passed out in front of me right now. FryPan shakes his head. "Helpful..." I sigh, slouching in my seat as I finish my apple. "I'm sure it's nothing Dani. We all have irritable days. Today just might be his."

I sigh and nod my head, falling into silence for a few minutes before someone taps on my shoulder.

"Uh... Dani?" A deep voice coughs, and I bite my tongue. Gally.

I slowly turn around to be met with the large man who was eyeing his feet like he was nervous. Good. He should be nervous. What happened last night is not ok, and I'm certainly not about to forget it happened. And I think he knows that.

"I... uh... I-" He starts, but I get tired of waiting and cut him off. "You what? Gally." I ask him in a nonchalent tone. Yes, I may be a bitch for doing this but I am going to make him work for this apology. "I wanted to apologise... I lost myself last night and I was drunk, and I never meant to hurt you." He says quickly, finally meeting my eyes.

"It's not the fact that you hurt me Gally. I brought that upon myself by stepping in to stop you from hurting Eli. He's the one you went after, so he deserves a bigger apology than I do." I say authoritively. "I know... I know... And I've apologised to him too. I knew it'd be harder to make you stop being mad at me, so I went and apologised to him first." Gally murmurs, looking back to his feet again.

I sigh. "I'm not mad Gally." Yes I shucking am. I just can't be dealing with more than one person being in a bad mood today. And Gally in a bad mood is not something we want, as you already know from last night.

"You're not?" He asks rather surprised. I shake my head. "No. I'm not. I'm more so- upset- that I had to be the one to step in and stop you from hurting him more than you doing it yourself. I'm upset that you got drunk and continued to play fight with people when you knew deep down at some point you weren't going to be able to control yourself." I frown.

"I'm sorry. I'm so- so sorry. I can promise you, I won't be doing it again." He says, in a kind of begging tone. "Pinky promise?" I say, the reminants of a smile hindering on my face as I raise my pinky into the air. Gally smiles. "Pinky promise." And hooks my pinky with his own.


After breakfast, Elijah and I went back to the Med Hut for training. I taught him how to properly wrap things, and give stable stitches (not in anything living, I can promise). To be fair, I didn't need to teach him much as he already seemed to know a lot. Which further proved my point that he had to have had some sort of further training before coming here, just like I must've.

The hours flew by while I taught him, and before long I realised I had made him late for his training in the gardens with Zart and Newt.

I had completely forgotten about my and Newt's passive spat earlier too, but now it had start to come back and it was niggling at me. I just want to make sure he's ok and that we are ok. Because I can deal with people being upset with me, but not him. He is the one person I need.

"Alright then Eli. You are late for working in the gardens, so we gotta go." I say to the tall boy as we leave the Med Hut. "Race ya?" He challenges, bumping my shoulder with his. If it wasn't for the small amount of pain my ankle was in I would probably have taken him up on it. "Not today, big guy. Maybe when I can walk like a proper person I'll beat you." I tease, bumping him back.

"And what makes you so sure you can do that?" He flirts, making me a feel a little uneasy. But I push the feeling away. "Maybe the fact that I was made a runner without having much training." I retort, looking to the floor. "Ah, but that was back then little one." Eli returns, putting on an accent you'd hear from some sort of old man. I chortle at him, my eyebrows raised as he looks a little taken aback. "Little one?! I'm most likely older than you shuckface."

"You're going to regret calling me that now." Eli smirks. "Calling you what? A shuckface?" I quip, slipping into my usual sassy tone. Elijah shakes his head with a chuckle and leans down, throwing me over his shoulder. "HEY! NO FAIR!" I protest as he starts to run towards the gardening fields, my hands flailing in the air with laughter.

"Put me down!" I shout through my laughs, but Eli was too busy laughing himself to be able to hear me. Slowly, but surely, he starts to slow down as I assume we reach the gardening fields. But then he stops dead. And when I hear a cough from behind me, I immediately understand why.

Eli places me back down on my feet and I whip around to see an unamused Newt, Zart standing a few feet behind him. "You're late." The blonde haired boy states, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Shuck... I really want to reply with something witty right now. Like, 'No klunk, Newt.' But I am pretty sure he will not appreciate it.

"Sorry, that was my fault. I was teaching him to make stitches." I smile, peering over my shoulder to Eli, who seems to have taken a few steps back. Newt rolls his eyes at my action, then gestures for Zart to step forward while a pang of anger (and even a little hurt) shoots through my blood.

Zart starts to explain something to Eli while I space out, only being brought back when Eli's warm hand is sitting on my back, gently pushing me forward. "Dani?" He cooes, snapping me from my thoughts. "Huh? Yeah?" I ask, a little dazed. "You coming?" He asks, peering down at me. I blink my eyes rapidly and clear my throat, nodding my head as he carries on pushing me forward gently, this time my feet moving too.

The four of us walk down the side of the fields, stopping at the same one Newt and I were at yesterday except we were on the opposite side. "Let's get started then."


For the first hour we were all fine. Newt and Zart were working on the next trough over from Eli and I, and Eli was slowly getting the hand of digging, pulling and throwing the vegetables into the wheelbarrow. To be fair, it isn't like it's that hard of a job. It's just one of those jobs that has to be done.

The trouble started when Elijah was in full flow of what he was doing, and decided to start messing around with me. Of course, at first I told him to get on with his work but then I couldn't stop myself. It was almost as if the two of us were naturally flirting with one another. I always had that thought of Newt in the back of my mind as I did it, but then another voice reminded me that if Newt had felt the same way then why hasn't he said something about it yet?

I elbow Eli once more as he turns back to his work, but instead of having Elijah hit me back, I had the icy bellow of Newt shouting at me. "Dani! Don't you have a job to be doing?" He says coldly, his teeth pressed together tightly. I turn around face him, noticing Zart who had looked up from his place beside the other boy.

With a smile I look at Newt, my arm resting on my knee. "Zart doesn't mind me being here. Do you Zart?" I ask coyly, glancing to the ginger boy who suddenly looked extremely uncomfortable. "Don't answer her." Newt orders, never lifting his eyes from me. "Get back to one of your own  jobs Danielle." Newt says again.

My heart falls at the loss of him calling my nickname, yet is quickly replaced with venom and anger. "No." I over-pronounce, emphasising my point. "What do you mean no?" Newt asks, annoyance filling his glare. "I mean no. Want to hear it in spanish? NOH." I sass, pushing myself up so that I'm standing.

"You might have authority over everyone else here Newt, but you have nothing over me. It's always been that way and you've never cared about it before. So stop trying to order me around like I'm actually going to do what you say. Cause you and I both know I am going to do the exact opposite."

My chest puffs in anger as I saunter off the field and away from the others. I didn't get far before I heard Newt shout again. "You're doing what I bloody said now though, aren't you!" I swivel myself around so that I'm facing him once more, walking backwards now so that I was still heading away from them. "Not going to do my job shank!" I shout back to him, raising my middle fingers before turning once more and leaving the three boys behind me.

I storm through the main part of The Glade to the homestead, knowing if Minho was going to be anywhere it would be there. "Minho?!" I shout out, weaving through the empty hammocks. I get no response. "Minho?!!" I yell louder, my anger boiling as I round the corner to where his, Gally's and Newt's hammocks were.

"Jesus, Dani... He's not here." Gally groans from his hammock, sitting up with one hand while his other rubs his eyes. "Oh, sorry Gally." I frown, looking over the empty hammocks once more before I start to head back out. "Can I help?" Gally calls, stopping me. I turn and sigh, "I- I just needed to talk to him about something. It's fine, I'll go and find him. Sorry for waking you."

"You know you can talk to me Princess. I understand if you don't want to, but I'm here for you if you need it." Gally says softly, making me take a deep breath. I nod my head and slowly pad back over to him, smiling as he shifts over in his hammock and lifts an arm for me to slide in beside him.

I lay in the warm spot and let Gally drop his arm over my waist. "So, what happened?" The boy asks gently, his thumb absent-mindedly rubbing circles onto my hip. I take a deep breath and let it out again, bringing my hand up to Gally's chest where I play with the frays in his shirt. "Newt and I are in an argument... Well, I'm pretty sure we are at least."

"What do you mean you are sure?" Gally asks. "Because we haven't been arguing about anything in particular. He- He was in a bad mood first thing this morning when he came to find me and it sorta built from there. He's just not talking to me and when he does it's just short and snappy. I would have been fine with it if it wasn't for the fact that I've been with Eli all day and when Newt starts it just gets awkward." I explain.

Gally goes quiet, obvious that he's thinking, and when I mention Eli his eyebrows raise. "You've been with Eli all day?" I nod my head. "Yeah. We have been by each other's sides since before breakfast. It was my turn to train him this morning."

Gally tilts his head a little before asking his next question. "Was he with you when Newt found you this morning?"

I frown and nod my head, knowing Gally was onto something. "Yeah... What are you thinking?" I ask him, finding how close we were right now to actually be quite comforting. "I'll get onto that in a second. What happened last night? I didn't hear you wake up like usual." "That's because I didn't sleep last night. At all." I reply, averting his gaze because I knew it would be a condecending one. But instead of getting a lecture about it, he says something completely different.

"Eli wasn't in his bed this morning, was he with you? Did Newt find you both in your hut?" Gally asks quietly, implying something more. My jaw drops at his thought and a disbelieving laugh leaves my laugh. "You think..? You think Eli and I hooked up last night?" I laugh, though it was far from amused. Gally doesn't respond, only looks at me like a parent would while they were trying to get a child to stop lying. "No! No, we did not!" I laugh, a little amusement slipping in. "Did you really think that of me?"

"I mean you live in place with 40 guys, you're bound to like someone. And it seems that Greenie and you are getting close. It was just a thought." Gally smiles. "I mean, you're not wrong about the liking someone part. It's hard not to. But it's definitely not the Greenie. He's barely been here 24 hours. I just get this feeling around him that he and I used to be close friends. That's all. I have no feelings for the Greenie, Gally." I defend myself, smiling a lot. But that smile quickly falls with Gally's next words.

"But if I thought of it, do you think that's what Newt thinks?" He whispers softly. I press my lips together and drop my head, not wanting what Gally was saying to be true. Newt couldn't like me. He and I have always been bestfriends. He's always been the one to say that. But then again... I say it to him too... What if he thinks of me the same way I think of him. Too afraid to say anything because we both don't think the other likes us...

"It's Newt you like... Isn't it..?" Gally questions, though I know he already knew this. I slowly bring my eyes back up to meet his, and his fill with sympathy. "How long have you known?" I ask him, fingers playing with his shirt still. "A while I guess. He likes you too I hope you realise. Especially now. You two need to talk about this, because you have always been more than best friends. And now that you've both realised it there's hope for you two to have something more than that."

I'm pretty thankful for Gally being here to talk. I'm sure if I did end up going off to find Minho he'd either be too hungover still or he would have made some snarky, funny comment that wouldn't make me feel any better about the situation at hand.

Minho is great at cheering me up, don't get me wrong. But he is more the type to distract you then talk to you about it. At least he is with me, and I think that may be because he's frightened I'm going to bring up some girl problem like a period. But here with Gally, he's actually listening to me and providing a solution rather than a distraction.

I nod my head and sigh, realising we have been talking about me this whole time and I didn't have the chance to ask Gally why he was here anyway. "So, why are you here and not working out there with the others?" I ask him, raising my eyebrows with a smile. Gally chuckles to himself and scratches just above his eyebrow. "Uh, two reasons. Neither of which I wanted to come off for." He laughs, making me smile.

"They both kind of blur into one to be fair. Like when you managed to trip me over yesterday I hit my head pretty hard. I didn't really feel it to be fair, but after you left Clint and Jeff were all over me trying to figure out if I had a concussion or not. So Alby said I wasn't allowed to work today regardless because if I did have a concussion then it wouldn't be good news. And then when I woke up this morning my head was pounding and I managed to projectile vomit everywhere." He laughs, and I laugh a little alongside him. "Once again, couldn't tell if it was a hangover or a concussion so I had Clint and Jeff all over me again trying to make sure I was ok. Hence why I have been told to sleep all day, which I don't really have a problem with."

I laugh at the reasons and shake my head, finally realising how tired I actually was. "Speaking of then. Let's sleep. Because I am actually quite tired myself." I tell him, shuffling closer to his body so that my head was resting on his shoulder. "Good idea..." Gally sighs, grabbing his blanket and throwing it over the top of our bodies then holding my body with his arm tightly.

"Night Gally." I giggle, getting a shh back from Gally. "Shhh, Princess. Just sleep."

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