The Miscalculation

By silverfire0

353K 9.8K 2.9K

My name is Amara O'Connell. I wasn't born an O'Connell I was born a Potter. I have an older brother named Ja... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
New Story?
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Face Claims
Face Claim for New Story
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
I would like your input...
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Help and Other Face Claims
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Important Question?
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty - Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter 8

12.1K 379 119
By silverfire0



Ancient Egyptian


When I woke up, I was in front of a gold door. It had a gold scorpion on it.

"Open it," Imhotep said

I pulled the necklace it wouldn't come off, but the chain got bigger. I put the key in the door and turned it. The doors open and we enter, I was going to stand at the door but Imhotep grabbed my arm and pulled me behind them. The room was made totally out of gold and had torches all over the place. We walked down the stairs. Once we got to the bottom, and Imhotep stepped on to a picture of a scorpion with wings. Black smoke comes out of the statues of Anubis. The smoke swarms around him and this gold stuff leaves him. When the smoke is gone, Imhotep starts to breathe heavily and looks at his hands. He sticks it out and tries to make some stuff raise into the air but all they do is shake. Meela/Anck-Su-Namun looks at him a bit worried.

"The great god Anubis...has taken my powers. It seems he wishes me to a mortal." Imhotep said

I had to open a few more doors. We finally got to a room. Imhotep finally let go of my arm. We came to a door, you could see fire being thrown. Imhotep being the overdramatic person he is throws off his cape.

"I must face the Scorpion King alone," Imhotep said

We both looked at Meela/Anck-Su-Namun and waited for her to say something. It took her moment.

"No. You must not. Without your powers, he will kill you." Meela/Anck-Su-Namun said

Imhotep reaches out and grabs the book of the dead that was in Meela/Anck-Su-Namun's hand.

"Nothing can stop us. It is our destiny!" Imhotep said

She takes the book from his hands and sets it to the side.

"No. I don't want to lose you again." Meela/Anck-Su-Namun said

They then pull each other into a kiss. I just look away. I see Imhotep pull away and run down the hallway. Meela/Anck-Su-Namun runs to the opening and screams no. I move to leave when I hear Jonathan.

"It's time someone taught you a lesson, wench. Come on." Jonathan said

Meela/Anck-Su-Namun kind of just looked at him. Jonathan bounced up and down and moved his fist around. She walks down the steps, I see Alex grab the book. Meela/Anck-Su-Namun now stands in front of Jonathan.

"This is for my sister," Jonathan said

Meela/Anck-Su-Namun punches him the face. I move to follow Alex, but I get a feeling and I follow the feeling. I see on a wall there is an opening for my key. I move and unlock it. I push open the door. I walk in I see on the wall scratches, the scratches turn from fingernail scratches to claw marks. I walk a little deeper into the room to see the bracelet of Anubis on the ground. I walk over and pick it up. It heated up in my hand, it got so hot I dropped it. I looked down at my hand to see nothing. I heard my name so I turned around but no one was there. I heard it again so I whipped around but I still couldn't find anything. The room I was in started to shake. I felt a gust of wind, that was hot but cold at the same time. I turned around and came face to face with Anubis. I bowed to him.

"It is an honor to be in your presence," I said

"Rise, and speak with me. I have watched you since you were born again young one. I have seen the hardship you have gone through. Tell me who do you worship?" Anubis asked

"I don't worship anyone. I have learned that you can only rely on those you view as family." I said

"Who is your family? Who do you love, and who do you hate?" Anubis asked

"Evelyn, Ric, Alex, and Jonathan are the ones I love and the ones I trust even Tom sometimes. The ones I hate the Dursley's and the family that threw me away." I said

"Yes I saw the way they treated you it was most sickening," Anubis said

I heard growling, I turned to where it came from. I couldn't see anything but I had a bad feeling.

"Yes, one of my better moves. It seems that Mathayus is awake along with my army. I wonder who will come out on top Imhotep or your farther. Or maybe neither. If anyone is worthy of my army it is none of them. Only someone who was like Mathayus a person who was left in the desert to die but survived and was reborn anew." Anubis said

There was a breeze again and Anubis was gone. I saw a light at the end of the room and headed towards it. What I failed to notice was the bracelet was gone and in its spot was a gold scorpion. That followed after me. I entered a room just in time to see the Scorpion King rip the curator apart. He then starts to chase after my dad. He runs over and looks at these paintings on the wall.

"Ric." Jonathan yells

Both Dad and I look over to see Jonathan and Alex.

"Jonathan," Dad yells

"Dad. Rose." Alex yells

Dad turns and looks at me.

"You okay?" Dad asked

"Yes, now back to the issue at hand," I said

"It's a spear. The gold stick thing... it's a... it's a spear." Dad yells

"Really? Doesn't look like a spear." Jonathan yells back

"No! that's because it opens up into one!" Dad yells

"Yes? And?" Jonathan asked

"Jonathan! It opens up into a spear." Dad yells

We hear roaring, we all turn around to see that Mathayus is on the wall. Jonathan and Alex both scream. He jumps off the wall and goes after Dad.

Tom can I only talk to snakes?

I don't know. You can try talking to him. -Tom

I run after Dad and Mathayus. I run around something so I'm in front of them.

Stop. I said

Mathayus stopped and looked down at me. He tilts his head.

Leave my father alone. I said

He was sent to kill me. Mathayus said

No he is here to kill the bald guy. The bald guy anew to kill you. I said

"Ric. Amara." Mom yells

I turn to see that she is alive.

"Mom," I yell

"Evy," Dad yells

Mathayus steps back shake his head and then goes back to trying to kill Dad. I can hear Alex and Jonathan in the corner.

"Twist it!" Alex said

"Pull! I tried it! Push!" Jonathan yelled

Imhotep comes running up.

"The Spear of Osiris!" Imhotep said

"Jonathan, quick." Mom yells

Meela/Anck-Su-Namun pushes Mom against the wall. Mathayus pushes Dad against the wall. Jonathan and Alex get the rode to turn into a spear.

"Jonathan, throw it! Kill the Scorpion King! Send his army back to the Underworld." Mom said

"Step aside, Alex. I'm a professional," Jonathan said

Jonathan throws the spear, and Imhotep catches it midair.

"The Army of Anubis shall be MINE!" Imhotep yelled

He threw the spear.

"Ric." Mom yells

It sails in the air, Dad jumps up and catches it. I didn't see what happened next but I felt it.

"Rose behind you." Alex yells

I turn around just in time to see a gold scorpion jump up and sting me. I yelled out in pain and fell to my knees. I let out another scream and grabbed my wrist. I looked down to see a gold band start to form. Once the band was formed I saw what it was. It was a gold scorpion bracelet. I looked over at Dad to see that the spear disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.

Mathayus. I said

He looked over to me, he looked down at my arm. He stepped away from Dad.

Send the Army of Anubis back to the Underworld. I said

There was another poof of black smoke that went outwards, then it was sucked back in causing the inside of the pyramid to shake. The fire around the room explodes, and pieces of the ceiling come crashing down. I see Dad and Imhotep peering over the edges of the canal of the dead.

"Dad." Alex and I yell

I see Mom looking at the ceiling then at Dad. Both Dad and I know what she was thinking.

"Evy, no! Get out of here! Just get out of here! No!" Dad yells

She doesn't listen she pushes off the door frame and runs towards Dad. One of the pieces of ceiling almost hit her but she moves out of the way.

"Mom." Alex yells

The ceiling falls apiece causes Ric to slide causing him to almost fall back in.

"Hang on, Ric." Jonathan yells

Mom jumps out of the way and lands and grabs onto Dad's hands. She pulls him out. I look at Imhotep who looks at me then up at Meela/Anck-Su-Namun who is standing in the doorway.

"Anck-Su-Namun! HELP ME! HELP ME!" Imhotep yells

She yells no and runs away. I see the pain flash in his eyes and then regret. I see that he is about the jump back and willing to go down back to the Underworld.

"Save him." I hear Anubis say

I run forward and grab onto Imhotep's hand just as he falls. I pull him out. I see out of the corner of my parents giving me a look.

"Later. Now we run." I said

We all turn and run out of the Pyramid I lead the way somehow knowing how to get out. We get outside the pyramid. We see that the pyramid is sucking the forest into it. There is a stairway that leads to the top of the pyramid so we go up.

"This whole damn place is gonna get sucked up!" Dad yells

We have to climb on the gold that makes up the pyramid.

"Go, Alex! Come on. Come on." Jonathan said

We got to the top of the pyramid to see a gold scorpion holding a giant diamond.

"Ric, we're trapped," Mom yelled

"Hey." Someone yelled

We turn around to see a man in a hot air balloon.

"Izzy," Dad yelled

"Come one! Get your butts moving. Hurry up. Hurry up. I haven't got all day." Izzy yells

We all move to the other side of the pyramid. Alex and I climbed into the balloon followed my Mom and Dad, and Imhotep. Jonathan was trying to climb up but fell. Imhotep reached out and grabbed ahold of his foot.

"Pull him up. Pull him up." Izzy yelled

"Pull me up. Pull me up." Jonathan yells

Then he sees the giant diamond.

"Wait! Wait! Let me down. Let me down." Jonathan said

"It's not worth your life, you idiot," Dad yelled

"Yes, it is. Yes, it is." Jonathan yelled

Somehow Jonathan was able to grab ahold of the diamond thing just as Izzy pulled the lever to make rise high and fast. We rose into air just as the pyramid was covered. Jonathan starts yelling.

"Pull me up! Pull me up!" Jonathan yelled

We get Jonathan pulled up, we all kind of just collapsed.

"Whoo! Whoo! Yeah! O'Connell. You almost got me killed." Izzy said

"At least you didn't get shot," Dad said

Mom runs over to Izzy and gives him a hug, and kisses his cheek.

"Thank you." Mom said

"Yes!" Jonathan said

He starts hugging and kissing the thing he risked his life for.

"O'Connell, who the hell you been messin' with this time?" Izzy asked

Mom pulled Alex and me into a hug. I think they kind of forgot about Imhotep.

"Huh? Oh, you know, the usual. Mummies, pygmies, big bugs. Really big bugs." Dad said

As we are in the air, we can see Ardeth on his horse. We can see him say and do something. Dad salutes him, we all kind of wave to him. But I keep Imhotep back so that Ardeth can't see him. Dad then looks at Mom.

"I thought I almost lost you there," Dad said

"For a moment there, you did. Would you like to know what heaven looks like?" Mom asked

"Later," Dad said

They then kissed.

"Oh, please." Jonathan, Alex and I said

"That's half mine, you know," Izzy said

"What?" Jonathan asked

"That's half mine," Izzy said

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Jonathan said

"What? You took my gold stick! I know you took my gold stick!" Izzy said

"I swear on the head of my wife, I have no idea what you're talking about," Jonathan said

"You haven' ain't got a wife." Izzy yelled

"I don't have your gold stick either," Jonathan said

They went back and forth for a while till. Dad and Mom remembered who else was on the balloon. They quickly turned and looked at me.

"You young lady have some explaining to do." Mom said

"And you can start with how you sent the army of the dead back to the underworld," Dad said

"I meet Anubis. We talked. I got stung by a golden scorpion. Now I have control over the Army." I said

I held up my wrist so that they could see the new bracelet.

"You won't end up looking like he did, will you?" Jonathan asked

"No clue," I said

"You won't end up dead will you?" Mom asked

"No Mom," I said

"Now let's talk about him," Dad said

He points to Imhotep who up till this point had just been standing off to the side.

"There are a few reasons I saved him. One of them was that I was told to. So I did." I said

I turn and look at Imhotep.

"It would seem that Anubis wanted you to live," I said

"Do calm your worry he is human, and without his powers. He is like all of you. He has to earn them back." I said

Mom and Dad look at each other.

"What are we supposed to do with him. He doesn't speak English." Jonathan said

"I do speak English, I just chose not to," Imhotep said

Jonathan takes a step back and holds his treasure tighter.

"He saved my life. Lock-Nah wanted to kill me but Imhotep lied and said the bracelet had to be on the person who saw the location." Alex said

Mom and Dad looked at each other.

"He is your responsibility." Mom said

"I'm starting school in September and it's not exactly like I can bring a person with me," I said

Dad and Mom look at each other.

"We will deal with it later." mom said

It took us a day and a half to make it back to Cairo, and from there we headed back home. When we got back home I saw that I had received more letters.

Is this normal?

I wouldn't know mine was hand-delivered. -Tom

I was going to say something but another owl arrived with another letter. I found some paper and a pen and wrote my reply.

"We should probably go and get your supplies tomorrow," Dad said

"Okay," I said

"For now let's all get some sleep." Mom said

"I'll show Imhotep where to sleep," I said

"Right, 4,000-year-old mummy living in my house," Dad said

I just walked away. I lead Imhotep up some stairs, and to a room a few doors down from mine.

"You can stay here," I said

I opened the doors, I picked this room because it had the most Egyptian feel.

"There is a bathroom over there, and the closet is right next to it," I said

Imhotep nodded.

"Were you telling the truth earlier?" Imhotep asked

"Yes, Anubis asked me to save you. But I probably would've done it anyway." I said

"Why?" Imhotep asked

"I don't know," I said

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