WE || K.SJ ✔

By NourhaneauToumanion

5.8K 1.1K 167

*This book was deleted at 2.6k+ reads, 950+ votes & 300+ comments* Jin got into an accident and found that he... More



161 39 14
By NourhaneauToumanion

Edited by Love4Yoongi


The next morning, I woke up to the sound of rustling outside my room. I got up, but before I decided to interrupt the conversation, I heard my name being mentioned, "-Jin is awake now. What the hell are we supposed to do? He was our best shot. Didn't I tell you not to let anyone go inside his room?!"

I peeked outside, seeing 2 figures wearing the long-familiar doctor's white coat. One was looking at his feet, while the other was scolding him. I titled my head for not understanding the situation. However, the next phrase triggered something in me.

"That kid really had to go inside and bust everything." The Doctor who looked in his late 40's said, ruffling his hair in annoyance as he pushed the other doctor.

I frowned at his disrespectful attitude not caring much about what his words meant. The other doctor raised his head, saying with guilt rising in his voice.

"I sent someone to take care of the kid, you don't have to worry. When Jin-ssi goes to sleep, I'll put everything back to normal."

The older doctor hit the other on the head, as his tone got a little higher.

"Do you want this hospital to get closed? Are you dumb? No way I'll let you do that. What's done is done." He huffed and cracked his neck then walked away with knitted eyebrows.

I quickly moved towards my bed when I saw the other doctor coming to my room. I slid under the covers and pretended to be asleep as he pushed the door, since it was slightly opened, and kept checking on everything; writing down something and leaving the room afterwards.

I peeked from above the covers as I made sure he left the room and sighed heavily. "Why am I hiding?" I shook my head, realizing how dumb that was.

I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and looked at the mirror as I spaced out a little with the brush still in my mouth, remembering what the doctor said for a brief moment.

I shook my head again in disbelief and knocked it multiple times with my knuckles to get rid of the weird thought of the kid being Jungkook. Sure thing there are millions of other kids and come to think about it, Jungkook, is not that young to be called a kid, right?

I left the bathroom and noticed Namjoon coming into my room with a bright smile on his face.

"Oh! Namjoon, how are you doing man?" I asked while returning his smile.

"Came to take on your exercise time. It's time to stretch out your muscles, and it seems like I'll be responsible for doing that from now on."

I happily nodded, feeling like this is going to be one of the best things that ever happened to me. Being around people I feel comfortable with, was something not really typical to me. I was that kind of person who is always busy with his work schedule, and very serious about his career.

Vocal coaching wasn't something easy. If one of the singers tumble or fail, he or she, would always backfire at his vocal coach. That's why I was so stern about my job.

I sighed as I remembered my past days, then suddenly remembered to ask about the time. Namjoon checked out his watch and it read "13:15". Consequently, I tilted my head in confusion then asked, "Didn't you see Jungkook today, Namjoon?"

He shook his head, "No. Not that I remember. Why! Wasn't he in your room last night?" For some reason, my heartbeat felt unsteady and something was itching inside me, telling me that Jungkook was in danger, but I wasn't sure how or where to find him. He has no cellphone, and even if he did, I don't have his number.

Thankfully, Namjoon felt my discomfort and asked what happened so I told him about my disoriented thoughts. He nodded with a hand under his chin, thinking of something as he said, "You can't leave the hospital, so why not give me your address and I'll check on him and call you."

I held his hand quickly which startled him, but left him smiling at my keen words "Really, you'll do that for me? Oh my God! I'm causing you a lot of trouble."

He gently removed my hands from over his, assuring me that everything is going to be fine. Therefore, after the session, we exchanged numbers, and I gave him my house location.

As Namjoon left the hospital, I waited in my room while placing my phone beside me, waiting for Namjoon to call me any minute. So as time passed slowly, the door to my room opened, but I was too focused on all the worst-case scenarios of what might have happened to Jungkook. Because, he never, ever, left for all that time. That kid made sure to stick to me like glue.

A pat on my shoulder made me snap my neck toward the person who suddenly appeared beside me. I placed my hand on my heart, uttering "Oh gosh! You scared me." I gave myself a second to breathe, then I continued.

"What brings you here?"

"I said I'll come to check on you again. You being safe is very important to me." His words made me gulp. Am I his long lost lover or what?

I shook my head and gave him a disgusted look.

"I'm fine as you can see." He pulled the chair at the far end of the room and sat himself down saying, "You looked at a loss earlier. What were you worried about?"

"Taehyung! You are really a weird person. At first, you show that you don't have the slightest interest, then the second moment you show so much interest. What is your real relationship with me?!" I blurted out, as his face twisted and a heavy sigh escaped his mouth.

The moment he was about to say something, my cell phone ringed, and I quickly snapped my head and snatched it to answer Namjoon. "Na-"

"Hyung listen! There is no time for me to say much, but all I can say is that you don't have to worry Jungkook is fine. However, he won't be able to make it to the hospital today." As Namjoon finished talking, I heard a loud sound of groaning.

"What is happening there? I don't feel like everything is fine." I demanded him to explain, but he just chuckled and started to act weird, giving me made up excuses. I played along with him and ended the call.

I abruptly looked up at Taehyung, who was crossing his legs and looking at me.

"Hey, Taehyung!" I started, receiving a hum from him to show that he is listening.

"Wanna do something really bad once in your perfect life?" I asked.

He smirked and cracked his knuckles as he stood up, mumbling "Ahhh! You have no idea how many bad things I did in my life until now, hyung."

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