Swiftstar's Prophecy - Unfini...

By AmbiguousPierogi

14.3K 713 970

Swiftpaw is prophecied to be the "peacemaker" between the clans and the rogues that threaten the clan territo... More

Important Information Before you Read
Allegiances 0
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty-one *SPECIAL*
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight *SPECIAL*
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
(Q&A) Chapter Fifty-four
Q&A + Facts + HINTS
Allegiances 1
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Facts + Hints 2
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-two
Chapter Sixty-three
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven
Chapter Sixty-eight
Chapter Sixty-nine
Chapter Seventy
Hi guys!

Chapter Forty

102 10 0
By AmbiguousPierogi

Swiftpaw entered BoulderClan camp beside Wolfpaw. She could feel all the eyes on her pelt, burning into her skin and biting her bones. But her chin remained lifted high and her tail didn't cower between her legs. Her eyes lifted up to see an elderly, white-and-gray tabby she-cat perched on top of a large white boulder. The shine from the rain made the boulder seem ancient and pretty. Swiftpaw narrowed her eyes up at the leader, Ivystar. The leader of BoulderClan. The clan of the rocks. With hard paw pads to withstand the sharp stones, strong legs to hoist themselves up unto large rocks, and the best hunters for land that almost seems inhabitable. The calico she-cat was highly impressed with the strong clan.

They're called BoulderClan for a reason. As strong and tough as a boulder. They can stick through thick and thin; no wonder why Wolfpaw's father gave him to BoulderClan. Ivystar and her warriors have trained well and experienced hardships better than any clan. Swiftpaw narrowed her eyes challengingly at Ivystar but not in a hostile way. She knows why I'm here, Swiftpaw thought, will she challenge Wolfpaw and me? 

The warriors that surrounded them stood on high alert. Some are crouched, some are observing, but most are showing scorn towards Swiftpaw. Is this how cats see me? Is it because I'm Redstar's daughter? Or is it because of the news of Fallowpaw's injuries have reached this cold camp? The apprentice could still feel her claws sinking deep into the she-cat's flesh and the drench of blood. She felt slightly guilty for remembering them so well in a satisfied tone.

Wolfpaw turned his head to Swiftpaw and she quietly told him, "BoulderClan is extra hostile now."

"I know," his green eyes that were once hardened had softened once she was in his sight. Swiftpaw slowly blinked in compassion to him. I know we'll be safe. We'll fight our way out if we have to, but first, we'll be as peaceful as we can. 

Ivystar spoke boldly, "Stonepaw, it seems that you have returned with Swiftpaw. Why is she here?" She's polite but reserved in such a manner, it's rather intimidating. Was it bad that Swiftpaw looked up to her for that?

The black tabby tom replied, "I have brought her with me because I must make my journey with her. I've made my decision to rejoin TideClan once again." The crowd of cats gasped in shock but also in awe. Swiftpaw lifted her head up to see Ivystar's reaction, expecting to see anger or astonishment. But surprisingly, Ivystar had dipped her head in acknowledgment. It seems that the clan knows that Wolfpaw wasn't a part of them...yet... Swiftpaw's eyes scanned around to witness all the clan cats dipping their head, too. She didn't know why, but the event had warmed her heart. She no longer felt tense from BoulderClan. They treated him like he was. This clan really cared for him but they're ready to say good-bye. Have they been expecting it so soon? Swiftpaw lowered her eyes down to the wet grass beneath her. Though BoulderClan is tough, they know when to show compassion and warmth. 

"Thank you for taking me in, but I felt I never fit in with this clan. Though I am grateful for you all, the moment I once again step unto TideClan territory to join them, we will be enemies. I want to say good-bye to my family here before I leave," Wolfpaw asked. Swiftpaw's eyes widened slightly as she stared at the tom she loved. He looked so mature and strong. This is one of the reasons why I love him, she thought benevolently, he's so composed. Her heart swelled for him.

Ivystar then flickered her tail, before she turned around to make her way down the white rock. The BoulderClan cats now padded over to Wolfpaw, meowing passionate words to him. Some kits even hurried over to say their good-byes. Even though the crowd was for Wolfpaw, Swiftpaw felt left out. I wish my clan would feel the same for me. 

A beautiful, dark ginger she-cat slid her way past the crowd to approach Wolfpaw. Swiftpaw had focused on the she-cat because from her heart, she sensed the ginger she-cat had a love like Swiftpaw's. It wasn't romantic, rather, motherly. Poppyfoot. Swiftpaw thought before she stopped her mind from thinking of Echoflower, for it hurt her too much to think of it now.

"Poppyfoot," Wolfpaw breathed before the ginger she-cat's nose gently touched his. Swiftpaw could feel the pure love radiating off of her. "You will always be a part of my family," Poppyfoot meowed, "it breaks my heart that my son will leave me. But if your heart desires to, then I shall accept it." Sweet and respectful, Swiftpaw thought, she was a good mother to him. The calico she-cat dipped her head in consideration over to Poppyfoot. The ginger she-cat witness Swiftpaw and she hurriedly bounded over to her. "You're the Swiftpaw that my son talked about?"

Swiftpaw felt a bit shy. He did tell her about me. What if she thinks I'm bad? "That's me," the apprentice meowed before Poppyfoot's eyes wandered all over the calico. After a heartbeat, Poppyfoot told Swiftpaw, "Protect him for me," before she made her way back to Wolfpaw. I think it was best that I not know what was going through her head, Swiftpaw thought in relief, her tail lashing slightly. She watched as a large white tom spoke with Wolfpaw strictly, but not mean at all. That's his father, Swiftpaw guessed correctly, I could see it in his eyes that he wants the best for his son. She witnessed family love before her eyes and she was almost jealous. 

I have Maplepaw, Ripplepaw, and Webpaw back at TideClan. They're my blood family. I know they'll also welcome Wolfpaw, too. Her heart swelled happily as she remembered how loving her siblings were. She prayed to StarClan that TideClan will welcome Wolfpaw, too.

The tides attract us, and it's our spirit that drives us to these ancient waters. Blizzardtail's words echoed in her ears and Swiftpaw now knew what her mentor meant. 


Hey fam! Thank you guys for 6k reads! I appreciate it! :D

So what do you guys think will happen next chapter? The last two sentences were clues as to what will happen.


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