Forbidden Love (Ko X Reader X...

By Tko207

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~ LEMON AT THE END ~ Ko is 12-17 years old boy who works in a bodega with his two friends in the plaza, he me... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 16

1.3K 52 154
By Tko207

This chapter was inspired by CrazyCartoonFan, she gave me more than one idea and I'm gonna use them for the next chapters, so thank you sooo much for your help, I really appreciate ^^!


( Your pov )

Professor Venomous and Lord BoxMan kept talking about how disappointed they are at me and Fink.

"You need to work on your powers Y/n, you're getting weak and soft", Professor Venomous said with cold tone.

"I know and I am! It's not easy for me to-", I was cut off.

"We don't want to hear any excuses! Professor Venomous and I had talked about it, and you're gonna start training. From now on, there will be no rest, only working and training until you destroy my enemies!!", Lord BoxMan said with anger.

"Yes sir", I said as I looked down.

"Hey don't be so hard on her! She only did her job!", Fink said, trying to stand up for me.

"We're not finished yet, you're also getting punished Fink", Professor Venomous said with crossed arms.

"Yes, you're going to start training on shooting guns and learn how to avoid attacks. You two are going to start training tomorrow, and you're not going to work together anymore", BoxMan said as he calmed down a little.

"What?!", Fink and I shouted in shock as we looked at each other with widened eyes.

"You two are not taking this seriously, you take it as a fun game instead of real work", Professor Venomous said.

"But that's not fair!!"

"You're being unfair!!"

"You can't do that!!"

"We work so hard!!

"Don't do that!!"

"Well get better!!"

Fink and I started yelling and complaining about it.

"EENNNOOOOOUUUUGHHH!!!", BoxMan yelled with madness, and both Fink and I shut up, "You two, to your rooms, NOW!!"

Fink and I sighed and left the office without a word, we exchanged sad looks before each one of us walk in different directions to our rooms.

When I got to my room I locked the door behind me, and then I threw myself on the bed.

I hide my face in the pillow and let out a scream, "this is so unfair!!", I started grumbling, "they don't know how hard it is to control my powers!! It's not easy!! And they force me to do some stupid training?? They're being ridiculous!! This is all Tko's fault!!"

I then let out a gasp as my eyes widened.

Tko! I forgot about him!

I jumped off the bed quickly and went to the mirror.

God I'm a total mess!

I went to the bathroom and washed my face, I then got out and changed my clothes since they got dirty, and finally I brushed my hair.

I opened my room door quietly and made sure no one was passing by, then I locked it again.

I'm not gonna use the front door, it's too risky.

I walked to my window and opened it, I looked outside to see if it was clear, and I jumped out flying fast and headed to the forest.


~Ten Minutes Later~

I finally found Tko, he was leaning on a big rock with crossed arms, facing a small lake.

"Hey", I said as I landed in front of him.

"It's about time", Tko said with annoyance.

"Well thanks to you I got punished, and I'll have to do some stupid training to get control over my powers", I said with crossed arms.

"Isn't that good?", he said as he chuckled.

"Yeah but not all the time and without resting, plus they had forbidden me from working with Fink!", I said with anger as I leaned on the rock beside him and crossed my arms.

"Pffft you don't need that ugly rat, and I think it's better this way", Tko said as he smirked.

"What do you mean?", I asked, confused.

"Now nothing will stand between us, baby~", he said as he quickly moved fast and trapped me between his arms.

I look tiny between his big muscular arms, I blushed a little and stared at his beautiful face.

Without a warning, Tko smashed his lips against mine, and I again don't resist and kiss him back.

I really love feeling his lips against mine~

We started making out really fast as I felt my cheeks heating up, but eventually Tko pulled away to catch his breath, and I started doing the same.

We stared at each other's eyes for a moment before we kiss again.

Only this time, Tko started going down to my neck, and he grabbed me by my waist.

I put my hands on his shoulders and tried pushing him lightly.

"T-Tko....I-I don't think...i-it's a good idea", I said as I stuttered, feeling like my cheeks can't be any warmer.

"Don't worry, kitten~ No one will see us here", he said.

That's not what I meant!

He continued kissing my neck and moving to my shoulder, and I felt his teeth pressed against my skin, making me gasp.

"T-Tko....s-stop..", I said as I tried pushing him off.

But he didn't listen, he kept kissing and biting me.

"I-I said sTOP", I yelled as pushed him off this time.

"What is wrong with you?!", Tko yelled with anger, which made me stocked.

"W-What's wrong with you?!", I yelled back at him, "I don't wanna do this!!"

"I told you no one will find out! Look, we can go to another place and-", Tko was cut off.

"No!! Don't you understand?! I don't want this! I don't want it. At. All!!", I yelled as I waved my hands crossing in X form.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am serio-", I was cut off buy Tko pushing and trapping me between his muscular arms again.

"Do you love me Y/n?", Tko asked in serious and scary tone as he stared at me in the eyes, and I started getting nervous.


"ANSWER ME Y/N!!", he shouted at my face.

"Yes! Yes I do love you! Both of you!", I yelled as I got scared and closed my eyes.

"Both?!", Tko questioned.


"You CAN'T love us both!! We're different people!!", he said angrily, "you're gonna have to choose one of us"

My eyes opened widely as I looked at him with stock, trying to see whether he's joking or not.

His face is so serious...

"Well? Choose! Me or Ko?!", he asked.

"I...I-I can't.....I love you both the same", I honestly answered.





Tko grabbed me from my neck harshly and raised me in the air, choking me!!

I immediately grabbed his big hand with both my hands, trying to make him let go of me.

"T-T..ko.....I.....can't....brea..the!!", I hardly said.

"Choose....before I make you", Tko said in a dark tone.




"K..O!! I chose...Ko!!"

I know this is not the answer Tko wants, but I hope he'd let go of me.

Tko finally let go, making me fall down on my knees, and I took hard deep breath before I start choking and try to catch my breath. 

Tko then turned around and jumped flying away, leaving me here alone in a complete shock.

What the hell just happened?!

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