Wakfu x abused M! reader

By Idkwhoiam6984

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being a mercenary's child at age 5 was a hell whole but what happens when the ones who abused you left you fo... More

chapter 1: The child of the mist and the mercenaries son
Chapter 2: Yugo the Eliatrope and his older brother P2 (Short)
(flashback): the pain of losing everything
(On hold)

chapter 2: Yugo the Eliatrope and his big brother P1

256 9 6
By Idkwhoiam6984

(last time on beybl- I mean Wakfu x abused M! reader)

Boy: there is something very important I must tell you....*collapes*

(And now)

You: welp he's out cold who wants refreshments, while I fix the F*cking door!

Alibert: y/n! language.

You: sorry dad.


you: Sh*t! Spark look after the guest!

Spark: got it pal!


Ruel: Say hi to the human excavator you dirty beasts Ruel stroud is here.*whacks with shovel*

You: Lets go you sons of b*tches!*cuts in half with sword*

Yugo is riding on a barrel while the rest are holding there own trying not to get touched.

Alibert: Get out of my village you ugly beasts!*smacks some into the air*

Alibert looks to see a Jason trying to get to his family right outside there window but just out of reach.

Jason: Mia!

Alibert: No Jason stay where it is safe! Let me clean up this mess first!*starts smashing the creatures*

(Back to you)

You are finishing off a few of the polters and decide to check on everyone but before you can call out to see if everyone is alright you hear Jason yell something you dreaded to hear.

Jason: Mr.Mayor look out!

You rush to meet the others and you see your father turning into a bush like a few others. His last words were.

Alibert: Yugo you will get a message to tell you where to find your real family and y/n you need to help your brother. The message go find the message!

Yugo and You: DAD!

Suddenly you turn to see a giant tree just appeared.

Ruel: What do you think, will it work on stsh of kamas.

You: Will you stop thinking about money for once and focus on the fact that people were just turned to F*CKING HEDGES along with your best friend!(BOLD means demonic voice or great mounts of venom in the tone)

Ruel: Poor poor Alibert, don't worry kids we'll find a cure.

Boy: Where are they! the guys who saved my life.

You and Ruel: huh forgot about him.

Spark: I tried to stop him but he runs to fast.*breathing heavily*

You: you lazy mutt you just refused to use your speed.

Spark laughs: You know me to well.*looks at Alibert and his mood goes a whole 180*NOOOOOO! ALIBERT WHY!!!!!

You on the verge of tears: I know buddy first an abusive home then the woods then someone takes me in and this happens. DAMNIT!!!!

Boy: I'm sorry to hear of your loss but I am Percidal of Sadlygrove noble knight of the gurdians of the shushu.

Sword:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You a knight Pfft, if not for me then you'd be a farmhand still.


You: is it bad i have heard that before.

Sword: Wait a minute you are the kid with the abnormal healing ability and great sword skills. I am Rubilax Why don't you be my partner and we can beat the hell out of any foe.

You: I don't bargain with demons asshole.

Rubilax: Come on kid don't be a b*tch.

You: hey Percidal why haven't you Yeeted that thing down a well yet.

Percidal: Cause my oath binds me not to let him into the wrong hands.

You: Wouldn't yeeting it down a well work as that.

Percidal: But I am forced to protect this sword so I cannot do so.

You: does this have anything about me doing so.

Percidal: Nope.

Rubilax: Haha very funny guys. GUYS!?

You: stop being an ass then.

Rubilax: Fine.

Ruel: Can we not do this now and wait until we find a solution!

You: Yes 'mommy Ruel'.

Percidal looks around and sees many people turned into bushes along with the many many polter puddles.

Percidal: You had polters here as well they invaded two other villages. They come rom the forbiden forest.

You: Then lets go!

Yugo: Yeah

Mia: Carful Kids terrible things have happened there

Kid: Please free our parents.

You: Thats a promise little one but while we are on the topic of travel I have to get the rest of my kunai be right back.


While Ruel was talking about bounty hunting with Percidal. You and Spark were sparring and Yugo and Az where messing around.

You: Spark you got good smell of the polters right.*slashes but misses*

Spark: yeah i will smell any if they get close.*bites but misses*

You: Good.*pins Spark to the ground* I win again.

Spark: yeah yeah good for you.

You and Spark catch up with the others to see Yugo portal hopping from tree to tree.

You: Hey little brother good job!*gives thumbs up*

Yugo portals down and scares Percidal and his sword becomes larger than before and Rubilax laughs at him.


You all keep walking while Percidal complains about Rubilax and Yugo keeps asking about your powers.

Yugo: How long have you had your powers, did they come naturaly, are you still my brother?

You: I don't know how long, yes they came naturaly and yes I'm still your brother.

Ruel: I just want to warn you guys to be careful this is called the forrbiden forest for a reason.

You: got it we will just watch eachothers ba-


Percidal: A damsel in distress AWESOME!

You: think with your brain not your motive to find and save fifty f*cking princesses at once just for a smooch you f*cking perv! Spark lets make sure he doesn't makee us look like pervs as well k'bud.


You and Spark rush to make sure your not classified as a pervert when you get there you see a cra girl and a sadian girl as well. Percidal jumps out of a bush to supprise the polters and you throw a kunai at them. Percidal kills a few and saves the Cra but the horse thing bucks her off and you catch her.

You: Hey need a hand.

Cra: thanks.

You: Hey Percidal next time you decide to run in a fight make sure we are all ready for one I almost stabbed my hand trying to pull out my kunai!

You put the cra girl down as the polters run off.

You: Aw come on we didn't get to fight all of them those bastards still owe me for dad.

Ruel: I believe we've already met Ruel Stroud at your ser-

You: Don't let him fool you he has scammed alot of people.

Ruel: y/n shut up!

You: last time you tried to make me I beat you remember.

Ruel: Where did you learn those preasure points I'll never know.

Percidal: I'm sir Percidal of Sadlygrove nob-

You: dude cut the sh*t I'm y/n by the way the fowl mouthed one of the group. The wolf that never fought with us for obvious reasons is Spark.

Yugo: I'm Yugo I'm h y/n's little brother.

You: got that right little bro. Anyway we are on a mission to cure our village from a polter attack but since we shared our names it is only fair if you share yours.

Cra: I am Evangelyne and this is Amalia. We are on a pilgrimage together.



You:then why the f*ck are you out here?

Amalia: Same as you, two nights ago I had a prophetic dream, Sadida told me to go to the forbidden forest for a special mission. Even if some people think it is my imagination.

Eva: Someone has to be realistic.

You: Yeah no offence to your beliefs but I call bullsh*t princess and yes I know you are actualy a princess Amalia.

Amalia: then why are you still cursing?

You: cause I couldn't give a f*ck.

Percidal: Dude your speaking to royalty show some reaspect.

You: You want me to show respect to those who were born into or adopted into powerful families that get better treatment and there are kids starving on the street that get treated like sh*t. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! When she EARNS my respect I will show it. The only people to earn my respect is Yugo,Alibert, and Spark. Yugo and Alibert cause they gave me something I never thought I would have which is a loving home, and Spark cause I know he will always have my back in life and in death and I have his. Ruel doesn't have my respect cause he can't put down a kama or even stop thinking bout them for 2 f*cking seconds and You don't cause you can't stop claiming your a knight and try to earn the title and the other two will not have my damn respect cause I have not known them long enough, And don't get me started on Rubilax the power hungry demon sword. So you must earn my respect before you get to even ASK me to show respect GOT IT.*All nod their heads* Good.


Ruel and Eva were talking about the pros and cons of bounty hunting and you were arguing with Percidal whether or not you should show Amalia and Eva respect or not.

Percidal: Look y/n if she is royalty look at all the benifits of being her friend.

You: I don't care I'd rather kill myself than give into greed.

Percidal: Why are you so distant man why not be friendly to us like Yugo?

You: Yugo can make his own decisions I don't control him I only protect him from being harmed.

Percidal: But why did you call everyone out back there

You: to show that i'm not gonna just respect everyone i meet.

Amalia is inspecting a row of trees and seeing as shes a sadian she must value nature.

Amalia: Poor poor thing...

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