Charmed Again: Season 3

By TSPking1994

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In the third season of my fan-fiction series Charmed Again Paul Halliwell finds himself a potential new love... More

The Charming Cast
Episode 1 - Charmed by Cole (Premiere)
Episode 2 - Better The Devil You Know
Episode 3 - Witches of Egypt
Episode 4 - The People Versus Raven Turner
Episode 5 - The Charmed Bride: A Valentine's Special
Episode 6 - The Death of The Charmed Ones (International Fanworks Day Special)
Episode 8 - Charmed Condolences (Finale)

Episode 7 - Spellbound Behind Bars

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By TSPking1994

Warnings: I don't own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show "Charmed" or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.

15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.

Returning home to find his murdered father and aunt in the foyer of the Halliwell Manor would've been more than traumatic for anyone never mind someone who had already witnessed the death of his adoptive parents and his birth mother and things were made worse when Drake was arrested by the police wrongly charged with the murder of Paul and Pan Halliwell luckily his daughter Lilah never witnessed any of this and was currently with her mother Cindy the only comforting factor in a terrible situation that had well and truly left Drake feeling broken.

Through the worst times of his life Drake Black always had one person by his side his best friend Lacey Morgan-Halliwell but after killing her wife and brother in law's assassin she had been kind of lacking when it came to communication leaving Drake alone behind bars with no word on getting out as he began to believe he was going to spend the rest of his life in a maximum security prison for a crime he never committed fearing he'd never see his daughter again.

Drake sat within the courtyard of the maximum-security prison he found himself imprisoned by as he sat on the cold ground with his legs crossed and eyes closed attempting to meditate and picture himself anywhere but there without accidentally blinking there at the same time.

Sure Drake had the power to leave at any moment but he knew if he did that would raise far too many questions leaving him with no choice but to stay put and hope the elders would find a magical solution to make all this go away knowing that even if he got out of his prison there'd be no way of bringing back his father or aunt no matter how much he wished they weren't gone.

"Yeah I wouldn't do that if I were you this is my first bit of peace since I got dumped in this hell hole and if you try disturbing it you will deeply regret it." Drake warned Joey Kane and his prison gang as he opened his eyes to see them approaching.

"I don't know what your doing here but move it along to somewhere else." Joey told the Halliwell hybrid as Drake stood up to face Jake and his friends.

"Yeah I don't take answers from anybody let alone some thug who needs a pose to bark orders at everybody." Drake snapped at him.

"You've got an awful big mouth, but I doubt you're half as dangerous as they say." Joey said while pulling a makeshift shiv out of his pocket.

Joey charged at Drake with his makeshift shiv in his hand only for Drake to quickly kick it out of his hands before kicking Joey to the ground as Drake proceeding in fighting with Joey's prison gang leading to Drake flooring each one of them with ease proving he was more than able to take them all without any weapons other than himself.

"Next time you'll know better than to interrupt a guy while meditating." Drake scoffed at him before hearing his own named shouted from across the courtyard as prison guarder Salter marched over the courtyard in his direction and whacked Drake across the face with his baton making Drake fall to the ground.

"You just can't help yourself, can you?" Salter shouted at Drake. "One way or another I'll make you follow the rules!"

Drake had found himself pulled into the prison warden Echo Jinx's office within the maximum-security prison he had found himself residing in following his little showdown in the courtyard as he sat handcuffed in front of the warden who was sat behind her desk looking at him with her usual judgmental look on her face.

"So, you've found yourself in trouble again Mr Black it's beginning to be something of a regular occurrence for you." She said to him.

"Hey, I was just minding my own business taking up some good old-fashioned meditation and then those degenerates came and started I fight so I had no choice but to put them in their place." Drake replied. "Did I mention that they had a shiv? Not my fault Salter only seems to jump in when it's time to get handsy with me I'm pretty sure he's got it bad for me."

"I will look into filing an official complaint about prison guard Salter's mistreatment of prisoners even though some of you clearly deserve a bit of tough love from time to time." Echo informed him.

"Thanks, but no thanks Jinx I'd rather just take care of things myself whether or not it leads me back here." Drake said making it clear he didn't want her assistance.

"With more violent behavior no doubt." Echo snapped. "Has your life always been violent Mr Black?"

Drake wanted to answer yes or at least reveal he had lived a violent life for quite some time now ever since his adoptive parents died in a fire he accidentally caused.

Since then he had vanquished several demons including his own grandfather and his daughter's aunt and watched his own mother die before his very eyes and that was all before discovering his father and aunt dead in their family home.

To say Drake Black's life had been a violent one would truly be an understatement.

"It's hardly been the best life that's for sure." Drake answered her.

"I can help you..." Echo began to say.

"If you're going to help anyone it should be Julian Parker." Drake interrupted the warden. "He's a big-time drug lord whose business hasn't exactly stopped while in here and if you don't put a stop to it, I'll have to take matters into my own hands."

"You do realize you shouldn't be making threats in the prison warden's office, right?" She asked him.

"Tick tock goes the clock. Time speed forward so I can be back in my block." Drake quickly chanting making the nearby clock on the wall's mechanics inside begin spinning around.

Drake found himself showing within the seemingly empty prison showers when he heard a door slam loudly making him switch off his shower and wrap his towel around his waste as he investigates the prison bathroom only to be left shocked to find Jake stood waiting for him wearing nothing but a towel himself.

"I take it you can just freely roam whenever you feel like it as long as you pay the guards enough." Drake said to his prison nemesis. "I can't decide whether it's brave or stupid of you to come here alone after how I easily I just took you and your friends on earlier."

"Let's say I'm a bit of both," Joey said seductively as he dropped his own towel and walked towards Drake before pulling Drake's towel off him and kissing Drake on the lips.

Drake and Joey shared a smile between each other before Joey roughly pushed Drake up against a nearby wall as the two prisoners began passionately kissing each other before Joey turned Drake around to face the wall as he pushed himself up against Drake and began passionately kissing the Halliwell hybrid's neck.

"They really don't joke when they say prison food tastes like hell actually if I'm honest hell tastes better." Drake joked as he sat in the canteen area within the prison while he ate what was considered his dinner, attempting to cheer up his friend Toby who was sat opposite him his body shaking and sweating from withdrawal symptoms.

"Tell me about it, Julian got busted and now I've got nowhere of getting anything, Drake please you got to help me!" Toby pleaded with his cellmate.

"Julian got busted wow what a shame wonder who tipped them?" Drake replied with a knowing smirk. "Toby it's time we get you clean once and for all you got a wife and kid outside you need to be clean before returning to them or else you'll only wind up back in here again and they won't wait for you a second time around. Trust me when you have family you've got to try everything to keep them."

"Your right man I know your right but I'm not sure I'm strong enough to go through this again." Toby admitted to him.

"Luckily for you I have a little remedy that'll kick the withdrawal symptoms ass and help you stay off the drugs for good." Drake revealed. "It'll be thanks enough not to put up with your addicted ass so don't worry about owing me anything I don't play those prison games."

Toby smiled at Drake silently thanking him for his help as Drake noticed Jake and his prison crew walk over to their table before sitting down at their table with Jake sitting right next to Drake leaving Drake unsure of whether he was about to be stabbed or asked to join their group, not particularly wanting either to be true.

"I sure hope you're not here for another beat-down because if so, I intend on making your injuries that much more fatal." Drake warned them all while looking straight at Joey.

"We're not here to start anything with you we learned the hard way so to speak not to mess with you Drake Black." Joey replied with a grin on his face. "I suppose we should've known any guy who killed their own father and aunt in cold blood shouldn't be messed with."

"I'm innocent although I'm starting to wonder if the people who need to know that actually know it or not." Drake stated, disgusted by the accusation of which he had found himself in jail for.

"Either way we'll offering our friendship towards you whether you're in here for a few weeks, months or the long haul we want to be your friends." Joey told the Halliwell hybrid.

"Yeah I've not really bothered with many friendships since high school and she's dead now so that doesn't exactly bode well for any new friends." Drake answered Joey.

"You're a funny guy Drake," Jake laughed. "How about you scratch our backs and we'll scratch yours."

"Okay then," Drake replied, clearly finding some use for his new friends. "Let's start this whole scratching thing now I need to get my hand on some items, and I don't want to be asked why I need these items."

"Consider it done friend." Joey said with a sinister smirk.

The next day Drake forced Toby into joining him for his second attempt at meditation as they sat within the middle of the courtyard grounds legs crossed, eyes closed and meditating while noticing nothing butter utter silence a silence Drake knew was because of his new friendship with Joey Kane.

"My wife swears by meditation she's going to be shocked when she hears somebody convinced me to meditate with them." Toby said to Drake breaking their silence.

"Part of meditating is the silence," Drake joked. "Trust me it's not my sort of thing normally but if I stop trying to hold myself together and stay in each moment as they come then I'm afraid I'll fall apart."

"Well now your top dog around here you'll get all the time in the world to meditate as you please." Toby replied while opening his eyes.

"I had several dreams about being top dog in prison and I've got to say I prefer the dream world's version to this reality." Drake admitted as he opened his eyes to see Joey walking over to them both. "Well there goes the silence."

"I got everything you asked for." Joey declared before dropping a key onto Drake's lap. "After lock-down meet me in the basement for the exchange."

"I guess I'll see you after lock-down then." Drake responded with a smile before Joey quickly walked away from him and Toby.

"I don't think he's being helpful for the sake of it, Drake he's clearly after something and I don't think this supposed miracle remedy of yours is worth doing business with the likes of him." Toby warned his friend. "The Kane family are notorious in San Francisco."

"So is my family in certain circles and I can promise you Halliwell carries much more fear than Kane." Drake boasted. "Beside if I've just been left here to rot, I may as well start making friends with those in for longer than you."

"I'll still visit you when I get out my wife and kid too their going to love you Drake." Toby replied to him.

"Once you're out of here don't ever look back and if you wind up back in here, I'll be kicking your ass!" Drake warned him.

"Well if I wasn't certain I was going to stay clean before I'm certain I will no." Toby admitted. "I'm going to miss you when I get out of here...I hope you do too one day."

Drake cautiously walked downstairs and into the prison basement knowing there was a chance that this could be a trap but not too worried knowing a part demon part witch hybrid was more than enough to handle Joey and his friends even if he was no longer a charmed one.

"I've got to admit a part of me believed this was going to be some kind of trap." Drake said as he found Joey standing waiting for him while holding a pillowcase filled with contraband.

"You've got to learn to trust more people sure we started a fight with you but you've earned our respect now although I'm the one who should be cautious with all the messed up things you told me to buy." Joey replied to him. "What exactly are you planning to with all this anyway?"

"Seems like somebody already forgot the no questions asked part of our deal." Drake reminded him as he walked over to Joey and took the pillowcase off his hands.

"Fine but it wouldn't kill you to thank a guy for going to so much trouble." Joey flirted with Drake as he grabbed a hold of his body and pulled the Halliwell hybrid towards him. "Unless last time was just a onetime thing?"

"I got advised to stay away from you probably shouldn't be sleeping with you either." Drake replied with a flirtatious smile.

"And are you going to...stay away?" Joey asked before Drake kissed him.

"I'm done listening to anyone's advice." Drake answered him before the two began passionately kissing.

"So, I've heard you've got yourself roped into the Kane family I've got to say that's not quite what I was expected when I was sent down here to keep and eye on the Halliwell hybrid." Echo revealed to Drake the next morning as he sat back in her office once more while she sat comfortably behind her desk.

"Ah now it makes sense why the prison warden has taken so much interest in me." Drake scoffed. "So, what are you a white lighter, elder, demon or other?"

"I'm a white lighter the elders assigned me here after the tragic events which led to your wrongful incarceration I was advised to reveal myself sooner but my curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to see how the half demon worked within prison confinements." Echo told him. "The elders are working on your release as us some kind of supernatural police force to get you out of jail they're just hitting a few bumps along the way."

"Of course, they are because now the charmed ones are dead, I'm just back to be some demonic hybrid they don't approve of." Drake snapped. "Firstly, I would've been out by now if I were a charmed one and secondly you should've told me the minute you got here to save me thinking I'd never get out of this place! As if losing my father and aunt weren't enough the least you could do is get me out this prison."

"I admit keeping lip was a mistake on my part but trust me when I say you are still very much a top priority with the elders you see Drake Black you are still needed to restore the charmed ones just like you did before but this time with different charmed colleagues." Echo replied to Drake leaving him stunned by her revelations.

"Being a charmed one is the reason I'm in here it's the reason I have nobody left except my daughter who I can't even see right now." Drake scoffed at her. "There's no chance in hell I'll ever be a charmed one again.

"Being a charmed ones is also the reason you were reunited with your family that you had your daughter and why your best friend didn't stay dead although the elders are thoroughly regretting that mistake now she's running around killing people right left and center." Echo informed the Halliwell hybrid.

"Hold up you mean she's killed more people?" Drake asked in horror, realizing how far Lacey Morgan-Halliwell had fallen.

"She's mostly hunting other witch hunters, but she has taken out a white lighter or too as well it's safe to say nobody in the magical community is safe as long as she lives." Echo answered him. "Which I'm sure will be easy enough for the charmed ones to handle once they have been reborn with your help."

"Hell no!" Drake shouted while standing up. "Killer or not I'm not killing my best friend and as for being a charmed one I was done being the elders' lackey the moment they didn't show up to save my dad."

"Drake," Echo said as she took a deep sigh before standing up to face him. "I can't begin to imagine what your going through not only grieving but imprisoned but imagine what your going through now and how you can stop others from suffering that same fate."

"Yeah that's not my problem." Drake replied.

"I don't believe you I mean you have every means to escape prison and yet you stay because you know breaking out whether your innocent or not is wrong just like being able to help people and choosing not to is wrong." Echo argued with him before Salter knocked on the door before opening it.

"I need to take Mr Black back to his cell now Miss Jinx." Salter informed the white lighter pretending to be a prison warden.

"Very well," Echo sighed with frustration before lowering her voice to speak to Drake. "Please just think about what I've said."

"I'm more interested in seeing how quick their going to work to get me out without the knowing of getting me as some kind of prize for them." Drake made himself clear.

Drake walked into his prison cell relieved to see Toby sat on the bottom bunk drinking from a plastic cup which contained a potion Drake made to help erase Toby's withdrawal symptoms and his addiction in the process.

"I don't know what's inside this mad remedy you made but I'm beginning to feel like a new man." Toby praised his friend while continuing to drink.

"Just make sure you finish the entirety of it." Drake reminded him.

"I will, don't worry in fact I'll do it right now." Toby said as he down the rest of the potion and stood up to hug Drake. "I can't thank you enough Drake you're like some kind of wizard."

"It's okay you can thank me by getting out of here and not fucking up your second chance." Drake laughed while Toby continued to hug him.

As Drake continued to hug the only real friend, he believed to have in the prison he noticed Joey walking past his cell looking far from happy to see Drake touching another man clearly believing it to be anything but innocent.

The very next morning Drake woke up about to learn a cruel lesson about getting close to anyone while in prison as he was once again thrown into a murder scene of someone he had found himself growing close to as a dreadful history continued to repeat itself for the troubled Halliwell hybrid.

"Toby if you don't want some ugly ass prison guard with bad morning breath screaming in your face you better get up now." A blissfully unaware Drake told his cellmate before jumping out of his bunk bed to be left shocked to the core when his feet landed in a pool of blood.

Drake's face dropped as he looked on the bottom bunk to see a bloodied and lifeless Toby laid on the bed with his throat slit much to Drake's horror as he found himself flashing back to finding his father and aunt in a similar state remaining frozen for a moment before beginning to shout louder and louder.

"Help somebody help!" He shouted repeatedly despite knowing in his gut that Toby was already gone. "Guards."

Drake found himself sitting within an interrogation room handcuffed and chained to the table while his eyes were red raw from crying over the death of his cellmate still shaking from the shock of finding his cellmate dead knowing it must of happened while he slept believing the murderer was his latest terrible choice in men.

"Obviously the elders know you're not guilty of this crime and after advising the right people about the Kane family's history of murder we ran a few tests on your blood leading to the conclusion you had been drugged leaving in a deep sleep which is why you never woke up to your friend being murdered." Echo revealed to him as she walked over to the table and sat opposite the chained Drake. "I'm deeply sorry for your loss I wish I could say I'm surprised."

"Hold up so your pretty much confirming Joey is behind all this?" Drake asked as his grief quickly turned to anger.

"Well I can't exactly say for sure without checking in with the elders again, but I can honestly say I'd put good money on him!" Echo stated.

"Then I guess I've got a new bad guy to vanquish." Drake declared. "And whoever helped him."

"They're not like the normal demons you vanquish Drake you can't just vanquish them it's not vanquishing when their human it's murder." Echo explained to a grieving Drake.

"What's the use of being a witch and protecting the innocent when my friends, my family just get slaughtered one by one and I have to sit there and do nothing?" Drake snapped at the white lighter posing as a prison guard.

"Because there's laws and a whole system in place to save humans from themselves granted they are flawed at best but that doesn't mean we should take matters into our own hands we're not gods." Echo argued with him.

"That's beyond hilarious coming from a woman whose real boss act like gods all the bloody time when all their just promoted white lighters considering most of them were wiped out years ago and saved by my own great-grandfather." Drake continued to argue his point. "My god damn family has saved your asses time and time again but when it comes to saving us you are nowhere to be seen so don't you dare sit there and tell me what I'm to do or not to do because I'm done listening to the lot of you!"

Drake had plenty of time alone in his new prison cell thinking whether to handle things the charmed way or the demonic way knowing the charmed way had only ever failed him whereas the demonic way was no less inhumane than the people who slaughtered his cellmate.

After a few hours after lock-down Drake found Salter opening his cell before ordering him out of bed and cuffing him as they escorted the Halliwell hybrid into the prison canteen to find Joey stood there waiting for him as Salter quickly made himself out of sight.

"I heard about your cellmate and by the looks of it you're not exactly handling it very well."

"I had a feeling you'd arrange a meeting with me sooner or later although I'm very surprised you chose the same day." Drake said as he walked towards Joey before a knife blinked into his hand. "Killing my only friend in here was the worse place you ever made."

"I never killed anyone Drake but I'm sure you're not going to believe that given my family name." Joey scoffed before Drake grab a hold of his hand slamming it down on a nearby table and pinning Joey's hand to the table with his knife causing Joey to scream out in pain.

"Here's the thing I've been lied to most of my life so when people lie to me it, kind of pisses me off." Drake told him, as he contemplated murdering the man in front of him.

"I didn't do it Drake," Joey said in between screams of pain. "I don't do over friends like that."

"I don't believe you!" Drake shouted as he twisted the knife launched in Joey's hand.

"It's probably some demon you stupid witch." Joey screamed at him shocking Joey in the process as Drake instantly pulled the knife out of Joey's hand as Joey fell to the ground his hand bleeding heavily.

"How do you know I'm a witch?" Drake asked him as he dropped the bloody knife to the ground, disgusted by what he had just done out of rage.

"I'm the guy who got your ingredients wasn't hard to work out what you were after that." Joey replied as he held on his hand trying to stop it from bleeding groaning in pain before Drake waved his hand and suddenly Joey's hand was fully bandaged.

"Luckily for you I know how to bandage a perp from back when I was putting people in jail instead of locking them up." Drake said as he helped a reluctant Joey back up to his feet. "So, you're really telling me your innocent?"

"Screw you, you just stabbed me you psychopath and now you want to interrogate me." Joey snapped at him. "Sure, I was jealous, but I don't kill over jealousy I just break a few legs."

"You know that's problematic too right?" Drake laughed in response.

"Says the jackass who just stabbed me in the hand!" Joey replied before looking at his bandaged hand. "Although I've got to admit your powers are kind of cool."

"I'm sorry for stabbing you I guess I have some anger issues after everything." Drake apologized. "I can't believe I almost killed me."

"Please what's a stabbing between friends?" Joey joked before going on to say. "For the record you wouldn't have wound up killing me even if I did kill your friend, you're not a murderer I've known murderers and trust me you're not one of them."

"I thought I could be for a moment but then I remembered that's not who I am and it's not who my father would ever want me to be." Drake revealed to him. "Who all four of my parents would ever want me to be."

"I have a theory Salter's a demon I mean he's had it in for you since you got here, and I've not seen him around until you showed up." Joey explained his claim. "I mean I've never been a witch or a detective so you should probably do some digging but I've got a hunch and my hunches are rarely wrong."

"You know you should probably listen to the guy he's not entirely stupid for a thug." Salter suggested after shimming into the canteen.

"Good it's a demon, demons I can kill without feeling like a murderer." Drake said with a sigh of relief. "Which I suppose is kind of messed up considering I'm half demon."

Salter suddenly summoned an energy ball above his hand before throwing it in Drake's direction who waved his hand to blink the energy ball out of sight before it reappeared hitting Salter and sending him flying across the air before ending up laid on the floor. Before Salter could get back on his feet Drake waved his hand once more setting the demon on fire and watching him burn before exploding in front of him and Joey.

"Remind me to never piss you off again." Joey joked with Drake.

"Got to admit that felt much better than murdering you would've done." Drake laughed.

Later that day Drake walked back into Echo's office within the prison no longer wearing any prison clothes or handcuffs instead looking like himself once again in his own clothes much to Echo's delight.

"So, you vanquished a demon instead of murdering a human." Echo said with a sense of smug in her voice. "I guess this means despite everything you're still more charmed than demonic."

"I've been stuck in here longer than needed to take out that demon, haven't I?" Drake scoffed at the white lighter masquerading as a prison guard. "God even when I'm grieving the elders still have me doing their dirty work to the lengths, they kept me imprisoned until now once I did what they wanted."

"What can I say the elders have their way of doing things sometimes it's not for you or me to understand." Echo replied, admitting Drake was right.

"You're not like most white lighters, now are you?" Drake asked her.

"Actually, I am you charmed ones just seem to get special treatment from all your previous white lighters and look where's that got you! The second generation of the charmed ones lasted three years." Echo snapped at him. "I'm around to make sure the next charmed ones don't wind up the same way."

"Wow you've definitely got a way of words!" Drake replied before taking a deep sigh. "Let me talk to Quinn!"

Echo nodded in acceptance before orbing out of the room only for Quinn to orb into the room seconds later.

"Hey how are..." Quinn began to say before getting punched in the mouth by Drake.

"How dare you put me through all of this after everything I've been through?" Drake shouted at his former elder. "How dare you not save them and leave me to find their bodies? How could you let them keep me here?"

"I'm sorry it wasn't my decision I voted against this, but the other elders thought it would help remind you who you are at a time when you needed it most." Quinn revealed to him.

"So, once again you chose everyone else but me but this time it's unforgivable." Drake told him with tears in his eyes. "You let me lose memories of my mother when I was grieving her, you went off to chase your dream of being an elder instead of helping get me back and now you let your colleagues or whatever the hell you want to call them dump me in jail after I lost my family a family that took you in too."

"I've apologised for that over and over again what more do you want from me?" Quinn asked him.

"I wanted you to be there for me you know how much it killed me losing my parents losing Eve and yet you weren't there when I lost them." Drake cried. "All I ever wanted was for you to choose me over everything else and yet you never never will."

"I still love you don't ever think I've ever stopped loving you." Quinn declared with tears in his eyes.

"That's not enough," Drake replied as he dried his tears. "Now that I'm free to go I'm going to do just that."

"What about Charmed?" Quinn asked before Drake blinked away.

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