Two Faced (BNHA)

By MiecoDeecy

87.4K 4.4K 5.2K

Irony was a vigilante whose only purpose was to seemingly cause havoc. Of course, he likes to take care of sm... More

Chapter 1: In The Freedom of Darkness
Chapter 3: On The Topic of Need
Chapter 4: Strength
Chapter 5: Dammit, Yagi
Chapter 6: Never Were we Parallel
Chapter 7: Symbol of Strength
Chapter 8: This is Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 9: Calm Before the Storm?
Chapter 10: Rising
Chapter 11: And so there were Explosions

Chapter 2: In The Cover of Light

9.4K 520 536
By MiecoDeecy


All Might has lunch.

Izuku is called an old man and Glitter. Because why not.

• • • • •

Izuku was timid.

And he was also the vigilante Irony, but that's not important right now... Well, it kinda is since majority of his life revolves around being Irony but it's currently daytime so let's put that behind us.

As Irony, he looks like a complete wreck, he still kinda does, but it's an organized mess. For one, he doesn't have prominent bags under his eyes, they don't just magically disappear, per say, he just uses a concealer to - well - conceal them. Next, he uses glasses, he doesn't have bad eyesight, but it's to filter his normally bright green eyes to a duller shade. It works, promise. With these miniscule changes along with a more proper wardrobe, he has perfected the act of timid nerd (it wasn't an act, he was a nerd).

Currently, Izuku was sitting in a library, reading an interesting book about... Uh, a science thing with a really long title. Honestly, only this muttering genius could understand whatever that is.

His watch had beeped, signaling it was lunch time, but he really wanted to continue the book... But he also needed to follow his schedule (you needed to be healthy to jump about with a grappling hook after all), so he simply settled for borrowing it and reading while eating (it wouldn't be the first time).

Izuku exited the library with a soft ring from the bell, he lived far away from his hometown but still close enough to defend it when he was Irony, it was a pretty cozy place to live in. They knew he was quirkless, but no one went out of their way to bother him (no one approached him either but he was used to it, better than getting beaten).

He took his usual route.

• • • • •

He regretted taking his usual route.

Because there, standing in front of him in all his yellow glory, was All Might.

No, there wasn't a villain attack, he simply just ran into mother fucking All Might. Buying groceries!

"All might..." Was all he was able to choke out, the man had on his usual smile, but it seemed strained, and he had a thin layer of perspiration running down his form. Did he catch him at a bad time?

"Good day, My boy!" He said in his extravagant voice.

Izuku snapped out of his stupor and quickly fumbled in his bag (he always carries one around), taking out his analysis notebook for heroes, he flipped to the page about All Might.

"C-can you sign this?!" Ugh. Damn his squeaky voice. Get your shit together Izuku!

"Of course!" The blonde took it and skimmed the page, only slowing down once he found how throughout and accurate it was.

Other than not knowing about his injury (which was good), everything else looked like it was copied from the government's database about the number one hero (which, this time, wasn't such a good thing for a teen to have).

"My boy! Of you don't mind me asking, where did you get these?" He asked, once finished sprawling his name around two pages of the notebook, call it what you want, it was a signature.

"Uh, I-I made them myself...?" Izuku answered unsurely, not sure why the man would be asking that.

"...Ah" his voice wasn't loud and boisterous this time.

All Might wasn't sure what he was expecting, but no one could have suspected a kid barely out of middle school to be as smart (if not more) as some of UA's best teachers.

• • • • •

Yagi was clearly not in the right state of mind, if you couldn't tell by his overly self-sacrificing attitude, or his lack of logic when it came to children, or his inability to keep his voice in a normal volume then surely you can tell now, because he invited a quirkless, high school student to lunch. As All Might.

Tsukauchi face palmed with an additional sigh as the blonde man, now in his skeleton form, presented a notebook on his desk?

So now he's taking homework from children? What is this about, their algebra lesson? Well he wished the number one hero did that during his time, because if this kid was a so called genius as Yagi claimed, then he would have needed it much more than him.

"Look, its one of his analysis notebooks, the one with my information in it" Yagi looked serious, azure eyes glinting almost as if it it carried the weight of the situation within them.

The boy had caught him by surprise, by impulse he had turned to All Might, but at least it brought this new information to light.

At this, Tsukauchi also turned serious, if it seemed this important to the man, than it must risk his secret. The detective still doesn't understand how though.

He took it carefully and flipped it to the page Yagi pointed to.

The change was almost identical to All Might's, face slowly morphing into one of disbelief and shock.

"Was this copied from the government's database?"

"Exactly!" Yagi held out a finger as if it could further prove his point, his thoughts exactly!

No, really. It was almost scary how similar their line of thought was.

After a long, resigned sigh, he finally decided to address the issue of lunch.

"So, you said you had lunch with him?" Tsukauchi raised his brow, now curious.

Yagi nodded, seeing he had finally gotten a grasp of the situation.

"We talked about heroes..." The blonde paused, hesitating "... And villains"

"Oh? How was it?"

There was a pause.

"... Interesting" He finally let out, an unsure expression on his face.

"Please, tell me" Tsukauchi made a motion with his hand, coaxing him.

Yagi sighed "It was normal at first, he told me about how he liked heroes, the normal adoration" he shrugged light heartedly "...Then he started to tell me about his 'analysis', it... amazed me..." He held the notebook in his hands.

"This is precious and dangerous in the wrong hands. It holds information that can be considered too secret for some heroes"

Tsukauchi narrowed his eyes.

"So after a while, I asked him about villains, since I figured that he may have some information about them" although the implications of him having that information is unsettling.

The detective nodded, signifying he was paying his closest attention.

"Well, he surely surpassed my expectations"

"I've heard"

Yagi coughed, it seems that all the boy did was surpass expectation.

"So? What did he say?"

"Villains are victims, whose stories haven't been told"

Welp. We're not talking about a teen teen anymore. This is a fucking old man with wisdom.

Tsukauchi blinked.


Alright nodded almost sagely "wow indeed"

They didn't need to know that Izuku got that out of Google.

• • • • •

"He wore a hood and a mask with a grin on it, I got to fight with him, he seemed sloppy, but he knew how to win"

" Ah, you must be talking about Glitter"

" Glitter?"

" Aha, its nothing, the police were just contemplating on changing his name to that considering how much he uses it but nevermind. His name is Irony"

".... Irony, huh?"

Tsukauchi sighed as two new issues presented itself. One is that pro-hero Eraserhead had found out about Irony, not that they were trying to hide him but so far he's gone unnoticed (it made sense that an underground hero would notice him), hopefully, he won't start pranking heroes too. Another was that All Might had discovered a teen who seemed to be a genius in his own rights and risks endangering secrets of important heroes.

I still can't believe his first impulse it to ask him to lunch.

Because really? The number one hero asking random kids to lunch?

This was not the most ideal end to his day.

And this was not the most ideal end to a chapter, but eh, the author has run out of ideas.

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