From R to V [ Modern Day AU ]

By Minuit11

2.7K 136 221

An alternate universe where the four swords are college age teenagers. Vio is hiding a small crush from ever... More

A Coffee Cup
A Little Argument
Hi Shadow!
Won't Let You Fall Apart
Complicated Relation
A Moment to Thank You
Two Boys, One Dorm
Shadow No More
At The Dog Show Pt. 1
At The Dog Show Pt. 2
Bitter Sweet
Day Of the Insident
Drop Your Guitar Pick
White Chocolate Mocha

Two Boys, One Bed, One Confession

130 10 6
By Minuit11

Vio's Point of View

I took Red to his dorm, and gently lay him down on his bed, as if he were a delicate prince. My delicate prince...Yes, it has a nice ring to it. Then, I set the blankets over him, and made sure that they covered him from his tippy toes up to his chest at least. When I was done tucking him into bed, I stopped to think wether I should kiss his forehead or not.

To which, in the end, I decided to go ahead and plant a soft kiss in the middle of his forehead by holding his bangs back so no hair was in the way, and peck my lips on his clean, beautiful skin. After I kissed him, a tiny smile had formed on my face. I couldn't help it, as seeing him so cute like that makes me get all warm inside.

Red mumbled a little while stretching his arms, and turned his body to the side to take hold of my leg and pull me close again. He wrapped his arms around my hips, and rubbed his head on my tummy.

"Yawn...Vio...Can you stay with me?"

"H-Huh? Red...I shouldn't. I'm sorry."

He looked up at me, his chin resting on my stomach, and smiled. "I won't force you...but it would be fun! And...I want to keep hugging you."

I blushed a little while tilting my head to the side, bringing a hand up to my mouth, and try to cover my cheeks with my fingers. "...Well..."

Red let me go, and scooted to the edge. Then gestured for me to lay down next to him by patting the now empty spot. He was still smiling at me. I guess he really wanted me to stay, which I am not mad at all about, but it's wrong...He has a boyfriend. I shouldn't. Blue would definitely kick my ass if he ever found out I slept with his sweet little boyfriend. His lovable, adorable, cheerful...boyfriend.

"I know you want tooo~!" He giggled.

I sighed, cursing under my breath. I might regret staying with him, but at least I'll be able to spend more time with Red.

"...Alright, very well, you win. I will sleep with you for the night, Red. But...where do you want me to put my shoes? And my laptop?"

Red smiled even wider. "Yay!" Then he pointed near the door. "You can put the shoes over there next to mine! As for your laptop..." he then pointed at his desk. "You can put that next to my laptop! Just move it to the side and it shouldn't have some space!"

I take off my purple converse and set them next to Red's scarlet vans, and place my laptop next to him after making up a bit of space for it. I then took off my belt and let it down on the seat next to the desk.

"Hey you have class tomorrow?"

"Hm?" I glance down at him. "Tomorrow is a free day, something about an anniversary of the universiry."

"Really?! I forgot about that...That's a relief~!!" He giggled and lays back down on the bed. "Can we do something then? If that's okay with you."

"No, it's completely fine. I'd rather go out with you than staying alone at my apartment all day."

Red frowned a little, probably feeling bad for me about being alone now. "Oh...Um...Can we...Go to the beach?"

"The beach?" I raise an eyebrow. "It's still winter."

"Oh yeah! Oops." He chuckled while pretending to hit his head with his own hand. "But we can still walk on the beach! Nobody would be around, just the two of us." He hummed in content.

"Oh....Well, if that's the case...I would appreciate going out on a walk with you tomorrow." I answered while sitting on the bed, not yet laying down.

"Yes!" He fist-bumped the air before yawning.

I also end up yawning.

"Hey! You made me yawn, now I'm getting sleepy." I tried to tease him a little, and even attempted to tickle him. But he reacted quickly and caught my hands.

"Hehe! Not so fast! I'm super ticklish!!" He said while giggling, and pulled my hands toward him, making me fall on my belly on top of the bed.

"Oop-- Hey! Oh now it's on!" I let out before going ahead and try to tickle him again, this time with enough force to surpass his hands. I tickled his cute little tummy and made him laugh out loud.

"Ah!! V-Vio!! Ahahaha!!" Red laughed hysterically, fidgeting and shifting on the spot, then tickled me back.

"Ack!! Oh no!" I gasped at the sudden counter attack, and ultimately end up laughing too. I was also ticklish.

After a while, we had finished our tickle war and just stayed laying down on his bed, chuckling and smiling at each other.

"I thought you were sleepy!"

"Welp, you started tickling me!"

"Okay, valid argument.." I chuckled softly, and held a hand up to gently stroke the bangs near his ears to the side. "...Red."

"Yes, Vio?"

"...You are...Incredibly adorable, and cute."

Red blushed a little, a long with a small giggle. "Awwe...!" He scooted closer to my side of his bed and gave me a hug. "For reals?"

With a small sigh, I return the warm gesture, and even keep stroking his hair. But on the back. "...Yes, Red, I mean it."

He stayed silent for a little while, until finally replying back to me when letting go of the hug. " you like me?"

My eyes widened, and I began to blush again. My eyebrows furrowed, and I clenched my teeth for a moment. My heart was also beating faster than usual at this point.

"....Yes, Red, I like you."

Red let out a tiny gasp, then blushed as well. He brought his hands up to his face, as if to touch his cheeks to confirm the warmth of the small scarlet-colored blush. His lips quivering, forming a smile all on their own, but at the same time...going for a frown. It was switching between the two, a smile and a frown. They couldn't decide which one to stay with. Until, I went for Red's hands, and slowly pulled them closer to me, to my chest.

"...What about you, Red? You have a boyfriend, but you've been trying to get intimately close to me. Is there a reason for that?"

I spoke, furrowing my eyebrows a little, and keeping a good look at Red's body language. It looked like he was about to tear up, as his eyes were getting watery. Even after seeing that, I chose to stay silent, giving him a moment to form and arrange his thoughts.


He let out a sniffle, and quickly took back one of his hands to rub his nose.

"T-Things between me and Blue...aren't as happy as everyone thinks."

My eyes widened a little, and I even sat up. I frowned, and caressed the hand that remained close to me. I stayed silent again, listening closely to what he has to say.

"...I-I...I don't feel happy with him right now. And I just...don't know what to do."

He sat up as well, and took away the last hand to cover his face when the tears started to flow. I sighed softly, and scooted closer to him, slowly bringing him into a hug. While I was halfway there, he quickly closed up the embrase, going in for the hug. He tightened his grip on me and sobbed, he cried into my chest.

"I...sniff...I w-wish I had the courage to do something. But I don't...don't know what and how and when..!!!"

He sobbed again and kept crying. He was still hugging me tightly. I tried to comfort him by rubbing his back gently, and affectionate. He needs it.

So...Things are actually not looking so good between the two at the moment. Honestly I didn't expect it, especially coming from Red of all people! But, it's rather sad, he must have had it bottled up for a good while. But it's okay...I'm here for him.

"Shhh...It's alright, Red...No relationship is perfect. Everyone thought me and Shadow would grow old together, but look at what happened. He dumped and kicked me out. I'm all alone in my new place, but at least I have you to bright up my day whenever I get to see you. By merely taking a look at your lovely face, most of my sorrows vanish."

I gently pulled away from the hug so he could see me smile gently at him.

"I'm here for when you need a chest to cry on. You can hit me up at any time of day. If you want, of course."

Red rubbed his eyes, and chuckled a little. At least the sobbing had stopped.

"Let's just try to go to sleep. Tomorrow we can have a fun, relaxing time." I pet his head, and gesture for us to lay back down. Which we did, and afterwards I wrap my arms around him. In other words, spooning.

Red sighs in content, calming down a lot. He had a tiny smile, and whispered gently.

"Vio, I-I...I like you too..."

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