[Ninjago] Into the Unknown 愛の...

By rabbitmermaid

239 4 3

Akita keeps having these dreams, and hearing voices at night... Like someone is calling her. Her Brother say... More

Where the Northwind Meets the Sea

238 4 3
By rabbitmermaid

It was a long time ago... Long before the reign of the Ice Emperor... It was a time of peace for formlings... Careless and free... And they were the times Akita cherished most, as she remembered those time as a young child... being chased by her older brother, Kataru in the Snow. They were good times... Happy Times... A time when their beloved mother was still alive.

"Akita! Kataru!" A woman stepped out of a tent dressed in warm robes and decorated like a fox, beautiful and mysterious. "Bed time!"

"Awww..." Akita whined, unhappy she could no longer play.

"Come on, little sister..." Kataru laughed. "We can continue our game tomorrow..." 

Satisfied with that answer, she followed her brother back to the tent where their mother was waiting. Almost bounding under the covers, she snuggled into the warm furs that made up her bed mat. Their mother lighting a lantern near their bed as she turned to tuck them in.

"Mama! Sing us a song! Sing us a song!" Akita sat up, still having the energy she had while playing outside.

"Alright, alright..." Their mother laughed. "Let's see..."

"Oh! Sing about the River of the Dragon!" Kataru sat up also, getting excited himself.

"Well, I cant sing if both of you are up..." She instructed as the two quickly snuggled back under the furs of their bed, waiting for her to sing. "Let me see if I remember how it goes..."

Where the Northwind, meets the sea... There's a river, full of memory...

Akita adjusted her position to be more comfortable as their mother tucked Kataru into his bed. Kataru letting out a yawn, he let his eyes droop and nod off...

Sleep my darling safe and sound... For in this river all is found...

Their mother ran her fingers through his hair as he drifted to sleep, smiling sweetly before turning to her daughter to tuck her in as well.

In her waters deep and true... Lie the answers, and a path for you...

Akita kept her eyes as wide as they could, as her mother pulled the covers up to her chin. not wanting to miss the song like her brother would. But she found it difficult to keep them open, the determined child slowly finding herself sleepier and sleepier.

Dive down deep into her sound... But not to far, or you'll be drowned...

inevitably, she soon drifted to sleep as her mother smiled, lovingly kissing her on the forehead before looking out to the snowy terrain outside the tent.

Yes, she will sing to those who hear... and in her song, all magic flows...

But can you brave what you most fear?... Can you face, what the river knows?... 

Rolling over the snowy forests and fields... a three tailed wolf ran up the snowy trail of a cliffside, followed by a lumbering bear, the wolf pausing at it edge to look out at the village below, a river running through it's center.

Where the Northwind meets the sea... There's a mother, full of memory...

Akita stood there proudly looking over the Ice river village as the memory faded to an end. Looking forward at the mountains ahead of her towards the Emperor's Palace.

Come my darling homeward bound...

A voice then came to her ears, catching her attention for a small second. Wondering it's source and meaning, until the lumbering bear brought her back to reality... The two continuing on the path ahead of them.

When all is lost... Then All is Found...

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