sunshine (cscoop x traves)

By offthecob

13.5K 419 781

Cooper's new to LA and looking for business. Travis is dumb enough to fall for the prostitute. rated lime More



1.2K 33 120
By offthecob

"You were out late last night."

Cooper looks up from his bowl of cereal to see Liam standing in the kitchen, holding a stick of butter.


"I'm about to make toast."

"Yeah but that doesn't really..." Cooper trails off as he realizes he doesn't really care why Liam is holding a stick of naked butter in his bare hand.

"Did you have work?" Liam takes a bite out of the stick of butter and Cooper has to convince himself he's still asleep somehow.


"Nice. Was it fun?"

"Yeah, the guy was really nice and pretty cute."

"Joko said you had a really nice guy the other night." Liam takes another bite and Cooper pounces out from the table to tackle him down and he sprints from the kitchen and into his and Mikey's room.

The door slams and locks in Cooper's face so he goes back to eating his cereal alone in the kitchen.

"Bitch!" Liam shouts, muffled but still clearly swearing at Cooper.

Cooper scrolls aimlessly through his phone until a message almost makes him choke on his cereal.

supertraves: you free tonight?

The answer is yes, but he's worked two of the past three days and really wants a break. Though... he also really wants to see Travis again.

cscoop: depends, what's up?

supertraves: i was wondering what all you are up to doing?

Now it's questions like these that usually send him running because they're usually about to ask for some kink that Cooper wants no part in. 

cscoop: i have a FAQ

supertraves: my question isn't answered on it tho :(

He's not sure why, but the :( makes his heart skip a beat.

cscoop: what's your question?

supertraves: can i take you out for dinner tomorrow night?

cscoop: are you paying lol

supertraves: of course

cscoop: i was just joking lmao, did you want to do anything after dinner?

supertraves: drive you home?

cscoop: i'm not really comfortable with customers knowing where i live

supertraves: drive you to a bus stop?

cscoop: perfect.

supertraves: Mister A's at 8

Cooper stares from his phone and then at his bowl of cereal. Mister-fucking-A's? 

"Liam," he calls, "do you own a suit?"


Cooper's standing in Mikey and Liam's room, his arms held out in a T-pose and Liam's suit blazer hanging off just a bit too big. 

"I think you look fine," Mikey says, eyes fixed on phone and his legs propped up on his bed so he can lay on the floor.

"I don't think anyone's gonna notice if it's just a little big," Liam says.

Cooper makes a non-committal grunt.

"I can't believe your slutty ass got asked out to dinner," Mikey says.

Cooper laughs sarcastically at him. "Headass, I'm a catch."

"You just got yourself a simp," Liam says.

"Says you, BigSimpin'."

Liam rolls his eyes at Cooper. His phone buzzes so he takes it to the livingroom to sort through notifications. It's not exactly easy to relax into the couch in a stiff suit.

hugbox: hey, when are you free?

Cooper starts to type a response when he gets multiple messages in quick succession.

jschlatt: full service, xx st xxxx dr, next monday, 8pm

cmc: i hear you're really nice!

supertraves: charlie told me that you know that i told my friends about you- i hope that's not weird! i just really liked it and thought my friends might enjoy you too!

Just slightly overwhelmed, Cooper answers Hugbox first.

cscoop -> hugbox: sunday night, baby

cscoop -> jschlatt: any other details i need? lmfao jk, im free for that. looking forward to it :*

cscoop -> cmc: hm? and where might you be hearing that from?

cscoop -> supertraves: it's not, thanks for the bread and the business, man. much appreciated

He's about to have an aneurysm when Joko comes through the door.

"Whoa. Why are you dressed up?" he tosses a bag of groceries into the kitchen.

"Client from the other night is taking me to Mister A's tomorrow night."

"Ah. I gotcha. So you free tonight, dog?"

Cooper has to take a moment to think about it. "Actually, somehow, yeah. But after tonight I'm booked for like three straight nights."

"Bro how you plan on walking homie?" Joko laughs and joins Cooper on the couch.

Cooper scoffs, "I may have a fat ass, but the only guys I let- you know what? Nevermind. TMI."

They both burst out laughing, and the feeling of chilling on the couch with Joko is possibly one of the best feelings to ever exist.

"Seriously though, I was gonna go clubbing if you wanted to come with."

"Who all is gonna be there?" Cooper acts as if he would ever turn this down.

"No one you would know."

"Ouch." Cooper acts fake-hurt.

"Come on, change into some clothes and we can head over." Joko pauses for a moment before shouting, "Liam! Mikey! Either of you wanna go out clubbing with me and Cooper and the boys?"

Neither of them respond so they take it as a no and get on their way.

Cooper is much more comfortable in his jeans and T-shirt. This isn't any club he's been to before, it looks like a cement block with streamers and lights everywhere. The inside is dark, blacklights encase the dance floor, neon-retro decorations everywhere. It's honestly really fucking dope. Bodies pulsate and clash with the music thumping hard enough for Cooper to wish he brought ear plugs.

"So who are we meeting up with?" Cooper shouts at Joko.

Joko grabs Cooper's shoulders and weaves him through the crowd of people. Off in one of the booths they're headed towards is a guy who looks a bit shorter than Cooper, curly blond hair, and just the tallest, prettiest man Cooper may have ever seen in his life.

"Mason! Wilbur! Great to finally get out together, this is my man Cooper I've been talking about."

Wilbur's previously tired expression lights up, "Oh! It's so nice to finally meet you, Joko's always going on about you."

Cooper laughs and shoots Joko a look. Joko and Mason are smiling at each other softly, but seem to be only saying swears, though it's impossible to hear them over the music.

"I just got here, did any of you want to go dance?" Cooper shouts over the music. He's pointing over his shoulder with his thumb, Joko slides into Wilbur and Mason's booth as Wilbur slides out.

"I'm happy to dance with you," Wilbur gives Cooper an eyebrow wiggle and he knows he's in deep now.

Wilbur lifts Cooper's hand lightly and behind moving his body to the beat of the music, pulling Cooper towards the sea of bodies. The blacklights make his yellow sweater look fantastic and his eyes shine like something non-human. Cooper dances as in sync as he can, pushing himself up towards Wilbur's chest.

Wilbur leans down to whisper into Cooper's ear, "So what's your name, I might want to look you up later."

Cooper furrows his brows in confusion.


"Oh... Cscoop."

Wilbur smiles and brushes a hand down Cooper's face. It sends shivers down his entire body. Cooper hooks a finger into a loop at the back of Wilbur's jean and tugs him forward. They keep moving with the music, Wilbur's eyes almost hypnotizing Cooper.

As the beat gets faster, building up to the drop, Wilbur inches his face closer to Coopers. The beat drops and Wilbur connects their lips, one hand holding Cooper's still and the other tracing along his back. Cooper kisses back, amazed that anyone's lips can be this soft.

It feels like eternity passes and then Wilbur parts their lips and moves to say in Cooper's ear, "Let's go outside for a bit." His eyes shine in the blacklight and all Cooper can do is nod and follow Wilbur out to the cool, sobering air outside.

"I can't even hear myself think in there," Wilbur laughs and drags a hand through his hair.

Cooper watches his curly hair move, hoping to God drool isn't spilling out of his mouth.

"So you're Cscoop online?" Wilbur smiles and Cooper blinks a few times dumbly before processing what he was just asked.

"Oh! Yeah! Yeah, I go by Cscoop with clients usually as well."

Wilbur nods and pokes his tongue in his cheek, which does nothing to help Cooper's mind. "I just go by Wilbur usually. I have a fake last name I use though."

"Oh, wait are you-" Cooper cuts himself off, because of course all of Joko's friends are whores. "So what work do you do?"

"Usually just commissions online, but I also do full service every once in a while."

Cooper nods, "Fuck, you must be doing good for yourself then."

Wilbur quirks an eyebrow up, "What do you mean?"

He asks that as if they weren't just making out. Cooper scoffs, "A guy with a face as handsome as you? Absolute killer in sex work."

Wilbur blushes at Cooper and moves his eyes to the ground for a moment. "Did you wanna get out of here?"

Cooper knows what Wilbur's asking, and he knows that he wants to say yes... But he also knows that he's been working a lot and sometimes a lot of sex is a bad thing. "You know, usually I'm super horny, but..." he rubs a hand against the back of his neck. "If work is slower next week I'll give you a call?"

Wilbur smiles, "You don't even have my number."

"Then I guess you'll have to text me first." Cooper winks and and then takes a step closer to Wilbur, "This isn't to say that we can't make out here though."

Wilbur smiles and turns so he can press Cooper's shoulders against the building wall. "You are so hot."

Wilbur's body moving against Cooper's is something transcendent and he forgets everything he said about waiting until next week when they find an alley off the side of the building.

Joko drives him and Cooper home later that night, Cooper's jaw too sore to say thank you and his lips too puffy to smile from the electric feeling bubbling in his stomach.


im just posting these as i get them done bc i know i'll forget if i dont. my sunshine playlist has 3 songs as of right now lmao

freakin' u out - antarctigo vespucci / vanilla twilight - owl city / it's not this - bearson, lemaitre, josh pan

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