Looking For Group

By Reigenlovets

27.3K 1.1K 873

People want to be a Hero so badly, they're willing to bribe, lie, cheat, and beg. Twilight knows there's a He... More

Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
p Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35

Part 4

959 36 40
By Reigenlovets

"It's not like you to be embarrassed like this," said Warriors.

Miracles of miracles, the trio managed to grab a vacant table. It was just pure chance they walked by as one group stood up and left. The table was covered in crumbs and coffee rings, forcing them to grab several napkins to wipe it down.

"Those girls were right," Twilight murmured, his head hanging low in embarrassment. "I shouldn't have been so rude. But can you really blame me? Those scars are impossible to miss."

Sky snorted. "Please, the moment I saw that kid when we entered the building, I knew you'd have this reaction."

"Oh?" Warriors said suddenly, leaning in close. "What do you mean?"

"Are you not aware? Understandable, you haven't known Twilight as long as I have. You see-"

"Sky..." Twilight warned.

Sky ignored him. "When we were kids, he found a puppy in the woods and brought it home, declaring he was its mother now and he was going to take care of it. That puppy turned out to be a wolf, and his parents had to force him to give it up to the zoo. He spent weeks crying about it."

"Dude, c'mon, he doesn't need to know this-"

"And when we were about twelve, we were at a mall when he saw this grown woman crying. He ran up to her and demanded to know who hurt her so he could 'kick their ass.' The woman was crying cause she sneezed too hard."

"Oh my god," Twilight groaned, burying his face in his arms.

"This is amazing!" Warriors laughed, thumping his hand across Twilight's back. "You want to fight everyone's battles!"

"Twilight is a very empathetic person," Sky continued. "He has a tendency to... overreact when it comes to those he feels has been wrong."

"I'm also old enough to understand where not to stick my nose in," Twilight said, his voice muffled through his arms. "I'm not going to get involved, so you can stop teasing me about it."

"Yeah, but you're still thinking about it."

That Twilight couldn't deny. But there was nothing he could do. The kid didn't ask for help, and if Twilight tried to needle his way in, he'll come off like as a pushy, overbearing jackass. It was for everyone's best interests to back the fuck off.

Warriors slapped him on the arm. "Well, here's your chance to be the Hero, big guy. Your protégé is coming."

"My what-?"

He lifted his head and looked, and the person delivering their food was none other the scarred young man. He held up the tray like the waiters at Hyrule Castle. All he needed was a fancy blue uniform and he was set. Though the coffee shop was immensely crowded, he strode through the endless bodies with ease, getting to their table without jostling not a single drink on the tray. He set it down and began passing out the meals.

His name tag said Wild.

"Chicken Panini with sugar-free lemonade," said Wild, passing the food over to Sky.

"Minestrone soup with a large coke." He passed the next plate over to Warriors.

Twilight waited, expecting a knowing look from their previous interaction. But the kid kept his professional demeanor and passed the plate over without acknowledging it.

"One éclair with green tea," Wild said finally. "Is there anything else I can get you fellas?"

"No, this looks great, thanks."

"Oh! And before I forget..." He reached into the pocket of his apron. He pulled out a small jar about the size of his thumb and placed it in the middle of their table. "Courser Bee honey."

Everyone at the table sat up straight. Courser bee honey was insanely delicious and extremely hard to get. Due to the bees' intense aggressive behavior, it was rare to find any local who took the time to harvest their honey. It was reported ten people were killed jus last year from Courser Bee swarms. A jar this size probably was worth twenty or thirty rupees.

"We didn't order this," said Sky. This admission earned him a glare from Warriors.

"It's on the house," said Wild. "It's not every day I get Heroes in my place of work. Enjoy!"

The group waited till he walked away before talking again.

"So he knows we're Heroes," said Warriors. "Sweet, I wonder if we can free stuff like this in the future."

"Don't take advantage," Twilight lightly chastise. "Besides, Time will have our heads if he knew we were using our status for profit."

The group took a bite of their food. There was a short pause, and all three of them groaned out in pleasure.

Sky shook his head. "Never mind that. If using our status means eating like this every day, so be it. Oh my goddess...."

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