Short Stories

由 NitNat1614

37 2 4

I find random writing prompts on different social media's. Some will be long, some will be short, and some wi... 更多

Supernatural school (not the tv show)
Quarantine and Writer's Block
Who is married to Who?
Something new

Lost my wallet

6 0 0
由 NitNat1614

One day, you lose your wallet, and it is found by a mob boss, who figures out that you aren't in such a good place financially, and takes pity on you. So they start anonymously sending cash, clothes, and furniture to you in the mail, eventually, the mob boss sends you a letter to stating that they bought you a house, and it lists an address. What do you do?
(WARNING I know nothing about any language besides English and a little bit of French.)

It's a cold night and I am walking on the streets alone. Most of the shops are still open but other than that there are no more lights. Did I mention it was night time? Yeah I am not having a great time right now. I am leaving my work at 2:30 am and I have no car because it froze up. It is now in the shop. I swear to God if anything else breaks I am gonna go broke from all of this money I am spending. I give out a sigh. Oh! I have never introduced myself. My name is Rune Smith, kind of weird and common name. Rune is a weird name, also seems like a porn artists name or a stripper name. Disgusting, I know. Smith is the most common name you could think of. Sorry, I'm getting off topic.
I currently am working at a bar. I need the money because I am very poor. I was kicked out of my house when I turned 18. Apparently paying for child support and getting benefits from it were the only thing my parents wanted from me. Or more like my mother. I am currently staying in a crappy motel. This is the only thing that is keeping off of the streets and my monthly pay can only get me so far. I walk up to the motel and wave to Jerry, who works the front desk, as I walk to my room. I pulled out my key when Mary Fernadez, the lady who owns the place, ran up to me with a manilla envelope.
"Oh, Mrs. Fernadez! How are you and why are you running?" I question, because the only time I have seen her run for anything is when she had to kick out a bunch of delinquents. I don't know what is happening to this place or the people that are here. I have given up on them.
Mary starts talking in Spanish and trying to cut her off so I could tell her to talk in English, which I finally do.
"Wow. Mrs. Fernadez, please speak in English. I can't understand you, like at all." I say with a little chuckle.
"Sorry mi hijo. But a package came into my office with your name on it. I have never seen a package from you at all." Mary says.
"That's strange. I have never given my address to anyone. Here let me see it." I said while putting out my hand asking for the folder. She gave it to me and I decided to open it right there and then. Once I opened it I looked inside. I had a shocked expression and took out the money that was in the folder. I look at Mary with the same expression and she has the same look that I have.
"Holy crap. Oh my god. What the fuck?" I go on ranting with cuss words and my voice slowly raising. Mary is trying to calm me down while I just start to back up into my room. 'Where did this come from? Who sent it? How did they know I was?' I started to think and started to have a panic attack.
After a few hours, I finally calmed down and asked Mary to go back to her room and get some sleep, since it is almost 6 in the morning. I set an alarm to set off in a couple of hours and lay on my bed to sleep.
Then a few hours went by and the alarm went off. I got up after 20 minutes, because I am a lazy and tired human, and I went to get ready for college and my job. I packed my bag for school and put my work clothes in the bag. I grabbed my keys and some of the money, I lost my wallet a week ago. I walk out the door, lock the door as well, and leave for school. I walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus. I see someone walking towards me. This guy is someone I normally see around my work. I don't know if he works there or not but he is always talking to the guy who is the messenger of our actual boss. No one has actually met him, he mostly keeps to the shadows.
The bus finally comes. I step onto the bus and hand the driver some money while I take a seat. The guy from earlier gets on and sits a couple of seats behind me and in a diagonal direction. I put my earbuds in and looked out the window. It is a forty minute drive in a normal car but with a bus and the stops it usually takes fifty minutes to an hour (I don't know how bus' work). The bus stops at my college, Lakeside Academy. Even though the school is on a mountain that towers over a forest. Which has a lake in the middle of it.
I walk off the bus when I arrive at school. When I got off the guy following me got off as well. I have no idea who he is or what he wants, but he looks too old to go to this college, specifically this college. I'm not saying he can't get an education here, it's just this is the only college in about 20 miles from the town. So when highschool ends many people leave Westwend. So, the college is starting to get harder and harder to get into. Also, who named these places. Honestly I have given up on this town. As I am walking, I turn around and see the guy turn left into the bathroom. Thank god that guy didn't follow me all the way to class. Before I am able to turn around I bumped into some.
"Sorry." I say while looking up. At that moment you can see my skin pale a bit. Want to know why? It's because the guy I bumped into is rumored to have ties to the mafia. His name is Jayce Conti. He has a Neat Quiff haircut, really muscular body, sea green eyes,is 6 '1'', has an accent, and he is really nice. Even if he does have a rumor going around that he has ties to the mob. The reason why he has an accent is that he is originally from Italy. He only arrived a few years ago. He is very intimidating to me because he is a tall muscular man and I am just an average highed male and also is skinny enough to be a twig. In all honesty, I need to eat more but that is besides the point.
"-llo? Dude are you ok?" Jayce asked while waving a hand in front of my face. I get startled by this and I seemed to have jumped a little.
"Uh yeah. Sorry again." I say and walk to my next class. I love my classes, but I don't like how close my end of the day is to when my shift starts. But anyway, I go into class, take my seat, and chat up some of my friends. I have a very diverse group of friends. It's a mix of jocks, higher, lower, and middle class, artists, gamers, nerds, cheerleaders, you name it, they are probably my friends. I have known these guys since grade school. I owe them my life one way or another and over petty things too. For instance, one of them got me my boyfriend. Yes, I am gay. Deal with it. But I don't think we will be dating for very long, we kind of have been drifting apart.
Hours later and school has ended and I am on the fastest bus route that is close to my job. I paid for my ticket and got a seat closest to the doors as possible. I could still see the guy that was following me around earlier, but he is just in a different outfit. He is sitting right across from me and I am just staring at him. I do this to tell people to buzz off, it works most of the time.
All of a sudden it was my stop and I hurried off the bus as fast as I could to clock in and get dressed. I love my job and the people in my job. They are so nice and could automatically tell if something is off. My favorite person is Rose, who is basically HR. But instead of complaining about work and the boss, who no one knows who he is, you complain about life. My job is really fun. I get to see how different people act if they take or mix different drinks. I'm one of the bartenders at this fine establishment. I'm not the main bartender but apparently the customers like me more than Zach. Zach is the main guy that handles the bar. He also trains the new guy.
I get behind the bar and I am greeted by some of the regulars. I start cleaning the glasses and putting them away. I just realized that the money was dropped off at my house. I have never told anyone about my address, only the guy who hired me and his boss knows where the heck I live. A couple of hours pass and a few more drinks served. I get ready to leave and I'm changing in the back room. All of a sudden Zach walks in.
"Here. This was left for you by a guy." Zach says while throwing me another envelope. I look at him questioning. I open up the envelope and see more money. Is this guy serious? There could be almost $15,000. Then I get keys thrown at me. I look up and see Zach walking away while shrugging his shoulders.
"Are you fucking kidding me? Why did you throw these at me? They aren't mine!" I yell as he starts walking faster. I examine the envelope and keys. The envelope doesn't have a return address, so he must have dropped it off here and at my house. Also there is a note in the envelope. But I'm gonna look at that later. Then the keys are ones to a Ferrari. It is probably very expensive. I finish getting dressed and put the money in my bag. I leave the bar and automatically see a Ferrari in front of the building. I click the button and the car unlocks. 'This guy just loves to spoil people.' I thought. I get in the car after the doors open.
After I closed the doors I started to drive. It is very uncomfortable to drive so low to the ground. I got home in no time. I park in my normal spot and get out of the car. I grab my bag from the back and head into my apartment. I get inside and put my bag down. I contemplate cooking or not. Which I don't even know if I should. All of a sudden I get a call. I look over at my phone and see that its a number saved into my contacts. The person is... oh god no. How the fuck did I get Jayce's number?! I have a mental freak out as I pick up the phone.
"H-hello?" I stuttered. Fucking shit, I forgot about the stutter I get when I am super nervous. I hate it.
"Hey Rune! Sorry to scare you like that. I know you must be wondering why my number is on your phone." Is he fucking psychic? "Well I'm not psychic at all. But the reason you have my phone number and I have yours is I need your help with something." he said in a serious tone at the end.
"That still doesn't answer my question, but what is it?" I mumble the first part.
"Well you have to be absolutely sure you want to do this. Because if you say yes there is no going back." Jayce says. I'm kinda frightened by this. His voice gets way too serious sometimes. I mean I've never known him that much and I should be freaking out that he has my number and I have his. But I am not going to go into it.
"Yeah I'm sure, just tell me what this is for." I say.
"Ok. I'll get someone to come and get you to talk about this. It is going to be something we need to talk about in person." He said then hung up.
"Well goodbye to you too sunshine." I say sarcastically while putting my phone down. I got a small bag of chips. As I am throwing away my trash and counting the money that I have, I hear a knock at my door. The money gets put in the safe while I grab my phone. I open the door to see Zach. I am shocked to find Zach at my door. So, I started to question him but he pulled me out the door and made me get into a limo.
"Ok. What the ever loving fuck is happening?" I ask Zach.
"You have accepted a job from the Iceman. All you could do now is wait instructions and backstory on why you need to do what you need to do." Zach said.
"Doesn't answer anything, but whatever. I'm not going to question it." I say while looking out the window. All of a sudden a roll of mint hit me in the face. I made a shocked noise and Zach snorted so he didn't laugh out loud. I pick up the mints and put one of them in.
"So, who is this Iceman guy anyway?" I ask Zach.
"Are you serious? He is the son of the Italian mafia's boss. If he asks you to do something, you have to do it. The reason why he is called the Iceman is he is heartless and cold to his enemies. He also will put you in the freezer before you die and then send you to another freezer for the police to find you. But he is calm, collected, and nice to his allies. I have no idea what he wants with you though. For this job I mean." Zach ranted on and when he stopped, so did the car. I guess that means we got to our location. I go to open the door but Zach puts his arm in front of me. That is signalling me to let the driver open the door for me. God I hate special treatment.
The driver opens the door for me and I get out. I stand there admiring the building in front of me. It is a beautiful mansion with guards at all of the entrances. It has a wonderful selection of flowers in the front but they look like they need to be trimmed. It has wonderful architecture, it looks to be a mix of Greek and Italian origin. As I am admiring the building, I feel an arm around my shoulders and I look to my right and see Zach.
"Amazing right?" Zach asks. A nod was my answer. "Everyone gets this way when they see the team house."
"Team house?" I ask. He nods as he guides me to the front door. The guards open the door for him and lets him through, but they block me off once I reach the door. Zach lets them know that I am here to see Jayce. When we get inside I am directed to Jayce's study, or what I assume is his. Zach is still here, I guess at least one of these guys has to be with me at all times to make sure I don't kill Jayce. I go over to one of the two chairs that is facing the big chair behind the desk. It takes thirty minutes for Jayce to come into the room.
"Sorry for the wait. Hello Rune," I gave him a wave and a small 'hey' back, "so the reason I asked you to help is that I need to go undercover and I need a partner. By partner, I mean in a relationship kind of way."
"Huh? So I have to act as your boyfriend or something?" I asked him.
"Exactly. I have gone undercover as a casino owner. This is because there is someone who is scamming our casinos and other families casinos. I need someone to act as my date so we can get twice the information as well." Jayce informed me.
"I get it. But to make Rune look authentic, we need to dress him in appropriate clothing of someone with a lot of money. I will ask Rose to get clothes for him. But I think it is appropriate for him to stay here with you to get to know you better." Zach ranted on, but he had a very good point. I need to look the part. I currently have an oversized zip-up, ragged shirt, trashed jeans, and old converse.
"Good idea Zach. I'll also get a guest room set up for you, Rune." I nod to show I am listening and agree with that. "And you should definitely get Rose to get the clothes. I'll also ask her to get a hair stylus and probably a makeup artist to get rid of the bags underneath his eyes." Jayce says while getting up. Zach told me to go to the garden and wait for someone to get him for dinner.
I head over to the garden and see that the flowers aren't as beautiful as they are in the front. I call someone over and ask them if they know where the gardening tools are. They tried to tell me I should let the gardeners do it themselves. But, I told him that 'there is too much space for just a small team to get to it all the time' also the gardeners aren't using the right fertilizer to grow the flowers. The person, who is probably a guard keeping an eye on me, got the gardening tools for me and I got to work.
It was around 4:00 when the guy, who I heard his name is Altaïr, came up to me telling me my room is ready. So, at this moment I decided to go and clean up. I asked the guy to show me my room. Altaïr shows a room on the far side of the second story. Altaïr leaves me alone and I opened my closet. I see clothes that are ones I would wear and others I wouldn't. I see a note at the bottom and it says that a butler will come up here and pick out my outfit. But that will be in a few minutes. I decide to go into the shower. I grab a towel and a pair of boxers. I turn on the hot water and wait for it to get hot but not scolding. I then strip in the safety of my own bathroom and hop in the shower.
After 30 minutes, I get out of the shower with my body and hair cleaned. I dry my hair a bit with the towel, then my body, and I put on the boxers. I walk out of the bathroom and see the outfit on the bed. I put it on and looked in the mirror. The outfit consists of a black dress shirt and black skinny jeans. But since I don't eat a lot, because I didn't have a lot of money, I never really gained any weight. But I do have some muscles. As soon as I finished drying and styling my hair, Altaïr finally came up and told me that dinner was ready. He shows me to the dining room and I see a bunch of people. They are probably part of this mafia family, so I try to back up to get out of this mess. But, instead of clear space behind me I feel a muscular chest. I freeze for a moment until I look up and see Jayce. He then put his hands on my arms to keep me in place.
"Hello sir." Altaïr says while giving a small bow. "Everything has been prepared for the meeting later. Also, everyone has been seated except for Mr. Smith."
"Thank you Altaïr, I can clearly see that and you can sit down now. I can take care of this." Altaïr responded with a nod and sat next to Zach, who is at one of the ends of the table. Jayce guides to a seat next to him near the head of the table. I look at him questioning and he quickly explains that since I'm going to be 'dating' him, I need to learn how to act. Sort of. I honestly don't get it. Soon, a guy with gray streaks in his black, slicked back hair, comes into the room and everyone bows their head to him. I look over to Jayce and he is also signaling for me to do the same. I bowed my head and then the guy who I am assuming is Jayce's father, said everyone could take a seat. I only sat down as soon as Jayce sat down. Before I even took a bite, Jayce's father started asking me questions about my life. I answer as honestly as I could.
The dinner runs by smoothly after that and the next thing I know, I am pulled into a room with ten times more people. I am told to stand behind Jayce as he sits next to his father and I am standing right behind him.
"Now son, it is impolite to let someone who you are dating, even if they are supposed to pretend for work, stand for a long time." His father stated, which that confrontation made Jayce blush. I tried to compress a laugh, but it turned into a giggle.
"Fine." Jayce said while getting up. He picks me up, bridal style may I add by the way, and sat down with me on his lap. Now it is my turn to blush. I put my face in the crook of his neck. Everyone chuckles at our little interaction. Jayce's father, from what I found out, is Martin ''Grim Reaper '' Conti. Mr. Conti, which is what I'm going to call him until otherwise because mama didn't raise no bitch, call the meeting to order.
The meeting was the plan on how to extract the information about who is scamming the casinos and who is taking the money. After the plan is mostly made out, I am told to head back to my room so they can discuss the other matters that need to be taken care of. I get up off of Jayce's lap and walk out to go up to my room. I get up to my room and automatically get out of the dress shirt and jeans. I just put on a baggy shirt that was in one of the drawers. I turn off the lights and lay down in bed. It only takes 40 minutes for someone to open my door. I sit up to see who it is and it is Jayce. Why is he here? I stare at him as he just stands at the door. I walk over to him.
"Jayce? What are you doing here? Are you ok?" I ask. Despite barely knowing him and then being thrown into this whole mess, I have always known I have had some sort of feelings for the giant man in front of me at the moment. I have always had a soft spot for the guys I like. After I asked the questions, Jayce guided me back to the bed and sat down before he made me sit. Let me specify, I was sitting on his lap facing him and his legs were between mine. I start blushing at this because this is an awkward pose for me.
Jayce puts his head on my chest in a tired and apologetic fashion. I look down at him and put a hand on his head. "Hey are you ok?" I didn't get a response at that time. "Jay? Did something happen during the meeting?" I asked him.
"I'm so sorry for putting you in this situation. If I had a different option I would have gone for it. I didn't want to bring you into this life. I could have asked a different person. But I didn't and now this will be all my fault if you get hurt." He ranted for a bit. I put my hands on the sides of his face and life his face up so he can look at me.
"What on earth are you saying? You asked me and I could have turned you down but I didn't. That is because of my love for you. I would run into a burning building to get you out. Hell I would even join the mafia to protect you." I say to him as he had tears in his eyes. I smile at him while wiping away the tears on his face.
"You love me?" He asks with a little bit of skepticism in his voice. I give him a small nod.
"Look at that great Iceman. Reduced to tears over a poor boy." I say with a small smile.
"Well not anymore. Thanks to my dad, you now have money to your name and you can leave that run down apartment." I look at him shocked. I then asked him if he planned this. He told me that Zach saw that I left my wallet at work and saw that I wasn't good financially. So, they sent me money and the car. They were going to send me furniture for my dingy apartment, but then they thought it would be easier to get me to stay here.
"Oh and before I forget to say this: I love you too." Jayce said with a small smile. "Also, I'm going to make sure you have enough food in you. I don't want you to be too skinny to where you are able to get cut easily."
"Oh haha. You are just jealous that you don't have a body like mine." I say with a smile. Then I got off of him and got under the covers. To which he also did the same then pulled me close to his chest. We both mumble goodnight to each other and fall asleep.
The next morning we start preparing for tonight. This is the night we start to find out the truth. I have to dress in this satin, royal blue, button up. Then for my pants I am wearing black slacks and black dress shoes. A lady came in and did my hair. Which meant cutting it by a couple of inches, then straightening it, and finally slicking half of the hair. Then the same lady put a little bit of concealer.
I go to the kitchen to get an apple, because I am done being 'beautified'. I get to the kitchen and see that Zach is down here with Altaïr, obviously flirting. I don't mind, as long as I don't see that when I go into a room. I walk right in between them and grab an apple. I turn around and see that Zach has a little bit of blush.
"Wow, I have never seen you blush before Zach." I said with a small smirk. Altaïr gives me a knowing look. All I do is waved him off. All of a sudden a lady about mid to late fifties walks in. Well she did have a little bit of a bounce in her step. When she sees Altaïr and Zach she waves, then she sees me and her face just lights up.
"Oh my goodness! You must be Rune! I have heard so much about you from Jayce. I should introduce myself, my name is Casmir Conti. But my nickname is Sweet Lips to our enemies. I am the main doctor in this family so if you have any injuries just come to me." the lady said energetically. From what I could understand, she is Jayce's mother and she is a doctor. Cool.
"Hello miss. It's nice to meet you." I say nervously.
"Oh you can just call me Cas for now." I looked at her with a face that basically said 'what?' and all I got back was a giggle from her.
The clock chimes five times. So, that means it is 5 o'clock. I guess it is show time. Cas grabbed my arm and dragged me to their garage, at least I think it is a garage. It's more like a man cave with cars. As I am being dragged I see Altaïr and Zach following us, if I remember correctly they are two of the few people who are at the entrances. Cas finally stops dragging me when we get to the limo, it looks like the limo that Zach picked me up in. This is going to be a long night. At least I don't have class on the weekend.
Jayce turns around from talking to the guy who is probably the driver. I wave at him and he smiles back coming to give me a hug.
"You look great." he whispers in my ear.
"You look better." I whisper back with a little bit of a chuckle.
"Ok love birds. We have a job to do. Now remember, you two are going in with almost no back up. I will be in the surveillance van with Altaïr. We will have eyes, but we won't have any ears unless one of you wears these glasses or this belt," Zach holds up a pair of glasses and a belt," but I rather you don't use the belt. I don't want to see what is going on under the table."
I get handed the glasses because Zach says it fits with my look. Jayce and I get in the limo and Zach and Altaïr get in the van to follow us. Well they will follow us until we get to the casino, then they will go into an ally.
Once the car has started, the mission has started.

Word count: 5165

(A/N): Sorry I haven't been posting often. I have been working on this. If there is any misspelled words or you want to see more of this then just comment. I am going to be making a part 2 but idk when. Also send me writing prompts if you have an idea. Thank you! Have a good day/night.


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