
By Kameo1024

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Loki wasn't always evil. Ten years before he tried to take over the Earth, things were going better than they... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Fourteen

1.7K 59 16
By Kameo1024

        A month had gone by. How? I don't really know. Most of it had been spent moping around my bedroom. There'd been a lot of tears, and a lot of days when I didn't have a clue what I'd do. I ignored my lessons with Frigga and those with Sif. In fact, I'd only just started working on magic again the day before. She'd been happy to see that I was feeling better. In reality, I think I was doing worse.

        Lilja hadn't talked to me since. I'd lost her as a friend and as a partner in crime. She'd even gone out of her way to ask for someone else to be my servant. I dismissed them, claiming I'd rather be alone. Nothing was getting any better. Asgard was starting to feel more and more like a prison. There was no escaping, no hope in sight. All I wanted to do was get my problems off my chest, but instead, I'd held them in, letting them grow inside myself.

        Tensions had risen between the Nine Realms. Whatever peace the Warriors Three, Thor, and Sif were supposed to be creating, evidently wasn't working. They'd barely been around, sometimes traveling for weeks at a time. The whole palace felt off. This wasn't something that happened frequently, and I was pretty sure it was worrying some of the nobles. God forbid their perfect lives be interrupted by war and chaos.

        Rumors have started circling around, hushed whispers being the only thing you can hear while roaming the halls. People speak of the Dark Elves, a race thought to be extinct haven risen once more. I don't know what to think about it. I haven't been around for centuries to learn all the history between those of Svartalfheim and those of Asgard. What I did know was that I was desperate to fight.

        I needed something to prove my worth, to show that I wasn't here to be some trophy. Sif had trained me in combat, and I was pretty sure I could hold my own if need be. But, no one let me into the meetings for the warriors. I was told that they wouldn't let a child fight for the realm. So, I'd retired back to my bedroom, wallowing in my own self-pity. It certainly wasn't the best thing I've ever done, but I couldn't seem to get myself to do much else.

        It was during one of these moments, with myself wrapped in so many blankets, I might suffocate that a giant crash resounded through the castle. The entire palace was shaking. My black dress swirled around me as I scampered out of bed. Though fashion had absolutely nothing to do with my safety, it pleased me knowing that I'd been able to complete the ensemble with matching emerald leggings and a sash for a belt. But, back to the whole possible destruction of Asgard.

        Adrenaline was pumping through my veins. Not shocking considering there was the possibility of tons of gold collapsing upon me. I ran into the hallway, knowing exactly where to go in a situation such as this. To Frigga. She'd know what was going on, and I knew that if we were really in danger, that she'd have a way to keep us safe.

        My feet ached — barely walking for a month sort of did that to you — as I barreled right into a woman. I looked up from where I'd fallen onto the floor.

        "Frigga?" I asked, staring up at the person I'd been looking for.

        She gave me her hand, pulling me to my feet. "Winter, perfect. I was just coming to get you."

        We headed toward her chambers, the place I had been going to initially. She hadn't let go of my hand, leading me through the crowds of Asgardians who'd decided the best place to stand was in the halls. Everyone was in a state of panic, yet Frigga managed to stay calm and collected. She truly was admirable. I, for one, knew that I was still freaking out because I was oblivious to the situation at hand.

        "What's going on? What was that noise?" My questions were rushed as she dragged me along.

        "The Dark Elves."

        "They're here?"

        In a matter of moments, we'd reached her room, but she didn't answer until we were safe inside. "One ship landed just minutes ago. I have no idea who was on it, or what their purpose was, but that ship is from Svartalfheim."

        "Not much of a landing if you ask me."

        As I stood on the balcony, I could see smoke rising from a spot of the palace where a ship had smashed into it. Its color was similar to that of silver, and from what I could see, it was definitely large enough to carry more than one person. Had they brought an entire army? That wouldn't make much sense considering the Einherjar were much more significant than any force they could have brought. And that wasn't even counting all of the warriors who were off-world. Or the villagers from the surrounding area that would pledge their lives for their king.

        I could hear the sounds of fighting getting closer to us. Metal on metal, bodies thumping to the ground. We could only hope that those dying were not our own men. Footsteps were in the hall, then on the steps, and then right outside the door.

        Frigga stood behind the pool of water before us. "Hide," she whispered. "Don't let them see you."

        Cloaking myself, I pressed my back up against one of the pillars in case they could see through magic. Like I'd said, I didn't know much about these Dark Elves. I watched as a singular man entered the room. His hair was long and white, a cape flowing from his crudely shaped armor. Without so much as a care in the world, he slowly walked over to Frigga.

        "Stand down, creature. You may still survive this." She's pulled out a shortsword, prepared to fight.

        His voice was deep and surprisingly clear. I'd have expected it to be more hoarse, considering he looked much older. "I have survived worse, woman."

        "Who are you?"

        They were almost touching. Why hadn't she attacked him yet? "I am Malekith, and I have come to warn the All-Father of the war brewing."

        Frigga whipped her sword upward, hitting the elf in the face. I pumped my first, muttering a quick 'yes!' in excitement. He quickly drew out his own blade, curved, and just as dangerous. I noticed that every time their swords met, Frigga's would flash a light blue. It was beautiful, but I couldn't figure out if it was due to a difference in the metals, or if she was using some sort of magic.

        She pushed him back, closer to the balcony, and when he attempted to swipe at her again, she ducked. Spinning, she blocked his attack before launching into her own against him. The sword swished through the air, threatening to knock the evil man off of his feet. She moved with such grace, almost landing a blow to the head, but he'd stepped out of the way. He didn't have enough time, however, to see the fist coming for his face.

        He lost his balance, only for a moment, but it was enough to give her the upper hand once more. She went for his neck, but it seemed Malekith was beginning to see her pattern, and as expected, ducked once more, avoiding another hit. But then, she managed to get her blade against his throat and held him down on one of the columns across from where I was standing.

        Then I spotted a much larger figure coming toward her. "Frigga, look out!" My cloaking faded as I ran out of my hiding spot.

        The creature twisted her arm, drawing her weapon away from Malekith before choking her. I'd seen him before, the horned mask covering his head ringing a bell. He'd been in the dungeons, that was where I remembered him from. How did he escape?

        Malekith began walking toward me. "I would not move if I were you, child. It would be a shame if any harm were to come to her."

        My breathing was ragged. I couldn't just let them hold Frigga hostage. And so, making possibly the stupidest decision in my life, I took a deep breath and quickly pulled out a dagger I kept hidden on my leg. Within a second, I'd sent it flying straight for the creature's eye and slammed Malekith into a wall with my telekinesis. It was just enough to give her the ability to get out of his grasp.

        This was precisely what I'd wanted to be doing. Proving myself in a battle. Here it was, my dream coming true. I watched the dagger fly back into my hand and prepared to make use of all my training. Malekith came at me with his sword, but I quickly ducked past him, turning around and trying to nail him in the back. He realized what I was doing, though, and promptly brought his blade up to block mine. I noticed Frigga keeping the creature under control out of the corner of my eye. We might just be able to do this.

        I slid onto the floor, kicking out one of my legs to trip the elf. He toppled over, and I stood, feeling triumphant before rough hands grabbed me. A sword was pressed to my throat, and I did my best to stay still. The weapon was still squeezed tighter against my neck.

        Malekith stood up, smiling. "It appears as though my Kursed has captured you. I admit it will be much more fun taking the life of a child."

        "Stop!" Frigga begged. "What is it you wish?"

        "Bring me to Odin, and perhaps her life shall be spared."

        She dropped her weapon on the floor. "I will take you to him, but you must let the girl go first. Can you agree to these terms?"

        He nodded before ordering the Kursed to release his hold on me. Frigga began to lead them out of the room, but before they'd made it more than five steps, she turned ready to attack both of them. Malekith had been preparing for this. His creature stabbed his sword into the Queen, straight through the stomach. When he removed the blade from her abdomen, she collapsed onto the floor.

        I rushed over to her, screaming. Both Malekith and the Kursed ran to the balcony and leaped off. I hoped they died from the fall, but somehow I knew they'd planned the whole thing. Frigga was bleeding so much, and there was nothing I could do about it.

        Frantically, I started rambling. There had to be a way to stop this. "Can I call for a healer, or—"

        "Winter, there's no time. Tell Loki I love him, even after what he said the last time we met." She sputtered, coughing up blood. "And, promise me that no matter what, you never stop being like your father."

        She knew who my father was? Did she know who my mother was? Did they have something to do with me being brought to Asgard? Tears were pouring down my face as I said, "I promise."

        I watched her take her last breaths. The woman who'd taken me under her wing and treated me like her daughter had died before me. No, no, no. This couldn't be happening. I brushed back the hair of the woman who'd loved me, wishing that her eyes would gleam once more, that she'd start talking again. But none of that happened, she just lay there, lifeless.

        The doors swung open, revealing Thor. He took one look at the scene before him before yelling for the guards. Pushing me aside, he knelt down beside his mother. I'd never seen Thor so heartbroken before. His tears rolled off his cheeks onto the cold metal floor beneath him. Then the guards entered alongside Odin, and I watched him change from sorrowful to hateful. He'd be wanting revenge.

        Even the All-Father's facade faded, revealing his broken interior. "What happened?" His voice was soft, nothing compared to his usual bellowing.

        I tried to explain. "It was the Dark Elves. Malekith and a creature he called the Kursed, they—"



        "The only ones I see in this room are you and my wife. You are the only one here, and so you must be the one who killed her."

        "You think I'm the one who did this?" I scoffed in disbelief. "They jumped off the balcony, they almost slit my throat. What more proof than the ship stuck in the castle, do you need?"

        "Silence!" There was the Odin I knew. Loud and utterly ignorant to the world around him. "Guards. Take this traitor to the dungeon."

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