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By TheRealAlucard

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The truth of my past

8.8K 97 50
By TheRealAlucard

Kyoto, Japan

Inside a shrine, sat Johnny Gat, Viola Dewynter and Raynare. They were sitting with a youkai with nine tails and a woman with long black hair that reached to her ass and was wearing a black kimono.

Viola: we thank you for giving us your time, we just want to talk.

Amaterasu: and what about?

Johnny: look Lady, some shits about to go down and we figured you want in.

Yasaka: how dare you speak to Lady Amaterasu like that.

They then heard a sigh, followed by Johnny getting smacked upside the head from Raynare.

Raynare: ignore him, he's an idiot.

Johnny: hit me again and I'll send your ass back to hell.

Viola: enough.

The duo glared at each other before looking away, making Viola sigh.

Viola: Listen, we know about the youkai massacre that happened ten years ago. Now since you lost control, the devils have taken over Japan and half of Asia correct?

Amaterasu nodded.

Amaterasu: yes but I told them it was best for them. They have giving me reports about everything and it all looks okay.

Johnny chuckled, making Yasaka glare at him.

Amaterasu: what's so funny?

Johnny: the fact that you believe Japan is safe still. Lady, you got stray devils roaming around, a dumbass running Kuoh and fights everyday here. They are lying to you.

Amaterasu: I don't believe you.

Johnny: you don't have to believe me. I'm just telling the truth. Why is it that you were NOT informed when Kokabiel attacked Kuoh? A city that belongs in YOUR country. Or the fact that people are suddenly disappearing from strays? Or better yet, why the fucking church was wandering around without no one knowing?

Raynare flinched after hearing about the church, remembering her death from Rias. Meanwhile, the goddess and Yasaka were silent, what Johnny Said was indeed true. She had to hunt down the devils just for answers for Kokabiel since they ignored her. And humans disappeared more lately due to strays. They both could care less for the human race but if the humans found the existence of strays and lived to tell about it, it would expose the supernatural to the world.

Amaterasu: I'll make a deal with you. When the faction meeting starts, and what you are saying is the truth, I'll join you on your little world domination. But know this, if you are wrong, I'll kill you myself.

The trio stood up and nodded, leaving the shrine as the goddess and nine tailed fox left the area via teleportation.

Raynare: What should we tell the boss?

Johnny: simple. She's in.


Rodin was behind his bar, drying glasses while Bayonetta and Jeanne talked to Enzo. He then sighed as he felt an energy behind him.

Rodin: I see huh. You're awake. Bout time.

Serafall Leviathan sat at the bar. Her eyes were devoid of life and hollow. Rodin took a glass and poured her a shot of vodka, sliding it to the ex maou who drank it easily.

Rodin: you wanna talk about it?

Serafall didn't answer and just remained silent. The door outside opened, revealing Koneko who was wearing a black sweater and blue jeans.

Rodin: sup shrimp.

Koneko: Hey baldy.

Rodin growled at the little girl while Bayonetta giggled.

Bayonetta: my oh my, surely you aren't gonna get worked up by a little girl are you Rodin?

Rodin: whatever. What you want?

Koneko sat at the bar, giving a nod to Serafall before looking at Rodin. 

Koneko: I need passwords to the central mainframe.

Rodin raised an eyebrow in curiosity before taking out his cigar and dabbed out the ashes.

Rodin: and what's in it for me?

Koneko growled before taking off her backpack and setting it down on the bar. Rodin zipped it open and saw thousands of dollars inside. He nodded before putting the backpack behind the bar and reached into his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper and slid it to her.

Rodin: passwords switch every six hours. You want in? Go now. You got an hour before it switches.

Koneko nodded before getting up. Ready to walk out until Serafall grabbed her shoulder.

Serafall: Sona... is she okay?

Koneko felt guilty inside her heart before speaking.

Koneko: Yes... she's fine.. and alive still in Kuoh.

A few seconds passed before Serafall let go, allowing Koneko to leave the bar and head to the Gremory Estate. She had a job to do.

A few minutes later

Koneko snuck up to the open window outside the first floor, her hood was over her head and she had a black mask covering her mouth and nose. She couldn't walk around the mansion and openly look for Sirzechs computer, that would cause to much suspicion and force her to tell the others what she was doing.

Slowly, she opened the window and stepped inside, the smell of cooked food and lavender wafted through the air as she entered a small office. She opened the door leading out into the hallway, peeking out and seeing only two guards outside.

Slowly, she stalked towards them and elbowed the first one in the back of the head, knocking him out cold. Before the other could react, he to was knocked out. She crouched and continued forward, checking her watch and seeing she only had 40 minutes left before the mainframe switched the password.

She kept walking, avoiding any guards as possible and hiding the bodies of the unconscious ones she had to knock out. If she had to guess, Sirzechs and Zeoticus held the records in the basement, an area not even Venelana and Grayfia were allowed to go to.

She turned a corner, seeing the elevator that headed into the basement with only guard near it holding a large machine gun. She could feel the demonic energy radiating off the gun, strong enough to kill her easily. Sighing, she ran up to the guard and put all her strength into her fist and punched him hard, staggering the man as he held her destroyed nose.

Guard: what the? Who are you!?

Koneko didn't reply and instead jumped off the elevator and elbowed him in the soft spot on his head, knocking him out. She called the elevator, waiting for a few seconds before the doors opened. She pushed the body inside and walked into it, pressing the lower level and went downstairs.

She waited patiently before kicking the guard again and knocked him out. The doors opened, revealing a pitch black room with no lights and a long walkway. Swallowing her nervousness, she stepped out, the lights slowly came on and revealed multiple test tubes filled with green liquid.

Inside, they're were people, making Koneko gasp and cover her mouth in shock. A lot of them were girls inside, no older than 18 and had a breathing mask on. There were others that looked more like monsters than human. It made her sick to her stomach.

She steeled herself and walked to the seat in front of her and looked at the console. She pressed a key on the keyboard and the large screen illuminated the blue screen in front of her with large text that said "Password?"

She took out the piece of paper and looked at it before typing in "KRONOS"

The screen hummed before it changed to several files that read:

Weapons Research


War designs



Koneko: What the?

Koneko used the mouse and clicked on the finances tab, making the screen flip to a bunch of files and showed the devils dealing with other factions into the human realm. The more she read, the more Koneko's eyes widened in shock and fear.

The devils and Fallen Angels has their hands in everything. Dirty police, Judges, Corrupt officials, aiding terrorists factions such as Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. They lent guns to the nigerian and Liberian pirates, owned the pornography industry, and helped the Italian Mafia, Yakuza, Triad and Russian Mafia with racketeering, sex trafficking, weapons trafficking and human slave trafficking.

Koneko couldn't take it anymore and clicked out the file, leading back to the screen before. She hesitatingly clicked on factions, and what showed made her scared. 

Play Kronos Unveiled from the Incredibles movie.

The first was an image of the old devil known as Cleria Belial with the caption saying "DEAD". The screen the flicked to A woman with shoulder length blonde hair wearing green robes. Her name was Maria and died in 1273 by the devils and angels due to having an affair with a fallen.

The screen then flicked to a dark skinned woman with black hair and generous figure. Her name was Wanda, wife to the marine known as "AL" her file read. "Toyed, dead". Before she could react, a video began to play beside her file, showing Zeoticus and Sirzechs naked and violating Wanda. The poor woman was crying, begging to stop and called for her husband to save her. After the men finished inside her, Zeoticus snapped her neck and left her abused body for the police to find.

The screen the flicked to a boy with black hair and blue eyes, he was wearing a blue sweater and brown pants. His name was Percy. He too was murdered by the Greek factions and the devils.

Another went by with the names Eren Yeager, Erwin Smith, Reiner Braun, Bertholt Hoover, Armin Arlet, Historia Weiss, and Ymir Fritz. They were devils belonging to the 72 pillars and served into the 104th division of Satan's army. However, they all disappeared after a battle during the angels and devils. Historia however, wasn't so lucky. She had the same fate as Wanda but with many men from the devils, angels and fallen angels.

The screen flicked again to reveal more historical sides of things. The assassinstion Of John F.Kennedy was done by a devil. The crusades costed thousands of lives that were not saved by the church. The Nazi regime was being funded by the devils and fallen during World War 2. The angels almost destroyed the earth during the cuban missile crisis. The Greek factions killing Percy and Annabeth after serving their purpose.

The Charlie Manson Murders, Vlad the impalers death, the Mafia, the world wars, poverty, the war in the Middle East, the death and eradication of the Assassin Order, the portal from Hell to Mars, The Angels invading Los Angeles (The Movie Legion), the Newt County disappearances in Texas, the Haddonfield Massacre, the Crystal Lake bloodbath, the Spanish flu from the angels, the SARS outbreak.

It all happened from the factions.

Koneko didn't realize she was crying, all those people, dead from the factions. She immediately typed in the Youkai incident, popping up a video and seeing the youkai and nekoshou surrendering and offer to go peacefully, a stark contrast from what Rias told her. Her eyes then went wide as the devil decapitated the nekoshou. The army's invaded and wiped out the villages. The nekoshou were raped, tortured and killed all while the video ended with Sirzechs and Zeoticus grinning.

She punched the console as hard as she could, shattering it completely before the alarm went off. The lights flicked on and spells began to rain down at her. She quickly got into her teleportation circle and left the area with a new found rage for her "master."

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