The Masquerade {DarkHarry}

Per 66Anime66

8.2K 341 22

Harry Potter eventually realises how fucked up his life is, and how weirdly coincidental it is that he's almo... Més



1.1K 56 18
Per 66Anime66



For the next 20 minutes i read the potions text for this year, to familiarise myself with it. Its 7am by the time i decide to head down to breakfast (have to keep up appearances). Through the winding passages and down the myriad of stairs, i eventually walk through the large entrance into the hall.
What a surprise, the other Gryffs' are none existent at this time. Around half of the Slytherins and Ravenclaws are already here, (Gryffindor table is completely empty) and about a quarter of the Hufflepuffs are just making their way in.
Draco and his group are seated at the table, and Blaise locks eyes with me and with a short nod of affirmation i sit. He must've told the others what i said last night (morning). Good.

Pouring myself a large cup of strong black coffee, i gulp it down leaving half them pick up some crumpets and eat them while i think over the time table today..: I have DADA this morning then a free period before break, potions, lunch then CoMC and finally another potions lesson. I keep my head down for the next ten minutes, the lions slowly making their way into the great-hall, the lovely silence now replaced with loud chatter coming from the table i'm on. Hermione Granger comes in taking profusely with Weasel in tow, drool still hanging a little from his mouth. Disgusting. And as they come nearer Grangers' rant comes to a halt once she sees me,
"Harry! Where *have* you been?! Ron said you weren't there when he woke up! Why would you make us worry so much!? Its really inconsiderate!...." She goes on and on and on, me nodding at times with a half-guilty half-repent expression. She eventually gives up and starts her breakfast.
"Sorry 'Mione," flashing her a guilty grin, "i-i woke up earlier because of, uhh, because of the nightmares." I say lowering my voice then looking down a little as though i'm ashamed, it works since she just coo's and 'reassures' me that i didn't do anything wrong and that she was just worried.
At this it was near impossible to hold in the scoff.

After getting rid of them both by saying i forgot my Defence book i make my slow way to the courtyard (known place where the Slytherins hang out, like the Gryffindor hang out at...well except the Quidditch pitch its just the hallways.) the large willow tree is currently being sat on by a group of Slytherins a year younger and the leaves of the tree give the area a green hue.
I spot Blaise in the other corner seated on the stone wall that separate the inside and out with the rest of the the group lounging around him and Draco. I make my way over to them, drawing heavy stares but knowing Slytherin (if Blaise has said anything) they'd keep it to just their house. Blaise looks over and the same look from last night shows again, curiousness and hesitance. Its only in his eyes though, his face is slated into a blank expression.
A steady grin makes its way onto my face, but widens at the even more hesitant look from Draco mixed with embarrassment. What a sight, a Gryffindor with a predatory grin, that practically rips his face open, is walking over to the know 'Silver Circle' of Slytherin with a confident stride that could rival the house of snakes themselves. That thought make a chuckle huff out of my mouth as i reach them,
"Keeping this close-net, Blaise?" the grin now plastered onto my face, a warning glint in my eyes to show how serious i am about this. A sharp nod is all i need to relax a little,
"Good." i say staring at him, "anything i should know?O Or be warned of?" The question earned an understanding look from him. Slytherin, whilst is the house of slyness and cunning can be a home of idiots in their own right.
"No, nothing." he says then feeling the tense mood relax, he makes a teasing-thinking expression, "Snape though..." he trails of with an arched eyebrow.
I huff out a laugh, "Oh trust me , i'll handle that soon."

They resume to quiet chatter talking about the lessons they have today, i feel mild headache start.

Once Nott spots the mournful expression i make at the mention of Ancient runes, he asks about it,
"I had to take divination to keep behind the 'golden-boy-idiot' persona," Dragging a hand to pince the bridge of my nose, pushing my glasses up, "It's the thing i regret most. All i get every lesson are warnings that i'm going to die soon, and that the 'symbol' of death hovers over me' its unbelievably tiring." This earns some speculative glances from the group before Draco speaks up from my left side,
"You wanted to pick Ancient runes?" At the question i humm in affirmation, he shrugs with one shoulder (barely a shrug) "You can borrow some of my textbooks that i'm finished with if you would like? Then you'd be learning something worth while."
At this offer a large grin shows on my face and i drop an arm around the blondes shoulders,
"Naww, thanks Draco, darling, that's so lovely of you!" a light twitch shows on his face through the mastered expressionless mask of an emotion i cant catch but this makes my smile grow anyway. After a couple seconds of silence with me staring at him, him staring forward fighting an embarrassed blush and the others int he group glancing a little anxiously at each other. Draco eventually breaths out a small sigh and an exasperated look glimmers in his eyes as he turns to stare at me back, obviously asking me to get the arm off his shoulder,
I may be a scary and sadistic bastard sometimes but my mood can change drastically in a matter of mere seconds. That's how you catch people off guard.

I turn back to the group, blanking Draco's annoyed stare,
"I have DADA first, see you lot later," then back to Draco, "See you in potions, *Dray*." with an amused smirk i make my way out of the Snake pit/clearing and through the hallways to Defence. I do wish i could take ancient runes...but if my plans are going to work then i'm just going to have to suffer in silence...well at least i can complain to the Slytherins.

I hear the Gryffindors before is see them as i round the corner, all talking in an overly loud manner. The Slytherins (Including the group i was with just this morning(they got here quick)). I fight the dismayed sneer off my face as Granger and Weasel turn to me, the bushy-brown-haired girl waving at me towards her.

Oh, i forgot to mention. Umbridge is teaching us. The pink toad of Hogwarts. While she looks harmlessly annoying, the scars on my hand say other-wise. After school ended in 4th year, i was shipped back off to the Dursleys...anyway. A surprise dementor attack happened and the urge to murder the mini fat whale Dudley increased a mega-ton when he decided to run straight up to the dementor blocking the way...I mean, are you fucking serious?! I didn't even think he was that stupid. *sigh*. Eventually, after the ministry attendance hearing came and dragging the tub of lard back to the house..Lets just say: Vernon Dursley was pissed.

I managed to get out of having my wand snapped with some sly words (Dumbles almost made it worse for me) and got brought to Sirius' home (grimmauld place). Now that is all caught up, i notice absently that we're entering the pink covered room.

Headache, here i come. I can just feel it coming.

[{Painful Migraine Warning}]

I was right. The migraine came slowly over the next thirty minutes. Her squeaky voice, the bland reading, and the never ending pink that wouldn't stop entering my vision just added to the headache. Now, even the classes' breathing and shuffling even hurt my ears. Fuck. This isn't stopping, the sound of her voice again almost brings tears to my eyes at the high sound.

Dammit, this really is getting worse. A cold sweat breaks across my skin, i take a deep breath. Just got to get through the next 28 minutes, i chant inwardly to myself. 23 minutes...20 minutes...

"-ter, Mr.Potter!!" I hiss silently at the shout, i leave my thoughts sharply at the shrill sound that feels like its right next to my ear. Turning my gaze up i wince at the lights glaring in my eyes. Her violently pink dress makes the contrast of light too much.

"What do you think you're doing not paying attention, Mr Potter?!" The screech practically rips my head open as i lean my forehead against my palm in pain.

"May i go to the infirmary?..." i mumble out, the pain shoots through my head again. Fuck. I look up again at the sudden silence of the class, my eyes feel so heavy; too heavy that i can barely make out the figure of the toad-like professor, a tiny stunned expression glitter on her face. The politeness or how shitty i look? I have no fucking clue, nor do i honestly care.

"Yes, yes Mr Potter. Best you do," She spits out in a little disgust, then out of my vision (that is still locked onto the desk in pure concentration) she looks at her favourite student, Draco Malfoy, "Mr Malfoy, take Mr Potter to the infirmary, make sure he goes *only* there will you?"

My heads pounding, it feels like blood is going to poor out of my ears, the smallest sound feels like a knife being drawn through my head, into my eyes. The strong fake concerned stares from the Gryffs and mostly Weasel and Granger aren't helping either. Leaning my head tightly into my arms on the desk i try and breath calmly again, its just making the hell-like migraine worse though.


A pair of footsteps beside my chair make me wince harshly, peering minutely out of my arms. The Slytherin blonde is staring at me blankly from his stood position, concern glinting in his eyes but none showing on his face. The infirmary, i see him say. Trying my best to block out the noise. He makes a motion for me to stand, so i sit up, the weight of my arms suddenly feeling like boulders. my head down and eyes clenched. The chair screeches back as i push out from the desk, Granger packing my belongings but not standing. *Probably Umbitches doing, heh*. A heavy pain-filled wince shows on my face at the sound of the chair and i push my self up. A huge dizzy wave washes over me as i take i step to the side of the desk, grabbing one hand on the desk to steady myself. The touch burning and millions of pins-and-needles spread up my arm. Shit. Its so painful. Taking a deep breath, that in turn is almost as bad as the migraine itself i try and step further. But the blood rushes to my head as the dizzy-spell returns , my legs collapsing on each other and my arms clinging onto Draco for support. I'm too fucked up to care right now.

"Arghh," i half groan half yelp at the pain of everything. Nononono don't pass out. Breathing in and out in measured huffs, i try and regain the balance i have left. For Merlin's sake, why did i jinx myself at the beginning of class, i whine in my thoughts.

Two hands grab my left arm and take me to the side of them, a light sound of shuffling makes the sharp winces return. Ouch...

The person steadies me a little and i rest my head on their shoulder, my face still scrunched in pain. They begin to walk down the isle of desks, my feet barely keeping up even at the slow pace, waves of pain and exhaustion wash through my bones.

"Oi Malfoy! Get off Harry!" The supposed idiotic ginger from the back shouts apparently coming out of the concern for me. The loud screech (oddly similar to the Weasley matriarchs) rips though the air in a pain-filled bolt, making my process of things freeze at the agony in my head and stumble at the sound. Being caught by Draco abruptly,

"Fuck, just. Be. Quiet." i whisper-hiss out turning my head slowly to the red-head, glaring as much as the migraine would let me before scrunching my eyes up again and pulling my heavy right arm up to push the hand against my eyes. Another tiny flush of cold-sweat attacks my neck. Pulling myself up i lean everything on the blonde beside me, him only stumbling minutely before regaining his composure and taking me the rest of the way to the door of the classroom. Before he leaves he whispers quietly to Umbridge, still making me wince again under my right hand that's trying to massage away the agony. Futile. Draco moves the arm he has a hold of and lifts it over his shoulder making my flinch at the pressure, then leaning fully back into the steady being. He then drags me out of the 'loud' classroom into the stone hallway.

I almost sigh at the quietness of the hall, instead just leaning my head back onto the shoulder. We make our slow way to the infirmary, me waiting in anticipation for the cool bed that i'll be made to lie in.

Arriving at the doors after the long walk, Draco pushes a singular -of the double- door and guides me inside.

"Oh! Hello dears, how can i help yo-" Madam Pomfrey starts and at the large flinch from my at the noise and the motion to be quiet from Draco she stayed silent. Thank Merlin. She leads Draco (and me) through the room. My eyes are still closed against Draco's shoulder in a sad attempt to get rid of the migraine. Sitting me on the bed, Draco still next to me, i here Pomfrey mutter a spell at the hushed whisper ,from the white-haired boy, of something along the lines of : 'Bad migraine'.

Suddenly everything is absolutely quiet, no sound of rustling fabric, no breathing, no heavy blood pumping in my ears. Yeah sure there is still the burning lights and chilling cold-sweats, oh and also the heavy limbs but everything hurts much less.

Sighing deeply (not being able to hear it), i lean -somehow- further into Draco, head pushing into his shoulder and whole body relaxing.

"^thanks^" i speak out...i think. this is pure heaven. Must be a type of silencing spell, amazing. Loosening my closed eyes i sit up a bit to stare at Draco with squinted eye-lids. He'd tapped me on the shoulder, amused-concern shows in his grey eyes but face still blank. He nods over to the pillow at the other end of the hospital bed. Talking the hint, i move my arm slowly from around his shoulder closing my eyes at the stinging friction and i shuffle lazily down the bed backwards, sending him an even lazier smirk. His ears heat up in a pink blush visible in my squinted eyes.

Chuckling (i assume, i cant hear anything and might be a cackling for all i know) at him i flop down back to lay down, breathing in sharply as my head hits the pillow. Shuffling out of my outer robe, tie and shoes i scuffle under the blanket in a sloth way. I sigh contently at the cold. So nice.

I must've said that out-loud because i feel a little shake from the bottom of the bed, looking up i see Draco there with a raised eyebrow. He mouths 'cooling charm' then tilts his head in question, i nod. Nothing can be too cold. A cool breeze makes the blanket feel none-existent as i relax further into the cold. Madam Pomfrey comes from around the curtain holding a tray with a myriad of glass bottles on it. She places it onto the side, then passes me a dark-blue vial of a potion, at my questioning gaze she rotates the vial showing the handwritten label 'nerve-relaxant'. She gently holds my chin and lifts it up, i open my mouth and she pours the potions down my throat. Swallowing quickly. Immediately, the potions affects start and all the friction that caused so much suffering before-hand is gone.

Pure bliss.

With the cool blanket up to my nose i peer up at the blonde still sitting on the end of the bed. I pout. While i feel much better, the situation definitely isn't ideal. I feel weak...

Draco looks back at me and raises he brow again, i gaze back and then point to my throat, "^Water^" not sure if the word came out right i just stare at him after, he understands and stands to get some for me. Hehe, how obedient.

Continua llegint

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