By KaiKogane04

447K 4.6K 3.6K

What would happen if class 1A and 1B and the pro heros got "kidnapped" and watch multiple versions of there s... More

The One Thing
Thank you and suggestions
Thomas Sanders Vines
Meme Reation
Deku and Dadzawa
A.N Please vote
A.N- We Have A Tie
Future Characters,Looks and quirks
Breaks,Questions and kids
A.N....HOW!!!!!...oh and pictures😁
Return and Attack
Pictures and Memes #2
pictures and memes #2 part 2
Baby Izuku
A.N and Thank you
Random Pictures(look at the bottom)
More pictures
Villain Deku Video's
Recap and Bakusquad hangout
Tiktok Deku
Bakugo hates subway
Shailo's Secret
Fem Deku (as Liza Koshy)
Please read
Memes #2, help and The End
About the next book
Shailo Shinso Art! (By me)

The Future

27.8K 305 226
By KaiKogane04

Multiverse Found...

The Future...

Shadow: "ooooo this is a good one"

Nexu: " What's this one about Mrs Wolf"

Shadow: "well remember when i said that there could be a Future one, that shows Mido's Future"

They all nodded. " So we get to see young Midoriya's future" All Might said curios on what there about to see. "YEP!!!!" Shadow yelled excitedly. A Lot of people could be heard saying stuff like, 'wonder what we're going to see', 'oh this is going to be great', 'i wonder if he will be married' (you should know who said that, (shoto) ). 

"oh before i start i want to bring a few more people here" just then Shadow snapped her fingers and a portal opens up and out pops: Inko Midoriya, The rest of the Todoroki family (minus rei sorry, she will posibley come later) The wild, wild pussycats, Kota and Eri.

As soon as the two small children looked around they ran strait up to Izuku. "Deku-nii where are we" Kota says hugging Mido. "yea Izu-nii where are we" Eri says worried as she hugs Mido tight.

Inko soon saw Izuku and ran up to him and almost knocked him down. ( Did i forget to mention Mido is standing up because he saw the two kids running up to him). "W-Where are w-we Izuku" Inko says scared. Mido just smiled as he looked at the three hugging him tight.

"i can answer that" Shadow said as everyone looked at her.


Inko was sitting next to All Might, Shoto's Siblings were sitting on the left of Shoto while Mido and the two kids where sitting to his right. Eri was on Mido's lap and Kota was on Shoto's lap.

"OH so we're going to see different multiverses of my son" inko said trying to understand. "exactly Inko, ok are we ok to get started" Shadow asked as everyone nodded. *snap* And the screen turned back on.

They can see a plain white door that looked brand new, the handle started to wobble. As soon as the door opened you can see a talk man with messy green hair shaved on each side and a black singlet on.

( Like this minus the gloves)

Everyone was either shocked,blushing or impressed. Shoto was almost about to have a nosebleed. Shadow saw everyone's reaction and giggled a bit.

As he started to walk he yawned, he walked past few other doors. One had Fish and water splash stickers on it, and the other had a pink sign that says 'Princess' and a couple of flower stickers on it, and the last door was painted th red at the top white in the middle and green down the bottom. As he walked past he gave a big bright smile and continued walking to a kitchen.

"Does Deku-kun have kids?" Uraraka asks while looking at Shadow who is sitting next to Denki. Shadow smiles big and says "In fact he does". Deku started to Blush about having kids.

He walked into a kitchen and starts to cook eggs, bacon and toast. He grabs 5 plates and puts the food on them and placed them all on the table. "FOODS DONE COME AND GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT" He yelled with a deeper voice.

You could hear feat running and coming closer and closer and closer.

'Who are they', 'what do they look like', 'I wonder if he is with someone'.

Then you could see a teenage Eri and Kota running towards Deku smiling big, Deku gets ready to be tackled and he does. He is knocked to the floor with a big 'THUMP'. "DAD/DADDY" they both yell at the green hair adult.

"IT'S US" both Eri and Kota yell excited and very happy that they are his kids. Mido was smiling bigger than ever happy he was there dad.

"WHAT HAPPENED IS EVERYTHING OK" yelled another deep voice as they came running out you can see an older looking Shoto Todoroki with a worried look on his face as he heard the thump from deku falling.

"Yea were ok Sho they are just excited" Mido says looking at the kids still on his stomach. "*sigh* thank All Might i thought it was another villain" Shoto said as he walked towards Izu on the floor, he picked up Kota off Izu. "PAPA PUT ME DOWN" Kota yelled at Shoto.

Everyone was shocked but happy because most knew about there relationship while some didn't. "SHOTOOO" endeverwhore yelled scaring most people there. Mido was scared because he thought endeavor was going to kill him.

"yes" shoto said in his normal monotone voice. "MY SON IS NOT ALLOWED TO BE GAY IT'S A SIN, ALL GAY PEOPLE SHOULD-" enderverwhore yelled (it made me so mad to write this i'm sorry) but he was cut of by Shadow "SHUT UP YOU USELESS HUMAN, IF YOU WANNA YELL ABOUT BEING GAY IS A SIN THEN YOU SHOULD JUST...JUST....AHHHH FUCKING DIE YOURSELF YOU USELESS BITCH, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU WERE HATED AND ABUSED FOR BEING WHO YOU ARE" Shadow yelled shocking everyone. But it didn't stop there endeavor got angry " I WOULD STAND UP FOR MYSELF INSTEAD OF BEING A WEAK LITTLE BRAT LIKE THAT KID" He yelled while pointing at Izuku. Mido was on the verge of tears, Shoto was angry and was going to say something but he stopped when he saw Shadow.

She had electricity flowing around her, like Denki's only yellow, white and purple."SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP" She said as she shot enderverwhore with a large lightning bolt and knocked him out.

"Ok let's continue" She said clearly still angry, she just walked over and gave deku a hug the then walked over to denki and shinso and hugged them to try and calm down, they happily smiled at her and hugged her back and the screen continues.

"Nah I'm good" Shoto says to the squirming kota."Papa put him down" Says another female voice.

Both Deku and Shoto turn around to see a tall-ish girl with long hair red on her left and white on her right and green tips at the bottom part of her hair, one of her eyes blue and the other green. She was wearing a U.A school uniform.

"Woah who is this" Mina asked Shadow. "You will see" shadow answered.

"Morning Kaisa" Mido says to the girl. "Mornin Dad" Kaisa answered. "SIS" Both Eri and Kota yell. Shoto dropped Kota and both Eri and Kota ran other to hug there sister.

"Woah she's hot" (guess who) mineta staited. Shadow was just starting to calm down but now she was angry again but no one knew why, I mean everyone was angry but she was fuming.

"Say it again" Shaodw said facing mineta, as soon as he saw her face you could have sworn he saw a ghost.

"That's what I thought" She said as she continued to hug denki and shinso.

Everyone was so caught up on talking they forgot about the food, well almost everyone. "Umm the food" Kaisa says while looking at her phone texting her "friend".

After eating they all got in the car and started to drive to U.A. When they got there Kaisa hugged her parents and went off into the school gate.

"Are you two going to be ok" Mido asked the two amazed kids. "Yea we'll be fine daddy" Eri said still staring at the gate.

"Well give us a call if anyone gives you any trouble" Shoto says to the kids finally getting there attention.

"We'll be fine papa if anyone gives us trouble we will beat them up" Kota says with a grin. Mido stared at him with shock on his face.

"Never beat anyone up unless it's a villain or self defense " Mido told the kids that are sitting in his lap. They both just nodded and stared at the screen.

'They have been hanging around kacchan too much' Mido thought while looking at Kota

Everyone laughed at this even bakugo chuckled, endeverwhore is still knocked out.

"Umm no Kota you don't beat anyone up unless it's a villain or self defense" Mido told Kota smiling.

He just nodded and him and Eri started to walk in to U.A.

Back with kaisa

Kaisa walked in to the school and suddenly got hugged from behind and her eyes covered. She screen only showed Kaisa's face with hands over her eyes.

"Guess who" Said a female voice behind her. "Are you my shitty haired girlfriend" Kaisa asked the voice.

"I think I know where this is going" Kiri said looking at bakugo then Shadow, Shadow just smiled.

"What no way my hair is awesome" The girls voice said as she let go of Kaisa's eyes, But Kaisa kept her eyes closed.

The voice reveals a girl a bit taller then Kaisa with red dyed hair with blonde roots, red eyes and a sharp toothy grin.

"Wait is that" Bakugo started looking at the screen. "Hehehe just watch" Shadow chuckled looking at Bakugo.

"Babe open your eyes" The red head said to the multicolored haird girl. "Nope if your not my shitty haird girlfriend then I guess I don't want to look at you" Kaisa said with a smirk.

"Uhhhh you sound like my dad" The red head said again. "Awww that's cute but I don't know your dad not-Emma" Kaisa said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"If your not going to look at me then no kisses and hugs for a week" Emma said standing in front of Kaisa. Kaisa shot open her eyes "H-Hey babe" Kaisa said with a closed eyes smile.

"Your too much like your dad with at smile" Emma said blocking her eyes. "Hehehe where do you think I got it from my papa, I love him but dad has a better smile" Kaisa said looking at her girlfriend smiling (eyes open).

"She's not wrong" shoto said looking at Mido. "S-Sho" Mido said embarrassed. Shoto chucked at his boyfriend.

"Let's get to class cutie" Kaisa said winking at Emma. Kaisa started walking to class leaving a hard blushing Emma.

Emma shook her head and ran up to Kaisa, " So what do you think we will be doing today" Emma asked kaisa.

"Who knows to be honest let's just hope the teacher isn't gonna be a bitch again and make us verse each other again" Kaisa said looking at her phone again.

"Yea that was really unfair" Emma said looking at Kaisa. "Yea you ended up in the hospital for two weeks and I almost got killed by uncle Kacchan" Kaisa exclaimed looking up from her phone to her girlfriend who has a big smile.

Everyone was shocked that Bakugo and Kiriahima's kid was in the hospital for that long and that Midoriya and Todorki's kid was that strong

"Hehe yea and I didn't see you use your quirks once when we were fighting" Emma said looking at a door that says 2A on it.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" Literally everyone asked. " HOW IS SHE THAT STRONG" Bakugo, Kirishima, Todoroki and Mido yelled standing up looking at a smiling Shadow.

"She's Mido's daughter" She answered with a shrug. "THAT DOESN'T EXPLAIN WHY SHE'S THAT STRONG SHE PUT OUR KID IN THE HOSPITAL FOR TWO WEEKS....WITH OUT USING HER QUIRK" Bakugo yelled again

"Just watch" Shadow answered. They all just sat down and watched the screen again.

When they got to class they saw all there class mates (I'm too lazy at the moment so I will say them later). The teacher then says they will be going to the USJ for training.

The class were all very excited to be doing hero work especially Kaisa and Emma. 'Yes I can train more on my quirks' Kaisa thought. 'Yay I can finally see Kaisa use all her quirks' Emma thought.

When they got there what they saw could change their lives....


"WHAT?!?!?!" Once again everyone yelled (minus endever because 1. FUCK THAT SHIT and 2. He is still knocked out)

"WHAT HAPPENED" They asked/yelled at Shadow, She just covered her ears and ran up to the stage.

"Listen I'm sorry but it must have gotten too long so that is got cut into parts, this was part 1 and I will see if we can continue too part 2" She explained while everyone calmed down and sat back in there seats.

"Mrs Wolf, how many parts will there be of that world" Nezu asked curiously. "I dont know to be honest, sorry" she said while bowing.

"No it's ok I am just curious" nezu said to shadow as she straightened back up. "So what did you think so far?" Shadow asked the crowd.

"IT WAS AWESOME/MANLY" Everyone yelled. Shadow smiled widely that everyone like it.

"I'm glad you like it, has anyone got any questions before we continue?" She asked again.

Mina put her hand up, "Yes mina?" Shadow said pointing at the girl.

"Why did you look like you were going to kill mineta when he said Kaisa was hot?, I mean don't get me wrong I'm pretty sure everyone was angry but you looked like you would have killed him then and there" Mina said with a curious and worried tone in her voice.

"I-I I uhhh well it's because she is actually my bestfriend" Shadow answered scratching the back of her neck as she whispered the last part.

"Sorry what was that" All might asked

"Kaisa and Emma are actually my bestfriends" She said while smiling bright at everyone.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"Y-You mean everything we just watched is real and is going to happen" Mina asked

"Hahaha y-yep" Shadow says quietly.

( I know this is not what's going to happen in the show this is just what's happening in my book/story)

Everyone was shocked sure but the 4 people who knew they where going to be parents were very happy. ( Mido, Todo, Kiri and baku)

"O-Ok so can we see what the next one is?" Shadow asked a bit more normal then when she was nervous a minute ago.

Everyone nodded and then Shadow snapped her fingers and went back to sit with Denki and Shinso, and the screen then started.

Multiverse loading.....

Multiverse loading.....

Multiverse loading.....

Multiverse loading.....

Multiverse found.....


Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals, what did you think?


Word count: 2436


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