The Valkyrie and the Valedict...

By harrypanther

15.5K 490 258

Modern AU. Nerdy Hiccup Haddock is the Valedictorian of Berk High School despite being bullied and generally... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Part 1

4.6K 109 128
By harrypanther


Summary: Modern AU. Nerdy Hiccup Haddock is the Valedictorian of Berk High School despite being bullied and generally ignored by all his peers. Yet Hiccup has a secret that makes life as the bullies' best target bearable...and he really hopes she's coming to Graduation. Hiccstrid.

A/N: I felt like some Hiccstrid fluff. Unfortunately angst seeped in (aka 'Panthy darkness' according to my friend Vala411) but there is still fluff-enjoy.

A/N2: This was supposed to be a one-shot but it accidentally extended a bit. Oops. Consider it a one shot in 5 parts...

Disclaimer; I do not own How To Train Your Dragon. All rights remain with Cressida Cowell and Dreamworks.


Graduation Day

He stared at the reflection in the mirror and saw a loser. A tall skinny auburn-haired loser with bright green eyes and not a lot of hope in his usually-optimistic expression, It was his High School Graduation and neither of his parents would be there.

Hiccup Haddock sighed and ran his hands through his tousled hair, making it look wilder and he groaned. His hair had always been difficult to control pointing in most directions simultaneously and now he was rocking the 'dragged through a hedge backwards' look an hour before Graduation. A Graduation he would attend with his father's best friend and the few people who would give him the time of day. For though he was sassy, kind, compassionate, sarcastic and far and away the smartest guy in the School, he was definitely a nerd, an easy target, an outcast.

He abruptly sat down on the end of his bed and bowed his head. He was eighteen, for Thor's sake and already down a mother and half a leg. His father loved him in his own generic way but he was so dedicated to his job as Mayor of Berk that when the Trade delegation from Japan had changed the timetable for their visit and the face to face talks, he hadn't protested and instead had given Hiccup the all-too-familiar talk about 'the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the one'. On the night before his Graduation, for Thor's sake. What kind of father rain-checked his only child's High School Graduation?

He ran his hands over his face. He was Class Valedictorian and was going to graduate Summa Cum Laude but not one of his family would be there to cheer him. Maybe his cousin, Simon 'Snotlout' Jorgensen, would care he had graduated, though Snot had a complicated relationship with Hiccup, first a bully then a mildly indifferent sort-of-friend. But no one else could be there...except Gobber Belcher, his father's best and oldest friend. And though Gobber was a sort-of Uncle and certifiably crazy, he was good-hearted and supportive in a raucous kind of way.

Then he remembered just what the plan was and unconsciously, his mind slid back...

Junior Year.

Another day of being tripped and jostled, another day of being teased in class and treated like trash. And why? Because he was skinny and auburn and smart. And maybe his sassy mouth wasn't the best way to endear him to some of the year but he only retaliated when they did worse. Thuggory and Dogsbreath and Meatfist had all decided on the first day of Freshman Year that the skinny runt Hiccup was their chosen target and they had made the last two years Helheim and it looked like they were shaping up to top it with Junior Year...though he had noted his cousin Snot hadn't been so happy to join in recently. Maybe it was the realisation that his little cousin, who had lost his Mom less than a year earlier along with the lower third of his left leg in that horrific car smash, was a decent person. Hiccup would always help anyone who asked and Snotlout had quietly and reluctantly asked for tutoring to avoid flunking his year. With Hiccup's help and hard work, he had scraped through, though he never mentioned it to his friends.

He glanced around. He always left class later than the others because it was a good bet that most of his fellow students would have stampeded for the doors without waiting around to plot an ambush for him. But even so, he warily approached his locker, checked both way for booby traps and finally flicked the door open carefully.

To his surprise, a folded piece of paper fell out and he blinked in shock. He peered carefully in and found nothing else out of place, no cascade of worms of bugs or any other nasty trick so he picked the paper up and opened it with trembling hand.


I have been watching you and I like what I'm seeing. You're cute with those dreamy eyes and that kind of really cute smile. Also, I like you're a smart guy and I really want to get to know you better.

Meet me by the bleachers at four

Astrid Hofferson

He looked around, almost panicking. It was gone three and he had never even shared a word with Astrid, who was a Senior and the most beautiful and fierce student in the whole School. He wondered if she had slipped the note into he wrong locker and checked but HICCUP was scrawled on the back of the piece of paper in block capitols.

It was clearly a trick. Every sense told him this was a trick. A cruel joke. A fake letter that was designed to make him look like a muttonhead, a desperate loser...but the truth was that he didn't have any sort of a social life and certainly had never had a girlfriend. The implication that any girl would be interested in that...was so insane he almost crumpled the paper up. Almost. But there was that 0.01% of him that hoped maybe something good could happen to him-especially since it was Astrid we were talking about. Astrid Hofferson, the blonde, blue-eyed Valkyrie of the Senior Year. Astrid who was beautiful and fierce. The Cheerleader. The kickboxer. The girl Hiccup had crushed on for almost two years despite her almost certainly not knowing he existed. And he had tried, had always smiled, helped where he could, done everything asked of him-no matter how insignificant or menial-and spoken to her a sum total of seven sentences in his two and a small bit years at Berk High (as long as 'Um' counted as a sentence). So despite all of his qualms and huge misgivings, he gathered his things, slung his bag over his shoulder and headed for the field.

The September sun was still warm and he sat quietly on the Bleachers overlooking the football field and took a deep breath in. The Football team were holding practice on the field, running drills and he found himself watching his cousin, who was shaping up to be a fine Quarterback. His cousin was stocky and not especially tall, a powerhouse with surprising speed and unwavering self confidence. Of course, if Snot was here, then his other bullies were as well, all of them tall and buff. He sighed and fished a bottle fo water from his bag, sipping the cool liquid and dancing round. And then he saw her.

Lithe, balanced and competitive, Astrid was leading the cheer squad as they practiced at the other side of the field. Most of their practice was indoors but this afternoon-for some reason-they were outside, rehearsing the routine they would use on Friday when Berk High met their visceral enemies, Meathead Academy. Her blonde hair was functionally braided into one fat plait that was slung casually over her left shoulder and her bright blue eyes were fired with determination as she drove herself to bounce and kick and yell in perfect unison with her team. Unconsciously, he found his lips turning up in a smile. She was amazing, resetting with the Coach and beginning again, ensuring her team was perfect.

When practice ended, he sat and watched them all head for the changing rooms, not sparing a glance at the bleachers and he wondered if she was ashamed of him, if she didn't want her friends to know. Snot saw him and offered a nod and Dogsbreath pointed him out to the others, causing a frisson of fear to surge through his shape. He wondered if they would choose to wait for him and make life more unpleasant...but as time passed and no one emerged, he began to realise no one was coming. But he only gave up just short of five, when his heart told him that it had been a trick and his own innate loneliness and desperation had made him vulnerable. And slowly, as he limped down the steps, he had been forced to acknowledge the truth.

Face it, muttonhead. She'll never see you as anything but a nobody.

In fact, his friend Raquel 'Ruffnut' Thorston and her twin brother Tommy 'Tuffnut' had said the same thing-more or less-with more cuss words and generous amount of laughing at his gullibility.

"You mean THE Astrid Hofferson?" Tuff had gasped, almost unable to speak for laughing.

"You're saying there are more than one?" Hiccup had sassed back automatically. "My mistake."

"Looks, she's badass," Ruff pointed out. "She can have any guy she wants."

"And which one does she have?" he asked faintly, his heart clenching at the words.

"Rumours have her going out with Erik Eretson," Ruff said. "Shame because he's dreamy and it's not fair she gets all the great guys..."

"I guess not," Hiccup sighed, closing his locker. "Will I see you at lunch?" Tuff shook his head.

"Sister Nut and I will be putting in extra time for our Chemistry Project,' he said, waggling his brows. "I think we're close enough to making our own fireworks for it to just need a few more test runs..."

"Thor help us," Hiccup murmured. "Please give me warning when you plan your next test so I can get my belongings from my locker before you blow up the school."

"So dramatic," Ruff sighed, winking. "We'll only be blowing up the Science Extension."

"Heather and Fish will be at lunch so I'm sure they will keep you company," Tuff added reassuringly. "Don't you worry, little Hiccy. We won't let you down." Managing a small smile, he shifted his bulky green hoodie and pulled his bag over his shoulder.

"I may require a vomit bag for all the cutesy affection," he grumbled. Frederick 'Fishlegs' Ingerman, a husky nerd and Heather Oswalddottir, who had transferred to the school the last semester had gotten together over the Summer Break and were extremely involved with each other. Even Tuffnut-who was generally rather a romantic-was finding their behaviour overly saccharin and wearing. Hiccup sighed. Fishlegs was as socially awkward as he was and he was genuinely happy that his friend had found a girlfriend, a smart, sassy girl who genuinely enjoyed being with him. But the fact that even husky Fishlegs, who was prone to panic and went into fits of delight over rare arctic flora, had found a beautiful girl to spend time with him only emphasised Hiccup's own unloveableness. "It's okay. I have someone to see before class." And with that he turned and walked off up the Hall.

He found her by her locker, talking to a couple of Senior girls he recognised from the cheer squad. Normally, he would be bright red and incapable of coherent thought, let alone speech, but his disappointment and pain at the prank yesterday had given him unusual courage so he walked right up to her, realising his growth spurt over the Summer had him at least looking eye to eye with her.

"Could I have a word, please?" he asked before his nerve failed him and she looked up, then nodded, smiling as her friends took their leave.

"Sure...Hiccup?" she said and he nodded, trying not to feel disappointed that she only just recalled his name. But why should she? He was just a Junior while she was the Senior Year's own Valkyrie. What had he been thinking?

"I wanted you to see this," he said and handed over the letter, his pale, lightly-freckled cheeks burning with embarrassment. Her eyes flicked over the words coolly.

"Obviously fake," she told him shortly.

"Obviously," he said, keeping the waver from his voice. He was feeling a complete idiot now.

"That's not my writing for a start," she added.

"How would I know?" he asked her. "I'm not in your class."

Way to go. Remind her you're an insignificant Junior.

She looked up, inspecting his face and reading more than he wanted her to.

"No, you're not," she agreed. "My signature looks nothing like that either."

"Got it. Again, how would I know?" His tone was turning sarcastic, his last, best defence against getting hurt because Thor, he had no other.

"I sometimes have signed notices for the Kickboxing club," she pointed out.

"Not that I would pay any attention to them, what with me having only 1.7 legs and the coordination of an inebriated newborn giraffe," he sassed back. Her eyebrows raised at the tone and her pink lips twitched.

"One point seven?" she asked him.

"Maybe one point six eight three but I rounded it up. Going to three decimal points on your own lack of leg-ness is a bit anal," he replied dryly. She bit her lip.

"Inebriated? How would a baby giraffe get inebriated?" she asked him.

"I would expect Mommy had a few cocktails before getting down to giving birth,' he replied. "

"Do you have any objective comparisons of your coordination against newborn wild herbivores, inebriated or not?' she asked him.

"I may suggest that as a science project for senior year," he quipped. "Who knows? I may get a ticket to Africa out of it."

"More like a bus trip to Berserker Zoo," she pointed out.

"Oh joy," he sighed and then he saw she was smiling. She sighed.

"I'm sorry you were misled," she told him genuinely. "You seem like a nice guy, Hiccup, but this letter is fake."

"I guessed," he sighed and then looked up. "Sorry. I know it must be pretty embarrassing to have some jerks send a letter supposedly from you to some Junior loser." Then he stiffened because she had rested her hand on his shoulder.

"Hiccup-the people who did this knew what they were doing and that it was wrong on many levels-but I suspect they never guessed you would let me know what they did," she told him. "And don't worry. I will have words. Many of them not approved for school use." His eyes widened.

"I'd rather you didn't,' he said quickly. "They may not be happy."

"That's my intention," she told him, grabbing her bag as the bell went.

"But..." he began then closed his mouth. She had every right to chew out the muttonheads responsible and part of him would have loved to witness the conversation...except that once she had finished her say, they would seek him out and his life would be even more miserable. "Thanks. And sorry to have you involved in my car crash of a life." That stopped her and she frowned as he walked away, his skinny shape with the slightly beat-up jeans limping as he took the small flight of stairs to the main part of the school hallway and the direction of his first class. Blinking, she turned and scurried in the other direction, determined not to be late.

Morning had been worse than he had expected, with whispers and sneers in every class. Thuggory and Dogsbreath had taken a particular delight in taunting him and making cruel but not-that-inaccurate comments about his desirability to the opposite gender-but that had changed after morning break when they had scowled at him and the atmosphere had darkened. Hiccup knew that Astrid must have caught up with them and metaphorically torn them a new one during the break but he also guessed it would mean he needed to leave class early and skip lunch to avoid any unnecessary trips or falls.

With his usual bad luck, he had been asked to stay at the end of the last class before lunch, for the Math teacher, Mr Mulch, wanted to transfer him to the Senior AP class. He shouldn't have been surprised since he was extremely clever and was way ahead of the class but though it was flattering, he was chafing at the delay in getting away. Mr Mulch, a short hairy man with a wild beard and a very kindly heart, had been very supportive and complimentary, stressing that he would only transfer Hiccup if that was what the boy wanted. Of all the teachers, Mulch was probably the one Hiccup trusted most, the one who cared and had bolstered his confidence after he lost his leg. And in his heart, Hiccup knew that the move up was in his best interests, even though it would take him from the class of his favourite teacher. So he had said yes, knowing his father should be proud, though he would probably never even notice and then he had finally been dismissed.

He sneaked into the canteen, hunched as much as he could to avoid being noticed, before he grabbed a cheese sandwich and a bottle of sparkling water and scooted for the exit. He hid out in the engineering shop to eat his lunch and read through his homework paper for that evening and then he had headed early for his first afternoon class. The hallways were still pretty quiet, for there were still about ten minutes to go and he hoped he had made it...but as he headed to the south side of the school, he felt a leg trip him and he fell down the last five steps of the stairwell, landing hard on his face. Laughter surrounded him.

"Did you think you could get away with telling her?" Dogsbreath sneered. He was a solid bulky boy with pockmarked skin, scruffy brown hair and small, mean eyes. He kicked Hiccup for good measure.

"You think she didn't have the right to know you used her in your 'joke'?" Hiccup sassed, earning himself another kick.

"You must have been pretty pathetic, sitting in the Bleachers waiting for your little girlfriend!" Thuggory sneered. Tall, dark, handsome and really holding a high opinion of himself, he was always the leader of the gang. Hiccup had wracked his brains long and hard as to why the larger boy would have taken such a dislike to him and he had never reached any sort of an answer.

"Pathetic is practically my middle name...well, it's only a few letters off Horrendous," Hiccup managed thickly as Thuggory kicked him again.

"But not as pathetic as you are now, crawling on your face..." the taller boy sneered, pulling leg back again. But a booted foot blocked the kick as Astrid stood between Thuggory and the prone Hiccup.

"And nowhere near as pathetic as tripping a kid and kicking him when he's down instead of looking in the mirror and becoming better?" she growled, her fists balled.

"Walk away, Astrid," Thuggory sneered. "No need for you to get involved in this..."

"You made me involved," she growled, shifting her weight. Dressed in a red tartan mini-skirt, red sweater, dark brown leggings and boots, she looked like a typical Popular Girl-until she slammed her boot into his knee and followed it up with a roundhouse that floored him. Stupidly, Dogsbreath surged forward to run into her boot slamming up to meet his jaw. Meatfist was a pace behind and she ducked under his wild swipe before grabbing his arm and throwing him powerfully, to land on top of Dogsbreath, crushing the wind from him. Then she straightened up.

Hiccup had scrambled to his feet, cringing a little as she turned to him.

"Um...that was awesome pleasedon'thitme," he said hastily as she looked him up and down.

"You okay?" she asked him directly. He nodded.

"Thank you," he said quietly, glancing over at the bullies. "It won't make a difference but thanks. Not many people care. They just walk by..."

"I didn't," she reminded him, watching the bullies pick themselves up. There was a lot of grumbling but none of them was willing to meet her eye and they all slank away, cowed. "Though they underestimated my first dan black belt at kickboxing. Muttonheads." Hiccup managed a pained chuckle.

"Yeah-only a total muttonhead would underestimate Astrid Hofferson," he murmured and then blushed. Immediately, she took a step closer and frowned. He backed up immediately. "Um...sorry? I really don't want to be kicked again..." She smiled.

"You know, you're pretty brave," she told him unexpectedly. He blinked and his eyes widened.

"Me? I really don't think..."

"Well, you looked like you were sassing them when there were three of them, one of you and they had you down," she told him. He shrugged.

"Maybe it's not bravery but my brain trying to commit suicide before things get really bad so it could leave ahead of the rush," he said and then cringed. "Sorry-that didn't come out how I imagined it in my mind..." She closed the distance to about a foot and he felt his cheeks heat again. In fact, he wondered if he may spontaneously combust from embarrassment.

"I should have a coffee with me after school-say 3.30?" she said quietly. He gulped and almost fell backward, with only her strong hand shooting out to grab him and keep him upright. "Are you okay?"

"Co-ordination of an inebriated baby giraffe, remember?" he sassed automatically. "Um...did you ask me out for coffee?" She frowned and made a show of rerunning the previous conversation.

"I believe I did," she smiled. "The Forge. Don't be late." Quietly she withdrew her hand. "But this time, I guarantee I will be there." He swallowed.

"Um...and I will definitely be there," he promised. She winked and he literally felt his heart would explode.

"I'm counting on it," she said.

And she was, waiting for him in the Forge Coffee Shop just round the corner from the school-which incidentally was the one run rather eccentrically by his godfather, Gobber. With a green lino floor and wooden panelled walls with typical Viking motifs and a few pictures, the place was always bustling and homely. The coffee was good and the selection of cakes and biscuits was second to none, all freshly baked and making the place smell of vanilla and cinnamon. Seated in a corner booth like a golden-haired goddess, Hiccup had paused at the door before walking to the table and sliding into the seat opposite her. He gave a little wave.

"Um...hi..." he said. "Reporting for duty as ordered." Her eyes widened and then she smiled at him.

"Hi, Hiccup," she said, looking carefully at him. "Are you okay?" He rested his bag on the floor and sighed.

"Really really stiff and my face and ribs hurt but...yeah, I'm good. And you?" She chuckled.

"I was expecting Principal Grimborn to speak with me about my 'attack' on his innocent and blameless Junior students but I guess they were too embarrassed to report me," she said with a wry smile. "What with three of them being beaten up by one girl."

"And I would have spoken up for you because you saved me," he told her seriously.

"It was the right thing to do," she told him and he subsided.

"Yeah. Of course." Suddenly he was inspecting the table, his shoulders slumped.

"And because I realised that you're cute," she blurted out. His emerald eyes widened.

"Oh Thor-is that it? I'm eye candy?" he gabbled. "I mean, I'm kind of skinny and short and auburn and freckly..."

"You have beautiful green eyes and a kind face. You're lean and still growing and you can't help being clumsy because you lost half your leg, well point three one seven of it and I'm gonna stop now..." She was blushing.

"Astrid? Are you blushing?" he asked warily. She nodded.

"I-I...don't tell anyone but I've never been on a date," she hissed.

"Um...right back at you," Hiccup said and felt the entire swarm of butterflies in his stomach settle a little. "Maybe we could try it out together?" Her lips curled in a smile and her azure eyes shone with gratitude. Hiccup waved and Gobber came over. The man was solid tending to fat, his right leg and left hand lost during army service and replaced by top of the range prosthetics. Bald with a bushy blond unibrow, twinkling blue eyes and braided blond moustache, he winked at the young couple.

"Hiccup!" he greeted brashly, his thick Berkian accent familiar. "May I ask who yer beautiful lady friend is?" Hiccup groaned.

"Hi Gobber," he forced himself to say. "This is Astrid Hofferson. Astrid-this is Gobber Belcher, my Godfather, the owner of the Forge. He does an amazing brownie and an even more amazing carrot cake. Have whatever you want!" Gobber winked.

"Please tae meet yeh, lass," he said. "Any friend o' Hiccup's is a friend o' mine. Whatever ye want, ole Gobber will provide!" Astrid frowned, her eyes calculating.

"Skinny oat milk mocha latte with extra shot, vanilla syrup and cinnamon on the top with a cherry cake slice on the side," she ordered as Gobber scratched the order down on his pad.

"Can I have a hot chocolate, extra cream, added marshmallows and a brownie please?" Hiccup asked. The older man chuckled.

"I'd already written that down," he said conspiratorially and winked before limping back to the bar. His assistant and chef-Dagur Oswaldson, Heather's older brother-waved at Hiccup and the boy waved cheerfully at him.

"Sorry, sorry-you have to understand Gobber helped Dad and Mom look after me when I was a baby and Gobber kind of helps look after me when Dad is away," he explained. "And honestly, he has no filter and he's indiscreet as anything. I'm just shocked he didn't bring a polaroid camera out to prove I actually had a girl sitting with me."

"He and that red-haired man have been taking pictures of us on their phones since he left us," Astrid pointed out and then watched Hiccup rested his head on the table.

"Sorry," he groaned. "I have never had a girlfriend so I think he wants to tell everyone." And then he looked up and caught her face. "And I know he can't. I know you wouldn't want to be seen anywhere near me. I mean, why would you?"

His heart sank as he saw her face. There was an apology there.

"I don't want my personal life being dissected by the uber-bitches of Senior Year," she said firmly. "I'm badass. I always have been. I was never going to be Class President since I punched two boys out in my Freshman Year. Most people are scared of me in fact. I'm not a girlie girl even though I am a cheerleader and I certainly don't have any real friends. Everyone imagines I'm with Erik Eretson-but I'm his camouflage. He's got his eye on a guy who is interested as well...but he doesn't want to come out. So I am stuck being his 'girlfriend' until he comes out or we graduate." She mimed air quotes when she said girlfriend and Hiccup felt his heart plummet. He sighed. Why would she want to be seen dead with him? This was a courtesy, nothing more,

"Thanks for explaining," he said and then paused as Gobber delivered their drinks and cakes. He frowned.

"Gobber-why is there a heart-shaped candle on Astrid's cake and a sparkler on my brownie?" he asked suspiciously. The two-limbed man suddenly looked coy.

"Nothing. Nothing. Can't a coffee shop owner liven up his cakes?" he asked and scooted off behind the counter. Astrid looked up and chuckled.

"I think your friend is already ordering his Tux for our wedding," she commented, biting into her cake. Then her eyes widened. "Oh my Thor. I am moving in here!" she gasped through a mouthful of cake. "This is amazing!" Hiccup managed to raise a smile.

"Yeah, Dagur-the cook, Heather's brother-is a fantastic cook," he agreed. "He was honourably discharged from the army after being badly wounded and he channels his frustration and anger into baking." Astrid closed her eyes and sighed.

"He is a really angry man," she realised. "Because this is...sooo goood!" Hiccup nodded.

"Yup-but he's a good guy as well," he admitted. "And he's collected me from really random spots that my...not-friends...have dropped me." Her eyes widened at the unguarded admission and her hands clenched, the knuckles white through the skin.

"Why aren't you angry about this?" she asked him. "I'd be furious. In fact, I'd be putting them in traction!"

"So Dagur isn't the only one with anger issues," Hiccup commented, biting his brownie. Her eyes widened and he felt himself cringe. But then she nodded.

"Yup," she said. "Busted. Ever since my Dad walked out on Mom when I was twelve. That's why I do kickboxing. Some way to channel my anger rather than beat people up."

"As much," Hiccup added absently. Then he stiffened as she started laughing.

"You are sarcasm personified," she chuckled. "Thor, I thought I was sharp. But you..." He gave a self-conscious laugh and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry," he apologised again. "It's're really easy to talk to, you know? You don't judge, you don't taunt me for being a one-legged runt, you treat me like a normal person..." Her expression softened and she reached out, placing her hand gently on his.

"You are a normal person and your height or size have nothing to do with your worth as a person," she told him intensely. "And from what I understand, you and your Mom were hit by a truck driven by a guy who had spent the previous four hours in a bar-and not just for the ambience. You never asked for it. And you lost your Mom as well. I can't imagine waking up and finding that you've lost so much-yet you're always smart and sassy and kind. You help out whenever anyone asks. I heard today you're joining our AP Math class which is awesome. You are braver than I am and smarter than I am."

"And I heard you were in AP Math? That makes you pretty smart as well," he reminded her. She shrugged.

"I work hard," she said. He nodded.

"So do I," he murmured. "Losing Mom reminded me that life is transient. And if you don't seize every moment, it could be too late." Then he gave a small smile and sipped his chocolate. "Thanks for asking me for coffee. It was really kind..."

She was still holding his hand he realised as her eyes carefully inspected his face. Slowly, he looked up to stare into her eyes, the azure depths almost swimming with tears. He frowned.

"Astrid? Are you okay?" he asked, his voice worried. He curled his other hand over hers. She shook her head.

"You know-I'm helping Erik out to help his own sexuality issues but I wish now I wasn't," she said, her voice more upset than anything else. "Because then, I would be asking you to be my boyfriend." His eyes shot wide and he thought his heart had exploded.

"Wh-wh-what?" he mumbled. She sighed.

"Sorry-I've made you feel awkward," she apologised.

"You haven't," he interjected swiftly. "I-I-I was just shocked that a smart, beautiful, fierce Valkyrie like you would even acknowledge a nobody like me exists, let alone ask me to be your boyfriend. And you know, I would settle for being a friend because I think...I think that being your friend-in any capacity-would be incredible." He gave a lopsided smile. "I mean, you've known me since this morning and in that time I've been beaten up and you've had to rescue me. And we've shared one coffee..."

"One date," she corrected him. "And you know it doesn't take that long to recognise someone as special as you."

"Is that good special or bad special?" he asked her lightly.

"Special best friend," she told him. He grinned.

"I'll take it!" he said quickly. She blinked. "Astrid-you have literally been the most amazing person I have ever met. And you never deserved to be drawn into whatever crap my bullies were planning for me."

"But you had the courage and decency to let me know what was happening-something they never even considered," she told him. "And I knew from talking to you that you were a good guy. Good guys are few and far between."

"Good guys come last," he reminded her.

"Not in this," she replied firmly. "You are definitely first. My first special best friend. And the first person I have ever been on a date with." And then her face fell. "I want to do this again-but we are going to have to keep this a secret." His shoulders slumped.

"I understand..." he mumbled.

"If anyone sees me with you, you'll have the Senior Football team on your tail for messing with Erik's girl," she warned him and then pulled a face at the irony of it. "And I never wanted you to have your life made any harder."

"You cannot always be there-and I'm not growing any more limbs," he noted. "So I could have half the Senior Year after me as well as the meanest kids in Junior Year? This is some deal..." And then he grinned. "But I'll take it-because it means that I get to spend more time with you. And that is worth any risk."

Her eyes did shine then and a tear slid down her flawless, slightly freckled cheek. He absently ran his thumb over the back of her hand.

"Please don't cry," he whispered. She nodded.

"No one wanted me for me before," she told him quietly, palming away the tear. "I was camouflage. A Valkyrie. A Cheerleader. The daughter that my father discarded in favour of his new family and the son he always wanted. No one wanted Astrid."

"I do," Hiccup told her wildly, squeezing her hand gently. "The person I'm with is amazing and smart and brave and...Thor...I sound like a crazy person. Maybe I am a crazy person. But I don't want you to be sad." She sniffed and gave a wan smile.

"I'm just as crazy," she told him. "So Special BF?" He nodded.

"Whatever that means. Whatever you want that to mean. I am yours," he told her honestly. "I think...being your friend is worth the adventure. Even if I have to sneak in through the coal cellar to see you..." She chuckled.

"I'll tell Mom to build one," she promised. "Okay-phone." He patted his pockets and handed it over, unlocking it quickly so she could enter her details in his contacts as ASTRID-Special BFF. Then she texted herself so she would have his number and sent herself a smiley face. He sighed.

"You're going," he realised and then she nodded.

"Tell Gobber to put a hold on that Tux-for now," she grinned. "Are you busy Friday night?" He shrugged.

"My calendar is literally empty," he told her dryly. "It probably has tumbleweed."

"Not any more," she told him smugly.

"Um...aren't you doing the School Football Game on Friday?" he prompted her.

"I meant after," she told him easily. "Erik can celebrate with his friends and I can go home and spend time with someone I actually want to be with..." And then her eyes widened. "That is...if you want to..." The sudden change in her demeanour, from confident Valkyrie to uncertain girl was endearing and broke his heart slightly. That this brave, sassy, fierce girl should doubt her own desirability-and that she chose him as a confidante and friend-made his head spin.

"Oh, I want to," he told her honestly. "Text me the time you think you'll be home and the address and I'll be there. I'll always be there when you need me." She chuckled.

"And I'll be there for you, too," she told him immediately.

"Just not at school," he amended.

"I can be, if you really need me," she told him, still holding his hand. "Hiccup-thanks."

"For what?" he asked. "I should be thanking you, grovelling, maybe a small sacrifice at an altar..." She burst out laughing.

"And there's the Sass Master!" she snorted. He grinned back.

"Anytime, Astrid," he promised. "Anything for you."

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