Unexpected Love

By FinalGirl96

240K 5.5K 1.3K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author Note

Chapter 5

6.2K 146 69
By FinalGirl96

Chapter 5

We drove for another hour before Daryl turned onto a dirt road. The time we arrived where we were going it was almost mid-afternoon. "Need to set up camp before it gets dark," Daryl said. "Right, well while you do that I'm going to explore," I said opening the door. Daryl grabbed my arm stopping me. I turned around and looked at him. "No you're going to help don't need you getting lost," he said. "Oh come on, Daryl," I whined. "Forget you're was is helping," he said and let go of my arm and got out of the truck.

I huffed and grabbed my bag off the floor and shut the door. I threw my bag over my shoulders and helped Daryl grab everything out of the back of his truck. "Know how to set up a tent?" He asked. "Do I look like a boy scout?" I asked. He just rolled his eyes and walked away. "Hey wait!" I yelled. I followed him into the woods. "I thought we were going to a campground?" I asked. "Nah, that's no fun to many people around," he said. We came to a small clearing and Daryl dropped the stuff he hand in these arms.

I put the stuff I had and put it in on the ground. "Is this safe?" I asked looking around. "What don't trust meta keep ya safe?" He asked. "I didn't say that," I said. "What I'm only good to scare guys off," he said. "Daryl, I'm not saying that okay, I just never been out in the middle of the woods where there are no people for miles and no service either. What if something happens to you what am I supposed to do?" I asked him. "Nothing is going to happen to me calm down. Grabbed the tent you're going to learn something," he told me.

I groaned and picked the tent up and walked over to him. I took the canvas and rods out of the bag and laid them down on the ground. "Now what?" I asked. "snap the rods together," he said so I did. He throws a tarp at me "lay that out on the ground somewhere that even," he told me. I looked around found a nice flat area and spread the tarp out. "Alright now take the main part of the tent and set it on the tarp and get the poles," he said. I did as he said and laid the main part of the tent on the tarp then got the poles and set them beside it. "Okay now what?" I asked. "There's slots or time in the tent slide the poles through them and make sure they're parallel to each other," he said.

I slid the poles through the holes on the sides and corners of the tent. "Not slowly put it up and it should snap in place," he said. I pushed it up and it snapped in place. "I did it!" I said excitedly while jumping up and down clapping my hands. "Yer not done yet," he said. "What?" I said looking at him. "Ya gotta anchor it down,"  he told me. He brings over a hammer and spikes and hands them to me. I huffed and took them "all four corners," he said with a smirk.

I anchored down all four sides of the tent and walked over to Daryl who was kneeling down a couple of feet away putting rocks around in a circle. I dropped the hammer beside him "there it's done," I said. "Good now your gonna learn how to start a fire," he said. I groaned "what's the point in all this?" I asked. "It's good to know this stuff just in case," he said and stood up. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist looking up at him "but I have you," I said batting my eyelashes. He grabbed my wrist and unwrapped my arms "let's go get some wood," he said and walked off. I huffed and followed him.

We gathered up dry wood and some tinder and went back to camp. Daryl showed me how to set it up and then told me the different ways I could do it before he lite the tinder with his lighter. "You're not always going to have a lighter or matches. I'll teach ya another way tomorrow," he said. "Thought this was just overnight?" I said. "Don'tmean I can't teach ya," he said. "Can you teach me to track too?" I asked. Daryl looked over at me and shrugged "if ya want me to," he said and stoked the fire.

  We sat around the fire and just relaxed in comfortable silence.  I was starting to get dark and I bit chilly but the fire kept me warm. Daryl had but our bags and sleeping stuff in the tent earlier so it was ready for when we went to bed. All of a sudden Daryl jumped up and headed over to his truck pulled something from the bed and walked back over sitting down beside me. He had a bag of marshmallows, a box of gram crackers, and chocolate bars, along with a glass jar with a clear liquid in it. He grabbed to sticks and took it knife out and started sharpening the ends. Once he was done he put marshmallows on the ends of both of them and handed me one of the sticks.

"Thank you," I said smiling. "What's in the jar?" I asked. "Alcohol," he simply said. "Can I have some?" I asked. He propped his stick up and opened the jar, he took a sip then handed it to me. I did the same with my stick and smell it. The smell burned my nose but I put the edge of the jar to my lips and took a sip of it. As soon as it hit my tongue I spit it out right into the fire making the flames go higher for a little while. "The hell is that!?" I said. "Moonshine," Daryl said chuckling. "It's nasty," I said and took another sip this time swallowing it. It burned going down my throat and I coughed.

I handed him the jar and took my stick once I noticed my marshmallow was on fire. I blew it out and put my smore together. I took a bit and moaned at how good it was. I heard Daryl chuckle and I looked over at him. "What?" I asked as I chewed. "Nothing," he said. "It's good!" I said. "Okay," he said. I ate like 5 mire smores and drank more of the moonshine. I only had about 3 sips of it and I could tell I was a little tipsy or a lot tipsy. "Alright sunshine I think it's time for you to go to bed," Daryl said. The fire had burned down to hot coals.

"Let's go," he said stand up and walking over to. I stood up and swayed a little and he put his hand on my shoulder go steady me. 'Us good?" He asked. I nodded and we head to the tent. I walked in sat down to the right. Daryl stepped and zipped the tent up then sat down on his sleeping back and started taking his boots off.  I kicked my flip flops off and stood up and started unbuttoning my shorts. "Wow what ya doin," Daryl said. "I'm not sleeping in these shorts Daryl it'll be uncomfortable," I whined. I let them fall to the ground and I kicked them off. I flopped back onto the ground and grabbed my bag and put them in my bag I took off his flannel and pulled my crop top over my head putting that in my bag and putting it back in the corner.

I put his flannel back on and buttoned it up. I looked over to see Daryl laying down on his back and his arm over his eyes. I crawled over to him and straddled him sitting on his hips. He took his arm away from his face and looked at me. I smiled at him and put my hands on his chest. His hands went to my hips which gave me butterflies. I was about to start grinding on him until he lifted me off of him and sat me back onto my sleeping back. He laid back down and put his arm over his eyes again. "Go to sleep," he said. I sighed and laid down on my side facing away from him.

I couldn't help but wonder why he didn't want me. It couldn't be just because of my age and him being ten years older than me. Was he not attracted to me? Was I not pretty enough? Was I not thin enough? I couldn't help but ask so many questions. Ben wasn't the best boyfriend he liked to put me down a lot. I always had to look a certain way when I was with him. He said he had a reputation to uphold. I got sick of it one day when he suggested I lose 20 pounds so I broke it off.

I had tears running down my face as I tried not to think about it. Maybe Ben was right no one would ever want me. I heard Daryl shuffle around "You alright?" He asked. "Yeah," I said trying to hide the hurt in my voice. "Then why ya crying?" He asked. "I'm not," I said. "You are. Why," he asked. I bit my lip and turned over to face him. "What's wrong with me?" I whispered. Daryl just looked at me "what ya mean nothin wrong with ya," he said. "Am I not good enough or pretty enough or something?" I asked.

He just looked at me and I nodded "Ben was right I'll never be good enough for anyone," I said and started crying harder. I heard Daryl growl and he moved over closer to me he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "He said that to you?" He growled out. I just nodded my head. "He's wrong. You are good enough just your too good for me and to beautiful to be with a guy like me," he said his face was red. I could tell that was hard for him to say that to me. "You're only 17 Y/N I can't... I can't be with ya I'm sorry people already hate the Dixons," he said. "And her dad I don't want him thinking I'm taken advantage of ya and end up throwing me in jail," he told me.

"My dad would never think that he really likes you. And fuck what everyone else thinks it's none of their business," I said. "You don't wanna be with someone like me," he said. "Daryl you are nothing like your Dad or your brother," I said and crawled towards him. "Did you mean it?" I asked. "What?" He asked. "Did you mean when you said in good enough and beautiful?" I said. His face got redder and he looked down. "Yeah," he said.

I moved closer and straddled his lap "Y/N," he whispered. "Kiss me," I said. "No," he told me. "Don't a pussy Dixon, no one's around to judge you," I said. "And don't say into good for you," I told him. "Y/N You're 17 I'm not doing anything with you I respect your dad too much," he said. "Then why haven't you moved  me off your lap?" I asked. "I'm not kissing you, I'm not going to fuck you, this is never going to happen," he said and made me get up. He put his boots on and then left the tent leaving me there.

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