What's Your Emergency?

By Rose_Taber

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Liv was Buck and Maddie's little sister. The young girl got abused by her parents. She wanted to tell her sib... More

The Truth?
Im sorry


764 6 1
By Rose_Taber

Liv's pov

'So, I just happen to be the youngest in my family. Buck (my older brother) Is 32 and Maddie(my older sister) is 29. So I guess here's my intro. Hi, I'm Liv and being 14 suck's.'

I wrote in my diary. I didn't want to say why it sucked to be 14. Because if anyone was going to read it then, they'd ask questions. And I ain't ready for that. Not yet anyway. They hit me. All the time. And I'm a mess, I call with Maddie and Buck all the time. They ask to face time but I tell them that I broke the camera on my phone so I can't. And I guess they believe it, they haven't asked about it.  But the real reason is that I always have bruises. And Maddie has been through abuse with her husband, she doesn't need to see someone she knows going through it too. I live about an hour from them in LA. But they can't visit often because they work all the time. My parents don't even know where they live, mainly cause they wanted college grads from Harvard that work at the church, not a firefighter and a nurse (now a 911 operator). I do they sent me the address for if I ever had the chance to come visit. I have never told anyone that the "parents" hit me(she calls them that cause she doesn't love them and they never loved her) cause they'd never believe me. I tried and failed, got starved for a month and got beat practically to death. I've contemplated running before. I mean I'm fast. I can run up to 65 mph wich is super fast when running. It's just knowing where to go. I found the 118 by looking at his insta profile. So if I need to run there I could. But that one time was the only time they hit so bad I thought I was gonna die. I mean yeah they leave bruises all the time but I never thought it was bad enough to do something about it.

The next morning


Liv woke up at around 2 in the afternoon she had slept so late, and when she woke up she was feeling really sick. She hadn't gone to bed until 1. As you know her "parents" don't care about her so they don't monitor her. She does school on her own and struggles a lot. If she gets sick or hurt(not caused by her parents) they beat her for that as well. All along it really had been bad enough to report it. But it had never truly been that bad in her eyes, until tonight. 

" Olivia!!!!!! GET OVER HERE RIHGT NOW YOU RAT!!!!" Her mother screamed. The two adults standing red-faced waiting for their daughter to arrive. They had obviously been drunk.


They hurt her. For an hour straight they beat her. She's bloody and sick and is in so much pain. And that was it she ran out of the house. It was 2:45 pm when she ran out of the house. Cops were called cause of the screaming but Liv was out of there way before they showed up. She ran all the way to the 118. They had no calls cause they had training that day! And Maddie had the day off. The team finished the training and Maddie was there as well. A number of times the whole team was on call with Liv so they all basically knew each other. 

1 hour later.

After running the whole way there she was crying and felt like she was gonna pass out because of being sick more than being hurt.

 Maddie and Buck were upstairs. Bobby and Eddie were working out Lena had just changed her clothes and was coming out of the locker room and Hen along with Chim was working on dinner.

She walks in looking for Buck and Maddie. But instead, she automatically sees Lena.

" Whoa! ... wait Lizzie oh my god are you okay what happened?" Lena recognized the girl because of all the pictures they had shown them. 

" Guy's! HURRY!" Lena makes her way over to the girl. everyone that was upstairs rushed down.

The two spot her!

" BUCK?... MADDIE!!!" Lizzie cried as they came up to her. Hen and Chimney had gotten the first aid kit Eddie and Lena were taking orders on what to do while Buck and Maddie were comforting their little sister.

" Hey shh, shh it's ok sweet's just calm down sissy breath ok." Buck was trying to calm her down. His nicknames for her are " sissy and sweet's".

" Hey Love, who did this to you. And where are mom and dad, why don't they know about this?" Maddie asked rubbing the girls back. 

" They did it to me! They had been ever since yall left home!" She cried into buck's chest.

After what seemed like forever she finally calmed down. They got her cleaned up and the only thing still odd was that she had a really bad cough. Buck went to get water while everyone else stayed with Lizzie. Maddie was holding her protectively and slightly rocking back and forth to keep her calm. Buck came back with water for everyone. The young girl drank some and leaned back into Maddie. Athena pulled up not even 2 minutes later.

" Hey, guy's sorry I took so long I just got done putting to ratchet's behind bars for child abuse. Now the kid has run away and they have been looking for her. The search will happen for about an hour before a missing person report goes up." Athena walks in and looks at everyone confused. Lizzie was almost asleep but she could still hear everything that was being said. 

" Athena this is Lizzie she's the one who ran. From our parents... they hurt her and she was bad when she came in." Buck said.

Athen said something into her walkie and the search was called off. 

Lizzie wasn't hurt super bad. Just some cuts and bruises. But the bad thing was she was sick and she didn't want to say anything cause everybody already went through a lot of trouble to help her. She didn't want to worry them more. But Hen had a feeling that there was something else going on. 

Buck picked up the young girl and they took her upstairs. Once he sat her down Maddie stayed there with her Liz while Hen wanted to talk to Buck.

" Ok, so I noticed she was really pale when she came in. And she was shivering like she was cold. But it's 70 degrees. I think she may be sick. Does she ever tell you when she is sick?" Hen asked knowing her own son didn't like to tell people when something felt off. 

" No, even when she was little she would try to make things seem fine when they weren't. So do you actually think she's sick or do you think she's just overheated? I mean, after all, she did run here." Buck mentioned. 

" I'm not completely sure but I guess we will just have to see. But I want you to keep an eye on her for me. Can you do that?" Hen continued. Buck nodded in agreement. Liz was asleep so he told Maddie what to do for the next few hours while everyone tried to go back to normal life...

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