Happily Ever After......NOT!

By NeenahLewis

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Happiness.... What is that exactly? I would be the last person to ask. I've never been happy. Where is my hap... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty

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By NeenahLewis

      "Hayden! HAYDEN!!" I screamed from above the pit then I saw something dark clinging to the edge of the pit with his bare hands. He let out a painful groan.
    Tears in my eyes I started to sob, "Hayden! You're alive!"
     He looked up from where he clung to the hard dirt edge, slowly he reached a hand up and gripping the new spot he moved his foot up as well, and slowly using perfect coordination to tell where to put his hands and feet he climbed up to me. Exhausted his hands finally reached the top where I grabbed his hands and stepping backwards I helped pull him up. I tripped and fell,  Hayden falling on top of me we laid on the ground exhausted and tired. He stared down into my blue eyes as he hovered over me, he smiled, "We got to stop ending up like this."
      I blushed remembering back to the first time I met him and I had try to run away, but he pinned me to the ground and laid on top of me. "You mean when you where my Kidnapper?"
      He grinned, "And you where the annoying princess in five inch heels."
     I laughed and he brushed a strain of my blond hair out of my face. "Oh how I miss wearing those heels!"
     Hayden took my hand in his hand standing up he pulled me up with him, "Really? Even the pain they caused after wearing them all day?"
     "My father always said pain is good, that is makes you stronger."
      "Well I don't really consider you father a wise King when he killed his own queen." We continued walking silently. "I'm sorry that was unkind."
        I took his hand in mine, "No, you're okay, it's the truth anyways." I looked around us at the Enchanted Forest of Love. I thought of how Hayden had kissed me in the pit, his lips were warm and his arms around me where comforting. I longed for him to take me in his arms again to kiss me. I looked at him my gaze going over his body, he was so handsome, and he had a cute butt..... I shook my head what was coming over me? Where these the feelings Hayden said would come over the longer you where in this enchanted forest? I wanted to hug him and kiss him. I wanted to be next to him and to touch him. I wanted his body to be pressed against mine..... These feelings I had were so severe I couldn't contain them as we neared the end of the forest where we would soon be out of the enchanted forest and these feelings would be gone, I realized I didn't want to leave. Not before doing one last thing. I stopped walking and stood still.
     Hayden stopped and looked back at me, "You alright, Princess?"
     I looked into his eyes, those gorgeous brown eyes that I loved more and more, "No..." I walked right up to him and stood in front of him gazing up into his face, "I'm not because, I need to tell you how I feel......"
     Hayden took a deep breath and sighed, "Amaya, listen."
      "No you listen, I love you. I love you Hayden." I brushed my hair back with a laugh, "I've loved you before we even came into this bloody love forest, my feelings for you are real and I know that you can't tell me you love me, but I just have to kiss you. Right here, right now." With that I touched his cheeks and pulled his head down to met mine I kissed him. It felt so good my soft lips against his warm ones I kissed him our lips moving in perfect unison. I ran my fingers through his hair my body pressed against his.
        Hayden pulled back for air, "Amaya.." He whispered but I cut him off with another kiss sliding my hand down his cotton black shirt and lifting it up I placed my hand on the inside feeling his warm smooth skin beneath the shirt, I kissed his jaw line leaving little kisses he let out a peaceful sigh and I went up to his ear and leaning against him I kissed his ear and whispered, "Shhhh just kiss me."
      He didn't need another order. He placed his rough large hands gently on my lower thighs and lifting me up he carried me over to a tree where he pinned me against the tree and started kissing me his hands holding thigh and butt  as my legs where wrapped around him. I smiled and kissed him back harder and hungry for more. I held his head my fingers in his hair I let out a groan as his lips moved to my neck where he kissed me over and over again sending goosebumps all across my body. Then he let me legs drop to the ground so I could stand as we continued kissing our hands exploring each other's body. His hands went to my vest where he unbuttoned every button and slid my red leather vest off. I trembled nervously, I have never done what I had a feeling we were going to do, but Hayden seemed to know just what I was thinking and he knew exactly what to do. He placed his hands on my lower abdomen and lifted my white cotton shirt up over my head. His hands then wrapped around my bare waist and he kissed me his tongue sliding into my mouth. I shivered and placed my hands on his abs I helped him remove his shirt then ran my fingers down his chest feeling each muscle as he kissed my neck.
      He sighed into my ear running his hands down my bare back and grabbing my butt he gave it a light squeeze, "What are you doing to me?" He murmured into my ear then left a trail of kisses on my neck and across my jaw till his lips found mine. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as his hands found the zipper to my red leather pants and he undid them. I twirled around my back pressed against his body and his hands on my hips as he slowly tugged the pants off me kissing my shoulder as he did. I turned back around and kissed him loving the taste of his lips and hoping it would never end. He ran his hands across my breast then my thighs then he lifted me up and laying me on the leaves that blanketed the ground he laid on top of me. We continued kissing our lips moving perfectly together and our hands touching each other's bare skin we made love to each other.
       I don't know when we both fell asleep, but it was late that night after an amazing making love to each other. I didn't know someone could feel this way with a person before, a feeling of complete as you two are made one. For the first time in forever I felt what could be what others called happiness. For once everything was right in the world and I felt like I could live forever like this. Just me and Hayden, we could conquer anything as long as we did it together. I smiled to myself and snuggled down into Hayden's embrace my head laying on his chest. I loved his protecting arms that where around me and the way his body smelled of outdoors.
      Beneath me  I felt Hayden start to stir and I couldn't help but watch him sleep. His long black eyelashes that were closed made him look so peaceful and his cute black hair that curled just right on top. I brushed a lock of his curls out of his face and continued watching him sleep.
     He stretched one arm above him and softly groaned rubbing his eyes, then he looked at me making me blush embarrassed that he caught me watching him. He smiled, "I could get use to waking up to your beautiful face." He said pulling me close and kissing my forehead.
     "Hmmmmm." I smiled and closed my eyes, then jumped and sat straight up, "We stayed here all night!"
     Hayden laughed from where he laid on the ground and gently rubbed my back, "Yeah you're a really good kisser."
     I laid back down and hugged him, "Not as good as kisser as you." Then I rolled on top of him and planted a kiss on his lips.
     His arms wrapped around my bare back and he kissed me his hands moving up and down my back.
     I smiled down at him, "We should go."
     "No let's stay." Hayden said kissing me, "You're naked." He kissed my cheek, "And beautiful." Then he kissed my neck making me laugh.
      He grinned at me as I played with his hair, "I want to stay here too." I murmured giving him a quick kiss which turned into a fierce passionate kiss. I pulled up for air and giggled, "If you keep kissing me like that we'll never leave."
     Hayden smiled, "That sounds good to me." He gave me another kiss.
     I gave him one last lingering kiss then stood up to find my clothes.
      "Awww come on." Hayden said as he watched me get up then he jumped to his feet and snatched my clothes before I could.
     "Hayden! Give those back!" I laughed trying to snatch them from him, but he dodged me.
      "Hmmm no I like seeing you naked more." He held my clothes high out of my reach and wrapping one arm around me he pulled me close and kissed me.
     As we kissed I reached my hand up got hold of my shirt I tugged on it, "You do realize we're in the middle of a forest right?" I asked him as he buried his head in my neck.
      "Okay for each kiss you give me I'll give you a piece of your clothing back." He said with a grin.
      "Ohhh so this is how it works uh?" I said with a feisty smile I grabbed his clothes off the ground.
      He grinned and raised an eyebrow, "I like this game already."
      "Mm me first." Placing my hands on his cheeks I pulled him to me giving him a big kiss.
       He smiled and handed me my red leather pants. "My turn." He wrapped an arm around me and tilting me over some he kissed me starting at my lips then moving along my jawline to my neck.
     I giggled pulling away as his kisses tickled, then I handed him his boots.
     "Seriously I kiss you and all I get is boots?" He said laughing.
     I smiled "Exactly." Then I kissed him.
    We continued our fun game till we all had our clothing back and were dressed appropriately. Then hand in hand we walked past the remaining red grasses and trees to the clearing. As we exited the exciting Enchanted Forest of Love into the normal surroundings of the dirt path and miles and miles of fields and pastures my love for Hayden was still there. My feelings for him and the memory of our night together remained in my mind and my heart. I was scared that all my feelings for him were caused by the enchanted forest, but we were out of it now and my feelings of wanting him and wanting to love him were strong and very much real.
      We paused outside of the enchanted forest warm sunshine shining down on us on this new day. Hayden released his fingers from mine leaving his hand at his side.
      I looked down at his hand and then up into his face.
      His eyes straight ahead towards the path he said, "Agog is about 3 miles from here, right up and over that hill in the distance. We should get there around midday"
       "So... We're all business now? What happened to us?" I reached to take his hand but he moved his hand away.
       He looked at me this time, "We should start walking." With that he took off walking down the path.
      I stood there for a second confused and hurt. How could he be so loving in the forest with me, but outside not even care? Did last night mean nothing to him? Could it be his feelings for me were only caused by the enchanted forest? With these thoughts plundering my mind I walked slowly after him not saying anything.
     My heart was heavy as we walked I wanted to talk to him, to ask him what went wrong, but was scare what he would say. I looked at the beautiful scenery around me and with my heart hurting I became angry at the nature. How could nature be so beautiful when deep down my heart was breaking.
      Finally I couldn't handle the silence, "So last night was...."
      "A mistake." Hayden whispered.
      I bite my lip, "I was going to say perfect, magical even. You're saying it was a mistake? You regret being with me?"
      Hayden rubbed his forehead, "Yeah I mean, you know those feelings we felt weren't real right?"
       I frowned, "They weren't?"
       "No they were made by the enchanted forest, what we felt last night what we did....... It doesn't mean anything, it wasn't real."
        His words cut into my heart with such force, I felt like the pain I felt when my mother died was nothing compare to the pain and heartbreak I was feeling now. I glared at him, "Maybe it didn't mean anything to a guy who hides and pushes people away, but it meant something to me." I marched passed him not wanting to slow down and talk to him anymore. My feelings were real, my love for him wasn't fake, it wasn't something that the enchanted forest trick me into thinking. My feelings for him was alive inside me, I felt them every time I looked at him.
       He ran and shortly caught up to me, "Where do you think you're going?" He asked falling into place beside me.
     "Away from you." I said without looking at him.
       He laughed, "You don't even know how to get to Agog."
        "Right up and over that hill you said awhile ago I'm pretty sure I can figure it out on my own."
        He didn't say anymore and I was glad, my feelings were so bloody mixed up right now. I didn't know whether to be upset with him, or mad at him. Silently I walked or more like I marched down the path.
        Hayden watched me not saying a word. While later as we climbed the hill he did speak, "You're mad at me aren't you?"
       "You could say that." I huffed as we walked up hill.
         He grabbed my elbow once we reached the top of the hill, "Amaya wait, I can't go into Agog knowing that you're mad at me."
        "And why not?!" I laughed sarcastically, "I mean you said so yourself I don't mean anything to you."
         "Is that what this is about?" He still held my elbow, "Amaya what I said back there about it not meaning anything, it's because it can't mean anything." Hayden turned and showed me the outskirts of Agog and it's magnificent castle that stood towering over the walls that protected the city. "I can't give you what a prince can Amaya, I can't give you a castle, a safe home, I can't even give you the love that you deserve to be told every day and every night before you go to bed. I can't give you any of it."
        "Hayden I don't want any of that! All I care about and all I want is you. You're enough for me, we could travel do things for the Great Wizard any of that! I don't need you to tell me how you love me, I just need you to show me by your actions, and I could be happy just being with you and living with you no words of love needed." I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled up at him. "I love you."
       He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to me, "But I can't say it back." He whispered.
      I leaned my forehead against his, and closed my eyes with a small sigh, then I looked at him, "I know this isn't easy for you, but I promise I can live with you and know you love me without you having to say it, and I will find a way to break your curse I promise."
       He smiled, "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look."
       "I think today is a good day to start." I pulled him close and hugged him. We held each other for a good five minutes not saying a word just him and me with our arms around each other on the hill overlooking Agog and all the world around it.
       "You ready?" He asked.
     I nodded, "With you by my side I am."
    Gently he held my hand in his and we walked down the hill and towards the giant stone walls that protected Agog. The big iron gates where open and holding each other's hand we walked through the gates. Hayden pretended to bow before me, "M'lady, welcome to Agog."

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