Overlord: Shadow of Mordor

By CRitch10

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In the virtual game known as Yggdrasil, the guild named Ainz Ooal Gown struck fear into the hearts of every p... More

Ch. 1: The Dark Lord
Looks of the Guardians
Ch. 2: Locals and Loyalty
Ch. 3: Carne Village
Ch. 4: Ains Ooal Gown
Ch. 5: Fire V. Ice
Ch. 6: An Alliance Formed
Guide to Mordor: Part Two
Ch. 7: Terms and Conditions
Ch. 8: Out Of Hiding
Ch. 9: The Ball Pt. 1
Ch. 10: The Ball Pt. 2
Ch. 11: Siege Preparations

Guide to Mordor: Part One

6.2K 89 11
By CRitch10

This "chapter" will get you acquainted with this stories Mordor.

Part one: Regions

Region 1: Gorgoroth

Gorgoroth was always covered in the volcanic ash of Mount Doom and had no plant growth at all. Most of Sauron's armies lay in wait at Gorgoroth for their master's command. It lied at the heartland of Mordor.

Region 2: Lithlad

Lithlad was an ashen plain of Mordor, far east of Gorgoroth. The only area not covered in sand is a large area of snow in the northern part of Lithlad.

Region 3: Nurn

Núrn was a fertile and moist region located in the southernmost portion of the realm of Mordor that held the inland Sea of Nurnen.

Part two: Strongholds

Stronghold 1: Minas Morgul

Originally named Minas Ithil, Minas Morgul is the Stronghold governed by the the Witch-King and the staying place of the Nazgul. A place of dark sorcery and home of the Ithil-stone, a palantir used by the Witch-King to deceive and blind Sauron's enemies from seeing into Mordor using magical means. The Tower of Sorcery is where the Nazgul reside until called upon by Sauron himself.

Stronghold 2: Cirith Ungol

Protected by Ungoliant and her kin, Cirith Ungol acts as Sauron's center of  intelligence. While Orcs and Uruks fill the rest of the Stronghold, Ungoliant's tower at the top house her children who leave and return with rumors and secrets about those Sauron wishes to know. Cirith Ungol was behind Minas Morgul and was where the secret pass led into.

Stronghold 3: Durthang

Durthang, or the "Black Temple", is home of the Black Numenoreans under Sauron's rule. Here is where the Mouth of Sauron and his disciples practice their sorcery and enchant weapons and armor for the legions of Evil Men.

Stronghold 4: Seregost

Despite its proximity to Mount Doom, Seregost was bitterly cold and snowbound no matter the season. The spawning place of the Olog-hai, Gothmog rules here, always strategizing and setting battle formations for his Lord Sauron.

Stronghold 5: Thaurband

The breeding place for Orcs and Uruks, Thaurband lies in Nurn, right by the Sea of Nurnen. Once birthed, Orcs and Uruks undergo brutal training, overseen by the Stonghold's Guardian, Urulooke. Many beasts are also captured or sent here for taming.

Stronghold 6: Angband

Angband, also known by its translation 'Iron Prison', was the first capital of Mordor under Morgoth. Residing at the base of Mount Doom, Angband has two uses. As the 'Iron Prison' name suggests, it is where Sauron keeps his most hated enemies, torturing them daily for information, or just because he hates them. It's also where a great arena is, where Uruks and other servants of Sauron go for entertainment. Fights are scheduled every day under the watch of Morgoth, the Champion of Mordor, who also acts as warden.

Stronghold 7: Morannon

More commonly referred to as 'The Black Gate', Morannon is a gate built by Sauron to prevent invasion. Made of an unbreakable metal and to tall for siege ladders, the only way in is if it is opened from the inside to let the horses of Mordor loose. Though it has not Stronghold Guardian, it does have Grishnakh, the Orc Captain of the Black Gate.

Part 3: Naztive Beasts of Mordor

Beast 1: Fellbeast

Sometimes mistaken for dragons, Fellbeast are serpent like beats with only two wings and two feet. The teeth are like spears, and it's talons can shred through armor with ease. Usually seen as mounts for the Ringwraiths, they let loose terrifying screeches that strike fear into it's prey before being swooped upon. Found in the 'Valley of the Fellbeast', in northern Lithlad.

Beast 2: Great Beast of Gorgoroth

Huge behemoths that are captured and forced into doing the bidding of the Orcs of Mordor. Founded in the plains of Gorgoroth.

Beast 3: Graugs

Graugs were massive two-legged beasts that roamed the land of Mordor, and were specifically known to dwell in Nurn, Gorgoroth, and Seregost. Depending on where they live, they can either spit poison or fire, or nothing at all. Can be seen being used as siege-beasts.

Beast 4: Cargors

Catlike cousins of Wargs, they are more master hunters and trackers. Hard to tame, but one they are, are seen as mounts for Orcs and can scale walls with ease.

Beast 5: Ghuls

Humonoid vermin that burrow and live in packs. Blind due to living in the dark, Ghuls are only dangerous when the whole pack is together.

Beast 6: Wyrms

Two types of wyrms live in Mordor; Grey Wyrms and Were-Wyrms. Gray Wyrms live underground in Gorgoroth, capable of breathing fire. Were-Wyrms are native to Lithlad and burrow like their cousins in the sand. Unable to breathe fire, they are larger than their counterparts and are more numerous.

Part 4: Mount Doom

At the base of the volcano lies the Stronghold of Angband, but if you climb closer to the top, you'll find an entrance to go inside. Using the lava and the dark magical energies resting there, Sauron uses it as his forge. Here is where he forged the One Ring, and is the one place it can be destroyed.

Part 5: Barad-Dur

Capital of Mordor itself, this is where Sauron resides. 100 stories tall, it can be seen over the black mountain barrier of Mordor, as the Great Eye sits and sees all. Every 10th floor was a specified room guarded by a Tower Guardian.

Tower Guardian 1: Watcher in the Water

On the 10th floor are the baths and hot springs. Lying in a gigantic pond in the middle of the floor is the Watcher in the Water; a kraken-like creature with many eyes and arms, with rows of teeth in it's mouth. Nobody knows what the rest of the body looks like.

Tower Guardian 2: The Hammer

The Hammer is a Black Numenorean with a Mace similar in design to Sauron's own. Heavily armored and ready for combat, The Hammer guards the 20th floor, the training room of Barad-Dur, where Sauron would come to practice his skills from time to time.

Tower Guardian 3: The Black Hand

The 30th floor is the meeting hall, where Sauron would hold his meetings with his former comrades. The Black Hand would wait and serve them, but also acted as Guardian of that floor. A Black Numenorean proficient in black magic and swordplay, The Black Hand will do all he can to stop anyone who attempts to defile that sacred floor.

Tower Guardian 4: The Tower


lso a Black Numenorean, The Tower is suspended in armor that always causes him excruciating pain 24/7. However he welcomes this pain, as it fuels his black magic and allows him to better protect the armory on the 40th floor, where enchanted weapons and armor are stored for anyone Sauron deems worthy of it.

Tower Guardian 5: Alatar and Pallando

Once players that got the chance to be maiar, the blue wizards were defeated and killed by Sauron when they traveled East to try and convince Khand to turn on Mordor. To test his Necromancy powers, Sauron brought back the bodies of the wizards as undead NPCs. Now they guard the library of Barad-Dur on the 50th floor, where all the knowledge Sauron has ever stored is. They are forever in service of the Dark Lord they had once tried to destroy.

Tower Guardian 6: Gulavhar, the Terror of Arnor

A vampire that use to terrorize the Kingdom of Arnor, Gulavhar became guardian of the 60th floor; the dining hall. He samples all meat courses before having them served and personally slaughters the animals from which the meat is produced. A powerful wielder of magic, Gulavhar will rip apart anyone who intrudes on his favorite pastime.

Continued in Guide of Mordor: Part Two!

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