The Red clouds of the Akatsuki

By Bakashiteme

69.4K 2.4K 2.8K

Kakashi joins the Akatsuki, as a spy for the leaf village, slowly he gains the trust of the akatsuki members... More

A Goodbye and a Welcome
The Nightmares
Tailed beast
Love - or hate. The ultimate descison
What happens now?
Team 7
An Immpossible descision
I'm sorry
Madara Uchiha
Back home
War is costly

Break the cycle

3K 121 250
By Bakashiteme

Madara's POV
He hesitates.

I hesitated and that was the worst mistake of my life, Hashirama used my weakness of him against me, he struck, and he gained the upper hand, he jumped around me, towards my back, years of sparring together we knew each others weak spots.

Kakashi doesn't move, I watch as Obito drops the kunai and staggers up, Kakashi leaps up.

I had taken a sword for him, in the back, I had saved him, jumped in front of him, ever since than I was a little slower, more weak on the left side of my back.

I took that sword for you Hashirama.

Obito had a scar on his face, from Kakashi, because he had saved him from the rocks, and Kakashi, the strange silver haired man stroked the rough ridges of his face, he didn't hurt him, he was gentle and delicate.

Another sword, you charged all grace and furious speed, taking advantage of my love for you, a love you never retaliated, you found another weakness, a weakness that led to my already weak heart, my heart that was weak for you, and you thrust your sword through it.

And I cracked. You cried. I remember you cried. But you also smiled. You smiled while I lay dying.

What is this? Kakashi didn't- he didn't strike him, he didn't break him, in a hurricane of emotions I charged forward, Obito jumped back in shock, His and Kakashi's hands were interlaced.

Obito's POV
We jumped back. My hand found his, and we gripped each other tightly, It was Madara Uchiha, "We need to talk about him later Obito" says Kakashi a fake scowl painting his voice I smirk "Yeah...That's uh-"
"Madara Uchiha I heard you talking in the caves"
"Oh." Oh. Oh!!! Everything makes since now, he heard me say I'd be willing to kill him- god I'm so stupid this is all my fault!! "A kiss for luck?" I say and he scoffs.

I pull him close and give him a quick passionate peck on the lips. "This may be our last battle-"
"Than I'm glad its with you not against you" says Kakashi cheesily and we ready ourselves.

Kakuzu POV
"Ready to fight?" I say and Hidan grins, he has such a cocky arrogant grin, I love it and hate it all at once "Fu** YEAH!" He grabs my face, and even though he's shorter than me kisses me "agh Hidan we have a battle-"
"Shut the fu** up" he says and slaps me "I love you grumpy di**" he says and waves.

"Be careful"
"Yeah, yeah grandpa"
"Shikamaru has like a 160 IQ or something"
"...Uh well I'm immortal so JASHIN BI**" rocks. Stones. I see it so clearly "Be careful Hidan" I say seriously this time, as serious as I can and his smile fades a little "You too Kakuzu, I'll see you later don't worry"

When did I start loving this idiot? I sigh as we separate ways, Lightening rocks suffocating death, Hidan. Don't die. I swear if you die I will kill you.

Naruto's POV
Pein is strong I'm fighting four of them, this is so incredibly hard I'm losing...I know I'm losing, I'm getting tired and my leg I'm pretty sure is broken not to mention my busted ribs "CHAAA!" I terrifyingly hear and a pein is tossed to the air, Sakura she smiles at me.

"Don't mess with team 7" hisses Sasuke as he drives two off with his katana and they run to regroup with me. "Sasuke, Sakura!" I say overjoyed to see they're alright Sasuke smiles at me slightly, which is honestly the closest you can get to an overjoyed expression on a Uchiha.

Sakura heals my ribs and leg. We are ready to fight!

Kakashi's POV
Obito and I work well together, just like when we were younger, both of us using the sharingan, Madara is a shinobi god but I believe he's a little old to be fighting. Unfortunately we are running out of chakra, Obito and I both decided that we would have to do the heavy hits right away because Madara could easily outlast us in chakra.

Obito is beautiful, he's gotten so much stronger, it's unbelievable that he used to be the little dobe that cried and complained and fell for even the simplest ninja traps. He's grown so much and I'm very proud of him. After this we return to the leaf village together.

I hope Obito likes dogs...

"Why didn't you strike him down!?" Hisses Madara at Obito "Because I love him, and I haven't given up yet!" He yells back "And I would never strike Obito either because I Know he doesn't give up!" Madara pauses he looks shocked, I slam my Chidori through his stomach, Obito thrusts a Katana through his back.

Madara POV
I had taken a sword for him, in the back, Obito stabbed a sword through my back.

I had saved him, He had only been a boy, crushed by rocks

ever since than I was a little slower, more weak on the left side of my back.

I took that sword for you Hashirama.

Kakashi plunged his chidori into my stomach

I lay there dying, Obito knelt next to me, kakashi stayed standing, hand on Obito's shoulder protectively "Thank you for teaching me Madara" he said queit his eyes were a little wet than he stood up and walked away.

Another sword, you charged all grace and furious speed, taking advantage of my love for you, a love you never retaliated, you found another weakness, a weakness that led to my already weak heart, my heart that was weak for you, and you thrust your sword through it.

"Madara, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I coughed why couldn't I breath? "I love you Madara"  he smiles a bit painfully "You've wanted me to say that for a long time huh?"

Why didn't I remember this conversation?

"I'll see you soon, and we'll be together again, we can resolve things" He's crying I distantly reach up and stroke a tear from his face "I love you Madara Uchiha, don't you ever forget it"

But I did.

I forgot.

Until they- Obito Uchiha and Kakashi Hatake reminded me.

"I love you to Hashirama" 

And I can't wait to see you again.

Kakuzu's POV
Something was wrong, Hidan oh no, I ditched the random shinobi I was fighting and rushed towards were Hidan had run to, please let me get there in time! I ran straight into the Shikamaru Nara, he looked smug, tired, and beat up.

Smug. No.

"Where is Hidan" I roared and he took a giant step back suprised he immeadatly raised his defense "I don't want to fight you ignorant child- Where is he!?"

"dead. Probably" he shrugged his eyes were still narrowed he thought I meant to trick him "I don't- where is he" my voice cracked, which was embarrassing but I didn't care I needed to find Hidan "It's hard to miss, he's under a mound of rocks, he's dead." I run by him.

When I first met Hidan he was a git, a cocky young ass that talked to much, and prayed to often, he was never serious and always talked about sex, murder and Jashin, but past all of that, he grew to be someone I worried about...

Someone I loved.

And he couldn't be dead.

I saw the mound of rocks, it towers rather menacingly trees everything around it like the earth threw up, I got to work.

Naruto's POV
We won, the village won, Pein revived everyone, and Konan promised to stop the cycle of hatred, Deidara, Kisame and Itachi were all alive, Itachi talked to Sasuke, by the end of their talk Sasuke was teary eye'd he didn't tell me why but he let me hug him.

When we go back to Konoha Kakashi sensei is there, and he's holding hands with a man Obito, they both look so happy, when we go back to the village everyone cheers for us, team 7, me, I feel accepted and Sasuke and Sakura are right by my side.

Kakashi's POV
Obito shifts "so uh- what now?" He's adorable "Well now we stay and Konoha together, we can be Jonin together, retire and become teachers for the academy in a few years we can-"
"ADOPT!" Yelps Obito suddenly and than turns very pink "uhh yeah we'll talk about that" I say and he rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

"Yeah sorry that's- we are moving a bit fast"
"Yeah, and don't worry we have time"  he smiles again and settles his head in my shoulder "I need money" he says sighing softly "why" I say, even though obviously I'm getting him whatever he wants "Well I'm living with you right? Knowing how boring you can be I need to buy some stuff to- make it less drab"

"It's not- "
"Hey Kakashi Sensei!"
"Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura!! Your all okay!" They run up and hug me, they're adorable and I'm so glad they are okay.

Thanks for reading- one more chapter and than The book is finished!!! 💚💚💚💚 Love you all
I don't own Naruto or the pic-

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