Daughter of Zeus

By Imheretokilltime

15.6K 310 56

My name is Avery Carter Grace, I am 9 years old, and I live with my abusive step-father. This is the story of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

747 17 2
By Imheretokilltime

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ 

Fight scene in this chapter

Curse words in this chapter

Jessie's POV

I've been working so hard. Sooo hard to be the best sword fighter. I've practiced every night before bed. Being a daughter of Ares, I'm naturally competitive. I've spent the past three years at this freaking camp, I'm 12 now, to be the best. And now there is some newbie who has the talent naturally? It's not fair! After we finished practice I walked over to her, she might be able to beat me in a sword fight but what about....

"Hey newbie!" I called

Avery turned to look at me, she didn't say anything, though.

"I want to challenge you to a fight." 

Adam grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear, "Not a good idea. Remember what happened last time?" 

Last time I won, but I won by too much. I accidentally broke the kids arm and leg. I was on kitchen duty for like two months because of that.

"Relax," I uttered, slipping my arm out of his grip, "she'll be easy."

I turn back to Avery, "Let's go."

"I don't know..." she started softly. It was obvious she didn't want to fight. I needed to fire her up.

"Too scared?"


"Then why aren't you accepting?"

"Cause I don't want to hurt anyone."

Blech, the child thinks she could cause damage? What a weakling, "you couldn't even get close to hurting me." I have a pretty big ego, but I can't help it. I ALWAYS get my way.

"I don't want to, sorry." She said. Avery started to walk away, but I was NOT about to loose an opportunity to win. I ran and tackled her to the ground.

"What are you doing!" She yelled.

I threw a punch right into her nose. It started to bleed, heavily.

"What the hell!" She screamed.

I punched her, again. This time in the stomach. I quickly figured out that there was no way she was going to win. But this kid, she doesn't take no for an answer.

Avery's POV

I was loosing, loosing the fight I didn't want to have. She punched me for a second time. This time right in my eye. I could feel it start to swell. She stood up and stomped on my stomach. I grabbed her ankle and threw her back down. I got on top of her and starting to punch her. She flipped me back and kept hitting me. I wrapped my legs around her waist and slammed her on the ground. I felt arms wrap around me. I started to kick and thrash as much as I could. 

"Calm down!" I look up to see Percy holding me back. I look ahead of me and Will was holding back Jessie. 

"Take her to the infirmary," Will said, talking to Percy, "I'm taking her(Jessie) to the Ares cabin to talk to the head counselor and I'll heal her there. DON'T let Avery leave." 

Percy threw my over his shoulder as I continued to try and escape. I didn't need medical attention. It was just a few scratches and bruises. I'm used to much worse. We made it to the infirmary, unfortunately, and Percy sat me down on one of the beds. It was empty other than us, which is unusual. 

Percy looked at me, worried, "What happened?"

A few tears fell down my face. Percy squatted down next to the bed to come to the same level as me, "You can tell me. I won't get mad."

"Well," I said before choking on a sob. Percy pulled me into a hug. When we pulled away his shirt was covered in blood from my nose. I guess it is still bleeding. "Jessie came up to me after sword practice and wanted to 'prove her worth' by fighting physically. But I said no and walked away. She then ran up and tackled me, the started to hit me, so I fought back. I'm sorry."

"No," he said, firmly.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Don't you even apologize. You defended yourself, that's what you should have done. I'm proud of you."


"Yeah, kiddo."

I smiled. Then, the door to the infirmary opened and Will walked in. He came and crouched down next to me, looked at my arms, legs, and face, then went off the grab some things. He handed me some tissues, "Pinch your nose with these, and lean your head forward." 

I did what he said. 

"What happened?" He asked as he grabbed bandages and rubbing alochol for cleaning the wounds. This is gonna hurt. 

I looked at Percy and he explained for me.

"Ah," Will looked angry, "I'll talk to Clarisse more about it later. She said she would deal with Jessie. Give me your right arm." 

I held out my right arm. There was one long cut down it, not too deep, but still there. He grabbed some cotton and put medicine on it. He then rubbed it on my arm.

"Ow!" I exclaimed and tried to pull my arm away, but he had a tight grip and kept cleaning it. I continued to try and pull away, but it didn't work.

"Almost done," He said and wrapped up my arm, "now for your face." He pulled my hand with the tissues from off my nose. My nose was still bleeding. 

"Looks like you broke it," he said, "Percy," he motioned for him to come over. I don't know why, but Percy pulled me into his lab and held my arms with his.

Will sighed and said, "Sorry sweetheart." 

He put his hands on different sides of my nose and pulled. 

"F***!" I yelled, "THAT HURT WILL!" I was crying again, Jesus me. 

He looked surprised at my profanity, "First off, I'm so sorry, but it should stop bleeding now. Second, what did you just say?"


"I do believe she said a no no word, Will." Percy chided, jokingly.

I rolled my eyes at Percy.

"Sassy, I see." Percy started, "We need to start preparing for her teenage years. She's going to be out of control."

"Avery," Will scolded, "don't curse and Percy, you're a mess." He finished caring for me by rubbing a cream on my bruise over my eye.

"Alright," Percy said, "Is she done?"

"Yep, and I do believe it's almost dinner." 

Just as Will said that, the dinner bell chimed. 

"Yay!" I yelled and ran out the door to go get dinner.

Will's POV

Percy and I were arguing over if a Pegasus should be able to have voting rights or not when a camper named Harri(Harriet) came over and said, "Will! Come quick, Avery and Jessie are hurting each other!"

Percy and I exchange glances and get up and start to run after Harri. I see Avery and Jessie in a physical altercation. Percy ran and grabbed Avery and pulled her off, and I grabbed Jessie. 

"Take her to the infirmary," I said to Percy, referring to Avery, "I'm taking her(Jessie) to the Ares cabin to talk to the head counselor and I'll heal her there. DON'T let Avery leave." 

Percy nodded and walked off, carrying a struggling Avery over his shoulder.

"Come on, Jessie," I grabbed her arm, "We're going to talk to Clarisse."

She rolled her eyes as we walked to the Ares cabin. When we got there I knocked on the door and another camper answered, "Can I help you?" 

"Yes, have you seen Clarisse?" I asked

"Yeah," she motioned to behind her where Clarisse had appeared.

"Go back inside, George," Clarisse ordered, "I've got this."

George did as Clarisse said and walked back into the cabin. 

"What's up?" Clarisse asked.

"Um well Jessie got into a fight with another camper and I do believe it is the head counselors job to discipline their campers."

"Who did she fight and why?"

"She was fighting Avery, and I'm not sure why."

As soon as I said Avery's name, she suddenly tensed and became angry, "Get inside!" She yelled at Jessie. 

"I need to check her for major injuries."

"Fine," Clarisse was still fuming, "Come in."

I walked in towards Jessie and Clarisse followed. I looked up and down Jessie's arms and legs. She had a few cuts which I wiped out and wrapped. She had a pretty bad sprained ankle, so I wrapped it with sports tape. While I continued to examine, Clarisse yelled, "You better tell me what happened right now! Why were you fighting!"

"I don't know..." Jessie's voice slowly trailed off.

Clarisse grabbed her arm and looked her straight in the eyes, "Yes you do, now you better tell me  in your best interest."

"Fine," Jessie gave in. It was obvious she was about to lie, but then she saw the looks on our faces, "Avery was so good at sword fighting, naturally. Someone told me she was so good she could probably beat me. I was jealous because I've been working so hard and she's just amazing at it naturally, so I thought about a hand fight. I could beat her like that, right? Adam told me not to, but I didn't listen. She told me she didn't want to fight and walked off, so I tackled and attacked her. I'm sorry."

I finished cleaning her up right when her story finished, "Well," I said, "I'm done so I'll leave you two to it."

"Thank you, Will" Clarisse answered, "I'm so sorry about all of this. I'll deal with it."

"No problem. It's alright, Avery's a tough girl."

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. She won't tell you if she's hurting."

On that note, I walk out the door and shut it behind me. Just as it closes, I can hear Clarisse screaming at Jessie. I winced and walked towards the infirmary, that girl always did scare me.

Time skip to the infirmary 

I open the door to the infirmary and came inside. I saw Avery sitting on one of the beds with Percy talking to her, crouched down next to her. I put my stuff down on a desk and walk over to Avery. I crouch down and look at her arms and legs and face. This was going to take a while to clean up. I grabbed some tissues first, "Pinch your nose with these, and lean your head forward."

She did what I asked her to.

"What happened?" I asked as I rushed to grab bandages and rubbing alochol for cleaning her wounds. 

 Percy started to explain for her.

"Ah," I was infuriated at that child, "I'll talk to Clarisse more about it later. She said she would deal with Jessie. Give me your right arm."

She held out her right arm. There was one long cut on it. It spanned from the top of her shoulder to her elbow. I grabbed some sanitary wipes and put medicine on it. I grabbed her arm, tight, knowing it was going to hurt, then started to wipe it out.

"Ow!" She cried and tried to pull away, but I held her arm tighter to make sure I could keep cleaning it. She kept trying to pull away, but I just held her arm tighter.

"Almost done," I promised and wrapped up her arm, "now for your face." I grabbed her hand and pulled it away from her nose. It was still bleeding after all this time. It must be broken.

"Looks like you broke it," I said, "Percy," I motioned for Percy to come over and hold her. He nodded. Avery looked confused, the poor thing didn't know what was about to happen.

I winced, sighed and said, "Sorry sweetheart." I really didn't want to do this.

I put my hands on her nose and then applied tons of pressure, then cracked it back into place.

"F***!" She screamed, "THAT HURT WILL!" She was crying again, I felt bad. 

But then I was shocked. What did she just say? Did she curse at me? I looked at her, "First off, I'm so sorry, but it should stop bleeding now. Second, what did you just say?"


"I do believe she said a no no word, Will." Percy chided, jokingly.

She rolled her eyes at Percy.

"Sassy, I see." Percy observed, "We need to start preparing for her teenage years. She's going to be out of control."

"Avery," I scolded as seriously as I could, "don't curse and Percy, you're a mess." Not going to lie, it was kind of funny when she cursed, but as a head counselor, I can't encourage that type of behavior. I finished tending to her wounds by rubbing bruise cream over her eye. 

"Alright," Percy said, "Is she done?"

"Yep, and I do believe it's almost dinner."

Just as I said that, the dinner bell chimed. Wow, I thought, I'm good. 

"Yay!" Avery yelled and ran out the door to go get dinner. 

Percy chuckled, "What are we going to do with that child?"

I sighed, "I don't know, but I have a feeling this isn't going to be her last time in here."

We both laugh and start to converse as we head to dinner.


Three chapters in a day! Wow me! I was feeling inspired and was not as busy as usual. What do you guys want more of? Avery's quite the wild child, don't you think? She finally found a friend, though, Harley! Do you guys like her name? Let me know if there's anything you want me to add or fix!



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