Listen ~ The Maze Runner ~ Ne...

By lara_baby

18.8K 149 134

Danielle is the only girl have ever set foot in The Glade. Ever. And being the only girl she gets a few perks... More

1 ~ Nightmares
3 ~ Argue
4 ~ Party
5 ~ Fight
6 ~ Dawn
7 ~ Talk
8 ~ Alone
9 ~ Eavesdrop
10 ~ Please
11 ~ Note
12 ~ Memories
13 ~ Plan
14 ~ Test
15 ~ Breakfast
16 ~ Sobs
17 ~ Letters
18 ~ Melissa
19 ~ Thomas
20 ~ Glade
21 ~ Listen
22 ~ Fear
23 ~ Monitors
24 ~ Teresa
25 ~ Run
26 ~ Newt
27 ~ Pain

2 ~ Touring

1.2K 12 8
By lara_baby

Danielle's P.O.V

"I'm Danielle, but most of the shanks here call me Dani. I'm probably going to be the person you trust most in here, being the only girl and all. Plus, I am a pretty good secret keeper, so if at any point you need to talk to me about anything I will always be there to listen." I introduce myself to the Green Bean, giving him a kind smile.

For the first time since he has arrived here, he says something. "So you're Dani. Before Alby said your name I thought you were going to be a dude." I laugh, the sitution not being something foreign to me. Minho and Gally normally leave me at breakfast to meet the Greenie and when they do, I can normally hear Minho shout. "Dani is going to love you."

No other explanation as to who I am. Hence the confusion.

"What made you think that? My nickname being unisex or the fact that every other person here is a guy?" I ask, smirking as he adjusts his shirt. He coughs, trying to clear his throat before answering me. "A bit of both I guess." I laugh again.


The Greenie and I walk towards the lookout tower, the entire way there having me point out people, jobs and buildings that he'll have to learn. So far he hasn't asked many questions, thought I know he is itching to do so. They all are when they first arrive in that box.

The two of us climb the several ladders of the rickety lookout tower, and I push open the hatch to allow us to stand on the top floor. My feet clamber up the last few runs of the ladder and I hop up onto the deck, standing out of the way for the Greenie to join me. Once he steps onto the deck, I close the hatch behind him and make my way over to the edge of the platform, resting my elbows on the fence.

"Careful, the fence isn't the most sturdy thing to lean on." I say to the Greenie, watching as he copies me and looks out across The Glade. We stand in silence for a few moments as I let him look over The Glade, while I look at him, examining his features.

He has green eyes with brown flecks, ruffled dark hair, and the rest of his body was quite muscled. But he still looked like a boy.

"Isn't it rude to stare?" He says into the open air, making me smirk beside him. "Isn't it rude to call out a girl who was prejudging what role you'll fit into?" I quip, making him turn his head in thought. "Isn't it rude to be prejudiced?" He retorts, at which I shake my head. "It's rude to discriminate. Prejudging isn't as bad as long as you don't act on it. Besides, I was only trying to figure out if you truly will be better at being a builder or a runner. You don't need to get your panties in a twist."

The Greenie chuckles and pulls his mouth into a relaxed smile. "You do this a lot don't you? Guessing who a person will be." He observes. I smack my lips together with a high pitched *pop*, nodding my head slowly. "Turns out I have a knack for it. Gally still owes me several drinks for the last few Greenies."

"Who do you think I will be?" He asks, finally looking into my eyes for more than a glance. I press my lips together in thought and scan over his body once more, coming back to his eyes to answer. "Well, for starters I think that you will be either a builder or possibly even a med-jack. Though you aren't bulky I think you have a lot of secret strength to you, which in all fairness would be good for being a runner too, but Minho is tricky to impress. Not that I don't think you could do it, I'm just not sure you have the stamina to full on sprint half this field." I start, rambling a little to not hurt the Greenie's feelings.

"What else?" The boy chuckles, finding my flustered rambling amusing. "I think that when you remember your name, it will be something unique. Not rare, but also not something you'd hear in everyday life. Something that makes you want to know more about them, and in this case you. And finally, I think you'll definitively turn the heads of some of the gay boys here."

"What about your eyes?" He asks, his voice low. I'm caught off guard by his question, taking a gulp as I try and figure out a way to answer him. I mean, he's very easy on the eye and so far seems to be a little like me on the personality scale. Somewhat sassy and easy to talk to, and most certainly easy to have a laugh with.

Before I can even comprehend an answer for him, he places a hand on my shoulder and chuckles deeply. "I'm kidding."

"I'm pretty sure you've got enough boys chasing after you. And god forbid I wouldn't want your boyfriend on my ass day 1." He adds, making me laugh once more. "And what makes you think I have a boyfriend? Who do you think I'm with?" I laugh. "The blonde one with Alby. The one that called you love." The Greenie answers, looking away.

"You mean Newt?" I ask, in a little disbelief noticing him nod his head. "No, he's my best friend. The one I'm closest with in here. He just sees me as his little sister, as do Gally and Minho." I answer. "That's what you think he thinks though. What do you think of him Dani?" The Greenie asks.

Unsure of how truthful I can be with this newbie, I turn the subject around. "Aren't I supposed to be the one asking you questions Greenie? Or if you are going to be asking me questions, shouldn't they be logical ones about The Glade?" "Ok then. What's up with the maze? You said earlier I couldn't go in it. Why?"

Of course he has to ask that question. Of everything he could have asked me...

"I'm not sure I'm the right person to tell you that..." I sigh, placing my head in my hands. "I still deserve an explanation as to why not though. Regardless of whether you should be the one to tell me, why can't I go in there?" The Greenie pushes, making me snap.

"You just can't! OK?!" I shout, turning to look at him in annoyance. "You just can't! If you don't like that answer then go ask Alby, or Newt or even Minho. Ask any of the leaders. Not me."

The Greenie drops his head and goes quiet, knowing that he probably shouldn't have pushed for an answer. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed..." He finally says, and I'm quick to see where I went wrong. I shouldn't have blown my lid so unexpectedly...

"It's ok. Just listen to me when I say don't go in there. Alby will tell you all that you need to know about it soon enough." I return, looking across the field. "Ah, there's Chuck." I finish, seeing the young boy walking towards the lookout tower.

"Dani!" Chuck calls from the base, waving to me while he drops some of the bedding on the floor. "Hey, Chuck! We're coming down." I wave back, moving away from the edge to the hatch.


"Chuck, meet our Greenie. Greenie, this is Chuck." I introduce the two boys to one another, them both giving the other an awkward wave and curt nod.

I turn to Chuck. "Can you show Greenie how the sleeping arrangement works? It's been a while since I've stayed in the homestead so I'm not the best person to explain all that to him." I ask the young boy, seeing him nod his head eagerly.

Chuck leads the newbie and I to the homestead, taking Green Bean to the empty space where he was to be sleeping from now on.

"This is your place here." Chuck starts to explain, as I sit in Newt's hammock. I lean back and let myself swing, being embraced by Newt's home-like scent. Chuck continues to explain everything about the homestead to Greenie as I feel my eyelids droop, the lack of sleep I got last night catching up with me.


3rd P.O.V

Chuck finishes explaining everything to the Greenie, the two completely oblivious to the fact that Dani had fallen asleep a few hammocks over from them. It was only when the Greenie sat down and faced Chuck that he realised she had fallen asleep.

"I thought she said she hadn't stayed in the homestead in a while." Green Bean states, pointing to Dani when Chuck gives him a confused look. Chuck nods his head with an o shape to him mouth. "She doesn't, she stays in her own hut. Right there." He tells him, pointing to Danielle's hut which was next to the Med-Jack one.

"Then who's hammock is she sleeping in? And, I thought we weren't allowed to sleep during the day?" The Greenie asks, of course not knowing about Dani's sleeping habits. "Newt's. And we aren't. But Dani is different. Alby lets her sleep during the day if she needs to for two reasons. The first being that her job isn't that demanding and the second being it is no secret to anyone that she barely sleeps at night."

The Greenie somehow looked even more confused than before, so Chuck sighed and readjusted his sitting position. "A few weeks ago the keeper of the med-jacks was on top of the lookout tower talking to Alby about something. The keeper tripped and fell through the fence and landed pretty hard on the floor. Dani unfortunately was nearby at the time and obviously rushed over to help him, but there was nothing she could do. He died with her by his side, and ever since the incident she hasn't barely had more than 4 hours sleep each night without waking up screaming."

The Greenie frowns too, as Chuck starts talking again. "We all wake up to hear her screaming and all want to help, but the only person that she will let in her hut with her during that time is Newt. Because they are so close. But it's still so horrible, she means so much to everyone as she's basically changed the way we live around here. She's like a sister to the older guys, and a mother to me and some of the 15 year olds. She's so caring that it's horrible to see this PTSD thing Alby talks about happen to her, of all people." Chuck finishes, looking into his hands.

The homestead falls silent bar Dani's soft breathing, which was soon to be disturbed by Gally's voice.

"Everything alright here?" Gally asks, standing above the two boys with his hands on his hips. "Yeah, I was just telling the newbie about why Dani is allowed to sleep during the day." Chuck tells Gally, pointing to Danielle. Gally glances from the girl back to the younger boys sat beneath him with a nod. "Ok. Good, but you can't tell her that you know. She thinks Newt is the only person that knows about her nightmares and it has to stay that way, otherwise she'll beat herself for waking up the rest of us because that's the type of person she is."

The Greenie nods his head and Chuck lets out a small sigh before asking Gally, "Howcome you're here?" "Alby wants us to start training the Greenie in our roles today seeming as he'll have a lot of spare time on his hands if not. Building happens to be his first." The eldest boy explains, motioning for the Greenie to stand up.

The Green Bean obliges and stands by the post Gally tells him to, while Gally treds carefully over to Dani.

Danielle's P.O.V

"Dani?" A husky voice whispers, rubbing my shoulder gently. My eyes peel open to be met with Gally stood above me, a soft smile lining his lips. "Hey, Princess." He cooes, helping me sit up.

Newt, Gally and Minho are the only three people that are allowed to call me by a nickname. Newt's obviously being love (which is my favourite), Gally's being Princess and Minho's being an old cuss word from the creator's world, bitch. Weirdly enough, all three are endearing and make me feel differently with each name. Like I feel loved and happy when Newt calls me love, like I'm being trusted or a little coddled when Gally calls me Princess (which Newt and Minho have tried to tell me a million times over that he calls me that because he sees me more than a friend) and playful and sister-like when Minho calls me bitch.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask groggily, wiping the sleep from my eyes. "Not sure. I don't think it was too long though." Gally replies, holding onto my wrists as I stand myself up. "I didn't miss anything did I? Is that why you've woken me up?" I ask, getting a little worried.

"Oh no. No, not that I know of." Gally reassures me, "Alby wants the Greenie to start training today. All I know is that he has building first. Can I use you for the first task?" I nod my head and yawn, getting ready to move again.

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