I fell in love with a homeles...

Bởi CereliaM

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A young rich woman finds a young homeless man on the street , she helps him , and invites him to stay at her... Xem Thêm



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Bởi CereliaM

    Princess POV
"Okay yes give it to me" ! My modeling photographer demanded
I gave face , and did so many poses.Im a dollskill model.Ive been a DollsKill model for about 2 years now.I have my own mansion in Beverly Hills.Aka I live in California.Beverly Hills is just a small town in LA.And I know what your thinking , oh shes this boujee spoiled Rich gurl, she have it all .But no that's not the case.Im very down to earth , fun , sweet , kind hearted and caring.Im very humble regardless of how much money I have.I used to live in the projects , the ghetto, so I know what's it like to have nothing and struggle , and have to want for things.I always give back to my community.Like my family as has always struggled and had it rough.Im the only child , I was kind of spoiled because even tho my parents wasn't wealthy they always scarped and tried their best to make me happy and buy me nice things , and I am beyond grateful every day.So once I graduated from high school , I went to a community college for writing to be an author and in the process of schooling I auditioned for DollsKill aka my ultimate favorite brand , and low and behold I made the cut , so I'm a writer and a model.Ive published one story so far it's called the struggle of Princess Joy , it talks about what I've been threw and how I struggled to get where am today.So nothing was ever handed to me , I had to work my way to the top , I had to earn this money , these blessings , my beautiful mansion and car.As soon as I got some big checks.I moved my parents into a big nice home.They deserve it , they did so much for me , they took care of me , fed me , had a roof over my head.My mom was a stay at home mom she had to get a $800 check every month, and my dad worked 3 jobs to get the bills paid.But now my daddy is a business man and my mom is a nurse practitioner.She went back to school to get her degrees.I am so proud of them both.It always brings tears in my eyes , because I know how much they have struggled and worked hard.But I don't have a job job , I live off my DollsKill checks and trust me their huge.I made like 30,000 a week.I pray every day , because tomorrow is not promised and I can lose this wealth and at any moment.I always try to treat people with respect.But I also don't let nobody come at me crazy and disrespect me.If you come at me or my family or friends wrong , it will get crazy.I know how to fight that's for sure , and I will definitely fight for the people I love.But I have two best friends their names are Domonique and Angel.We've know each other since elementary.Our parents are close too of course.We do everything together, we tell each other everything.They are amazing.Domonique is a hair stylist and Angel is a makeup artist.They are amazing at their work.Like fr fr.
So I finished my DollsKill shoot for tonight.
"You did great job Princess , Keep it up"
"Thank you" I said smiling
I changed into something more comfy.Domonique texted me saying meet at Sunnys for some lunch.I texted back saying lol on my way sis.I pulled up in the parking lot and I parked.I hopped out and headed in.I seen Domo and Angel chatting at a table , they glanced at me , and they immediately jumped from their table and ran towards me.
"Ahhhhhhh" Domonique screams
"Our babyyyyy" Angel said
"Hey sistersssss" !
We hugged tightly.
"Gurl how was your shoot today" ? Domonique asked
"Gurl it was so much fun , DollsKill just dropped some new fits"
"Oh I definitely gotta hop On that" She said
"Yesss theirs a sale happening tomorrow"
"Oooooooh yesssss" she said smiling
"Gurl you be doin your thing" Angel said
"And y'all do too , how was y'all days , how many clients did y'all get" ?
"Gurl my day was pretty good , exhausting, everybody wants sew ins , I'm like y'all do know frontals exist right" Domonique said laughing
Me and Angel laughed.
"Gurl I love me some frontals Fr , sew ins take more time" I said
"Sho do , but ya know hair is my passion , so Imma do it" she said grinning
"Right , and wby miss thang , how was your day,what kind of makeup did you do" ?
"Gurl it was this boy that came in , his skin was so clear and his face was gorgeous, chocolate fine nigga , but he was gay , but gurl I loved doing his face , lemme show you a picture" Angel said
She shows the pic.
"He's soo adorable , look at that skin" I said
"Hmm that's a lot of chocolate" Domonique said
"Right , I got his number tho , he invited us to this party hes having this weekend , y'all wanna go" ? Angel asked
"Omg yesss , what's his name btw" ?
"His name is DJ"
"Awww DJ that's so cute , like hell yeah we will be their" I said
"Yayy , lemme text him and tell him we're on" !
"Yayy , I can't wait to meet him" I said
"Omg he is so sweet and down to earth , and he's super funny , y'all are gonna adore him"
"I adore him alreadyyyyy" I said
"Me tooooo" Domonique said
We giggled.
          Me and my girls hugged and departed.I was on my way home.Traffic was backed up , and I didn't have the time to be caught in it , so I went a short cut , and I realized I was in the hood , actually my old neighborhood.Most people know me , because like I said I give back.Everybody knows my lil pink Lamborghini.I heard a few people shouting Princess as I passed by.I smiled and pulled my window down.
"Sup y'all" ! I shouted back
"Nun you got it" ! A boy shouts back
I giggled and headed down the street.I knew I couldn't drive fast because I was in a neighborhood , so as I was driving down a road.I see a young man lying down on a street curb.I kind of slowed down my car a bit to get a better glance at him.And I realized it was a old school mate his name is Brandon.We never talked but we did see each other around and I only had like one class with him , but he was so quiet and shy , and so was I , so that's probably why we never tried to speak to each other.But this caught me off guard because he was just laying on the street , he looked dirty and sick.
"Omg is he homeless" ? I whispered to myself
He glanced at me , he was still laying.Brandon aint never messed with nobody , he was always to himself , and I heard he was a straight A student , he had graduated with honors and every thing , omg how could he be homeless , I really hope he's not.I stopped my car and I hopped out the car.He glanced up at me , almost as if he didn't know me.
"Brandon" ?
"Huh" ? He said softly
"Brandon ? Do you remember me ? It's Princess Joy , we went to high school together , we had like one class together...I think it was English"
He coughed a bit.
"Oh yeah I think I do remember you"
He coughed and sat up.I kneeled down to talk to him.I glared at him.
"What are you doing on this side of town" ? He asked me
"I needed a short cut , cuz traffic was backed up"
"But the question is , what are you doing out here , it's cold as hell , why are you sleeping on the street" ?
"Isn't it obvious" ?he asked grinning
"Well you could just be waiting for a ride"
"Nah , I ain't waiting for a ride"
"How long you've been on the street Brandon"
"A couple of months"
I gasped "what ?! What happened to your parents , I thought you lived with them"?
"My mom is a coke whore , she invites men in and out her house and my dad comes their to bring her money when he can , but he beats on her , he beat on me too , but I couldn't take it anymore , so I just ran away"
I gasped "omg Brandon , I am so sorry , I can't imagine"
It begin to rain.
"Do you want something to eat" ?
"No it's fine"
"No be honest , do you want some to eat , I can get you anything you like"
"Why are you doing this, aren't you like this rich boujee model that lives in Beverly Hills"?
"I'm a very caring and down to earth person and I wanna help you"
"Really" ?
"Of course , now come on , I don't want you getting rained on, I have a blanket in the car"'
He eased his self up , I helped him up and I walked him to my car.I sat in the passenger.I grabbed my blanket from the back and handed it to him.
"Thank you so much"
"You don't have to thank me , now what you got a taste for" ?
"McDonald's" he said grinning
"McDonald's it is"
He begin to cough and he was shaking.
"You okay" ?
"My throat is super dry and I'm really cold"
"Aww you poor baby , your gonna get some juice and food in your system in a minute"
He slightly smiled , as he laid his head on the window.
I turned the heater on , your gonna feel heat on your butt in a minute.
He chuckled.
"Ahhh that's feels good"
I laughed "good"
We headed to McDonald's.We arrived to McDonald's, we went threw the drive threw.
"What you want boo" ? I asked
"It don't matter, whatever you get, I'll get"
"You sure , you can get whatever you want"
"No it's fine, really"
"Okay , I'll get two double cheeseburgers, fries and two hi Cs"
He smiled.
"So your parents never tried looking for you" ?
"No way , they don't care, my dad never wanted to claim me and my mom is always doin coke , she's always fucked up in the head"
"Omg ...that's horrible , but I'm sure they know u gone right" ?
"Yeah but they don't care"
"That's so fuckin sad ...their your parents , they shouldn't treat you like that , you shouldn't even feel that way"
"I know , but they suck, I've been dealing with their shit for years"
"Awww you poor baby , so your dad always beat on you and your mom" ?
"Yeah ever since I was little , he always hated us"
"Omg , he needs to be in prison and your mama needs help , she needs to get cleaned"
"I know , but we poor , we don't have any money for treatments"
"Well I can help, you need a mom in your life"
"No , I wouldn't want you to do that, you don't even know me"
"It doesn't matter about not knowing , it's something I wanna do , so lemme help you , I have the money , I can do it"
"But you have bills and stuff"
"Which are nothing, and I wanna help you"
"I can't thank you enough"
"Aww babe you don't have too"
"Do you live with your parents" ?
"I don't , I live alone"
"Do you have a good relationship with your parents" ?
"Yeah , I mean we have our ups and downs but it's life ya know"
"Yeah I understand"
"Mhm Yup"
"So your really gonna help my mom" ?
"Of course , I always keep my promise"
"Okay" he said smiling
"Btw it's funny how we never talked in school"
"I was too shy and you so pretty"
"Awwww , I was shy too "
He chuckled "yeah I know"
I laughed "see we were both shy and also quiet"
, We sure was , but now we're older and look at us communicating"
He laughed "I know right"
We got our food from the next window.
"So did you wanna try to go back to your place" ?
"No plz I can't go back their right now"
"Okay okay it's okay , you don't have too , a least not yet, um ...do you wanna stay with me" ?
"Are you serious? No I couldn't"
"But you have nowhere to go , and I highly insist , I have a mansion , you can take a shower , get cleaned up , I have some extra baggy T-shirt's and sweats , I even have a hot tub , and I do a lot of meditation I can get you hooked on"
"Wow that sounds amazing ...your like an Angel that was sent to me"
"Well I'm a big Christian, so I truly believe that I am"
"I don't know what to say Princess, you buy me food and now your welcoming me into your home , this is unbelievable"
"Well believe it , I wanna take care of you until you get back on your feet"
"What made you stop anyways" ?
"Well when I realized you we're young and who you were , I just had to say something, I could never just past by, Ive always had kindness in my heart to help others you know "
"Well God bless you , And I've actually been very religious too , my whole family is , even my mom before she got hooked"
"Well I'm praying for you and your mama"
"You are a amazing , I swear your an angel"
I smiled softly.
We pulled up in my driveway.He gasped.
"Your home is beautiful"
"Thanks Boo"
We hopped out the car , the rain had slowed down.We headed inside.
"Omg" he said gasping
I laughed"make yourself at home, get comfy, do whatever"
He stood glaring around grinning.
"Lemme get you a towel , rag , some extra clothes and a tooth brush ,you can use my hair shampoo and lotion if you like"
"Okay" he said softy
I got him what he needed and I handed everything to him.
"Thank you"
"Of course, now go get cleaned up"
He nodded and chucked.
"I found some boy shorts that I don't wear too , so you can have those and you can just put your dirty clothes in a bag and I'll wash them"
"Okay" he said softly
We smiled at each other and he walked into the bathroom.I sat our McDonald's down on my table.In about 30 mins he walked out.I didn't mind he took a while ,grooming and taking care of your body takes time.Especially in the Predicament he is in.He walked out into the kitchen, he wasn't wearing no shirt , just sweats.I glared at him , he glared at me.He looked so sexy , I can't even lie , he was all cleaned up and he smelled like strawberries.
"Well look at you Mr man" ! I said smiling
He chuckled.
"You look so good and you smell good too"
He blushed "stop"
"I'm serious, you look good"
"Thanks Princess"
"Let's chow down"
We begin to eat.
Brandon's PoV
I had felt so good , I had washed my body real good with some strawberry body wash , I washed my hair , brushed my teeth.And I moisturized my body and put some deodorant on.She had a spare of everything.I felt amazing.Almost like a new person.I begin to eat and drink and everything tasted like heaven.I haven't had McDonald's in so long.
Princess POV
"Mmm so good, I haven't had McDonald's in a min" Brandon said
"Awww well I'm glad your enjoying your meal"
He chuckled "oh yeah cheeseburgers are probably my favorite food"
"Yesss , but im a pizza gurl"
"Oh I love pizza too" he said chuckling
"I just love food periodttt"
"Oh same" he said biting down a big bite of the cheeseburger
"I don't wanna pry into your business, but do you have a boyfriend?
"Nope, I'm single as a Pringle"
"Wow your too beautiful not too"
"Aww thanks Brandon but beauty isn't everything , it's the personality that matters"
"Very true"
I smiled.
"Btw how long have you've been modeling" ?
"Well here's the thing , I went to CCC ,California community college for two years and I earned my degrees in writing but during my times In college , I seen that DollsKill was holding a audition for new models and so I took a chance and I auditioned and by the grace of God I made it in , it was a literal dream come true , because now I'm doing two things I love , writing and modeling"
"That is amazing , I've seen your Instagram, I was just too shy to follow you, I guess I just thought you would never follow me back"
"I would definitely have followed you back , we would have met sooner if you would have pushed that follow button"
"Really" ?
"Oh hell yeah.....I said smiling and ...
I know a lot of people think I'm this rich boujee stuck up gurl who have it all but that's not true , I'm super down to earth and very humble"
"Aw wow that's really good to know"
"I had it rough growing up , me and my family was very poor , we struggled ya know but once I got some money I moved my parents into a big home and myself and now we living great but I never forgot where I come from , I've always give back and support my people"
"Awww wow that is amazing, that's so good, and actually I think I did see you a few times during high school in the neighborhood"
"Yeah I seen you too dude" I said chuckling
"Oh and I seen you wrote a book"
"Yess it's called the struggle of Princess Joy , it's about my life and the way me and my family struggled , like a Rags to riches story"
"Wow , I have to read it"
"One sec"
I hopped up, I went to get one of my books.I came back into the kitchen and I handed him a copy of my book.
"Here boo"
"Your giving me this" ?
"Of course , it's all all yours to keep"
"Wow thank you so much"
"Of course , it's my pleasure"
He smiled big.He hopped up hugging me , we hugged tightly.
"Thank you" he said softly
"Your welcome" I said softly
   He didn't wanna let me go and I honestly didn't wanna let him go.He started to cry.
"Oh Brandon" I said softly
He couldn't stop crying.
"I hate my life" He said sobbing
"No don't say that"
"Sometime I thought about killing myself ...but I know that's not the way to go , and I just kept praying that a miracle would happen and I would get help and God has finally answered my prayers"
Tears fell from my eyes.
       Brandon's POV
   Me and Princess end up chilling in her bed watching Netflix.We had some cookie dough ice cream as we watched.She pauses the show.
"So listen , I feel like you know so much about me , but I wanna know more about you , like what do you like , what are you into...? What's your dream ? Your goals" ? "
I glared at her.
"Well um ...I love watching movies"
"Ooh whats your favorite genre"
"Idk I'm more drawn into horror movies"
"Omg same , I love horror movies too"
"Really" ?
"Hell yeah , what's your favorite scary movie"?
"Us all the way"
"Omg same" !
"What no way" ?!
"I'm dead ass" !
I gasped.
"Okay wow"
She giggled.
"I'm literally obsessed with US"
"We should like watch that movie"
"After you tell me your dreams"
"Okay well I wanna be a actor"
She gasped "thats amazing"
I chuckled "yeah that's why I love movies so much , I wanna do what they do , I think being somebody your not for a little bit it's pretty fun you know"
"True, but sometimes you can connect yourself personally with the character , depending on your role"
"True that"
"Listen I know this arts school that I can legit get you into , my auntie Janet is a drama teacher , all you gotta do is sign up and I can take care of the rest"
I gasped "are you serious ? You would seriously do that for me ? , as in pay for my acting classes" ?
"Yes boo , I wanna see you succeed , I want your dream of being a actor to come true, I believe in you , your so smart , your graduated with honors for crying out loud"
I glared at her as I blushed "I guess so"
"Brandon" ?
I glared at her.
"I believe in you" she said softly
We hugged and cut off Netflix and played US from this free movie site, cuz unfortunately Netflix don't have US.But who cares cuz we got ways around that shit.We cuddled up and watched the movie until we fell asleep.

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