Angel meets: Demon

By enhypenland

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in which kim hayoung: a demon, has to accomplish a rather arduous mission in heaven. [✎completed, jungkook fa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 [final]
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 [FINAL]

Chapter 7

131 5 3
By enhypenland

i dropped the book in shock. they knew? even this book knew? this book seemed to be made a very long time ago. why was my name in it? what is this witchcraft?

as if this was planned since my birth or even before my birth. could it be? wait no, they said it was a prediction. so it was only a prediction. yeah, it must be.

i was in complete confusion, i picked up the book that i dropped, but my hands were shaky as i dropped it once again.

this is creepy, so creepy. my name was written in that book.

i took a deep sigh and forced myself to calm down. i nodded to myself, i can do this, just relax hayoung.

i read the book about the white diamond, it was basically already explained in the other book. but there was something more important.

there was a way to prevent the diamonds to work, to make it useless. there's a place, it didn't explain where but there is a place. once you get there you need to cut a blue and a red wire.

and then those diamonds won't work anymore, so for both the red and white diamond.


figure out where the place of the blue and red wires is. DON'T CUT IT.


i woke up in a bad mood, my phone was ringing, i grabbed my phone while rubbing my eyes. ''good morning!'' my father chirped, i opened my eyes fully and smiled. ''good morning father.''

mr. duckity duck was in my father's arms, when mr. duckity duck saw me he started barking as his butt was wiggling.

''nice to see you too, mr. duckity duck,'' i grinned, he barked in response.

''bad mood?'' father asked.

''you're not yourself when you're hungry,'' father said in a low voice, imitating the advertisement of snickers.

i let out a chuckle, ''true, i'll make myself something to eat first,''

''anyway, how are you doing there?'' father questioned. i shrugged. ''i'm doing...good,''

''you sure?''


''okay good,'' father murmured. ''is that hayoung?'' i heard my mother ask. ''yes, do you want to talk to her?''

''is that even a question- give me the phone,'' mother responded, taking the phone. ''hayoung, can you hear me?'' mother asked, the phone was close to her face as she yelled.

''yeah, you're practically screaming,'' i laughed. ''oh really? stupid phones, they're confusing all the time,''

''or you don't know how to use it?''

''oh shut up,'' mother retorted, glaring at my father.

''anyway, stay safe and don't forget to take in your pills the day after tomorrow! i'll call you then too, so don't forget and don't-''

''yeah i understand mother,'' i interrupted her, she nodded. ''sorry, i'm just really worried about you,''

''no i understand, but me, your lovely daughter will be safe. don't worry i am okay,'' i smiled, ''good,'' she sighed in relief. ''okay, we'll talk to you tomorrow or later in the day bye hayoung!''

''bye mother, bye father!''

i got ready for school and ate a sandwich for breakfast, i was not in the mood to cook something.

when i entered school, i heard whispers, not about me but about the short circuit that happened yesterday.

i bit my lip and went inside the classroom, sitting down and grabbing my notebook as i started doodling.

''good morning valerie!'' hoseok greeted me with a high five. ''hey hoseok,''

''since we're close friends now, you can call me hobi, it's cute and short,''

''kind of describes jimin actually,'' i mumbled, hoseok laughed and agreed. ''so true,''

''are you done with the chemistry report?'' hoseok asked me, i shook my head. ''i wrote everything down but those were notes so i'll make it now, thanks for reminding me,''

''no problem, ugh, me- okay sorry i mean namjoon worked on it yesterday, apparently we need to hand it in today,'' hoseok said.

''alright,'' i gave him an okay sign as i worked on the report. ''are you going to work on it this whole lesson?''


''but we have language class right now, i don't know if the teacher would allow it,'' he frowned. ''mhm...but i don't really care, just tell me whenever the teacher is near me,''

''got it,'' he winked.

''good morning folks,'' jungkook greeted, sitting down next to me. ''maybe i can help you with the report?'' jungkook suggested when he saw me working on it.

''eh, i'm sure that instead of helping you would be a bother,'' hoseok stated.

''shut up,''

''no it's fine, i'll do it,'' i said.

namjoon entered the classroom along with jimin, namjoon sat down waving the report that was in his hands. ''i finished it,''

''great!'' hoseok clasped his hands together. jimin pursed his lips in a thin line. ''fuck i forgot about the report...''

''well you're fucked, did you talked about it with your partner?'' hoseok asked.

''no, i hope that he did it,'' jimin muttered.

jungkook cupped his cheeks with his hands as he stared at me working. unknowingly he smiled and tilted his head a bit, he loved the way she was so focused on her work, the way she looked so professional yet cute at the same time.

jimin stared at the both of us with widen eyes, he nudged both namjoon and hoseok. ''look at them,''

hoseok looked at them in awe. ''ugh they're so cute,''

namjoon nodded, agreeing. ''indeed,''

once jungkook noticed what the hell he was doing, his cheeks started to turn rosy red as he looked away.

''ah so cute i-''

''let's have a moment of silence,'' namjoon said, jimin looked at him confusedly. ''for what? what happened?''

''nothing i just want you all to shut the fuck up,''

hoseok and jimin pouted, ''you're so mean,''

''okay class,'' the language teacher clapped in his hands. ''be quiet, i'm going to start the lesson,''

for the whole lesson, i didn't got caught for doing another subject, at the end of the hour i was done. i gave it to jungkook. ''can you check this?''

''u...uh yeah sure,'' he stuttered, he checked the report. ''woah, it's good!''

''thanks, okay so go to the chemistry teacher to hand it in okay?''

''okay!'' he sprint away like a bunny, cute.

''alright little angels, let's go to the canteen. i'm hungry,'' jimin whined, resting an arm around me. ''let's go~''

once we found a table to lunch, jungkook already came back. that boy sure is fast. ''i hand it in as you told me to,'' he said, being proud of himself.

''that's good,'' i chuckled, jungkook didn't stop smiling as he sat down.

''did you guys learn for the english test?'' hoseok asked all of us.

''...test?'' i questioned. ''yeah, yesterday the teacher told us to learn for our test,'' namjoon told me. ''you didn't pay attention?''

''oh i did i guess i kind of forgot,''

''ah well you're fucked,'' jimin sighed, ''the teacher always gives really hard tests! no one ever got a 100 for his tests. namjoon did once but that's it,''

''yeah...think about it, you see the test and then your mind just goes blank. thinking that this is some sort of alien language,'' jungkook added.

''is it that hard then?'' i hummed.

''yes!'' they answered in unison.

soon, we went to english class. jungkook was biting his nails, he was nervous and anxious. ''i didn't study well...''

hoseok patted his back comfortingly. ''it's okay kook! just relax, if you stress more you'll most likely lose concentration. it will go well! i can assure you,''

''but...but i didn't study well, and my average for english isn't that good either...'' jungkook mumbled, ''so are my other subjects averages,''

''then next time we'll study all together in the library or at each other's home!'' hoseok grinned, mentioning to all of us.

''yeah! that way you can ask us questions if you don't get something,'' namjoon continued. ''so don't worry about it, we got you,'' jimin said.

jungkook let out a deep sigh and nodded. ''okay...i'll try my best,''

''class, separate your tables from each other, we'll be doing a test,'' the teacher announced, hoseok dramatically fell over. ''oh jimin! i'll miss you,'' he cried out.

jimin shed a fake tear and began to fake sob as he looked at hoseok. ''i'll miss you too my friend,''

namjoon looked at me, 'they are crazy' he mouthed. 'i know' i mouthed back.

''you're given exactly sixty minutes to finish the test,'' the teacher told us whilst handing the test papers out. ''good luck everyone!''


''that went better than i expected,'' jimin sighed, ''tomorrow we have english also so i guess by then we will get the results, she's pretty quick when it comes to that,''


''um i hope not,'' jungkook muttered, ''why didn't it go well?'' namjoon asked.

''it went horrible,'' jungkook hung his head low, ''my parents are going to be disappointed again...''

''aw no don't be sad,'' hoseok pouted, trying to cheer him up.

''wait what if namjoon or valerie tutor you?'' jimin asked, ''like i mean, they can tutor you,''

jungkook looked at namjoon and me and shrugged, ''but i don't know whether they have time or not for me...''

i shifted from my left foot to my right, ''i do...''

''wait really? are you really willing to tutor me?'' jungkook asked, his eyes lit up. i nodded slowly as he pulled me into a bear hug, i was surprised and flustered.

''thank you so much!'' he screamed.

''ah no problem,''

''good that's solved, let's go to our next class!'' namjoon grinned.

after school, me and jungkook discussed that i would begin tutoring him tomorrow, at his house.

i was kind of nervous and felt that my heart was beating rapidly as i entered my house. i need to calm down. i went to the kitchen and made something to eat for myself.

after i made something simple i sat at the kitchen table and started eating, but then my phone rang.

seok jin appeared with a big smile on his face. ''hey sis! how are you doing girl?''

''eh i'm...'' i was hesitating whether is should be telling him this or not, but at the end i decided to do so because he was my brother after all.

''i'm going to tutor an angel tomorrow at his house, i'm just kind of nervous,'' i explained, seok jin nodded while eating ice cream. ''i like the dude?''

''what?! no!''

''mhm sure, anyway, remember what i taught you. so what do we say when we're anxious or nervous?''

''my anxiety is chronic but my ass is iconic,''


''no,'' taehyung popped out of nowhere, eating his twilight sparkle ice cream. ''i don't know what you two are talking about since i wasn't in the conversation. but i would want to know what you two were talking about,''

''nothing important, brother,'' i mumbled.

''seok jin what did you two talk about?'' taehyung asked, ignoring me completely as seok jin felt intimidated and smiled nervously. ''nothing,''

''you are a terrible liar,'' taehyung rolled his eyes, seok jin pouted. ''okay, so hayoung is going to tutor a male angel and she's nervous,'' he quickly said, exposing me.

''seok jin!'' i yelled.

''sorry!'' he yelled back.

taehyung's eyes darkened. ''you need to know where you are, this is not allowed. whether you like it or not, and don't you dare to say otherwise because we both know this is dangerous. this is about your safety not your love life,''

''i know i don't like him that way-''

''that's what they all say, but once it happens, it happens. i don't allow you to tutor that boy,'' taehyung said sternly.


''no buts,''

seok jin looked at me apologetically. ''i'm sorry hayoung,'' he apologised, his head down. ''just so you know, if you ever do something stupid, i will expose you too,'' i retorted.

''very nice and all...anyway, taehyung is raging, like literally, his eyes are on fire and he's about to burn everyone and everything.''

''amazing...'' i commented, sarcastically.

''yeah i know right, i'm going to hang up before he does anything stupid that he will regret. and maybe you can think about taehyung's words also- ah shit i really got to go now bye sis!''


i finished eating and went to my room, laying on my bed while being in deep thoughts.

taehyung was right, but nothing will happen if i don't do anything stupid. yeah.

''ugh i'm so stupid!'' i yelled, i grabbed the map and was about to tear it in two but i changed my mind. i shouldn't react like this.

'' i need to find that fucking place, where can it be? okay let's do this...if i was markus lucius, where would i hide it?''

''somewhere that no one will think of, somewhere that everyone would overlook...but where?''

i ran my hand through my hair, afterwards i rubbed my temples. ''concentrate, concentrate, concentrate, concentrate,'' i mumbled to myself.

''i sound like an insect,''

i bit the tip of the pen and looked at the map. ''hm...'' 

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