My Mom is Dating a Werewolf

By OmuYasha

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A mother of two discovers that her troubled past is coming back to haunt her. After she broke free from the c... More

Chapter 1 "He's a big boy"
Chapter 2 "Thrown to the Wolf"
Chapter 3 "My New Normal"
Chapter 4 "How to Domesticate a Werewolf"
Chapter 5 "The neighborhood's dark secret"
Chapter 6 "The Truth behind the Experimental Forest"
Chapter 7 "Knocked up times four"
Chapter 8 "A Grave Mistake"
Chapter 10 "Things I'm Not Proud of"
Chapter 11 "You're Lucky You Have a Werewolf Dad"
Chapter 12 "Fangsgiving"
Chapter 13 "Natural Instincts"
Chapter 14 "The Decision"
Chapter 15 "Sometimes It's Hard Being a Werewolf"
Chapter 16 "What Do You Do...When Your GF Bites You?"

Chapter 9 "Howloween"

175 5 0
By OmuYasha

Five minutes after Randall got the garage set up, I pulled into the driveway. Everyone inside looked up once that door went up. I hopped out of my car humming triumphantly, and Emily ran up to me and frowned. "Where did you go mommy?" she asked. I stepped inside the garage and sat my purse on the counter before I sat down on a collapsible chair.

"Mommy went to invite Jack's friends over" I explained very cheerful and upbeat.

Jack and Randall both looked at me like I was crazy. "You what!?" they both shouted at once.

"Don't worry, I got this! You just do what you do" I told them with confidence, but it was more directed towards Randall. His nose curled and his hairs stood up, but my smile did not waver. "Trust me big bad. You protected me, now it's my turn"

Randall was apprehensive with this as he went to cut into the pumpkin with the knife. Emily looked at him oddly. "Why aren't you cutting that with your claws?" she asked.

He looked back at her and ripped off the cap he made in the top of the pumpkin and he shown how much thicker the gourd was compared to his claws. She laughed at him and grabbed the scooper beginning to scoop out the pumpkin guts. Jack looked towards Randall cheekily. "Does this feel like pulling guts out of peo...err an animal?" he asked.

"No, not even close. These are much too cold" He said causally as he crossed his arms over his chest. He then smirked at Jack and chuckled. "I love to snap bone and feel the hot blood dripping down my muzzle" he said as he pulled out a big wad of pumpkin guts and flicked it onto the newspaper. "It doesn't feel like cords of intestines and shredding muscle fibers" he spoke aloof.

Jack shivered and slowly reached for a sharpie to begin drawing the face he was going to cut out. He did not catch my love's deadpan humor, but Emily knew he was kidding well for the most part. "You're silly. You aren't scaring me, Chomper" she called him out.

Jack then went over by the box in the corner and pulled out a news article about Charlie. "Mom? Did dad try to kill you?" he asked before he showed me the clipping.

I stared at it coldly, and I thought back on that night, the night he found out that I was pregnant with Donatello's child. I told Jack and Emily about what happened. "When your father pushed me down those stairs, he did not care if I lived or if I died. He was punishing me for falling in love. He wanted Emily dead. I know he had Donatello killed. Your father is a pimp. I was his worker. He shouldn't have been able to get out of prison" I told him.

"A pimp? How could you get wrapped up into this?" he asked.

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked away rubbing my shoulder. "After your grandda had spent all his money buying a farm over here and moving over here, I wanted to move over here with them. I had no idea how expensive going to university was going to be. Some of my friends got me into exotic dancing, and that's how your father found me. He groomed me to becoming a whore. I put a stop to those plans thank heavens" I explained.

"And Donatello?" He asked.

"Donatello was a cooler at a gentleman's club I used to work in. He helped me find my beauty after my body was scarred from pregnancy. He was a lot like Randall in some ways. Nice, Charming, Loyal, and Protective...he's not as big, scary, or wolf like, but the similarities are there" I mumbled.

Just then Cerberus started growling then got up from his spot. Randall got up and reached over to push the button to close the garage door. Jack could see four pairs of feet come around from behind the cars, which he probably recognized the shoes. He started to get nervous as the doorbell rang and Cerberus started barking his head off.

I immediately went to answer the door, and Jack bolted inside guarding the door trying to not look suspicious. I looked at him amused and rolled my eyes at him. Katie looked at him amused and crossed her arms over her chest. "What are you doing, dork?"

"Why is she here!?" Jack shouted.

Katie smirked. "I'm making sure your friends here don't chicken out. It's a full moon after all" she said before she walked towards the door. "Are you hiding him in there?" she asked as she tried to open the door.

Jack quickly put his hand on the door and slammed it shut. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you!"

I laughed at him and his lack of subtly. "Why don't you finish carving your pumpkin?" I suggested.

Jack sighed and opened the door, which Katie tried to sneak a peek inside only to see Emily drawing on her pumpkin. Cerberus kept barking until Randall growled at him. His ears pointed back and lowered himself to the ground in submission. Jack quietly went to finish his design, and Randall helped Emily with cutting.

I had just sat a couple glasses on the coffee table and a big pitcher of iced tea before I slowly sat down onto Randall's giant chair while holding my gravid belly reminding them on the situation. "I know that you all and Jack has been trying to figure out what Randall is..." I said calmly while I poured myself a glass.

"We know what he is..." David said.

I continued to rub my belly as I looked at them sternly. "He's really a good wolf when you get to know him" I said before I looked down at my belly. "He gave me all these babies after all. He's a very protective father...a great one" I told them proudly.

Katie glanced over at her two brothers and shook her head. "See? I told you that it wasn't a good to start drama up with a werewolf!" she told them.

They all glared at her, but I laughed. "I thought I'd teach you a thing or two about werewolves before you get wrapped up with hunters"

"Where is he?" David asked.

"He's in the garage making Jack-o-lanterns with Jack and Emily" I said nonchalantly as I sat my glass down calmly.

"You put your kids out in the garage alone with a werewolf during a full moon!?" David shouted.

"I told you didn't I? He's a very protective father. Since I'm his mate, Jack and Emily are a part of his pack. He is still him during the full moon..." I explained.

"Wait? You mean his mind doesn't turn bestial?" David shrieked.

"Well, um, his mind was bestial to begin with. He's adapted to society...they are a lot smarter than you give them credit for. Believe me, I've been with him for almost a whole year" I explained to them. I may have exaggerated how long I have been with him, but I felt I was with him long enough to notice a few insights.

"What happened in the park? Who was that guy that Randall fucked up?" Sam asked.

"Sam!? Really?" Katie shouted.

"It's okay" I said lowly. I let out a heavy sigh as I reached over to take a sip from my tea. "That man was Jack's father. He was trying to kidnap him" I told him.

Something bugged Katie with my explanation. "Jack's father? Isn't he Emily's father too?" she asked.

I sat my glass down calmly and closed my eyes trying to hold back my tears. I could only hold this back for so long. I was not expecting to talk about this a second time today. "No...Her father is dead. They are still trying to solve his murder...I mean they call it a disappearance" I spoke lowly.

"You think Jack's father had something to do with it?" Katie asked.

I rubbed her arm. "Jack's father is a pimp. He's got men all over. Randall has protected me from them already. I know they won't be able to kill him" I continued.

"Okay, so...does he know where you live?" Katie asked.

"No, but he will eventually will. I hope Randall tears him to pieces when he shows up on my doorstep" I said coldly.

"Does Emily know who her father was?" Sam asked.

"Randall is her father...that is all that matters" I said before I looked into my glass. "If you want to know who the real monster is here, it isn't Randall. He's just gifted. I would keep away from Jack's father. If you see him, you tell me so...okay?" I told them sternly.

They all nodded before Katie rubbed her shoulder. "Do you need a babysitter?" she asked awkwardly.

I was not expecting that from any of them, and my face lit up. "I might, but I'm going to have to speak with Randall about whether or not it is safe for you to be watching four werewolf pups" I said nervously.

"I'd like to learn. This is like really cool! Maybe I'll get bit accidentally" She said before she looked over at her brother's evilly.

"I don't think that's such a good idea. Randall was born a werewolf, he was never bitten. He might be able handle all those powers, hormones, and instincts. When a human gets bit, they aren't used to it all. That is why some get drunk with power...others just become an emotional wreck. It's very hard trying to deal with it even with a natural born there to help" I said.

"So you don't want to be a werewolf yourself?" David asked.

I shook my head and sighed. " least...Not right now. I'm focused on being a mother; I can't put my kids through that. Randall knows this...he understands...he respects it" I said before he walked in from the garage. Four kids gasped and gawked at the sight of him.

"Whoa, that's so weird!" David muttered.

Randall crossed his arms over his chest and gazed at them with his very jarring yellow eyes before he shifted them over onto me. "Do you want to see them lit up?" he asked me in his beastly voice.

I almost forgot about them making their pumpkins, but then again, I did not think that they would get done with them so soon. I looked at him with amorous eyes begging him to get closer, for I kind of needed him. "Oh? Is that all? I know you've been listening in on our conversation, honey" I said while he approached me.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him down to plant a smooch on his lips. He growled lowly with dominance as he instinctively reached behind my head caressing it. The boys were grossed out at the display of affection, but Katie was convinced that we were very much a loving couple.

When our lips parted, he chuckled to himself. "I might have heard a few things" he said as I stroked the fur on his jawline.

"How'd I do? Do you think they are on our side?" I whispered into his ear.

Randall looked back at them and looked back at me, his mate. "I think you did fine" he said before Jack and Emily came inside which Cerberus squeezed in between them. Emily immediately ran over to Randall's side and grabbed at his hand very excited.

"Hey! Aren't you going to get the candles?" She asked sweetly.

He looked down at her and grinned letting out a low amused chuckle. "Patience young one" he told her. Emily started hanging off him like her usual hyperactive self while Cerberus sat beside me looking up at them happily.

"Come on, wolf butt!" I teased him.

"Alright alright" He muttered as he walked into the kitchen while she still hung off his arm laughing. "Wolf butt! Wolf butt!" she repeated.

Tony and Sam looked at each other speechless, and I laughed at their reactions. "From what I've read, Werewolves are said to be the most amazing parents, and they have very large families" I informed them while I slowly got up.

"Oh yea? Just how large?" Katie asked.

Randall stopped and looked back at her with a sly grin. "I have 16 siblings, over 200 cousins, nieces, and nephews" he mentioned. I blushed thinking about how large my family might end up like with him for a husband.

"Jesus! And I thought having six kids was a large family!" David remarked referring to my own predicament with my pregnancy.

Randall laughed evilly and glanced at me. "Heh, it gets easier with more offspring" he said before I slapped at his chest.

"Oh stop you! You aren't getting any more babies!" I raised my voice at him. Although, I did give him an endearing gaze hoping he could figure out I did not mind more with him in the future, which a part of me longed to be out and away from the hustle and bustle of city life and become a little more...primal and one with nature.

I think he understood my deepest desires full well. He always seemed to know. David lowly got up feeling most awkward with the interaction between a human and werewolf, but Tony, Sam, and Katie thought this was really cool. I pushed Randall towards that garage door giggling. "I'll bring the candles out there, you're making them uncomfortable you beast" I teased him.

Jack stood near the wall annoyed with them before Katie snickered to herself. "Are they always like this?"

Jack glanced over at them and nodded with shame. David rolled his eyes and coughed. "They are worse than our parents" he said with a smug expression.

"I think it awesome that your step-dad is like a normal dad...well one that turns into a werewolf" Sam said.

"Don't worry; your secret is safe with us!" Katie said.

Jack looked at them feeling terrible, and he growled lowly. "Thanks, but..." he muttered before I looked at him cheerfully.

"But what?" I wondered.

"It's nothing..." he mumbled lowly.

Randall had stopped halfway through the door, and he made eye contact with the two of them giving me a grim look, which my heart sank. "You spoke to the hunter didn't you?" she asked.

Jack eyes started to tear up as he nodded slowly. His mother frowned in disappointment, and his friends looked at him in shock. "How can you be so stupid!?" Katie shouted at him.

"I'm scared of him...what he might do to my mom" He said under his breath as he rubbed his arm slowly.

I let off a weary frustrated sigh while I massaged away a migraine coming. "Jack...I know he's able to kill me at any moment, but do you know what? Your father almost killed me when I was pregnant with your sister, and he is just a human" I told him sternly.

"He really tried to...kill you?" he asked.

I nodded slowly before he looked over at the door to the garage as it was closed slowly. "Why would he try to kill you?" he asked.

I became silent, and knew I was beginning to have a panic attack. The room felt cold and it spun around. I remembered cowering in a corner in a fetal position with lowlife's hand around my neck. I was bruised and bloodied as I desperately tried to protect my womb from his onslaught. I told Jack to go into his room before I was thrown down the stairs. I remembered him screaming, and the cops banging on the door. He broke my arm and my left eye socket.

While I relived this again, I could hear my heart beating in my ear, and I clutched my heart. I did not realize that Randall had not left the room, nor did I realize that had my face pressed up against his furry... um belly. Once more my eyes had changed and my lupine features made themselves known to the children.

They all were shocked, but it was obvious to them all how much he cared for me. I did not want to talk instead I retreated into the only safe place I knew of. I appreciated him putting himself at risk just to see to it that nothing would happen to my children and I. The little ones quaked within my womb. I made Randall run his hand over my belly, and I felt kind of better after that.

"I'm sorry" Jack muttered.

"What are we going to do?" Katie asked.

Randall sighed giving them all a stern look. "I'll deal with it. All you can do is tell that hunter is that I'm not a werewolf" he said.

"Tch, like he'd buy that!" David shouted.

"Then there's nothing you can do to change his mind. You kids run along home! Don't go and put yourself in danger for my sake" he told them in his usual gruff tone.

Their heads sank in defeat before they all got up and left. Jack looked back at him worried about retribution. Only Randall looked back at him sympathetically. "Come on. Let's get these Jack-o-lanterns lit up" he said to him lowly. Jack nodded slowly and walked back into the garage with his head slumped down low, which Randall ruffled his head playfully. "It's alright, not the first time I've dealt with hunters"

He then looked up at me intensely. He seemed annoyed and angry; although, he held it in. Uh, well, I mean he was in a transformed state, but I thought he would be in a blind rage by now. "Are you alright?" his voice erupted in the room. My body resonated and the little ones stirred coaxing me to go to their daddy. I got up without saying much, and I watched them lit up their pumpkins. My heart ached, and I was so tired that I pulled Randall into the bedroom. I would have snuggled that whole day away except for that damned stomach of his.

Later in the month, nothing too exciting happened; however, I noticed my already offensive breasts were growing much larger and outrageous. I did not say much knowing that it was bound to happen. I could hardly move with how large and cumbersome my belly was, and my back was killing me, and I was feeling miserable having to lay around a lot.

After a long tiresome day with work and feeding my two kids, a giant werewolf and the four little werepups inside me, I was overly exhausted. Randall was quick to notice me in low spirits, so after I got done taking my bubble bath, he transformed and hid in the corner waiting to ambush me when I came out of the master bathroom.

I came out and caught him in my peripheral vision, but I said nothing. I could hear the floors creak before I was caught up in his strong furry embrace. I was surprised with how his fur was a lot thicker and downier. It was way more plush than I was expecting. I had to reach around to feel up my lover's thick fur imagining being with him in an old rustic cabin out in the mountains during the dead of winter.

"I don't remember you being this fluffy before" I commented.

"Guess who's been growing his winter coat?" he said proudly.

"Get in bed! I wanna cuddle with you! Right now!" I demanded before I spun around on my heels and looked up at him sweetly. "And can you give me a back rub while you're at it?" I asked.

He plopped back onto the bed and sat up against the mound of pillows looking up at me patiently. "What happened today?" he asked.

I crawled into bed and sat between his legs resting my hands on his thighs. "Parent Teacher conferences are coming up. I have to finish amending my lesson plans, grading, and now I have to prepare for this. I hate dealing with some of the parents. Some of them are just complete assholes! Some of them think attractive and gifted women are a distraction for the students" I rambled before I moaned to his firm pawhands pressing into my back.

He chuckled to himself and sighed heavily. "You know when I was in fifth grade I was starting to think girls are not so nasty. I never had a teacher as curvy as you though" He commented as he grabbed a hand full of boob flesh. I glanced back at him and rolled my eyes. "Heh, I would have thought video games and cell phones would have been a bigger distraction. I remember when I was in school; everyone was into Pokémon, Yu-gi-oh, or Pogs. They weren't into the teacher's big balloon boobs or her bulbous bubble butt" he said as he kneaded my back.

I shook my head with a smirk. "I'm glad you like everything I hate about myself" I joked.

He leaned in and growled into her ear lowly. "I see more things about you that are to my liking than just your nice ass and big tits" he said with his deep alpha voice.

I looked down at his thigh and began to rub it. "I know, hun. And I don't just like you for your huge thick..." I said before I playfully ran my fingers up close to his groin. "Muscles" I teased.

He snickered at me while he wrapped his arms around my midriff. "You do like your men large don't you?" he retorted.

I gave him a guilty embarrassed nod, which I bit my lip. "I think you're plenty big enough. I don't know how I'm able to manage with you as it is" I said before I laughed nervously. "Thank god you don't mind how we do it" I muttered as my hand wondered closer to his family jewels.

He nipped at my neck as his own hand wondered down to mash my magic button. "Aren't I a merciful wolf?" he teased.

"Yea, you're a real angel alright" I muttered sarcastically.

Before we could commence with the late night love making, I got a phone call from my parents, which my mother seemed to be in distress. In the background they can barely make out her father screaming out some obscenities; however, before anyone could say a word, three slow rounds crackled over the phone from a shot gun.

Randall was puzzled as to what was going on, and he could hear my father shouting. "Fecking bastart made off with two chickens this time!"

"What's going on?" I asked them.

My mother went quiet all of the sudden. "Oh cripes! Ah um sorry honey, Ah was meaning to call the sheriff...or animal control...dunno what that thing is. This is the tenth night in three weeks this has happened. After hearing all of Jack's talk about werewolves, Ah um starting to believe him" she rambled.

"Are ye sure it ain't Charlie's boys harassing ye?" I asked as her. My Scottish accent started to become thick again while speaking to a fellow Scotts woman.

"Dunno, It couldn't been human. No one moves that quick...except yer fiancé" my mother said. After her saying that and Jack telling her about werewolves, I had a good idea why she was calling.

"Mum, what do you mean by that?" I pressed her.

"Oh nothing dear, Ah just have been noticing some strange things. Is he listening?"

I instantly looked over at my werewolf lover and gulped. "Yea, we were kind of in the middle of intimacy right now"

"Oh, oh...Ah sorry for interrupting ye"

An overpowering sense of fear overcame me when I noticed his nose curling slightly. He did this last time when my son was about to be abducted. "Mum, do ye want to come over tomorrow with da?" I asked hinting of our concern.

My mother paused and took in a deep breath. "Dunno, ah deh want to spoil yer night"

"Mum, ah going to need help with my costume anyway"

"Okay dearie, we'd love to come over" she said quickly.

After I finished the call, I looked over at Randall worried. "What do ye think? Could it be Charlie trying to spook them?" I asked.

Randall shrugged his shoulders and placed his hands onto my belly. I instinctively grabbed onto them and tangled up my fingers with his. "It's hard to say. I can have one of my cousin's go over and do a stake out" he said lowly.

"That could work" I said optimistically. I leaned back against him and sighed wearily. "Ah think mum has figured ye out"

"Hmph, I sense doubt in her voice still" He muttered dismissively.

The next day, my parents arrived to help with getting ready for Halloween night. My father and Randall were outside making adjustments to the outside décor, while I was in the living room getting my mother's help to get measurements and make alterations to my costume. We both realized just how much my chest had swollen. "What!? 34 P!? Are you sure!?"

"Honey, Ah have already measured ye thrice. It amen't getting any smaller!" she shouted.

"Aw, this sucks! They're going to get bigger aren't they?" I whined.

"It might, it might not. Am no Doctor. Ye should be grateful that they deh sag much. At least yer band size went down" my mother said.

"But they go all the way down to my belly button! How am I going to feed by babies without suffocating them?" I asked.

"Stop yer worrying. Ye and yer brothers and sisters deh have any trouble with my paps. Yer going to have huge bairns anyway, and with four of them. They be needing all that milk!" My mother tried to reassure me.

I sighed heavily hoping to have a little more sympathy for my back and my social life. "I'm turning into a cow..." I muttered as I put on my bra. My breast tissue spilled over the top giving me the appearance of having quad boobs. My mother laughed at me and started filling out orders for custom bras.

When Randall came inside, he was met with a scowl from me, and he looked genuinely confused. "What's wrong?" he asked just as my father walked in behind him.

I glared at him and grabbed onto one of my titanic mammaries. "You see what you've done to me!?" I raised my voice at him.

He cocked his head to the side cutely. "I'm sorry?"

"Oh god" My father snorted backing out and not wanting to be a part of the conversation. He went into the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge while I chewed my fiancé's ass out for my body's reaction to the werewolf hormones he had subjected me to.

"You've turned me into a bloody cow, you dumb wolf!"

"Last time I checked werewolves don't turn people into cows" He muttered to himself.

"Well congratulations! You're the first!" I shouted before we heard my father start choking off the bottle.

"Uh, I still don't see how you are a cow. You don't smell like one"

I balled my fist up and snarled. "Just look at 'em! I got fat udders! They're bigger than my mum's! There's no way in hell my costume is going to fit!" I shouted.

My mother came out laughing. "It'll fit dear. They deh have brassiere back then. I'm just going to have to wrap 'em up like the women did back then. It'll be more authentic that way" she said before she looked off at him curiously. "Aren't ye supposed to be getting into yer werewolf costume already?" she asked.

He looked at her blankly before he remembered what he came inside the house for. "Oh, I'm just waiting for you to get done before I change into my costume" he said.

"Do you need help?" she probed him.

"No, no! That won't be necessary" he said nervously as he walked past us. "You just help Gwen get ready" he said before he closed the door to our bedroom and locked it. My father stepped out into the living room and looked at us strangely.

My mother gasped and rushed over to his door. "Wait! Ah still have her costume inside there!" she shouted.

Jack and Emily came out of their rooms fully dressed up in their costumes, which Emily was dressed up as a witch, and Jack was dressed up as the Grimm Reaper. My mother turned around and smiled at them. "Oh how scary!" she said before she turned to see Randall open the door. She gasped nearly having a heart attack seeing him in his werewolf form and pressed her back up against the wall. "Bloody hell!" she muttered.

Emily stood beside him and grinned at her. "My daddy is a werewolf" she said cheekily.

My mother nodded and looked him over with her jaw agape. "I see, honey" she muttered as she reached over to touch his fur. "This feels so real" she muttered before she reach up to feel his muzzle, and his eyes widened as he backed away from her hands.

"Uh! Mother, help me get into my costume!" I shouted as I got in between him and my mother.

My mother touched my shoulder and arched her head around. "Gwen, is he a real werewolf?" she asked.

"Yes" Jack muttered under his breath before Emily kicked him. "Ow! Why'd you kick me for!?" he shouted.

My father walked down the hallway having overheard us and looked at Randall carefully. He nervously lifted his bottle to his mouth and guzzled it down quickly. "An Ah dinnae think he could get any fecking bigger"

I sighed heavily and my head sank down low and nodded. My mother was confused, and she reached over to touch his arm. " didn't think you could domesticate one"

Randall snorted at her very offended. "I ain't domesticated!" he grumbled.

"Ah um sorry. Deh mean to insult yeh. Yeh just seem a wee tame for a werewolf" she stated.

"Mum, he's not domesticated at all. This is just how a pure bred werewolf behaves" I stated.

"Pure bred?" her parents mumbled.

I placed my hand over her baby bump feeling my young getting stirred up. "A pure bred just means he was born a werewolf. I can feel them moving around already. I never felt Jack or Emily move until they were 25 weeks along. I know our babies are going to be werewolves just like him...there's just no way that all my changes is not because of it" I explained to her.

"Well, Ah dinnae know whit to think aboot this, but...It does explain a few things. Ah always wondered why aw the animals get spooked around him. Wow, my son-in-law is a werewolf..." she rambled to herself.

"You approve of him still?" I asked her with a blush.

"Of course ah dae! He's protected ye from Charlie and his Chavs. Ah just had a feeling that he was more than human. Ah was hoping for it actually" she admitted.

"You were?" I asked a little surprised.

"Ah um going to need something stronger!" My father muttered as he walked back into the kitchen to drink more beer. My mother watched him a little annoyed with his less than enthusiastic response.

"Aye, we've been having some of our livestock attacked. Ah was hoping maybe sometime ye could bring him over and stay the night. They've always seem to happen at night" she asked.

"Hmm, I can probably help you out. I do have a very large extended family who can help you out" he replied.

"Oh, ah can imagine, Thank ye"

Emily walked over to my father in the kitchen grinding his teeth away and running his thumb over the neck of the bottle. "What's wrong granda? He's a really nice werewolf"

He looked at her wearily. "Anno, Granda is just needs time to think. Ah glad he protects ye"

Later that night, Jack and Emily came across their house on their trick-or-treat run. Their friends were very eager to see their werewolf dad. We all were taking turns answering the door, which my father was dressed up as Frankenstein's monster, and my mother dressed as a vampire. Randall spent his giving me back rubs or foot massages. We would answer as a couple, and I got the reaction that I was going for, but I could not stay on my feet for long.

My father took notice with how he treated me. I guess he was not disgusted with this, but he did look troubled. "What's wrong da?" I asked him.

He did not say anything, but my mother explained, "Oh honey, Yer da has been thinkin aboot passing down the farm to ye. Then he finds out yer husband is a werewolf"

He grumbled to himself crossing his arms over his chest, but at least, I could see why he was not too enthused. "Aw, c'mon da, he prefers his meat free ranged anyway. He doesn't eat sheep stuck behind a fence" I told him. I started to give my lover a belly rub giving a sly push against his taut stomach from eating twenty pounds or so of venison. He tensed up and winced in discomfort.

"Easy!" He groaned.

My mother and I giggled until we were interrupted by Jack and Emily coming in with his friends. "Oh there are my little monsters! How was yer night of pillaging candy?" my mother asked.

Jack rubbed his arm nervously before David shouted abruptly. "Some jerks stole Jack Sam's candy. Can the werewolf help get their candy back?"

Jack's grandfather crossed his arms over his chest. "What do you expect him to do?"

"Tch, what a werewolf is good at doin!" David shouted.

Randall approached the door and Jack's friends backed up nervously. David shivered having some second thoughts about asking, but Katie spoke up. "Um, there's some bullies going around ambushing kids. You want to show them the pecking order or something?" she asked.

Randall looked towards Jack, who was very glum at the time. He let off a low annoyed growl before he stepped out of the house. My parents grew worried, and I squeezed my way outside and stood on the porch looking at him sternly. "Where are you going?"

"Chomper is going to show those meanies his pecks" Emily said.

My father started laughing before my mother swatted at him shouting. "She said pecks not pecker"

They all watched Randall walk down the driveway with Jack and his friends, and I let off a soft sigh. "I hope those teenagers are wearing brown pants" I said before I laughed to myself.

My parents looked at me confused as I walked back into the house. Cerberus was underneath the table extremely stressed out with all the ringing and knocking going on. My father sat down on the couch and looked at her sternly. "Gwen, Are ye sure ye amen't getting yerself into a worse situation with getting involved with werewolves?" he asked.

I sat down and rested my hand over my belly trying to calm the pups down. My mother closed the door and looked towards him with frustration. "Ah think she's in the best situation" she stated.

"Ah dinnae think she is. How are we going to handle werewolf children running about on the farm? Ye think she's going to be able to handle one let alone four?" he asked.

"Ah hardly think werewolf children are any more difficult than regular children. Who knows, maybe they'll be more behaved. Randall is a no nonsense guy" she said.

I nodded and looked between them slowly poking at one of my baby's feet being pressed up against the wall of my womb. "Randall isn't worried. His family won't stop bugging me for their help...and I'm sure they can help you with catching whoever is attacking your animals" I explained.

My father slumped back and looked towards the television. "Ah dunno, Ah dinnae want to stress out our livestock. With more wolves"

"Come on! It'll work. Unless ye'd rather have Randall do it" I said.

"Ah would rather have Randall do it. Ah trust him around the farm" He admitted.

"Good, Ah um glad to hear ye like him" My mother interrupted. He stuttered and looked between my mother and I. We both grinned back at him, and he knew that he was overruled.


Meanwhile out in the neighborhood, Sam and I used Emily and David's bags of candy as bait to lure in the group of bully's hiding in the shadows. This time they were not afraid, and David and Kate waited at the corner with Emily, which David had the bright idea of flipping out his phone to record the whole moment.

There were six teenagers who jumped out and surrounded them laughing. A couple of them were dressed as characters from a clockwork orange, and others were dressed as characters from the warriors. One of them was carrying a real machete, and he scraped it on the pavement to let everyone know it was not a prop. "Look at that! They got us some more candy!" one shouted.

"You better stop! We are friends with the werewolf mafia!" Sam shouted.

They all laughed at him. "Werewolf mafia? Don't make me laugh!"

One of them shoved Sam to the ground, and the eldest pointed his blade at me. "Hand them over and I promise I won't slit your throat" he said lowly.

"Oh yea? You don't want to threaten me. He doesn't like it when you do that" I warned him.

The bully pressed the machete into my neck while grabbing my head. I could feel the cold blade "Oh yea? How about I cut up your little pooch, huh? Is that who you're threatening me with? I'm calling your bluff!" he said coldly.

There was growling coming out from the thick brush in the greenbelt. The teens looked towards the dark woods uneasily, and they backed up nervously. "That's a really big dog" one of them said.

The bully was loosened his grip and looked towards the sound of the growling, and he saw a huge figure come out with headlights for eyes. "You get your paws off my pup before I put mine on you!" he said in a beastly tone.

One of the bully's minions pulled out a cell phone and shined its flash onto him revealing the sheer size of the monstrosity. "Dude, that's a fucking werewolf!" one shouted.

The bully pushed me to the ground as if using me as a sacrifice. His minions threw bags of candy at Randall and took off in a panic, and the bully jumped stumbling backwards with his blade raised. Randall crawled around to get in between him and I before the bully stood up on his two feet. "You best put that shavette down. You wouldn't want to give me the wrong impression" he said before he bared his dagger like teeth at him. His canines were just as big, no...even bigger than the blade the bully wielded.

The bully lowered his blade and tripped over a tree root falling back and slicing into his leg. He gasped and looked down at the gash in his leg. "Oh fuck!" he shouted.

Randall muttered something under his breath before he went to the bully's side. The bully was bleeding profusely, and he began to hyperventilate. He stared at his wound shaking then passed out. I laughed at him for his dose of karma. "Heh, serves you right!"

Randall spotted dog tags on the Bully's neck, and he looked over at David and Kate who had just arrived. "Hey! Shine a light on this tag!" he muttered pulling it out from under the bully's shirt.

Kate pulled out her phone and shined the light on the tag revealing the Bully's medical condition. "Hemophilia? What the fuck is that!?" David shouted.

"It means this kid is going to bleed to death!" Randall shouted. He took off his giant shirt and lifted the bully's leg tying the shirt above the hemorrhaging laceration as a tourniquet. "Call 911!" He shouted at them.

I looked at Randall confused as to why he would try to save someone who threatened my life. Sam stood back behind his sister as she called the paramedics. "He barely cut himself...why is he bleeding this much!?"

"He doesn't have the proteins necessary to coagulate his blood. He's going to need a drug to get him to stop from bleeding out" Randall answered calmly as he elevated the bully's leg.

After the paramedics arrived, I guess his parents arrived at the scene, and they were horrified. I had no idea that Hans was this guy's father, and he stared down Randall although he was in his human form by now. We all knew that he was a hunter, so David shown them the video he took. They clearly saw their son holding the machete up against my throat. They looked towards Randall and saw the blood all over him. "Thank you" the bully's mom said weakly before she got into the ambulance with her son. Hans stayed behind and watched them leave before he looked back at us ashamed of his son's actions.

"I'm sorry about Danny. He's really a good kid" he said.

"No, he isn't! He tried to kill me!" I shouted.

"Jack, go home!" Randall said before I huffed in protest. He glared at me and growled at me viciously. "Now!" he raised his voice. Once I walked off a ways, Randall reached out and offered a handshake.

Hans shook his hand muttering. "What am I going to do now?"

Randall smirked at him. "I'm glad no one got killed" he said simply.

Hans grabbed his head and ran his fingers through his hair. Thinking about his situation, and he looked around noticing something off. "Where's that costume you were wearing?" he asked.

"I don't know. I think my daughter brought it home with her. Part of it is wrapped around your son's leg" he said as Hans stared at him carefully.

"That makes sense, I guess" he muttered before he pulled his keys out of his pocket. "Catch you later" he said. He began to walk towards his truck, and Randall walked back toward our home.

I got to hear enough of it to know that happened, but...why was there not a fight? It did not make any sense, so I came around the bush to ask him. His eyes focused onto me and they glowed as he gave off a low growl.

"W-w-what happened? He's a hunter...aren't you enemies? Weren't you going to attack him?" I asked.

He stopped and stared at me intensely. He took in a deep breath and sighed. "That would be stupid. There are a lot of children out here...he wasn't going to kill me. He has a family he has to go home to...just like I do" he said simply. I stared at him before we continued to walk down the path together.

Once we got back inside the house, my mother noticed his troubled look. "What's wrong?" she asked.

He looked up at her grimly. "That bully was Hans son..." he muttered.

She gasped and clutched her stomach as if she got punched in the gut. "He was? Are you sure?" she asked as he sat down on his chair. My mother clenched her fists and clenched her teeth. "Why did you go out and do all that!? He's going to blame you for his son getting hurt" she screamed at him.

Randall scratched his head and sighed. "I saved his son's life. Not only that, but he has seen proof that I can control myself in a transformed state. This is one of the better scenarios. It's kind of screwed up coincidence that his son has hemophilia. That has to have brought some angst to both of them. No wonder why that kid has that bad of an inferiority complex" he rambled on.

"Randall,I hope you know what you're doing" she murmured to herself.

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