My Mom is Dating a Werewolf

By OmuYasha

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A mother of two discovers that her troubled past is coming back to haunt her. After she broke free from the c... More

Chapter 1 "He's a big boy"
Chapter 2 "Thrown to the Wolf"
Chapter 3 "My New Normal"
Chapter 5 "The neighborhood's dark secret"
Chapter 6 "The Truth behind the Experimental Forest"
Chapter 7 "Knocked up times four"
Chapter 8 "A Grave Mistake"
Chapter 9 "Howloween"
Chapter 10 "Things I'm Not Proud of"
Chapter 11 "You're Lucky You Have a Werewolf Dad"
Chapter 12 "Fangsgiving"
Chapter 13 "Natural Instincts"
Chapter 14 "The Decision"
Chapter 15 "Sometimes It's Hard Being a Werewolf"
Chapter 16 "What Do You Do...When Your GF Bites You?"

Chapter 4 "How to Domesticate a Werewolf"

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By OmuYasha

A couple days have passed; the fire station had requested that Randall take light duty much to his displeasure. They sent him over to the Scandinavian festival over in Junction City. This was a small rural railroad town which Randall complained about the strong mint scent from the farms in the north end of town. He said it was better than the smell of cannabis, which he said smelled just like Skunk Cabbage. I never heard of such a plant before, but I will take his word for it.

The fourth day of celebration, and it was super hot. They had him dressed up as a Viking including the pelts and the helmet. He sat inside a tiny windmill information booth that said, "Finnish Day" and he looked very grumpy. I got the poor pooch a blue raspberry sno-cone to make his day a little less miserable. He was going through the pamphlets. He grumbled at the highlight, which it said, "Come for Icelandic Day!" He leaned back in his chair rubbing his forehead as the fan blew air onto his face. "They fucking did it...They added another fucking day of this madness!"

I walked up to the windmill and smiled handing him the frozen treat. "Wow! Is that you Mr. Fenris? You really do look like a Viking" I commented. I wore a light form fitting dress with a tear drop cut out that exposed my cleavage, which he rose an eyebrow with a grumpy scowl.

"Aren't you a bit over dressed?" He asked me as he munched on the shaved ice. I frowned and rubbed her arm nervously hoping to get a happier expression or at least a compliment from him.

"Well, I thought we might..."

He shook his head and interrupted me. "I'm can't stand this music..." he said.

I laughed at him being overdramatic. "Oh come on! I think it's rather charming" I told him.

His eye twitched and snarled. "Try listening to it all looping for five days straight! It's borderline psychological torture" he muttered coldly before he munched on the ice again.

I gulped rubbing my arm again timidly. "I'm sorry" I muttered looking away. He sighed heavily feeling bad for snapping at me. "Thank you for the snow cone by the way" he told me in a more relaxed voice.

I looked back up at him smiling faintly. "When do you get off work?" I asked touching my buxom bosom before I ran my hand down along my curves to my rump.

He noticed how I was dressed and began to piece things together " 15 minutes" he said before he grinned. "Are you wanting to grab a bite to eat?" he asked.

I smiled and giggled at him while I ran my fingers through my hair giving him a flirtatious gaze. "Well, that was kinda the idea, love! Since you have great sense in direction and taste, I thought you knew the best places to eat are around here" I told him before I winked at him before I leaned in. "I'll come back for you later, kay handsome?" I told him before I puckered my lips prompting him to kiss me, and he returned my affections with everyone watching. I stroked behind his ear then caressed his jawline before I walked off to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of the festival. It was easy to lose track of time going through all the arts and crafts.

20 minutes passed before his replacement walked in, which they were teenagers that did not wear a Viking outfit like Randall wore. I could see Randall very close to turning into a monster for the extra five minutes he spent in that cage. The teenagers stared at my breasts, hips, and legs as I came up to him. I slung my arms around him from behind and gripped his chest. "Let's go dear" I told him. I dug my nails into his chest hoping he got the signal that I was still in baby making mode.

As he started to walk away I noticed the teens looking at my rear, so I decided to have a little fun. I made Randall grab me by the hip and placed my hand over my heart. "Oh no! The big and scary Viking is going to kidnap me!" I said playfully. I walked off with him and kept my body up against his as we walked through the crowds. I looked up at him and winked. "I hear there's a supermoon is coming!" I told him.

He growled at me lowly and his eye twitched. "Don't remind me! It's enough I have to deal with one...but three consecutive Supermoons" he said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Is it bad for you?" I wondered.

He gritted his teeth and rubbed his forehead. "It is...I mean it isn't. It's just..." he said before she took his hand.

"Can I be with you? You said I would be safe if you turned" I asked.

"I said might be safe" he retorted.

"What makes this so much more different than normal full moons?" I pressed him.

"It's just brighter...I change more into a wolf than usual. Not all full moons are the same mind you. It's really difficult to predict how I'll behave" he said honestly.

I bit her lip and sighed in disappointment. "Honey, you're going to have to show me eventually...if we are going to have a serious meaningful relationship. How am I supposed to take care of you when you lock yourself up in a room three nights a month? Or when you can't handle the stress" I asked as I started rubbing at his chest.

He said nothing and pondered to himself. "I don't know...I've never had a relationship last this long to have to worry about showing it to my girlfriend. I guess I'm going to have to show you...but what about your kids?" he asked.

I looked at him amused. "That's what locks on doors are for. I can come up with something. I just want to know how bad things can get" I said honestly. I thought that he was over exaggerating things. He was always transformed during sex in body and mind.

He laughed nervously. "Oh, things can get pretty bad...I don't like being locked up for extended periods of time" he said.

I rolled my eyes at him at how overdramatic he could be sometimes. "You didn't have a problem being locked up when I'm in the room" I reminded him.

He scowled at me knowing that I was right. "Well that's different! It's was because..." he said before I interrupted him.

"Because I know what a wolf like you needs?" I asked him while I rubbed his third leg with a smug look. He shivered and gulped while I gazed at him sensing victory. "Check mate big guy" I said while nudging him. "Don't worry, I can always put you on a leash and restrain you, but then again I think you'll like that" I continued to tease him.

He looked back at me and smirked seductively. "Oh, you sure like it kinky don't you?" he asked. I smiled and leaned up against him not even going to deny the truth. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and murred. "I'll show you tonight, alright" he said before he squeezed by shoulder gently.

I grew very excited, and I felt like I have gain complete trust with him. I knew the temperament of his wolf, so I was not as afraid as I probably should have been. Sure he lost control, but the only thing I got out of it was a good rough session and maybe soreness. I felt like we done this for so long that I needed to spice things up. "So you're going to take me to your place then?" I asked which he nodded. I giggled traced his muscles under his shirt.

He watched some people stare at them as they walked past, and they make comments about us. He was really annoyed with them calling my tits fake, but I shook my head and laughed at him. After he shared a Swedish meat pie with me at a quiet park across the railroad tracks, He pulled out his cell phone, which it said, "7:10 pm, Supermoon at 8:00 pm" He put his phone away and began to walk faster. "Shit, we're not going to have enough time to eat dinner" he said.

I looked at him and touched his bicep. "It's okay love, I'm full. That meat pie was very filling" I told him before I noticed his veins had already begun to bulge like he had been exercising. I gulped and dismissed this as something unrelated to the full moon. The sun was still out at least that's what I convinced myself with as I touched his arm. "Oh, your muscles have gotten bigger since last time" I complimented him.

He looked at me annoyed. "Please, don't draw attention to me..." he said before he pulled away from me. "There's no time to be gawking! This is serious..." he said as he walked towards the parking lot.

I gulped then followed him. "I'll follow you...okay?" I asked. He looked into my eyes, and I petted his chest making sure to reaffirm him that I was going to be there for him. "Does it hurt? Is that why you've been so irritable?" I asked.

He looked at me funny almost like I was crazy. "Normal people would be scared and afraid at this point"

I laughed at him and shifted my hip while I place my hand upon it. "Babe? Do I look like a normal person to you?" I asked him bringing a hand upon my chest motioning down to get him to look at my succulent hot thicc porn mom figure. "I know what I'm signed up for big bad, don't be going back on a promise, you"

He cringed and seemed very uncomfortable. "No...I'm pretty sure you don't have any idea what you've signed up for. Not one bit"

I took this as a challenge more than a warning as I probably should have. "Oh no! You aren't squirming out of this one!" I shouted jabbing my finger into his chest. "You have no idea what you've signed up with when you decided to date a strong hot fiery red headed Scottish woman!" I raised my voice. My accent was getting a bit thicker when I was getting...assertive.

He gave in and took off his costume placing it into the trunk of his black Passat. "It's not a regular run of the mill full moon. It's bigger; It's brighter, and..." he said before I grabbed his arm.

"Just shut up and let's go home. I fix you up something big when we get home. I swear to god if you don't stop yer whimpering I'm going to bop you on the nose" I warned him, but I said it with love. I think he knew that much, and I was so glad that he would not strike me for speaking my mind.

"Alright, alright, I'll meet you there" he gave in before he waved me off before he got in quickly and immediately started the car before he sped off leaving me trailing. I caught up with him thanks to some of the heavy road construction traffic on Beltline Highway, and no matter how much he wanted it, he could not force his way through.

35 minutes later, he made it to home. It was a two story 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 car garage home with a large 4 acre property that lead up to the forest. The nearest home was a quarter of a mile away passed were a row of hedges blocked their view of his home. The property had many tall fir, cedar, hemlock, yew, pine, and spruce trees, and other side of the road was a large marsh. The air was filled with the peaceful sounds of bull frogs croaking and crickets chirping.

I pulled into the driveway a few minutes after him and got out of my red Corolla. "What the hell? Do you have some kind of stick up your arse? It's not even close for your time to change" she asked as she walked up to him she noticed that he was breathing heavily like he ran a mile...well several miles for his case. "Babe, why don't you sit down and relax. You've gotten yourself all worked up" she asked.

I could feel his muscles spasm and knot up underneath my hand as I touched his back. It looked like his skin was bubbling; however, it was only sporadic. He managed to unlock the door before he felt the first pains stabbing him in the back. "Ah! Fuck!" he shouted stiffening up as he clenched his fists.

"I thought I told you to fucking relax!" I shouted back at him.

"How do you expect me to do that!" He growled back.

"For fucks sake! Weren't you the one to tell me this whole full moon nonsense was psychosomatic in the first place? I know yer mind isn't that weak! Just do as I say and just think about making me that baby" I scolded him with my arms across my chest.

He looked up at me, and he looked almost horrified although something told me the wolf was listening as he breathing went back to normal some. I smirked at him placed my hands on my hips. "Good! Now that I got both of your attention, I'm going into the kitchen!" I told him before I turned on the air conditioner as I walked passed the thermostat.

I got started with making use of the venison he had killed not too long ago. Just because I went vegan did not mean I did not know a thing or two about preparing meat. I grew up on a farm...though, I never tried making haggis out of deer guts before. This should be an adventure. I looked at all the deer parts scattered all over the kitchen counter. I felt a bit queasy, but I needed to not think about this as once living and it being nourishment for my future husband whose just so happens to be a werewolf.

I took a deep breath and went to the fridge and cracked open a beer. When I felt nothing, I went for another. Now I was feeling it. I went back to preparing his meal before I heard him come in and start drinking. He started to sniff me and my hair then grabbed my hips. "You changed shampoos again" He told me.

I smirked to his voice being changed, but I was not going to be distracted from his advances. "Oh, you noticed? What do you think?"

He pressed his body up against my back and had his arms wrapped around me. "I like it..." he said with a seductive growl. He started gnawing at my neck, and I had to push him back to keep him from getting me distracted.

"Dear, I'm trying to fix you dinner for your moon. I promise we'll have sex later. You'll just have to wait" I told him. He whimpered as he turned back towards the living room, and I bet he felt defeated. At least he understood what the word "No" meant. I giggled to his reaction. "Was that from you or the wolf?" I teased him.

"Do you want my pup or not? You're confusing me, woman!" He grumbled.

I knew immediately who I was speaking to. "So which is more important mating or a full stomach?"

"I'd prefer mating on a full stomach than an empty one"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head laughing at him. "Good, so a full stomach is more important than mating"

"I didn't say that, woman! Alright, then tell me. What is more important, Feeding me or getting pregnant?"

"Well of course it's more important feeding you silly. Afterall, wasn't it you that told me that I already have so much of your fresh premium werewolf puppy batter that I'm pretty much guaranteed to get pregnant?" I told him.

"Hmph, It's time give you another fill up. Your oven is running out of creampies" He retorted.

"Tch, no dessert before dinner big bad. After that, I'll give all the sweets my oven has to offer" I told him before I gyrated my hips.

The sun was beginning to set, and I went to check on my good-looking wolfman in the living room who was beginning to sweat. He was on his hands and knees on the floor in the throes of his transformation. His body locked up and his breathing was labored. " wanted to see this didn't you?" he grunted. His fangs and teeth were too large for his lips to close which drool oozed down.

This was different, I never seen him go beyond this stage before...and I think he was growing if you thought a person like him could get even bigger. He jerked his head back and his chest erupted out with a gruesome crunch bursting from his tight t-shirt. I think I went full Scottish on him at this point, and I quietly walked to the couch. "Och god...this happens tae ye ilka stowed oot moon?"

He tore off the rest of his shirt as he got onto his hands and knees. His breathing was more labored now. "Yea" he said with his beastlike voice. His nose had broadened, enlarged, and began to darken. His pointed ears had sprouted fur and started migrating towards the top of his head. I watched the vertebrae in his back popping out and becoming pronounced on his back. "My tail is growing out" he muttered as he desperately reached down with his swelling fingers to undo his pants.

I clutched my hand over my heart hoping that his suffering would end. "Honey! dae yi'll need me tae free yer tail!?" I shouted.

"I'll be fine! Don't worry about me and finish making me dinner" he said in a deep beastly tone. He pointed to the door leading to the garage, which his fingers were swollen and darkening. "There's a whole deer one of the freezers..." he said before there a loud crackling noise coming from his back. "...Damn it!!" he shouted as his spine shifted no longer supporting a bipedal gait. "Just hurry...I can't stall much longer. Microwave it for all I care! Just make enough!" he shouted.

I nodded before I ran into the garage to retrieve the deer, but inside the garage were six freezers. I shook my head. "Right!" I said before I went through all the freezers. I rushed back into the kitchen and threw the venison onto a plate while setting the microwave. "Ah don't wantae end up as his meal" I said shoving the plate inside and starting it up. I hope I made enough...I mean I don't know how large he was going to get. I was really not expecting this much.

I peered into the living room seeing that his body had grown thick fur, and his teeth formed more than just fangs, no it was full of razor sharp instruments of carnage. His swollen feet exploded from his shoes elongating becoming digitigrade. The top of his palms and his fingers blackened forming pads, which I presumed his feet followed suit. His pants split down the seams and his tail was now free complete with fluffy fur. His member became sheathed, and his two huge orbs were the size of oranges and now dangled freely like a prized virile and fertile breeding stud.

I noticed the pink of lips and around his eyes became black just as his nose did, and whiskers sprouting above his lips. "I think I'm...going tho go full yolf. He'th coming! He'th thaking over" he shouted before he lost the ability to speak with is growing tongue. His ears turned into fully fledged wolf ears, and he closed his eyes feeling his mouth jut out forming a snout. When he opened his eyes they were glowing. He turned his head towards me and gave her the most scary leer of my life.

I looked back up at the colossal wolf in disbelief. "Holy shit you're fecken huge!" I muttered under my breath. I backed back into the kitchen and reached for a cast iron skillet and another beer. "Ye mist hae eaten a lot o' folk tae git sae enormous! didn't ye big guy? weel ah'ament yer meal!" I said before the wolf licked his chops. He bared his teeth at me and saliva drooled off his canines. His head jerked up and started cocking his head when he heard the microwave start beeping.

I looked at him oddly not expecting him to recognize that audio cue; moreover, he knew what it meant. I set the pan down suspecting that he knew I was his mate, but why was he acting so aggressive towards me? Oh no, that's right...I promised that I was going to allow him to breed me. "Of feck my life!" I muttered before I laughed to herself running her hands through her hair after realizing that. "Okay muckle ill, I hope I fix ye up enough" I said as I went back to retrieve the venison from the microwave.

I heard him enter the room, which I shivered feeling way out of her element. "It's okay! it's okay! he's aye yer boyfriend...just as a wolf...a muckle giant fecking huge wolf" I muttered before checked the temperature of the meat. "Ew, it's aye cauld" I muttered. I looked back over her shoulder and he disappeared. My heart began to race. "How the feck can something that huge and heavy move so fecking fast and quiet like that?" I mumbled before I felt the stove rattle and fur up against her arm. I looked back over seeing the wolf had managed to open the stove and his snout shoved in brazenly eating the haggis with the damn oven still on.

"Awright! git yer bloody heid oot o' thare!" I shouted shoving at his thick neck. He yanked the whole fucking rack out dragging it away like a wounded gazelle. I grew angry at him as he smeared the oil, fat, and blood all across the floor. "Ye made a fankle ye glaikit wolf!" I scolded him.

He looked up at her and snorted before he began to devour everything. I blushed and covered my mouth realizing that I just screamed at a werewolf for having bad manners when I was just fearful of my life not even a half a minute before. "Mibbie ah shuid mak' ye some mair instead o' ragin' at ye" I muttered to myself. I took a swig of beer, and I was pretty sure I was smashed at this point, but I was going to need to be very loose for what was next.

After I made him more, I watched him gorge on nearly seventy pounds of meat. Part of me felt sorry for the animal that had to die to sate this beast's voracious appetite, but the other part of me was grateful that it was not me that was inside his belly. I noticed that he was a lot more docile and relaxed once fed. Like he was in human form, only this was a wolf. I walked up behind him and touched his back. "Dae yi'll need mair venison, honey?" I asked.

He looked back at me and gave me a big lick on the side of her face. My face was all slimy with werewolf slobber. "Plugh, Gross!" I muttered wiping the saliva off me face with. I looked at him awkwardly unsure what to do next. "This is crazy...i pure dae hae a werewolf fur a boyfriend" I muttered while watching him pulling out intestines with his mouth.

I began to worry about my children and how they would react to encountering such an intense gruesome sight. I have to admit that I could barely handle this well. Would they be in danger? I was pretty sure that he would eat them if they were present. However I did remember the microwave and his behavior towards me. My psychology courses were paying huge dividends. I believed that with time, his wolf could be conditioned to accept my babies as his own. I was just going to figure out a way to keep this secret long enough for them to not fear him and see the benefits of having him a part of our family.

I blushed realizing that I had been subconsciously massaging his shoulders. "Ah think ah kin live wi' this" I told him before I stood up. "Ah think i'm aff tae need a dram" I said before she went to his fridge. She pulled out another beer and cracked it open taking a swig.

After drinking a few more beers, and he finished his meal and stretched before he licked his paws clean. I looked at him with a drunken gaze smiling at him. "Yi'll waant tae dae something real kinky?" I asked. He cocked his head at me cutely and stared at me in disbelief as if saying, "Are you serious?"

I jumped onto his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Wolfmen need loue tae...don't thay?" I asked before I tried to wrap my legs around his torso. I moaned into his ear and bit his ear while growling into it.

I got off him and stripped my clothes off. I looked him over, and I saw it. He know what I said, and the proof came with his red rocket blasting out the silo doors. Why was it so big though? My juices dripped down my thigh as I started fingering toggling my button. "Mmm, Mak' me yer bitch!" I begged him. I got onto my hands and knees still fingering the pleasure button before the pain would begin. "Tak' me" I muttered.

The huge wolf took a big whiff of my juices, and his massive red chili pepper glistened in the moonlight. He wasted no time and began to lick my juices. I moaned to his strong tongue mashing into my button right on the dot and the pleasure center in my brain lit up like Times Square. "Och babe...juist fuck me noo! ah can't wait!" I told him arching my back. I acted like a wolf bitch in heat sticking my rump up in the air. This was something he always liked. It was not the most intimate of sex positions, but with how far he had gone wolf, I would guess one of us being on our back would be very awkward for him.

I dug my fingers into the carpet as he stuck his tongue up my love canal. Was he attempting to tease me, the master of lust and seduction? My toes curled imagining what it would feel like to get him to breed with me. I bit my lip as I closed my eyes feeling my first orgasm just from his mighty tongue. "Mmmm! A loue ye big bad" I told him while I endure this flood of pleasure.

He mounted me during my moment of weakness before he rammed his rocket up inside me. "Agh! aye! that's it!" I shouted throwing my head back. The wolf had a good purchase on me as he bashed that battering ram into me repeatedly. I was so stretched out from having sex with the times before that his was no longer painful to me except when he goes too deep, which he was doing now. What was he doing? He was not going to try to get it all in me was he?

I forgot about the bulbous gland he now had. I should have really paid attention at that point, but I did not care if his rod tore me up inside. This was not pain I could not handle. I gave birth twice, this was a mere tickle. I just wanted to be his, and prove my love to him. I knew he had all the power, but that was something that always turned me on. I do not know why, but I reached down feeling his slimy shaft, and I found his huge knot. I gripped it and began massaging the knot as he pounded into me, and he growled loudly getting very into this. Eventually, I got this giant wolf to gush buckets into me, and I kept on rubbing his knot while he overfilled me. I moaned feeling full, and very proud of myself. I had finally triumphed over the big bad. "Good boy!" I told him.

The next morning, I woke up spooning with him lying naked on the floor with me being the big spoon. I remembered bits and pieces from the night before, but I saw my boyfriend had returned to human form well almost. "Randall?" I called out to him. He lay in the floor not responding, which I jerked his arm. "Randall!?" I raised her voice. Again he did not respond, which I kneed a pressure point in his back. "Hey! Wake up!" I yelled.

He yelped from the knee before he rolled onto his back. "Ow! Fuck!" he muttered as he rubbed his back. "What!?" he snapped.

I inched my way up to the nook of his arm as I pressed my nude body up against his side reaching over his chest to give him a vigorous rub down while I lifted my leg to rub against his lower body and thigh. "I told ye that ye had nothing to be worried about. I really want you to be in my life...I can't stand to be apart from you...even more now" I told him before I blushed. "Can I get pregnant having sex with a werewolf while he's that transformed?" I asked.

He looked at me confused. "I'm pretty sure you can...why?" he asked.

I laughed nervously. "Well...remember is it frowned upon to have sex while being full wolf?" I asked.

His eyes widened in horror. "Oh god we had sex last night didn't we?" he asked.

I blushed and nodded. "Yea, we did..." she answered feeling ashamed for it all. I did not want to be pegged as a sexual deviant, but I heard him begin to snicker lowly. I looked at him curiously. "What? Why are you laughing?" I asked.

He sighed happily. "I was expecting much worse out of this than you getting pregnant...It's funny how opposite my fears turned out. Instead of my wolf taking a life, he chose the make a life" he said.

I bit my lip and giggled. "Well, your wolf had been hounding me for sex even before he went full wolf on me. Kept pestering me while I made dinner, he did...I knew he was eager" I told him.

He shook his head and laughed. "Well, that was partly me. You told me to focus on making babies. Heh, I can't imagine how you managed to make it all work? Why aren't you in excruciating pain?" he muttered.

I snickered to myself. "You know it doesn't have to all go in" I teased him before giving him a wink. "Hehe, you know, I'm surprised it all worked out too. This might sound bad but...My experience in adult films helped me survive the night" I told him before I started massaging his chest. "I don't know if I've told you already but...since I've met you every time I see a baby, it hurts me. I know I have a good man around with fantastic genes, and I feel obligated to bear your crave it" I said before I buried my face into his chest hoping he did not find me to be stupid for wanting to breed with him last night.

I do not know why I sobbed; I was not sad. I guess I was happy? He gulped and rubbed my back like a loving husband should. "It's alright...It was bound to happen to me eventually" he said with a happy chuckle. "I'm glad I met you. You're a great mother to the pups you already have. You'll be just as great to the litters I'll give to you" he told me.

I climbed on top of him and looked down upon him "Aw, thanks honey" I told him while I wiped the tears form my face. "Hehe, I don't know why I'm crying, but I already know how this fairy tale is going to end" I told him before I continued to give his chest a rub down. She noticed that his muscles had knots in them all over his body. "Are you sore after going through all that transformation stuff?" I asked.

He nodded and looked away never before showing his most vulnerable state before. I however was very happy to see this side of him as I felt very useful now. "Here baby! I'm going to make it all better" I said as I began to give him a complete therapeutic massage, and I even popped bones back into place.

While I worked on him, I looked around his home noting how much of my stuff had migrated into his house. "You know...the crying...I'm pretty sure that you actually got pregnant last night" he told me.

"Heh, probably...I just knew that you were doing overkill on the breeding part. Okay, now get on your back" I told him. I made him flip onto his back, and I sat on him like a horse as I started putting all my body weight into his spine making them crack like rice cereal or more like bubble wrap.

He had closed his eyes enjoying his massage, but I think he enjoyed feeling the heft from my heavy hooters mash and press up against his back. "You know...I think I won't have a problem with you can moving in with long as you promise to keep your children from me during my moons" he said.

Her heart began to flutter and smiled. "Don't worry you leave that to me, big bad" she said.

"Big bad?" he asked. He laughed nervously. ", you won't use it around your kids right?" he asked.

I grinned. "I might have a Freudian slip here and there, but I'll promise to be good and only use it in the bedroom" I said before I leaned back in to massage his shoulders and upper arms. "I love you, big bad" I spoke into his ear softly.

He murred back at me. "I love you too, little red" he said before his stomach growled.

I shook my head getting used to this routine. After the night before, this was a cake walk. I stood up and felt soreness in my pelvic region which was enough to make me wince. I managed to walk although I had to move awkwardly to do so. Everything felt out of place like I was leaking...though I probably was. I reached out for an apron. I was not bothered to go get dressed, but I liked to do this just to spoil him.

While I made us both something to eat I called out to him, "Randall?"

"Yea?" he answered back.

"Thank you again for agreeing to let my family move in with you...I promise to make it up to you later" I told him as the aroma of eggs, bacon, sausage, and other meats, started to fill the room.

"I thought you were going to take this slow" He muttered as he struggled to stand up. "Ow" he groaned popping a few of his joints.

I giggled as I sprinkled cheese on the omelets. "I'm going to wait for my lease to end in a few months, and then we'll start moving in" I mentioned to him cheerfully.

He walked gingerly into the kitchen as his stomach scratched at him to feed it. He groaned rubbing his sore bicep. His feelings were mixed with euphoria and malaise. He seemed to be relieved to know that I had accepted him, all of him, and I was going to tend and take care of him. I know it would not be easy for him to make an exception to his rule, but I was damn sure to make it the best decision he has ever made in his life.

I had my phone on the counter with an ebook titled, "How to care for your werewolf". He got nosy and started to skim through it curious to see if it was a joke or an actual self-help book. The language used was so subtle that anyone uninitiated would assume it was a joke, but he could relate to ninety percent of the things that was said in the book. Pretty much all I read applied to him perfectly.

I looked back at him and caught him snooping in my phone. "Find anything you like?" I asked. "If you're looking for nudes you're out of luck. I only preform live to an exclusive club" I teased him.

He looked back at her and raised an eyebrow. "So this was what you've been up to. Is this why you didn't freak out last night?" he asked.

I laughed nervously. "Oh I did freak out last night...the book said that the last thing I needed to do was to run away. I mean wolves love to chase things...right?" I asked.

He laughed nervously as well. "Yea, that's right...heh, so when did you start reading this?" he replied.

"Um, a while ago I guess. I thought full moons were going to be simple. I didn't think there was a cycle on top of a cycle. Jez, this shit got really complicated with supermoons. I didn't think you'd turn into a complete wolf on me...heh heh" I admitted to him.

He nodded. "Yea, well, with supermoons there's a couple nights added to when I transform. So, I have to plan things out accordingly you just so happened to catch me at the apex of the supermoon phase" he said.

She thought for a moment. "So, what happens on a...what do you call opposite of a supermoon?" she asked.

"A wimpymoon? He joked. He then shrugged his shoulders and laughed. "I only transform one day, and it's minimal just extra hair, fangs, and claws. Hardly much of a transformation" he finished.

"So when you say more nights, how many nights have you transformed so far? You know this time?" she asked.

"Uh, this was my third night, I have two more to go" He answered.

"Jesus, No wonder why you looked miserable when I saw you. You poor thing" she said feeling really bad for taking this lightly.

"No, no, I already told you this is me at my worst. I don't transform as much the next couple of nights" he said.

I shook my head. "How do you figure out how many extra days that you will transform?" I asked.

"Uh...math?" He said looking at me strangely.

I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. "Smart ass!" she mumbled before she turned back to continue cooking. "Do you have the equation written down?" I asked.

He cleared his throat. "I don't have an exact equation. I just look up the moon's distance from earth online and I guestimate it from there. I have a spreadsheet if you want to look at it" he muttered.

"Yea, I'd love to see it" I said with excitement. I reached for a plate in the drying rack near the sink and piled on the food. "So, what about eclipses? How do they affect you?" she wondered.

"Uh, depends on the kind of eclipse. We will transform a little during a total solar eclipse, but an annular or partial solar eclipse won't affect us. The same can be true for lunar eclipses, but it's extremely rare for us to turn human during them, just we are less wolf normally if that makes sense" he stated.

"I understand" I said as she brought him his meal. "So uh...Sounds to me like you've been a werewolf for a while? When were you bitten?" I asked him.

He scratched the back of his head. "Uh, bitten? I wasn't bitten. I was born a werewolf" he said.

My eyes widened in shock. "You were...born as one? Is it possible for our child to be one?" I asked placing my hand over my belly.

He scratched his head. "Uh, It's for certain that my offspring will bear my traits" he said.

I gasped thinking about our baby bursting out of my belly like a chestburster in alien, and I thought about my spine breaking. "Baby! Am I in danger? I mean you're freakishly strong even human. What if it tears its way out?" I asked him in a panic. I read some pretty horrible things when it came to supernatural pregnancies.

He laughed at me and munched on a piece of bacon. "You'll be fine. I didn't start getting freakishly strong until puberty hit. I experienced my first transformation when I was twelve. Luckily for me I didn't start turning full on wolf until I was seventeen. Heh, I remember those days very well...I was quite the heartbreaker back then" he rambled on.

I sighed happily feeling a bit better about being pregnant with this werewolf pup. "Oh, that's good. Were you scared about transforming for the first time?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Was a little...I tried hiding it in the first couple of times. I was ashamed that mine didn't look like my parents. I was the first born so I never seen my siblings go through their first change, and my parents would not stop bugging me If I experienced any changes in my know...coded words like that" he muttered before he dug into his breakfast.

"Will you introduce me to your parents? I've spoken to you mother on the phone a few times...she seems nice. I didn't know she was a werewolf too" I mentioned. He gasped and started choking, which he looked at me like I was crazy. I frowned feeling that they would not like their son dating a human. "What? Is it because I'm human? Or do they know about my old work" I asked.

He pounded his chest and drank a glass of orange juice. "No, it's just uh..." he muttered before he started playing with his food. "Um, they don't care if I'm dating a human, but uh...heh. You know werewolf families, ahem. Less civil...not to mention my parents look like they are thirty" he said before mumbling the last part lowly.

My eyes widened in shock. "No way! I thought you looked really young for your age. How old are your parents?" I asked.

"Heh, they are like pushing sixty right now" he said.

"Jesus Christ! I'm guessing you have a huge family too!" I shrieked.

He scratched the back of his head and nodded. "Yup, my mom loves children...well all werewolves love children but her especially" he said nervously.

I laughed at him. "I love children too..." I said before I touched his hand. "I grew up in a big family too. I knew deep down I was destined to have a big one...just not with a werewolf. I didn't think they were real" I told him giggling while I looked into his eyes endearingly. "You turned out better than anything I could imagine them to be like though" I told him before I went to scratch at his chest. "Is there anything else your future wife can do for you?" He smirked and murred softly knowing that I was speaking to his wolf directly.

"Do you like being a werewolf? It must suck sometimes huh?" I asked.

He smiled faintly. "Heh, with you around, I enjoy it a lot more. I can be more natural, you know" he said before I looked over the table snickering.

"I walking around the house naked is normal werewolf behavior?" I asked taking a good look at his salami. "Or are you an exhibitionist like myself?" I teased him.

He scowled at me almost taking offense to it. "Do you know how uncomfortable it is you have clothes digging into your flesh when you transform?" he said.

"Touché" I said before I giggled. "You know...I kind of get turned on seeing you burst out of your clothes. Maybe we can make your full moons our special play time, huh?" I asked.

He laughed nervously. "Heh, uh...sure? Can't complain if you're into that kind of thing though I can't afford to waste money on clothes" he said before I laughed at him.

"Oh, I got a bunch of my ex's old clothes, They'd look better stretched out over your huge muscles and junk anyways" I said hinting of malice towards my ex.

"Okay" he said in a deadpan tone.

Later that day I left, but I came back bringing Cerberus with me along with a bunch more of my stuff. He was out going shopping, so I decided to stroll the neighborhood and walk my pooch. I wore my tank top but I made sure to tone things down with showing some skin. This was a quiet and almost too perfect subdivision. Then there was this guy following me. He was about the same height as me maybe a little taller. Something about him made me uneasy. That look he gave me was of suspicion and distrust. I was trying to lose him, but wouldn't you know, of course my dog had to take a shit. So when I went to bag it up, the man was right there with his arms crossed over his chest being all authoritative.

"I saw you driving up to that house the past couple of months. You've not noticed anything out of the ordinary going on there have you? Any cages? Animal Bones? Out of place fur? Does anything smell dead?" He asked me. He had a Dutch accent, and his voice was tenor maybe a tad lower.

"Um, no...Nothing out of the ordinary. Why do you ask?" I pressed him.

"Well, I've been hearing stories about him keeping a wolf at his house. My name is Hans Van Helsing President of the HOA here, and head of the neighborhood watch" He told me.

I got pissed at him. "HOA? So yer the one who's been pestering him nonstop" I mumbled before I stood up. "He prefers his privacy and his freedom. He doesn't want some HOA to dictate what he does. He hasn't bothered ye any" I told him off.

He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of a werewolf, and I pretty sure that it was Randall. "What were you doing last night, and be honest. I have resources. We know about your obsession with werewolves and the occult" he threatened me.

I stared at the picture and pushed it away. I was going to have to change my tactics to get this werewolf hunter out of our hair. "If you have to know, I've been trying to have a baby with him. I was with him the whole night milking his balls dry" I admitted before I flipped my hair and show him my neck covered in fresh love bites.

He stared at them in disbelief, and he took his phone away and stared at it. "You...had sex with him last night? On a full moon?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm sorry to tell you, but that's how babies are made...and you know what? He fucks me every night, especially on full moons. I'm sorry that he howls during sex, but that don't make him an actual wolf" I told him.

I personally viewed that wolf was all a part of him and nothing separate. I felt what we did with together last night was perfectly acceptable and natural. He was my boyfriend, and who cares how I have sex with him. I loved him and that was all that matters. Hell I do not mind sharing our love to everyone.

Hans stared at the back of his phone case still, and I guess the shiny shit on the back was silver. "Just how? How is that possible?"

"Well if you must know hun. I used to do porn for a living. I'm used to different shapes and sizes of dicks. I even have done plenty of kinky shit too. I have experience handling huge well hung wolves like him. I ain't afraid" I said before I gave him a wink. "And in my trade a wolf is a dominant/super aggressive lover who fucks relentlessly and can it up for an hour sometimes two hours. Then keep it in while they snuggle. You you felt like you were fucked by a wolf" I explained to him before I sighed thinking about it.

"Well? Is there anything else you want to know? I could live stream us having sex on the full moon if you want your resources see me suck and pump a giant monster dick" I told him before I gestured a jacking off motion towards my mouth.

"N-n-no, that won't be necessary. Jesus...Lady, do you know how crazy you are? Aren't you afraid you'll put your childrens' life at risk?" he asked.

I crossed my arms over my chest scowling at him. "Of course I fear for my childrens' life! Randall protects me from my ex and his gang. He's the real monster. He is a pimp and player. When he found out I slept with a bouncer and got pregnant with Emily, he pushed me down a flight of stairs to get me to miscarry then he had my love gunned down in his own home. The police and sheriffs never found the body, but they still sent him to prison for assaulting me. Now he's on parole. If I wasn't with Randall, my children would end up like kidnapped or worse!" I spoke severely to him.

He stared at me, and I could tell he was conflicted. "I...I didn't know...I'm sorry miss" he said before he turned his back. "Do you really think that the situation you put yourself in would be better?"

"They've already tried to kill him. He had them running off like roaches they are. If it weren't for his gifts and talents, he'd be six feet under by now. Once I'm moved in with him, my situation will be a hundred percent better no infinitely better. So leave him alone. I've gotten him domesticated" I warned him.

"Very well...but if I hear that he harms you or the children, I'll have my job to do...good day Ms. Gwen" he answered back.

"Hmph! And keep your son off our property! He's a troublemaker!" I told him off.

Soon I got home and went in for a hot bubble bath to calm my nerves. I did not bother to have the door closed so Cerberus joined me. "That motherfucker...there should be a way to make some of my blog posts exclusive to my admirers and not some douchebag werewolf hunter. Fuck!" I mumbled before I sank into the tub lower. "No, it's that son of his. I never said anything about him being a werewolf. He's a trespasser and a free loading voyeur. Should I tell Randall about this...I don't want him getting in a bad mood" I muttered. Cerberus laid on his belly on top of the big fuzzy bath rug looking up at me sighing heavily like he was glad it was not his problem. "Well you're no help" I told him.

I heard my dearest slam his door shut and come into our home. I got out of the tub and drained it and quickly wrapped myself up with towels. I saw him looking at all the once empty spaces filled with my stuff. He turned around noticing me with a towel wrapped around my waist and wet hair. I looked at his horrified expression with confusion. "What?" I asked.

He shook his head and sighed heavily. "Nothing. I'm just adjusting" he said before he looked towards my dog. "Is he going to be here tonight?" he asked.

I frowned looking towards my dog. "Of course he is. I can't leave him all by himself when I'm here taking care of you" I told him.

He looked at me strangely. "Taking care of me?" he mumbled. He thought about it then gulped. "Uh, I'm going to be fine babe. It's not a big deal. I can handle my full moons by myself" he said before I glared at him.

"Do you not want me to sleep with you tonight?" I asked. I did not mean for that to come off as a threat, but I wanted to make it obvious to him what I meant by taking care of him since he does have a hormone problem that needs managed.

He shook his head. "Uh, no...I'm just not used to this level of...uh, intimacy?" he said before he blushed. "I wasn't expecting you to worry about me this much" he said before he looked away.

My frustration went away, and I came up to him and draped my hands over his shoulders. "I worry about you because I love you big bad. It's got nothing to do with the full moon. You get stressed out too often...I don't have the kids around, and...I'm even more alone now when I'm apart from you. Is it bad for me to be satisfied for caring of my wolfman?" I spoke to him with ambitious eyes before I got on my tip toes and kissed him on his jawline.

"You want to get married or something?" He asked.

"Figure it out, big guy" I told him before I dropped my towels. "Let's go back to making that baby...shall we?" I asked seductively while I strutted to the bed before I looked back with a come hither gaze.

He was absolutely shocked that I was asking him this after what I had to endure, but a smirk crept upon his lips eagerly knowing that he had a job to do.

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