Guardians: The Last Elder

By PJO_forever_and_ever

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[A Wattpad featured story] After witnessing a gruesome case of murder, sixteen-year-old Ava Young is thrown i... More

Chapter 1: I think I'm having prophetic visions
Chapter 2: A lonely child with milky eyes
Chapter 3: Lights up!
Chapter 4: Narnia or Morlea? Hmm, tough choice...
Chapter 5: Storm is storming over the city!
Chapter 6: Josh is a jerk
Chapter 7: Twilight has been the One Great Lie. I'm hurt.
Chapter 8: Cade, the Cuckoo boy
Chapter 9: Ava makes a friend
Chapter 10: Ava, the spy!
Chapter 11:...but not a very good one
Chapter 12: The Mountain of the Departed
Chapter 13: The Dwarf City
Chapter 14: The Mead of Poetry
Chapter 15: War and Peace
Chapter 16: Five-legged Reindeer
Chapter 18: Pegasus vs A Beetle
Chapter 19: The Elfin Kingdom
Chapter 20: Stalker alert
Chapter 21: The Cave of Jeweled Waters
Chapter 22: A kiss to remember
Chapter 23: I hate everybody. Period.
Chapter 24: A visit to the past
Chapter 25: The Battle of Morlea (part 1)
Chapter 26: The Battle of Morlea (part 2)
Chapter 27: The Battle of Morlea (part 3)

Chapter 17: Secrets and lies

150 36 14
By PJO_forever_and_ever

"I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare to let out."
~ Ally Carter (Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover)


The night air was cold and prickled the exposed skin of my short-sleeved shirt. The four of us were crouched behind one of the large columns of the portico, having successfully navigated through the inner corridors and hallways of the Fort without any hitch. Josh, who has by default, taken charge of this clandestine mission, turned to face us, more specifically me.

"We need to be extra careful from here on. You see those watchtowers? There's always someone up there, keeping a look out. We can't let them see us which is why we need to be quiet and stay in the shadows," Josh said, his eyes focused on me. I nodded.

"Follow me then," he said and quickly darted out of the column and rushed off to hide in the next. Vanessa went next, scurrying from one column to another. I followed her, Kace at my tail, my heart beating wildly at the possible prospect of being caught. Would Mr Blackwell ever forgive us for breaking rules twice in a single week?

We were now standing at the edge of the portico. The enormous and well-maintained garden extended on all sides and was probably twice as big as a football field and ostentatiously beautiful with flowers of all kinds like azaleas, marigold, roses, bell flower and others I couldn't name, finely sculpted hedges, olive groves, wisteria plants and ivy alike growing over the edges of the rampart. 

Gravel paths led to different sections of the garden, sporadically obstructed by fountains of a mermaid carrying a pot that spewed out water, in the case of which they forked and rejoined again at the back of the fountain. There was a small vineyard, extending from the right flank of the garden all the way to the back. The trees formed a thick canopy and were bursting with ripe grapes. Josh had already told us, on our way out of my room, to make a beeline for the vineyard once we were out the double doors of the Fort.

I waited with baited breath as Josh did a quick sweep to check if we were being watched. Finally, he gave us an all clear sign and hurried off and disappeared inside the vineyard, quick and light as a fox. Kace and Vanessa followed. I went last. I managed to stumble over a rock too but I bit down the startled yelp before it could escape my throat.

The inside of the vineyard was completely dark, the canopy preventing the moonlight from entering. There was the nauseatingly sweet smell of grapes everywhere. Vanessa, Kace and Josh were waiting for me. Once I was inside, Josh started down a path. We were about to follow a curve of the small dirt trail that weaved between the trees, when low voices floated through the air. All of us stilled, looking at each other warily.

The voices were near enough that I could make out the words if I concentrated hard. The voices were definitely masculine. I was sure one of them belonged to Mr Blackwell. Josh captured my wrist and tugged me gently, gesturing me to follow him through a different path but I shook my head, a specific word catching my attention – my name.

"So what have you concluded about her? Ava Young?" asked an unfamiliar voice. "Is she who you think she is?"

Mr Blackwell replied, "I am afraid there is no way to be sure."

There was a scoff. "Sure there is, sir. You are just not willing to risk it."

"Yes, you're right. I am not willing to risk it. She is still young, just a child. She is still being introduced to this whole new world. Her mind is at a fragile state and I cannot burden her further. And on top of that, she lost Esther too. Someone she thought of as her mother."

My brows furrowed. Thought of as my mother? What does that mean?

"Well, Esther was duty-bound to protect Miss Young, even at the cost of her own life."

"It wasn't just duty that drove Esther to sacrifice her life. She was Miss Young's mother, in all the ways that mattered. She may not have been her blood but she was still her family."

I felt like somebody had punched me in the gut, repeatedly, with a spiked knucklehead. I was vaguely aware of the concerned eyes of the others on me but all my brain could think was, she may not have been her blood...

But that didn't make sense! None of it did! If Esther wasn't my mother, who was?

At that moment, my brain decided to remember something else too. "I'm sorry, Ava. I'm so sorry. Forgive me if you ever can. Remember, no matter what, you were always my daughter and I love you."

It cannot possibly mean what I think it does. No, I refuse to believe it. In my confused state, I almost missed the rest of their words.

The unfamiliar voice replied, a trace of scorn in it, "I, personally, believe blood is the most powerful bond between people. But, nevertheless, I do understand what you're trying to say. Yet can't you see how important it is that she knows? She is a valuable asset, Mr Black-"

"She is not an asset, Mr Stone," Mr Blackwell answered, just a hint of coldness sipping into his voice.

"Mr Stone?" Josh whispered beside me. "That's Cade's father!"

"Of course not," Mr Stone replied smoothly. "But you do understand what I'm trying to say, aren't you? If you're not willing to test her--"

"I already told you, Mr Stone. Her condition is delicate. We do not know how this would affect her, all this information. We can't just throw it at her, not now, especially when we ourselves aren't quite sure."

"But what about all these murders?" asked Mr Stone, restrained impatience in his voice. "Guardians are being murdered every three days! If we're not wrong, today someone will get killed too! And you know Miss Young is the key to it all. If we can figure out who she is, we might have a chance--"

"That will be enough, Mr Stone!" snapped Mr Blackwell. "I shall do as I see fit. And if I think it's not the right time, than it isn't. Do not forget, it is not you, but I, who is the Director, even if you do like to shun my warlock origins behind my back."

"I would never--" protested Mr Stone.

"Do not play games with me. You might descend from a renowned family, Mr Stone but do not, for a second, think I don't know who you truly are or what your true intentions might be. I agreed to meet you here but now I feel like I'm wasting my precious sleep, god knows I barely get enough of it. Now, if you would kindly step out of my way, I would like to go back. Oh and Mr Stone? Do me a favor and stay away from Miss Young. If I see you doing or saying anything you shouldn't, you'll have me to answer to."

The threat hung in the air as the sound of gravel crunching reached near us. I was completely dazed but the others had still not lost their wits. Josh was quick to grab my hand and drag me behind a particularly large tree while Kace and Vanessa dashed off to hide behind another. 

I spotted Mr Blackwell as he made his way down the trail we were standing in just a few minutes ago. He was dressed in his usual clothes, excluding the cape. His cane was in his hand, the angel hilt glimmering. His eyes looked distant and weary, his hair ruffled, tiredness etched in his shoulders. I felt sympathy pinch my heart but the rest of me felt betrayed. I was still unsure of half the words they said but I understood enough.

It wasn't fair, I knew, to blame Mr Blackwell. The rational part of me knew he had my best interest in his heart, yet, I couldn't help but feel the way I did.

It took me a second to realize Josh was calling my name and judging from the normal tone of his voice, Mr Blackwell and Mr Stone must have left. I felt a calloused hand slide under my chin and force me to look up. My eyes locked with the worried blue eyes of Josh. Worry for me.

"Ava," he said and seemed to hesitate, as if unsure of what else to say. "I-I am so sorry."

"Josh, it couldn't b-be, could it? Esther can't just not be my mother. She was all the family I had ever known," I whispered.

Josh's hands slipped onto my arms and he embraced me tightly, as if he would never let go. I clutched him too, my nails digging into his leather jacket. I barely heard the murmur of Kace and Vanessa's anxious voices behind my back. Finally, in what seemed like too short an amount of time, he let me go.

"What do you think he meant?" I asked finally, my throaty voice breaking the tense silence. "What did Mr Stone mean when he said it was important to figure out who I was to solve these murders?"

"We don't know Ava," answered Vanessa regretfully. Josh, on the other hand, seemed to be avoiding my eyes. 

"It seems like they have their suspicions as to who I might be," I said, thoughtfully. "But they aren't sure. And to be sure they need to do something, some sort of test, right? Isn't that what they said? But what test? A-and what--"

"Ava," Josh interrupted, his voice completely different from his usual arrogant and haughty tone. "None of us know what they might have meant but let me tell you, Mr Blackwell would never do anything that would hurt you. He cares about you just as much as he cares about us. Trust me when I say he loves us like we were his own children."

I know, I wanted to say, I believe you. I had seen those kind grey eyes of his and it was impossible to imagine he would ever hurt me. I did trust him. But didn't I deserve to know who I am? Who my parents are?

"Maybe we should go back", Kace suggested gently. "You need not burden yourself more with these missions, Ava. We could do it someday else-"

"No", I said, squaring my shoulder. I can't ruin their mission. If anything, we needed to get to the end of these murders as quickly as possible. And learning the meaning of these symbols would be one step closer to it. Maybe if I could help them solve these murders, I would also get my own answers.

"No," repeated. "We must go. We can't back out now. I won't let you."

"Are you sure?" Vanessa asked hesitantly.

"Yes, yes I am", I said firmly, even though I wasn't certain if it was really true or not.


Josh led us to a corner at the edge of the right flank of the rampart. There, covered with sand, leaves and brambles, was a giant slab of rock that covered a secret tunnel. It took all of us to lug away the stone slab. It was pitch-black inside and a certain dank smell hit my nostrils. Luckily for us, I always kept a mini-flashlight in my jeans pocket. I brought it out and handed it over to Josh who looked grateful. Switching it on, Josh leaped down first. I heard a distinct, albeit faint, thud as Josh's feet met ground.

Josh whisper-yelled from the dark, "It isn't too far! Come on in!"

I could barely see him inside, the faint glow from my torch was the only indication that he was still down there. Taking a breath, I said, "I'll go next."

"I'll catch you," Josh promised.

I stepped to the edge and jumped. A whoosh of air passed me and almost immediately a pair of strong, calloused hands grabbed at my waist. I was gently put back onto my feet.

"You okay?" Josh murmured, his fingers on the naked skin of my waist where the top had rode up a little. He was so close that I could feel his breath on my cheek. My heart did a wild jig. I could only hope the dark hid my expression and he assumed the erratic beating of my heart was because of the fall.

Just as I breathed out, "Yeah, I am," another thud followed. In came Vanessa, quickly followed by Kace.

"All right, move it, guys!" Vanessa said.

We all shuffled forward in single file. More than once, I tripped and stumbled. I blamed it on the utter lack of light and not because my mind was completely elsewhere, preoccupied with thoughts I'd rather not think about. Ever.

Abruptly, Josh's hand slipped onto mine just as I stumbled for the fourth time, stubbing my poor toe again. "Calm down, Ava," he murmured, low enough that only I could hear. "Stop thinking about it. Just focus on this mission."

I shot him a surprised look, not that he could see me. How did he know? Could he read my mind? With all the things I've experienced in the past few weeks, I dare not put it past anybody. I shuddered at the thought of somebody discovering all my inner thoughts and conversations with my subconscious.

On the bright side, my mind had effectively diverted from the conversation we had overheard between Mr Blackwell and Mr Stone because all I could think about was somebody's pleasantly rough hand intertwined with mine.


Hey guys! Sorry for the super late delay. I've been really busy with my exams coming and everything. But, nevermind, I'm here again. I really hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter. If you did, please VOTE and COMMENT! It would mean the world to me! Also, what do you make of the conversation between Mr Blackwell and Mr Stone? Do you trust them? Let me know! 

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