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By NeireeWrites

342K 11.1K 3.5K

Cheryl Blossom is a princess, a spoiled one too. Her parents are king and queen of Riverdale. They are very n... More

2|Meeting the Royals
3| Loved ones
4| Public Gathering
5| Moving In
6| letting the Royal's know
8| lets have some fun!
9| Date Night ๐ŸŒ 
10| Will You Marry Me?
11| Kids Meet And Greet
12| Engagement Party
13| I now pronounce you wife and wife
14| Honeymoon
15| I Now Pronounce You Queen Of Riverdale
16| Ugh! This Is Too Much Work!
17| Do You Want To Have Kids With Me?
18| Trying For A Baby
19| Pregnant?
20| Telling The family
21| Pregnancy months
22| Giving Birth
23| Bring Them Home
24| Your Beautiful Inside And Out!
25| Twins Are 1!
26| If You Don't Tell Mommy I Won't
27| Adelaine Is Not After You!!
28| Its Just The Three Of Us Today
29| Addison's first tooth
30| Twins are growing up
31| Twins Are 2!
32| A Parents Night Out.
33| Kevin At His Finest
34| Baby Topaz 3?
35| Telling The Twins
36| Morning Sickness
37| What's the gender?
38| Baby Shower!
39| You Can Do It, Cheryl
41|Amari's Eyes
42| Introducting Him To The World
43| Let's Make A Youtube Channel!
44| Welcome To The Royal Family๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿผ
45| Twins are 3!
46|Hey! You look like me!
47| Christmas with the royals.
48| Happy New Year!
49| Amari is 1!
50| They're All Sick!
51| A Night To Ourselves
52| Vow renewal.
53| Romantic getaway
54| 11 years later
55| Addison comes out
56| The talk
57| Addion's first date
58| Pregnancy Appointment
59| Twins 15th birthday!
60| Gender reveal
61| Jason's death
62| Welcome to the world
63| Kids meet your little brother
64| Welcome home Kyrie
65| Aurora's backstory
66| The prank
67| Kyrie's first doctor appointment
68| Addison's hickies
69| A Topaz Christmas
70| Family trip!
71| Kyrie's first steps
72| Toni's surgery
73| Senior year
74| I Married a princess

7| Jason's Funeral

8K 272 89
By NeireeWrites

Toni woke up with a yawn. She slept good, It felt good to finally sleep in a bed.

Toni took in her surroundings, her eyes widened as she realized Cheryl was cuddled into her. She still had her arm around her protectively. Toni didn't know what to do because if she was to move Cheryl would wake up.

It was only 8 AM breakfast doesn't start until 9:30 so she had 1 and a half.

Toni felt herself grow hard from Cheryl's backside against her. Huffing, she gently placed a pillow between her and Cheryl's hips.

She sighed with relief when she made sure she didn't wake Cheryl up. She lay there staring at the ceiling just thinking.

Today was Jason's funeral. She knows that it's gonna be hard for Cheryl today. She wants to be there when the pale woman will need someone to lean on.

Cheryl started to stir in her sleep, she turned around, tucking her face in the crook of Toni's neck.

She opened her eyes. Toni's body tensed. Shit! She's up and she's gonna realize that she's cuddling her.

Toni's panicking calmed down as she felt Cheryl grab her hand and place it around her tighter.

"Are you okay?" Toni asked. Cheryl shook her head 'no'

"What's wrong?" she asked, pulling back so she can look at Cheryl.

Cheryl places her face back into Toni's neck, "Today is the day." was all Cheryl mumbled out

Toni sighed sadly as realization struck her. Like she said earlier it was Jason's funeral.

She just held Cheryl closer until it was time for breakfast.

After breakfast.

Toni and Cheryl got dressed in all black. Toni wore a black suit with a bow tie. Cheryl wore a black dress with lace on the front.

Cheryl was very sad, she frowned all-day. Toni tried making her laugh which worked.

Cheryl laughed and laugh until she couldn't anymore.

It was time for the service to start. All of Riverdale attended the funeral.

Esme smiled at Toni, "You look nice." she said, fixing Toni's bow tie.

"Thanks!" Toni smiled. Cheryl stood behind her, smiling at the interaction between the mother and daughter duo.

"You too, Cheryl." Esme smiled.

"Thank you." Cheryl smiled. Esme nodded.

Toni linked arms with Cheryl walking her to their seat.

They sat down with the Royals. Clifford smiled sadly as tears rolled down his cheeks. Cheryl gave him a huge hug, telling him it was alright.

The service started, and the king and queen went up to speak.

"Hey, As you know, Jason was the next to take the throne. Are we saddened by his and his wife, Sophia, sudden death? Yes, yes we are. This was a tragedy that happened to young, innocent souls. They didn't deserve this, they never deserved this. We will continue to live life to the fullest as Jason wished. He would always tell us to live life to the fullest don't let anything bring us down. And we will do as he wishes. I would like to thank everyone for coming." Clifford said, he sobbed. The guards helped him down from the podium.

It was now Cheryl's turn to speak. Toni smiled at her sympathetically.

"Can... Can you come up with me?" Cheryl asked. Toni nodded with a smile, interlacing their hands.

They walked up to the podium.

Cheryl put the microphone up to her mouth, "As you all know. I'm princess Cheryl Blossom. Twin sister to Prince Jason Blossom, Jason was the sweetest person I've ever seen roam the earth. He was so soft-spoken, never got loud with anybody. He was so kind to children. All the children look up to Jason. God, do I miss him so much. My dear brother, I hope you're making people happy up in the heavens. I know that your still here in spirit. I love you more than anything I loved before. When I see you again, dear brother." Cheryl cried as she spoke, looking at the picture of her brother on the stand.

Toni rubbed her back, still holding her hand. They walked back to their seats. Clifford wrapped his arms around his daughter. Penelope wiped tears from her eyes.

Toni was still holding on to Cheryl's hand. Cheryl didn't want her to let it go either.

after the service, the wake.

Everyone stood around the ballroom of the castle. Cheryl sat with Toni, head on her shoulder, while Toni rubbed small circles on her back.

"Thank you, Toni," Cheryl mumbled. Toni's eyebrows furrowed in confusion."For what?" she asked. Cheryl sighed, closing her eyes.

"For being patient with me, for being there for me," Cheryl replied. Toni smiled.

"It's no problem. I know how it feels to lose a loved one. It honestly takes a big chunk out of you." Toni sighed. Cheryl nodded.

"I'm glad you were here to help me." Cheryl looked up, kissing Toni's cheek, laying her head back down.

"I'm glad too." Toni blushed. Cheryl's lips were very soft. She wanted to feel them on her cheeks over and over, better yet her lips.

Everyone was in their own conversations, Toni thought of an idea that'll cheer Cheryl up more.

Toni called a guard over, she explained to him what she was going to do, so he had to follow them.

The guard brought back up and the four left out the back door. "Where are we going?" Cheryl asked, holding on to Toni's hand tightly.

"You'll see." Toni smiled. The guards were right behind them, keeping watch.

Toni came to a stop, it was a field, just a plain field. Cheryl was confused. "What are we doing?" Cheryl chuckled. Toni smiled.

"We are gonna look at the stars." Toni smiled, looking up at the billions of stars that shone brightly in the sky.

Toni laid down on her back. The grass was fresh because the land keeper mowed it today.

The guards stood at a comfortable distance so they could have privacy but also so they'd be close enough if something happens.

Cheryl followed her fianceé, laying down on her back also.

She grabbed Toni's hand, holding onto it. Toni smiled at how Cheryl feels comfortable to do that know.

"They look really beautiful," Cheryl whispered, staring at the stairs in awe.

"Not as beautiful as you." Toni flirted. Cheryl giggled with a blush. "Why thank you, you aren't so bad yourself, Topaz." She teased, turning her head to look at her.

Toni chuckled softly. They turned their attention back to the beautiful sky.

"Jason always told me that the stars are our dead ancestors looking over us," Cheryl said quietly.

"I believe that." Toni smiled. She looked over at Cheryl, who was now crying. "Come here." Toni opened her arms. Cheryl cuddled into her.

"I know you miss him, but he wouldn't want you moping around all sad. He'd want you to live your life happily. I know I've only known you for two in a half weeks but I know that there is a happy, Cheery, person in there just waiting to come out." Toni said.

Cheryl smiled against Toni's chest. Toni was right, Jason would want that. And that's what she's gonna do.

Now she's not saying it's not okay to miss him but she can't just mourn his death all her life. She had to be happy.

"I know Toni. I'll try, it may take a while. Can you be patient with me?" Cheryl asked softly.

Of course, Toni would be patient with her. She knew what it felt like to have to mourn over someone. Toni's mother was the most patient with her. Veronica and Betty would get aggregated and leave Toni alone instead of understanding what she's feeling. Toni wants Cheryl to feel comfortable to come to her about her feelings.

With a sigh, Toni replied, "Yes. Of course, I'll wait as long as you please. And if you need anything I'm here."

Cheryl nodded, closing her eyes as the breeze blew gently against them.

Cheryl smiled as she felt the warm feeling in her heart, knowing brother is present, she smiled, "I trusted you JJ. I'm happy I did." Cheryl whispered so only she can hear.

"Thanks, Dad," Toni said quietly so only she can hear.

Two stars shined brighter than the others, they knew that their loved ones were with them. They were happy.

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