P l e a s e . . . [ Taekook...

By NoonaNora

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TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ ☆Includes: Depression, self-harm, bullying, manipulation, and others. Don't read if you ha... More

[ Chapter 1: Begin ]
[ Chapter 2: Different ]
[ Chapter 4: Buildup, Burn Down ]
[ Chapter 5: Superman ]
[ Chapter 6: Why Do I Feel Alone? ] - Part I
[ Chapter 6: Why Do I Feel Alone? ] - Part II
[ Chapter 7: Visitor ]
[ Chapter 8: Baekhyun ]
[ Chapter 9: Expelled ]
[ Chapter 10: Father ]
[ Chapter 11: Birthday ]
[ Chapter 12: Worse ]
[ Chapter 13: Dream, Reality ]

[ Chapter 3: Mom ]

2K 55 29
By NoonaNora

Night was one of Jungkook's worst hours. Night was like a monster that'd crawl out from under his bed and grasp at bus ankles, pulling him into the depths of what he called total hell. It would wrap itself around Jungkook's body and trap him inside eternal darkness. He could never escape from it. He couldn't slip his body past the bars that held him back. If anything, those bars grew thicker and thicker each night. They even started growing thorns. There wasn't anything he could do about it...

This night was one of the worst nights he's ever had. He should've seen it coming. But he didn't. His parents were yelling a whole lot louder this time. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't cover up the sound. All the things they said to each other made his tears fall down his cheeks. He wanted to cut himself again. He needed to. Yet... he couldn't get himself to. His hands were much too shaky to even hold anything. He struggled to breathe. He felt like he was having some form of an anxiety attack. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't.

Then... all he could hear was the muffled pleads of his mother, followed by a scream. Then silence, only his sobs filling that silence. Jungkook slowly stood up, his legs wobbling a little. He slowly walked out of his room to check on his parents. His mother lied on the floor, his father over her body. His mother had been stabbed repeatedly by his father. Jungkook's eyes widened, covering his mouth as he quickly tried to get back to his room as quietly as possible. His father didn't notice him, thankfully. He immediately collapsed after the door was shut. The image of his mother's bleeding body, her eyes and mouth open in a dead, terrified expression. Jungkook kept his hands over his mouth, trying not to puke at the sight. He really couldn't breathe anymore. It hurt to breath. It hurt to cry. It... hurt. All over.


Jungkook didn't even remember passing out, but he did. He wasn't on the floor, but on his small bed... He didn't think much of it and checked the time. It was around 6 in the morning. He got ready for the day, knowing he didn't have school that day. He sighed shakily and stepped out of his room. All he could think about was his mother... his mother...

Her dead body.

Jungkook walked out of his room, looking around. His mother was sleeping on the couch... He internally sighed, but not really in relief. Maybe it he dreamed of his mother's death... He pulled out his phone. He had an unread message from Taehyung... Yes, they even exchanged numbers a while back. Jungkook looked back at his mother's sleeping figure, then slowly opened the front door to leave. He closed it as quietly as possible without waking his mother up. Jungkook sat down on the small porch, finally reading the text he got.

Good morning, Kookoo! Did you sleep okay?

Jungkook didn't want to lie to lie to him, but he kind of had to. He didn't want Taehyung to find out about anything. So... he responded.

I slept fine. Did you?

Yeah! I did! :)
Ah, I wish I slept a little longer though.
But I don't want to sleep the whole day
So I guess it's good I didn't bother to got back to sleep.

I guess so.
Sometimes I wish I could sleep more often

Wow mood
Hey, uh... Do you have anything going on today?


Cool. Wanna hang out today then?
Maybe meet up at a cafe?

I... guess we can.
I don't have anything better to do, usually...

I'll meet you at the cafe near school. Know which one I'm talking about?

Mhm. I'll be there.

Alright~ I'll see you in a bit then.

Jungkook sighed and slowly stood up. His body ached a bit as he walked down the stairs, walking to where his bike was. He grabbed onto the handles, pushing the kickstand back up with his foot. He slung his leg over the bike, placing his foot on the pedal. He slowly rode off with his bike, paying attention to his surroundings. He let the breeze brush against his skin, it feeling nice. He kept his eyes on the sidewalk and the road though.

It didn't take very long for Jungkook to get to where he needed to be. He set his bike in one of the bike slots, pushing the kickstand back down. He looked down at his feet to avoid eye contact as he made his way into the cafe. He couldn't help but to feel a little anxious as he looked for a seat. He eventually sat down in a booth in the corner, pushing his body into the wall a little. He patiently waited and waited...

About 10 minutes later, Taehyung stepped into the cafe. He immediately looked for Jungkook, his eyes darting around he room. Taehyung smiled once he found him, walking toward him and sitting across from the boy. "Hey, Koo~" Jungkook looked at Taehyung, slightly smiling.

"Hey..." he whispered, biting his lip and looking down at the table. Taehyung tapped his fingers on the table, glancing around for a moment. He looked back at Jungkook's face.

"You sure you slept okay? Your eyes look a little... puffy and tired..." Taehyung asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I slept fine. My eyes are... kinda naturally like that-"

"They looked a little different today, I guess. But maybe that's just me." Taehyung shrugged. "Do you want anything? I can order up some drinks for us."

"N-No... I'm fine..." Jungkook whispered. Taehyung slowly stood up, making his way to the counter to grab himself a drink. Jungkook waited patiently, taking out his phone. There was a couple of missed calls from.. Baekhyun. He saw some texts from him too. Hesitantly, Jungkook looked at the messages. Baekhyun was angry. Really angry. He could practically hear his yelling voice in his head, scolding him about not answering him. Jungkook felt some tears in his eyes, but he ignored the messages nonetheless. He knew Baekhyun was gonna beat him to death at school, but he'd rather focus on Taehyung instead.

A few minutes later, Taehyung came back with one large milkshake with... two straws in it. Taehyung smiled at Jungkook, setting the milkshake in between them. "Figured if you got thirsty, you can have some too."

"Oh... um... th-thanks..." Jungkook whispered. A few more minutes of talking passed, and Jungkook hesitated, but wrapped his lips around the straw in front of him. Taehyung decided to take a sip too, both of them sipping out of the same drink. At the same time. Jungkook couldn't help but to blush just a little bit, slowly pulling back and looking away. Taehyung giggled, bringing a hand up to Jungkook's cheek.

"Your face is red~" Taehyung cooed, pinching Jungkook's cheek gently.

"D-Don't point it out like that..." Jungkook mumbled, trying to hide his face. But Taehyung made him look at him.

"Sorry... I just think it kind of suits you." Taehyung whispered. "It's... cute. I like it." Jungkook could only blink, his cheeks growing a deeper red color. Taehyung giggled again. He pulled his hand away and leaned back in his seat, "I'm just messing with you. But it really is cute."

"N-Not... not really..." Jungkook whispered a lot quieter this time. He rested his head into his arms so his blush was hidden from Taehyung. He's never been flustered like this before.

Taehyung was the only one who's ever really... made him feel like that. Taehyung made him feel just that tiny, single atom of hope in his heart. And.. Taehyung was the only one that's gotten him to blush like this. Jungkook didn't know what Taehyung was starting to do to him, but he really hoped he wouldn't betray him. He hoped Taehyung wouldn't build his hope up, only to slam a sledgehammer into his heart and shatter it.

Maybe Jungkook finally found an escape.

Chapter 3 End...

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