From Isolation To Home: The A...

Oleh Sdcwrites

251 7 2

Separated from her mother, Her father a mystery to her. Maria Anne Martin has not exactly been dealt the easi... Lebih Banyak

Maria: An Introduction
One: Run, Maria, Run
John Constantine: The man. The Myth. The Legend.

Two: The Grass Isn't Always Greener

44 2 2
Oleh Sdcwrites

Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out

Maria knew the unmistakable smell of vanilla. It reminded her of her mother. It always calmed her down. 

Vanilla is one smell that was always around. No matter where they lived. That was a constant. Zed told the twins that the scent would keep the demons away. The reality was that most of the places they stayed had landlords who never asked questions for a reason. They stayed in some awful places. With some of them, not even a dodgey paint job could hide the damp and mould. Fire Hazard here, out of date cladding there and nobody could explain the odd stains on the carpet.

Zed hated the moving the most, although Marius would be the most vocal about it. However, Zed did everything for the preservation of her children. She knew Chas couldn't protect them forever. He was trying to protect his own family as well as searching for his friend.

The children wouldn't remember too much about Chas. He came in an out the millhouse. They spent years safe in that millhouse. Seven and a half years to be precise.

In that time, Chas gave up searching for his friend. Wherever he was, he just had to hope he'd come back. Chas knew he was strong. That was when he returned. He needed to be there to watch his granddaughter grow up.

Of course, they needed to move when people found the supposedly impenetrable fort. With the owner dead, and Constantine not around to keep it up, the magical protection was weak.

Maria's greatest memory in the millhouse was looking up to see a man suspended in the air by his ankles, screaming like there was no tomorrow. She concluded this man was a complete dork.. He was harmless.. Marius was taking great pleasure in throwing things at him.

Naturally Zed freaked, mistaking him for someone else. As he was still terrified out of his mind, he didn't even think to introduce himself before they fled, taking a few books with them.

The story that would relay back once Ava Sharpe and the Legends came to save the man was that Gary Green had got caught in a gravity trap. The blood rushing to his head (and probably an unhealthy mix of berries he'd eaten before coming in) had caused a hallucination.

This was something that nobody was going to let go of. This joke would go on for years, even passing on to the next generation of Legends, who were probably a few years older than the twins, and maybe even beyond that.

Zed and her children travelled for a long time. The first place they arrived would be a very trashed place in Gotham City. Only the bravest dared rent out a place near what was universally known as "crime alley". Any time you looked out, chances are there was a junkie passed out or if you were really unlucky, a body.

The streets were the unsafest it had been in a long time. It had also been the dirtiest it had been. Arkham was nothing but an empty shell of what it used to be. No police. No heroes. Just anarchy. Any remaining civilians were very well hidden, probably holding out for the day the notorious Bat would return.

They didn't stay long. Zed knew they were coming. It didn't take them long at all to find her.

Who was "them"? They were what could only loosely be described as family. They were a cult, headed by Zed's father. They wanted to bring about a new age, and believed that dabbling with demons was the way to do so. At first, they tried to use Zed. When the time had come, in other words when she finally came to them seemingly compliant, the demon had rejected her for being impure. That was thanks to a very cocky scouser who owed her anyway for helping him in Atlanta during the rising darkness and Manny incident. At least that was their justification. Zed would be lying if she didn't say she wasn't somewhat in love with him.

It was a sad thing for Zed to admit that she had feelings for John Constantine. She knew they couldn't be together. She also knew that she couldn't be the only one who desired someone they couldn't have.

It didn't take her father long at all to discover the existence of Maria and Marius. The little girl with the long blonde hair caught his attention especially. Perhaps she was the hope they needed? The ticket to glory. He didn't hesitate to show her off to the demonic suitor. Like most of hell, his hatred for the hellblazer was huge. The demon saw it as the perfect opportunity for revenge on the man who sent him to hell.

From then, the trio were marked. Zed knew that would mean moving around. So they didn't stay in Gotham long. From Central to Star, they kept moving in order to stay ahead of them.

It eventually brought them back to Atlanta. Surprisingly, they managed to stay a few months before being found and cornered. Rather than going back  to the magical house, they made a home for themselves in Freeland. That was definitely the closest they came to being caught. They literally found themselves cornered by members. They probably wouldn't have gotten away had Maria not fallen through a rotten floorboard. This gave Marius ample time to knock the cult members out with a broken table. Then it was a case of grab and run.

After checking in with Chas, Zed knew the next place to go. They set off on the longest journey they would go. Marais, Louisiana. Apparently John had a friend there who could help.. At least until Maria recovered from that fall.

Chas did not disappoint. However, forgot to mention that John's old friend would be so green... Chas also didn't mention that him and his family lived in the middle of the swamp. They treated the trio with such hospitality. As much as Zed wanted to stay, she knew staying would endanger everyone. So as soon as they could, they said their goodbyes.

Maria remembered the swamp well. Despite it being a swamp, the Holland's made it as nice as possible, even growing vanilla just for them.. She remembers how tight her brother held her in tears. She remembers the words that came out of his mouth.

"I don't ever want to feel that again! The idea of losing you hurts enough.. It's like a part of my heart has been ripped out."

Of course, Maria understood that feeling all too well later on. Everything ached. The words he spoke at the swamp would echo in her head for a long time. Haunting her, reminding her.

Maria awoke in the same forest, cold and alone. She curled up in a ball and wailed. A heartbreaking mournful cry.   "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!" She cried out in anguish. Marius was an innocent boy. He didn't deserve to be killed. If Maria was being honest, she felt responsible.

It took a while before she could stand. She turned to look. The building was burning. As the smoke billowed up in the air, the heavier the guilty piled on Maria. She knew what she had to do. At least try to honor her brother's murder.

Counting the money in that she "immorally borrowed" she worked out a plan as she walked to a nearby town.

Of course when she arrived, everyone was going to stare at the girl dressed in white, covered in blood and bruises. Her eyes still puffy, red and glazed. Thankfully, they didn't say anything.

The first port of call was definitely a change. She selected herself a pair of black skinny jeans, boots and a black T-shirt. She then paid for it, explaining away any and all concerned looks with a smile and a "It was a little prank. It's all fake." when she could bring herself to speak.

Maria sighed. Her next move would be to find a place to clean up. The nearest public toilet before heading towards a nearby cafe.

As she pushed the door open, she heard the bell chime cheerfully. She looked around at the others. The place had very few people in, yet it was still bustling with background noise. It was almost overwhelming. Regardless she pressed on, heading to the counter and ordering a hot drink and meal before taking a seat.

As she waited patiently, she absorbed recent events. Her entire world had crumbled. She believed that she couldn't return home. She couldn't face her mother and tell her that her only son was dead because of her. Maria had lost her brother and that guilt. Nothing could shift that feeling. That feeling of blood washing over her like a wave, making her feel permanently unclean. She didn't wield the blade. But in her eyes, she's worse than the one who did. She felt as if she pushed the blade in. Pulled the metaphorical trigger, if you will.

Her thoughts were disturbed by someone stood at the table.
"Hi.." The person said. Maria couldn't make out much about them. They were just another face to her. Another face of someone. Maybe they had an agenda. Maybe they didn't. However she didn't want to chance it again either way.
"Keep walking, wanker." She grumbled, eyes staring down. The person sat opposite her.
"Listen.. I-" They began. Maria's eyes shot up.
"Did I fucking mumble, moron?! When I say keep walking, that means get lost. You don't need to be a goddamn genius to understand me." She stated, as the person got up, and walking away, definitely muttering something about 'crazy psychos'.

A bit of time would pass, and Maria would get her order and pay. It was rather uneventful.

As she stepped outside, she had to work out a plan. The plan she currently had was to not stay. She followed the main road. She followed it out of town. She walked, one foot after another. Her arms by her side as she trekked.

As time went on, day turned to night. With the night came a cold harsh wind, bringing chills and causing her to shiver. However, she pressed on. She wasn't sure why she was so determined. Part of her just wanted to jump out into the ongoing traffic. Just so she could see him again. Or at least that was one option. If heaven and hell did exist, she was definitely going to hell.. Her brother deserved to be upstairs with the angels.

The wind blew harsh. Yet Maria staggered on, gusts blowing her sideways. This terrain was harsh and relentless. As much as every fiber in her being screamed at her to stop. To give in and let the cold take her, she pressed on, determined to get somewhere. Somewhere far away.

As the hours passed, her exhaustion increased. So much so that Maria swore blind that there was a bright light. It was getting closer and closer. Brighter and brighter. Then it bypassed her. Washing over her like a white hot flame.

Maria felt herself fall. She fell fast, landing with a soft thud. She didn't really have much time to question as she slipped into sweet unconsciousness.

When she came around, she was greeted by a rather  interesting face. The most striking feature was the young girl's dark hair and glasses. They were in a small bedroom. Rather ordinary and plain.
"Oh. You're alive." She stated, rather surprised. "My name is Esmeralda! Esmeralda Green. We kinda picked you up at the side of the road and my dad.. Well he's out at the moment but I'm pretty sure he has more questions. I certainly do!" The girl chirped. Maria stared at her before sitting up.
"Do me a favour.." Maria groaned. "Do one." She told the girl as she flipped her the bird.
"Look.." She began. "I think we should hang out until-" She was cut off by Maria once again.
"We don't have to do squat. I don't have to follow you and I swear to whatever being you  worship that i won't hesitate to.. To.." Maria paused, panicked as she thought. "I won't hesitate to tie you up and roast you on a spitfire like a goddamn hog! You got me?" Maria threatened, standing up. The girl gave an affirmative nod as Maria left. The dark haired girl sighed, going after her.

"Please wait! We want to help you!" Esmeralda called, running after Maria.
"I don't want help. I don't need help.." Maria turned. "I don't- I won't.. I.." She paused, uncertainty filling inside her gut. Then she opened the door, holding up the middle finger once again as Esmeralda hurried down the stairs, only to get to the bottom step as the door slammed shut.

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