Bed Time Stories (A Marvel Fa...

By StarWarsNinjaBinge

36 0 0

Tony ran as fast as his legs could carry him down the long dim-lit hallway. The end of the hallway was narrow... More


35 0 0
By StarWarsNinjaBinge

"To capture a rat, you simply lay out cheese for it to eat."


"Zermon! Zermon! We've got a new arrival at the front gate sir, and you're not going to believe who it is!!" The other man shook with excitement but stopped when meeting the Commander's glare full on. He bowed gracefully before the man.

"Shush now, Pledgewing! You're going to wake them up." Zermon whispered harshly, looking away from the assassin in front of him. Pledge followed his dark crimson eyes to see the tubes of Preserve in front of them. It was indeed a glorious sight and he didn't want to make the Commander mad by his over-exaggeration. He winced internally when a woman in on the containment tubes twitched and moved. Going to move away, Zermon grabbed him by the collar and shoved him towards one of the empty tubes.

Pledge yelped, being caught off guard. "What?" It was his turn to whisper, his face pulled back with concern.

"Get in the tube. Your time is merely up. You served us well." The commander gave an order in Russian and the tube opened up for the assassin to step into. "You've only had a taste of what's coming. You'll see." With that, he kicked the man inside the small cylindric and pressed a button.

As he turned away, he could hear the mans choking gasps, drowning in the preservation fluids behind him. Swiftly, he came into the elevator and went up. The Preserve disappearing below him in a dark swirl of dust. He smiled grimly, taking out his earpiece and speaking Russian into it. There was some static before it fuzzed-out, leaving him alone until he reached the Gate station. 

There was chaos in the halls and platforms, people and positioned higher leaders running around like mice. Zermon chuckled at the chaos, walking through them like they meant nothing to him. He walked quickly, his black cloak dragging behind him against the sleek grey tile. A short chubby man with greying hair met with him at the Gate. 

"Hello, Commander." He bowed, shirt riding up as he did so. "We have a new shipment for you. As I've sent Pledge to come to assist you. Where is he, if I may be allowed to ask?"

"So, I've heard. Show me where it is and we shall bring it in." Zermon ignored the man's question, getting straight to what he wanted. The man straightened up and put on a flat face, stiffening visibly. 

"There may be a slight problem, Sir. One of the shipments has escaped but we managed to put the rest under full hibernation." He cowered under the commander's gaze. "Please, this way. I wish to show you."

Zermon followed until they came to a bay, with several dark brown trucks parked along its edge. He mused at how many there were, looking at the chub he had hired. His own pawns to play with, sitting there all asleep. "Any celebrities? Or are my men being killed at such costs for their efforts?" 

The chubby man grinned, showing off his broken yellow teeth, "Oh yes. We've captured a genius. One that you can definitely use on the field, sir." He opened a containment tube, pulling the man out of the truck. The liquid condensation, frosting the glass outside of the cylinder.

The commander stepped forward, wiping a hand slowly across its front window, revealing a middle-aged man.. not other than Tony Stark himself. He grinned as well, his crimson eyes lighting up with pleasure at the sight.

"Indeed you have. Indeed."



"Owwww! OK! Oww!" Tony Stark yelled, his voice echoing across the gym as he was slammed shoulder-first into the thick black pad beneath them. He pushed the woman off of himself, turning to lay on his back up at her. giving his best pout. He didn't want to admit it, but he was being kind of a baby with his sparring partner. "Hey, go a little easier on me, cupcake." 

His pout turned into a classic grin when she made a face at him. "Don't call me that. I have a name, use it." She turned, pushing her heel into his stomach, not hard but relaxed.

"Uh, Cupcake seems to fit you qui- Oww! Ok! OK!" He squirmed underneath her heel, holding in a laugh, not wanting to make the situation worse than it was. "Natasha, please!!" Stark's face got red, gasping in laughter.

Natasha's heel subsided and helped him to his feet. They both were grinning at each other, holding in laughs. "You're such a baby for your age, Stark." 

The genius shrugged as they headed for the elevator, towels in hand. "Eh, I get that sometimes, but not to worry I am totally a Man when it comes to ladies-Not a baby." He waggled his eyebrows at her as they waited for the elevator to make it's descent upwards to the lobby, earning himself an eye-roll in return. They had been sparring most of the morning and he was quite tuckered out. She had taught him some good techniques as well as her own personal moves, making him very curious to learn more about his teammate. Then Steve had joined in, that buff beefcake flooring him against the mat multiple times in a row. Obviously Tony thought it was to impress Nat, but he really couldn't tell; hard reading a super-soldier. He was curious, what more could he say?

His thoughts were snapped back to reality with Natasha getting out of the elevator. He followed close behind, scratching unconsciously at his signature stubble. Her red hair came to a swinging stop as she stood in front of the team, who were all asleep in the lobby, TV on. He came right behind, standing next to her. Steve was missing.

Stretching his arms in the air, he yawned at the sight, wanting to join them but he couldn't. He just couldn't; not when he had decorations to put up. "Alright guys, time to get up." He pushed clint off the couch, with a thud. His smile was replaced with a frown as he saw the glistening emerald-colored dart on his neck. Tony bent down, plucking it away, examining it. A drop fell onto the rug, burning the spot on impact. "Shit- Natasha are you seeing this?" 

Turning his eyes, they laid upon the slender built redhead on the rug in front of him. His eyes went to the same shining dart on her neck as well. Whoever it was, who was doing this, was either in the tower or close.. very close. He swallowed hard, looking around to where there would either be a penetration on the windows. His heart quickened when he finally saw it. 

Outside the window, there was a flying drone, a stealth drone to be the looks of it. Tony had a pretty good clue who the target was. He ran quickly putting the windows on complete shut down as he made his way through the main floor to where steves room was.

Stark knocked. Once. Twice. Even a third time. Still no answer, so he kicked the door down, letting himself in. He walked around the room silently looking for clues, stopping at a small sticky note on the nightstand. Steve wasn't in the tower. In fact, he had gone out after he left Tony and Natasha. Four hours ago, to go shopping. 

The genius smiled to himself, rolling his eyes. He let out a long breath knowing steve had gone out of the building. Sitting on the bed he sighed to himself, facing his own reality. He was locked in his own Tower, and why was Steve's bed so soft?...

He woke to a loud shattering noise just outside the room. His heart lept into his throat, scrambling off the bed, he hid well on the other side. A slender built man walked by, his tall frame pausing by the broken-down door. Dark black eyes scanned the room around Tony, who was now laying flat against the floor, looking underneath at the invaders' boots. 

"Tony Stark. You can come out from your hiding spot and we can talk like civilized men, or you can choose the hard way, possibly death." The boots moved away from the door, adding five more sets behind the slender frame. 

It was a long moment until the man said, "We will murder your friends and team. Come out now. I know you care for them Stark. It is hopeless to hide. We will find you."

Tony internally cursed himself as he stood, coming out of the room. A guard had been waiting for him outside the room, grabbing the back of the millionaires head, forcing him down harshly.

"Hey, hey now. Not so hard, I can handle myself. Geez!" He pushed his hands down to stop himself, kneeling now. Looking up, he immediately regretted it as he stared into his soon to be captor's eyes. 

The man scowled down at Tony. "Pick him up. You will come willingly or we can force you. Your decision. I am making it simple." Stark was hauled to his feet in front of him. He noticed he was a bit taller than this guy. Deciding to give a fake smile he shrugged his shoulders at the scowler. 

"Do I really have a choice? I mean, you were about to murder my friends and teammates a second ago, and now a second place? I thought we were discussing you know something civilized or was I wrong? Because I think you're wrong to take me, like c'mon here man. I hadn't had coffee and I can't think right without it, Slimmy Jimmy..." He held his tongue, wanting to continue. Tony held his glare against the other man, scowling back at him like the professional actor he was. 

The man wasn't taking any of Tony Stark's bullshit by this point. Turning on his slender boot, he barked an order in Russian, leaving Tony with the five guards. 

The guards pushed him towards the elevator where they stood around him protectively. He sighed, thanking his lucky stars it could've been worse. There was a skinny guard to his left, one that stuck out from them all. This man looked like a kid, Tony thought not realizing he was still staring.

They pushed him forward, he almost stumbling into the slender man in front of him. Yep, definitely a Slimmy Jimmy. He smiled internally, his brain picking up on the man's facial expressions and movements. There was no reason to resist.

The man ordered the men something. As he turned away to see what was happening, it had already been too late. The last thing he felt was something ramming into his head, then swimming blackness.


Tony shivered, blinking in the orange light that crossed above him. He coughed, his throat dry. What the hell just happened?! Sitting up slowly, he noticed he wasn't bound. His arms and legs free, leading him to raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

His suspicions were soon shut off by a knock on the door. He blinked around, eyes quickly adjusting to the light, as it was he was in a bare room, no windows and a handing blinking light in the center. The door knocked again before it opened.

Slimmy Jimmy walked inside, quickly fistinv Stark by the hair, raising him to stand to his feet. Tony groaned, his legs unwilling, his head throbbing. "You will obey or die." He shoved him into the hallway where the other men took his wrists and cuffed him behind his back.

Tony let them lead him to a truck where they instructed him to step inside. His mind was telling him No, making his legs hesitate while he stepped in. They then shoved him inside a cylindric tube next to others. There were small holes inside and it was cold. His breath coming in a white cloud.

"H-hey!" His voice went on deaf ears as the shut the tube's front, leaving him with an eerie feeling in his gut. He was soon left in the dark, his arch reactor showing just a small glow or blue.

There was a sudden sucking noise from the bottom of the tube, making him look down in panic.

Tony yelled, slamming a fist against the glass but to no avail. Be slammed it again and again, until he felt thick water rising above his ankles, quickly moving. He blinked in panic once more, not liking the sensation now at his chest and rising rapidly past his collar bone.

He held his breath, as it lapped at his face coming up past his nose. The truck jolted forwards, his breath coming out as he was pushed into the glass infront of the tube. His eyes stung against the mixture, bringing back his panic.

The genius tried stilling his heart, putting his mind somewhere else as the thick mixture entered his nose, making him snort out bubbles. The mixture was thick against his body, now getting thicker as the truck drove around curves and bumps. He couldnt help himself, knowing hed die either way.

Coughing, he let the carbondioxide out of his mouth, breathing in the mix. He coughed again, squirming against the drowning sensation. His lungs began to burn, his body and eyes on fire with each watery breath. Jaw becoming slack, he shut his eyes in one last attempt to break the glass, but his hand slid down slowly, his body relaxed.

He was alive but he just couldn't see or hear or move. It was like being in a suspended reality. His body was floating in the air, his mind thinking of keeping himself safe during this whole process.


"He is stirring, Sir."

"Give him time to go through the whole cycle. The first time is always tough. This is only the first phase in his progression. He's actually taking this very well."

"Makes me curious. I will give you a full report after the second phase. Will definitely call you back, Sir."

"Very well, keep a close eye. He isn't called a genius for nothing. Take caution."

Stark went to breath but it was caught in his throat, he suddenly was being hurled over the side of where he lay, his lungs heaving up the mixture he had breathed in the tube.

He choked, coughed and dry heaved against the taste of the mixture he had swallowed. His ears rang constantly, hearing a muffled voice around him.

"You're alive, do not worry, Mr. Stark. Relax."

Tony's eyes moved across the room to a bald headed man, obviously him talking. He wasn't hearing him, he was reading his lips as he spoke. "....Aghhh- 't 'urts" Holding his head, he heaved over the side of the table, spitting one last time. He tried talking but it came out as a scratchy whisper.

"Don-" "Tr-" "So Hard." "will be her-" "soon."

"Who?" His voice coming out harsh and irritated.

"The Commander." Baldy touched a button on the pad infront of him, Tony studying him curiously.

The Lab Doctor knew exactly what Tony was doing, studying him like that. He pressed another button; he saw Tony's eye flicker with more curiosity. This was going to be fun. The effects were already kicking in from the first phase.

Tony turned, pulling his legs off the table with a heavy sigh, clearing his throat. "Water?" His fingers were aching to touch the keypad the man had infront of him. New curiosity sparked he hadnt known he had.

"I shall get you some. Please, dont touch anything." The bald doctor walked out of the room to get some for Stark. He made sure to take his time, to view the cameras in the room.

Stark stood kn shakey legs, kind of normal after being drowned for who know how long he thought. He moved slow towards the pad, pausing periodicly when he thought the doctor would come back. Looking at it, he did not touch it, but instead examined it. The tech was newer, probably not as new as his own advanced upgrades but fairly new. His fingers lurked over the pad, twitching for the touch.

Tony quickly pulled them away when he heard the door nob turn. He was looked at by a tall man wearing a black cloak. His crimson pearls trailing the genius up and down.

"Wick!" He turned around facing the hallway where The Doctor had disappeared.

The blad man quickly ran in infront of the cloaked figure. "Yes, sir?" He asked, pulling the cold cup of water close to his chest.

The commander looked at Tony, then back at Wick. "What are you doing?! I had specific instructions on Phase two."

The Dr looked down. "Phase one has proven itself. But I need just alittle more time for the second phase, Sir. The patient needed water."

"Oh I see he needed water." Zermon flicked a hand in Tony's general direction, ignoring the face the middle aged man made at him.

"I am deeply sorry, Sir. I will not disappoint again." Wick bowed, his body tense, expecting a punishment that never came.

Tony studied them with a quick eye, waiting for what they might do. His head was still throbbing and the water Wick was holding looked very appealing. He swallowed, his throat sore from the mixture he had swallowed earlier. He had so many questions his tongue crashed which was very not normal for him.

Zermon eyed Tony, taking the water from Wicks hands. He walked over to him, and Tony stepped a step backwards, suspicion flicking his eyes.

"What did you put in it?"

"We put nothing in it. Its water. You do not want it?" Zermon pulled it back but Tony held out his hands maybe alittle too quick, making the man give it to him.

"T-thankyou" Stark said as quickly as he was sucking the drink down greedily. He gave the cup back to Zermon. He felt alittle weird after drinking the water, so he sat down on the table again. When he looked up, he caught the other two staring at him.

"What?" He said impatiently.

Wick moved towards the data key pad and typed something in, pressing buttons and keys as he went along.

Zermon chuckled lowly, sitting by Tony. Tony moved over, tensing a little. "How do you feel?"

"Oh I feel wonderful! What the hell do you think?" His patient turned away from him.

Ofcourse Zermon would have not tolerated this, pulling his hand to Tony's jaw he gripped it hard, making Stark wince in return. He moved the jaw to face him. "Then I guess you dont need anything for the pain.

"Stark, you are going to a good boy to the team. The plans we have for you are endless, if you are to obey. But that's right. You will soon be on our side.

"I assure you. You are ours."

The lights went out.

/ / / / / / / / / / / /

Update Next Friday

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