POISON IVY❖Theo Putnam (DISCO...

By xpeachskinx

63.4K 1.9K 274

"You're beautiful Susie Putnam, and anyone who says otherwise I'll turn into toads" //////////// my name is... More



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By xpeachskinx

My bare feet crunch against the forest floor of dirt and leaves as i walk dazed towards an alter, Sabrina by my side.

Surrounding the alter is the aunties and our...parents.

A chill rushes over my shoulders and i turn my head to Sabrina.

We share a curious look as we approach them.

Aunt Zelda lifts a baby from a large craddle, handing it to our father before handing another to our mother.

It's us.

I stare in awe at the scene before us, we look so small.

Our parents turn, walking past us with the children as their eyes bore into the darkness.

Sabrina and I share a worried look as we follow them into the night.

Another chill covers me as the dark lord towers over our heartbroken parents, reaching out.

Dread filld my chest as i lock my hand on Sabrina's arm to leave, stumbling back.

Before we can escape, 3 monstrous creatures, all adorning sharp crowns on their heads as they peer down at us.

My eyes burst open to sunlight peeking through my window.

Sabrina sigh loudly, "goodbye holidays, hello school" she glances over at me before jumping out of bed as i bury my head in my pillows.


My black boots echo through the halls of the academy, Sabrina and I decided to focus on our witch studies full time.

Meaning no more Baxter High,
no more Susie.


I'm pulled from my thoughts as an all too familiar red head steps by my side and a smile falls on my face.

"You're offically ready for your second Blackwell tradition" he grins and i roll my eyes.

"Does it involve cannibalism?" i raise a brow and he chuckles, leading the way.


I stroll back into the house followed by Sabrina as she smirks.

I scoff, "big step into the path of night, don't you think?" i cross my arms.

The traditional school's top boy election was held this morning and Sabrina challenged Nick for the spot.

I couldn't get the glint of power she held in her eyes out of my mind, i could feel it.

She shrugs, "well, it's a new year, which calls for new things, don't you agree?" she winks.

She twirls cheerfully before disappearing into the parlour room.

An unsettling feeling brushes over me, we only signed the book to save our friends...right?


The crisp air messes my hair as i take a deep breath, walking through the doors of Baxter High.

Sabrina had no idea.

The familiar stench of cheap perfume and cleaning supplies fill the air, it felt normal.

I haven't been here since that night.

I shake the memory from my mind, making my way towards the gym.

I push through the doors of the locker room, letting it swing shut as i look around.

My eyes drift to the showers and i smile.

Forget it.

I push on, past the showers and through the doors to the gym.

Basketball tryouts.

Susie was trying out for the boys team, which brought a smile to my face.

I hurry behind a few bodies, resting against the doors by the bleachers, out of sight.

Susie makes her way across the floor, her hair had grown longer as her fringe bounces in front of her eyes.

She huffs, pushing it back and my lips twitch upwards, she looked good.

I haven't seen her since i said goodbye, Ambrose warned us about what would happen to our friends if we signed the book.

I couldn't put her at risk.

Her eyes run to Harvey raising her arms, "Harvey, I'm open!" she calls to him.

Billy Marlin snorts, "hey Harvey, I'm open" he mocks, "shoot the ball, dyke!".

His goons laugh and a bubble rises in my chest, anger.

Susie scoffs, rolling her eyes as she makes her way across the court.

"What is your problem with me?" she asks in defeat.

My face falls as it hits me, they never really left her alone, the weird sisters never helped at all.

Billy turns to her, "you, you're the problem. This is the boys' team and i don't know what you are but you're sure as hell not a boy" he tilts his head like an angry child.

"And you're short and you can't shoot for shit" his friend adds with a loud laugh, causing a chain reaction.

I clench my jaw until a searing pain fills my head.

How do they still get away with this?

Susie curls his hands into fists by her sides, "okay blockheads, i took you on once, I'm not afraid to do it again" she steps forward angrily.

Harvey quickly takes her arm, "hey, calm down, Susie" he steps between the pair and i silently thank him.

Susie tears his arm from his grip and i frown, she's different, it doesn't seem to take much to set her off.

Was this my fault?

Harvey turns to Billy, "you too, back the hell off or I'll knock you on your ass" he warns and the coach finally rushes on the court.

"Hey! there will be no fighting on my team" he looks around, stopping at Susie, "or girls".

Pain shoots across her pale face for a second, "you know what, Coach Craven?--" she barks.

Harvey rushes to silence her as i bite my cheek out of worry.

I hadn't seen her since i signed the book, but Jamie and I had an arrangement for him to check up on her sometimes to make sure she was doing okay, that's how i knew about tryouts but i had no idea things were this bad.

Susie scoffs, running out the gym.

I step forward instinctively and i pause, leave it, I'll only make it worse.

Susie returns with Ms Wardwell by her side and i step behind the bleachers, hidden.

"Coach Craven, a word" she smiles as her heels echo against the floor.

Coach jumps from his seat, "Ms Wardwell, what can i do for you?" he smiles charmingly.

"Oh, it's Principal Wardwell now" she brags and his smile falters anxiously.

She clears her throat, "it's come to my attention that you refuse to let Susie Putnam tryout for the basket ball team, which is unacceptable" she clasps her handa together calmly.

Susie smirks as Craven who desperately tries not to groan.

"There shall me absolutely no gender discrimination at Baxter High under my regime" Ms Wardwell smiles confidently.

After an hour of no one including Susie in the game, taking any chance to trip her, (gaining themselves a knotted shoelace hex) the day was done.

The gym emptied slowly, leaving the few.

"We'll get 'em next time, Suze" Roz assures as Harvey nods, drinking his water.

She scoffs, "I don't know guys, maybe it was stupid" her eyes drag across the dusty floor.

My face falls as i lean against the bleachers nearby.

Susie looked exhausted by it all and who could blame her.

"You coming?" Harvey asks as he and Roz head for the doors and she shrugs, "I'll, uh, catch up with you guys" she nods.

They give a small smile in response, leaving through the creaky doors.

She slumps her shoulders loosely, sighing quietly, "great" she mumbles dryly.

She makes her way to her stuff, "no girls" she mocks Craven angrily, "I don't even feel like one" she scoffs.

I shake my head, straightening myself out as i quietly make my way across the court.

Flashbacks to the battybat dream plays in my mind, prom, this place, that's all it was now.

A Dream.

Sucking in a small breath i stop behind her as she continues ranting to herself, too distracted to notice.

One word,
just say one word,
that's all,
and this could all end.

Susie finally stops, tensing as a painfully familiar scent surrounds her.

She only knew one person who used that old perfume.

The pair stand in a nerve wracking silence, waiting.

"Ivy?" she finally stammers.

Ivy let's out a shaky breath and Susie gasps quietly.

A single gust of wind sends a chill over her as she turns to an empty hall, dropping the ball in her hands.

She was back.


Ivy stumbles back, gaining her balance as she stands in a dark trail through the woods, not far from the house.

Her heart drums in her chest, she shouldn't have gone, it was a terrible idea to think she could stay away.

A heavy wind fills the trees, catching her attention.

"Not now, Dorcas" she scoffs, the redhead had taken a new liking to her and she was at her limit.

The wind grows as a bat speeds past her head violently.

And another,
And another.

"Spellman" a voice growls, startling her.

A tall, crowned man, or in better terms--a demon stamds a few feet away.

Ivy's face drops, the dream she had this morning, it was him.

"Who the hell are you?" she grits her teeth, maybe Dorcas would be preferred in this moment.

He doesn't answer, only strides forward.

She raised her hand, "relinquo viventem" she casts, causing a small spark to hit him, barely bothering him.

"Shit" she breathes, breaking into a sprint.

"Capticonem!" she looks behind her, throwing her hand at the ground.

Dark roots rise from the dirt, clinging to the creature, holding him in place as she disappears into the trees.


"So, i was just attacked in the woods by a demon" Ivy drops into a seat beside Ambrose.

All eyes fly to her as Sabrina's widen, "you too?" she asks and they share a concerned look.

"Which one of you unleashed monsters now?" Zelda rubs her forehead tiredly.

"Not me" they say in unison, once again turning to each other curiously.

Ivy sighs, "It doesn't matter now, our magic barely does anything against him" she runs her hand through her hair, pulling out a twig.

"Someone really doesn't want me to be top boy" Sabrina sighs.

Ivy turns to her with furrowed brows, "So it was you" she accuses.

Sabrina scoffs, "no, but why else would this be happening?".

"For a start i don't care who's top boy, so why am i being dragged into this?" she balls her fists, rising to her feet at they face each other.

Their lives had only gotten worse since signing the book of the beast, why didn't Sabrina see that?

"Well maybe you should care, because I'm going to win, I'm going to make a difference, as my sister you should be supporting me" Sabrina shakes her head angrily.

Ivy was always on her side, why was she so distance now?

Ivy scoffs, "not if you get us killed" she snaps, leaving the room.

Everyone shares a look of shock and worry as Zelda sighs, "she isn't dealing with recent events, poor dear".

Sabrina shakes her head, "no, it's not just that" she mumbles as she holds her chest.

"She's hurting, i can feel it" she watches the blonde disappear from the staircase.

Sabrina had been so wrapped up in trying to get over Harvey she never thought about how Ivy was after losing Susie.


Ivy takes a deep breathe as coach whistles for tryouts to begins, maybe today will be better than yesterday.

Harvey passes the ball to Susie as she dribbles across the court and Ivy smiles, so far so good.

She shoots, missing and Billy snorts.

The other team catches the ball and she runs for it.


Billy turns, body slamming her and she hits the floor roughly.

Ivy quickly rises from her spot on the bleachers anxiously, her eyes turning to Billy with rage.

just breathe, don't do anything.

He laughs, staring down at Susie and Ivy snaps, flicking her fingers as Billy winces.

Small pinch marks cover him and a hand quickly takes Ivy's.

"Stop" Sabrina whispers, shocked.

Ivy shakes her head angrily, "they're killing her out there".

Sabrina rolls her eyes, "why focus on Billy when you could help her out" she motions to Susie, smiling.

Ivy nods, she was right.

Susie catches the ball, hesitating on her next move.

Roz shouts for her to shoot, panicked.

Ivy breathes deeply, "pons meum aerfiat, ad illuc hoc ducunt oculi mei" she whispers.

Susie shoots and the ball drops through the hoop with ease and the bleachers break into cheers.

Ivy smiles in relief as Sabrina claps, grinning.

Susie looks around, freezing as her eyes land on the bleachers.

She really was here, she knew she didn't imagine it, she was really back, helping her.

She can't hold back the smile on her lips as the pair talk to each other.

Harvey taps her arm, nodding back to the court and she follows, glancing back once more.

She catches the ball again.

"Ad illuc hoc ducunt oculi mei" Ivy smiles as she makes another shot, and another, and another.

The buzzer goes and everyone jumps up, cheering loudly.

"She did it" ivy laughs as Sabrina hugs her with a smile.

Roz runs onto the court, pulling Susie and Harvey into a tight hug proudly.

Slowly the pairs smiles fade as they watch their friends, they were happy.

Happy without them.

Ivy shakes her head, she shouldn't take it to heart, of course they had to move on with their lives and she was glad.

But it still hit her in her chest every time she thought about it.

"You did it, suze! no way coach doesn't let you on the team now" Roz laughs as they pull away.

Susie smiles anxiously, "um, actually guys it's Theo now".

Ivy smiles in awe as they embrace again.


She steps down the bleachers, tensing as something stops her.

Flashbacks to the book of the beast cloud her vision and Sabrina shakes her head as the same thoughts cross her mind.

She squeezes Ivy's shoulder, leaving the gym sadly.

Ivy takes one last look at the group, forcing a smile.

She sighs, turning for the doors.

Theo desperately pushes through the crowd, she was right there, she couldn't leave yet.

Making it out of the sea of bodies, the only thing left to see is white hair disappear behind the doors.

"Sabrina, wait" Ivy breathes, catching up as they make their way down the corridor.

A slight buzzing grows louder and Ivy furrows her brows, "do you hear that?".

Sabrina mirrors her expression, but before she can respond arms wrap around the pair, pulling them behind a door.

"Ivy!" a voice calls faintly as Theo rushes around the corner, breathless.

His eyes scan the dull halls hopefully.

He sighs, resting his back against a locker in defeat.


The sisters pull at their restrains as they rock in their chairs, in the boiler room.

Footsteps approach as the crowned demon crouches in front of them.

Sabrina groans, "more tidings?".

The demon growls, it was a different one than Ivy or Sabrina had seen, although still similar.

"How many more are there?" Ivy huffs, trying to kick him.

He grins, holding his small box out,
"the last of the three".

"What do you want from us?" Sabrina pulls at her binds.

"Who sent you? summoned you?" Ivy tries and they get no answers.

He laughs as they struggle, "your hands are bound, no spell casting for you" he mocks.

Ivy scoffs, "why are you doing this?" she grits her teeth.

He scowls, "no one else would, only my brothers and i would dare" he rises to his feet, pulling out a dagger.

Flies swarm around their heads and Ivy scrunches her face uncomfortably.

"Dare what?" Sabrina groans, "just say it!" she grows inpatient.

"Beelzebub" a voice interupts from the door as Ms Wardwell glares at the demon.

"Lord of flies, i name you and bind you here before me, in Lucifer's name, your lord" she slowly nakes her way down the stairs.

Ivy scoffs, "lord of flies? makes sense" she mumbles to Sabrina, blowing as a fly buzzes around her face.

"Lucifer?" he tilts his head, "i stood beside the son of Dawn before witch and mankind walked upon the earth" he boasts.

Silence fills the room as he stares at her curiously, "but do i not know you?".

She approaches, "i am Mary Wardwell and you are trespassing, demon" she warns as the girls share a worried look.

He shakes his head, "no, i recognise you--" he tries but before he can go on he's swept away in a cloud of screams by Ms Wardwell.

Nick and Sabrina chant together as the church erupts in panic.

The only warlock strong enough to summon the plague kings was the one and only Father Blackwood.

Time for the truth.

Wind fills the church as all three demons appear in front of Nick and Sabrina, Ivy in the frony row.

"Demons, we fix and hold you in our grasp!" Nick roars.

"Demons, we keep you bound by Satan's will!" Sabrina scowls.

"We command you to speak your names aloud".

The first one holds his head high, "I am Beelzebub, lord of flies".

"I am Asmodeus, lord of vermin" the second speaks.

The last one smiles devilishly, "I am Purson, lord of shadow".

Sabrina nods, "you three kings of hell were sent here, dispatched with orders to kill my sister and I" she turns to Ivy who eyes the demons closely.

"Who gave the orders?" Sabrina steps closer to them.

"Was it a witch? a warlock? or was it...the high priest?" she accuses and the church gasps, whispers growing.

The demons chuckle, "we are not pawns of the filthy little covens of satan" Asmodeus sneers.

"Neither are we pawns of satan" Purson notes.

Beelzebub growls, "We are not commanded,  we are kings and we wish death upon the half-spawn witches and the chaos they engenders, they must be stopped".

Ivy and Sabrina turn to each other speechless, what had they done now?

"Stopped from doing what?" Nick shakes his head, taking notice of the girls' silence.

They scowl, "the half-witches must not accend" they speak in unison.

"In what way accend? what are you--" Sabrina presses for answers.

"Enough!" Blackwood roars.

"Beelzebub, i banish you" he casts and the demon vanishes.

"Purson, i banish you" he does the same.

Ivy jumps from her seat, "stop!".

This was their only chance of getting any answers.

Blackwood's eyes lock on her angrily, turning to the last demon.

"Asmodeus, i banish you" he casts as he too disappears.


THIS STORY ISN'T DEAD I PROMISE OH GOD IM SORRY i genuinely just lost all inspiration for it after i realized how much i had to do and ugh don't hate me 😔😔

also sorry for barely any Susie (THEO NOW!!) and no interactions with them yet but i just had to get everything done cuz this chapter has been in my drafts for like 6 months 0 _ 0

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