
By Inconvenient_Ideal

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For as long as she could remember, Liruliniel had one goal, one hope, one thing she wanted to aspire to be an... More

Author's Note.


851 58 4
By Inconvenient_Ideal

The flames didn't seem to ebb away or diminish, the amount of things which kept the flames alight were prominent; grass, bodies, nearly everything was food for this wall of fire. The smell was truly unbearable, Liruliniel had never smelt something so terrible before. It made her gag almost, she put a hand to her face and squinted at the flickering flames. The light hurt her eyes and the heat made her skin prickle. Turning her face either side, she was desperately trying to get to the other side. She needed to get to the other side, there was no way and nothing and no one that was going to stop her. Fruitless effort or not, she was determined.

Running along the flames, she kept glancing to the side in a hopes of catching glimpse of the elf she was looking out for. Nothing seemed to move on the other side, it had her heart sinking as she spotted a cluster of boulders. She easily jumped and got to the top, the flames hadn't engulfed them. Luckily for her, because this gave her the way across that she so desperately needed.

Liruliniel practically skidded down the other side, she landed heavily in the muddy ground and pushed herself up slowly. No one seemed close to this area, all that surrounded her were unmoving forms. Her stomach clenched, the smoke rising upwards really caught in her throat with each breath she took. It was disgusting, the level of harm and damage that just one creature could do was truly horrific. Because she was alone, she was able to scramble and climb through the dead. She tried to not look at the faces, if she did she couldn't help but find herself musing over just who they were. Did they have families? Brothers, sisters? Were they parents? Did they themselves have daughters and sons? Where did the hail from? Gondor, or further afield? The real questions of getting to the root of who someone was really played on her.

Emyn Muil towered to the side of her, though the distant mountains to her other side seemed all the more daunting. The dark rock just shadowed everything, it created a perfect place to just recollect actually. Not that she had time to sit and dwell over things considering her surroundings. Her eyes scanned around the space where she had last seen Thranduil. She figured he wouldn't be too far away from this spot. Even when the fire rained down, she didn't see his form flit and jump away.

Shielding her eyes from the bleak sun, she squinted, she couldn't shout his name, that would draw attention to herself. She was segregated from everyone else, alone amongst the dead hoping that one elf wasn't. Sighing she double took, jumping and running as fast as she could, Liruliniel tried not to think of the dead she practically ran over at times. Everyone was doing it, unlike orcs and uruks, Liruliniel had more of a conscience over this action. It made her feel sick.

Crashing to her knees, she reached out and hauled Thranduil onto his back. He seemed half curled up as if that was going to protect him, or that was just how he fell, Liruliniel didn't know. However, she did know that there was no way he was going to come out of this unscathed. And he wasn't, he was unconscious, which for the moment was probably for the best. Liruliniel reached up and tentatively brushed mud and grass away from his face, half his face seemed fine, the other half however seemed marred by the fire which had come into contact with it. He was lucky, as ridiculous as that seemed considering, but only a small portion of him had been hurt.

Though, Liruliniel sighed and sat back on her haunches sadly, it was an important portion of him. She wasn't aesthetic, she wasn't shallow, but that didn't mean other people wouldn't be. Thranduil's face looked melted, taut skin blistering and she could even spy sinewy muscle underneath. Shutting her eyes, she inhaled deeply. Leaning forwards, she placed her hands on her knees and slowly opened her eyes. Narrowing them slowly, she tilted her head. The Valar must truly be looking kindly down at her for the moment, she reached to the side and plucked off the hardly but small plant which was scattered throughout the land. Athelas. Turning the small flowered plant in her hands, she hurriedly crushed it up while looking warily around. She knew eventually someone would spy her, they would see her and they would come for her. She needed to hurry, not just for her sake but for his too.

The flower was easily crushed into a slight paste, it was crude and hurriedly done, but it would do the job. She silently apologised in advance to her unconscious comrade before gently placing her hand against his cheek, which was where most of the damage was. It wasn't pretty, or practical but it would soothe, hopefully enough for this to work and for him to survive. She, and everyone else, had clearly lost Oropher. They couldn't lose Thranduil too. That would be too much of a loss which would knock them all, what would they do? Honestly, what would they do, and who'd take charge? Legolas wasn't old enough, for one.

Liruliniel frowned, she needed to clear her mind as she slowed her breathing. "Menno o nin na hon, i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth." She whispered calmly, she didn't feel particularly calm. Inside there was a wave of emotions and feelings. Liruliniel rocked a little on her haunches, her hand pressing a little more against the sore skin underneath her palm. She tried to focus on the healing, not on the injury itself or who it was on. Liruliniel eventually pulled her hand away, she wiped it on part of her cloak and placed her hands on her knees, just watching and waiting.

Nothing happened. She inhaled shakily, she reached out with wavering hands. They skimmed over his features gently before pressing a finger against his neck. She leaned down and in, listening to his chest. There was a pulse, and he was breathing. She shot up, turning his face gently as she leaned over him. Brushing dirty strands of blonde hair out of his face, Liruliniel looked him over. He looked so pale, Thranduil was pale anyway, all of their kin were, but he seemed too pale. His breathing seemed laboured now that he seemed to be slowly trying to come around and wake up.

"Thranduil, I need you to wake up." Liruliniel whispered, keeping a hand gently on his good cheek. Though her hands eventually came to rest against his chest, the silvery armour underneath her palms felt surprisingly cold despite of the heat it had been near. The mud and dirt was brushed away idly, she was trying to distract herself a little. It wasn't helping as he continued to lay motionless. Liruliniel frowned, she even tapped his good cheek slightly, "Thranduil, I need you to wake up!" She said in a rushed whisper, pleading inwardly with him to just wake up, open his eyes, glare at her for daring to slap him. Anything, anything right now would be better than nothing.

Liruliniel could feel her eyes prickling, she was surprised really that tears hadn't appeared sooner. She guessed she was so focussed that the tears would come from whatever the outcome was of finding him. Now she had, it was sinking in. He was alive, yes, but he was unconscious. If a chancing orc happened to come across him and realised he was still breathing, they'd end him easily. Thranduil was powerless right now, and Liruliniel sat in the mud with the rain pattering down on her sniffing quietly.

What could she do? What could she do other than sit with him, hope that he'd wake and then go from there. Leaning over him, she kept one hand near his head and the other resting against his shoulder. She was shielding him from the rain, although that didn't stop Liruliniel's tears from still slipping and landing against his skin. She couldn't help it, nor could she stop it. "You have to wake up...what am I meant to do without you? I need you to wake up...you have to wake up, you just have to, Thranduil..." Liruliniel said with a shaking voice. She couldn't keep her voice calm and strong, not while looking down at him in this state. "Please, Thranduil. Please, just open your eyes, please...I need you..." Liruliniel's shoulders shook as her eyes scrunched shut, fully aware to more tears escaping her eyes and trailing down through the dirt and blood on her face.

Hearing a sudden intake of breath, she opened her eyes and looked down. She whispered his name, only to put more force on his shoulder to stop him suddenly practically convulsing on the floor. The sound which came from him had her wincing, agonised. He sounded absolutely agonised, his screams and shouts blended in with everyone else's. He was just another exclaiming in pain before falling silent, and he did eventually grow still and silent. Although his eyes stared upwards at her, she still shielded him from the rain and looked at the eyes directed up at her.

"I can't see you." Thranduil's voice was low and hoarse sounding, he coughed roughly and tried to turn away. Liruliniel helped him, even giving him a swift hit to the back before he laid back down.

"I think you've been blinded." She said slowly, the sudden flash of flames would definitely do that. Although, Liruliniel could see one of his eyes was the icy blue she had known all her life. The other was milky, a filmy layer of dusty white had seemingly appeared over the eye. He was blind in that eye, and she doubted he'd get vision back.

"I heard your voice," Thranduil blinked, his eyes blurry but a shape above was slowly coming into focus. He had heard her soft voice, her quiet chanting like a lullaby calling out to him. It was so alluring, kind and welcoming, how could he ignore her voice? He tilted his head, Liruliniel just looked down at him with a saddened face. "You've been crying." He stated, Liruliniel just found herself mutely nodding. Thranduil looked her over, she had blood down her face, some which appeared to be hers, the rest was black and cracking off. She didn't appear hurt, other than the cut that had been bleeding on her temple. Her hair was escaping the braids she'd so intricately done, wispy auburn strands which were either against her skin because of blood or the rain, the rest was going with the breeze in the air. She seemed to have gone through it, her muddy and bloody appearance said enough to him.

"I thought I lost you," Liruliniel whispered, putting her hands on his arms and aiding him to sit up. He seemed unsteady, he placed a hand to his head before trailing it down and wincing. She pulled his hand away and shook her head, "I tried my best...I am sorry, I tried." Liruliniel's voice wavered again, she wasn't a healer. She did the best she could with what she had, which wasn't much.

Thranduil's different shaded eyes flicked at her. "You healed me."

"I tried..."

He turned away, looking at the bodies of familiars and enemy alike. They seemed to be the only two alive here, though the continuing battle was still raging, he could hear it. He was letting her simple reply sink in. To heal meant she had to give a small piece of herself in the process. When he looked at her again, she seemed a little fatigued, pale and struggling. This whole thing was hard on her, it was hard on everyone, but she had just healed him.

Thranduil placed a hand to her shoulder, she blinked and looked at him. "I am in your debt."

"No, no you're not, Thranduil. You'd have done the same if it were me." Liruliniel shook her head slowly, it was a debt which he couldn't repay, because she wouldn't ask for anything. There was nothing which could come close to rivalling him being alive. Him being up was enough repayment, whether he knew it or not.

He nodded slowly, looking to the side and grasping onto his sword. "My father?"

Liruliniel's silence had him looking at her with a frown. "I lost sight of him. But I tried..."

Thranduil watched her try not to breakdown. He knew they were close, he never fully understood their strange closeness, their friendship, but it was there. He was her king, but also her friend. But he was his king, but his father and that loss suddenly cut him deep. "Liruliniel, I do not doubt you. I know you'd have done everything and anything to get to him, to protect him. Do not think for one second you have failed him, or me in anyway, because you haven't. You haven't and you never will, do you understand?" Thranduil asked sternly, watching her wipe a hand over her eyes and nod slowly. He reached up and put a hand to the back of her head before bringing her close, he didn't do embracing, he was awkward when she did it that one time. But he hadn't seen someone who needed one more now than Liruliniel.

She looked over his shoulder and sniffled quietly. She held onto him, just enjoying the comforting while being alert to everything around them. "We need to move. Can you still fight?" Liruliniel pulled away and looked at him worriedly.

Thranduil awkwardly stood, she stood quickly too readying to steady him if needed. He did a practice swing with his sword before looking down at her. "Can you?"

Liruliniel pushed loose hair out of her face and unsheathed her sword too. "We stay together." She said determinedly, he hadn't got sight in one eye, he was weak and an easy target. She already failed to protect one royal, she wasn't going to fail again.

Thranduil just nodded and turned, Liruliniel was quick on his heels as he started off walking at first. Before she knew it the two of them were running back into the throng of battle. Liruliniel crashed against an orc that was going to behead a Gondorian soldier, she kicked him away and took a stand between the mortal and the creature before slicing forwards. The man got up and nodded at her, Liruliniel nodded back before joining the fight which Thranduil was currently in.

Thinking she was someone trying to sneak up on him, he turned and she blocked his sword. Although her eyes widened and she let out a startled noise when he moved his sword from hers and pierced it forwards. There was a horrible gurgling sound from behind her and she really didn't want to look at the unfortunate beast which had just been stabbed in the head. Although with him like this, meant he wasn't watching his own back and Liruliniel had to aim upwards from under his outstretched arm.

Looking at the orc dying on the end of her sword, she slowly looked up at him. "Was that the one time offer gone?"

"Not the time, Liruliniel." Thranduil rolled his eyes, shocked by her timing of joking as he freed his sword and turned, wasting no time getting back into the masses of clashing bodies. Liruliniel sighed and stuck close as they made their way through any enemy that presented itself to them. There was the distant screeching of the drake, but it wasn't down here on the plains. It had clearly ventured off elsewhere, not that its presence was gone completely. It was something she was very aware to, and if she could, she'd try and spot it.

Grasping onto his shoulder, Liruliniel pulled him to the side and held up her sword to block the cleaver which was coming for him. Thranduil had looked affronted, only to see her getting pushed down to her knees by an uruk. Thranduil wasted very little time in whipping his sword in an arc and taking the figures head clean off its shoulders. Liruliniel stood up and looked at the decapitated body before looking at him, her eyes widened though and she put an arm in front blocking another horrible looking sword.

It didn't cut through to her skin, but it dented the gauntlet deeply. Even before she could counter with her own sword, one went straight through the chest plate armour and the skin underneath. Thranduil stood behind her with a frown, he didn't approve of her almost sacrificing her arm for the sake of blocking an attack. He didn't like it when they sparred, and he didn't like it now that she was actually in battle. He didn't like her doing unnecessary things like this, he could only guess this was one of the things Thalion had feared she'd do.

Thranduil found it was his turn to grab a hold of her shoulder and pull her to the side, her footsteps mirrored his as they turned and exchanged sides for the sake of getting her out of the path of another orc climbing over some of the fallen. They worked quite well together, as well as independently. They hadn't a plan of action to correspond with each other, when it came to fighting, but they worked well in coordinating, they looked out for each other and stayed together. The most they strayed from each other was a couple of paces, before returning back to each other. The way they saw it, the only way for them both to get through this, was together.

There was nothing that was going to split them up, although Liruliniel suddenly spotted a large figure at the base of the mountain, standing on a large group of boulders swatting people away as if they were nothing. She hadn't ever really seen Sauron, but the armour was terrifying, it painted a horrendous picture of the being they were all here to try and put down. The mace in his grasp was wielded one-handedly, the people still tried to get close, only to fail and go flying away.

"Thranduil," Liruliniel pulled at his arm slightly, he pushed the orc he had just killed away before following her gaze. Even with one eye he could clearly see what had got her frightened. Sauron was standing and dealing with whoever rushed at him, he wasn't even properly on the battlefield.

He put an arm behind himself, pushing her back as he looked around and saw a pathway of sorts. It wasn't actually a pathway, more a sudden clearing which allowed them to get out of this vicinity. Liruliniel couldn't help but keep glancing behind herself, she didn't want to be remotely near that. But then seeing Sauron finally step foot onto the battlefield had her picking up her pace more. Anyone who got in the way was hurriedly pushed away, or cut down. She didn't even wait to deliver a finishing blow to some, she just wanted to get away. Did she honestly think he would seek her out? No, there was more pressing matters to deal with. But did she think an altercation wouldn't happen, if they were close enough? Of course not, and she knew she wasn't strong enough to fight back.

Pulling to a slow stop, Liruliniel looked about herself. They were back in amongst familiar faces, though unknown, but they were in with an elven group from Imladris. Frowning when she heard her name, she turned and saw Aearion pushing his way through to her. Even Thranduil turned, he heard her name too and couldn't see the person calling her unless he turned his good eye to them. The elf before them looked as weary as them, equally muddy and bloody too. Thranduil just stood and awkwardly watched them exchange a quick, fleeting greeting of him placing a hand on her shoulder and pulling her close. He let her go promptly and looked her over worriedly. Thranduil didn't get glanced at, which had him sighing and turning away.

"What are you all doing here?" She asked, after all it seemed like a small number had gathered here for some reason, she just didn't know what.

"Archers, we were further away but seeing as how the field was clearing we marched forwards." Aearion explained, now that Liruliniel looked, she saw many had a bow as their primary weapon in hand.

Frowning though, she looked back to her friend. "You've not just been giving air support though." She could see they all had to fight.

Aearion nodded, "There was an ambush laying in wait over the horizon." That was all he had to say, clearly by still being here, they had won. Sure, there was probably losses on their side too, but they had managed to deal with the skirmish.

"What now?"

"We were called to regroup." Aearion explained, Liruliniel tilted her head curiously. She slowly looked to the side, Thranduil was silent and looking elsewhere, probably for their own forces. Aearion looked at him too, before looking back at Liruliniel. "It is hard to find comrades in amongst all this chaos. You are welcome to stay with us." Aearion offered, Liruliniel sighed, sounding thankful whereas Thranduil just looked at him from the corner of his eye. One was up for it, the other perhaps not so much.

Liruliniel gauged the situation, biting her lip in thought she side stepped around to be in front of Thranduil. "We are better off together, than apart. If we keep going, we may find ourselves in a situation which would be catastrophic for us both. I would hate myself if that happened, if you were in a situation where it could end fatally." He was blind, completely handicapped and at a disadvantage on one side. Yes, he could still fight, but anyone approaching from his blindside would have him, and there'd be nothing he could do to stop that. Even she couldn't, if she was otherwise preoccupied.

Thranduil just stared down at her as she whispered this honestly to him. Turning and looking at Aearion, he ignored the bewildered look he got sent; the elven archer was clearly not expecting to have to face the half burnt appearance of the elf-Prince. Regardless, Thranduil just looked at him blankly. "You were told to regroup, where then were you being sent?" He had listened to the whole conversation. Trying to figure out if tactically being with this group was beneficial or not. Regardless of his apparent natural and instant distrust of the Imladris elves, Thranduil couldn't help but agree with Liruliniel; alone they were doomed.

"Flanking the left side, those there are faltering and what forces of evil remain are continuing to overpower." Aearion explained, lifting an arm and pointing to where him and the others were meant to go.

Thranduil turned and looked, he could see where Aearion was directing their attention. He could also see what he meant, he nodded his head slowly. "We will come too." Liruliniel sent him a confused look which had him frowning, although that hurt, taught skin pulling and the burning sensation starting up again had him hesitantly placing a hand to his face. The paste like substance which had been soothing him had all but disappeared, sunken into his skin or fallen away through the running and fighting. His hand bought little relief as his eyes scrunched shut. He hurt, unbelievably so. Gritting his teeth, he looked to Aearion, he merely gestured a hand at him to lead the way. He couldn't find it within himself to speak right now, the pain in his face making it very hard for him to focus.

Liruliniel placed a hand on his arm, Thranduil just looked down at her with hard eyes. The others around them were moving quickly past, not paying attention to them still being stationary. She opened her mouth to say something, only to shut it again and shake her head slowly. She didn't know what to say, what could she possibly say? Her somewhat tired expression spoke volumes, Thranduil took her hand off his arm gently, and nudged her to chase after those that were around them earlier.

It didn't take much to catch up, along the way to their destination there was a few small fights here and there. All the while, none of them lost sight of each other. The small band were very determined to stick together and not get separated. There was always a conscious counting of the number of heads, just to make sure no one got left behind before they moved off again. What remnants remained along this side of the battle were truly wavering, dwindling quickly in numbers it seemed most here were those of mortals. They didn't have the resilience, or the speed to manoeuvre and counter attacks. They were so easily cut down and stepped over. However, a few dwarves were in the area too, and these seemed to relish in fighting against the orcs. Their power and their teamwork seemed to take a few off guard, not expecting them to come barrelling - sometimes literally - right into them and all then descended upon the poor victim.

It was all chaotic, none of this hadn't been, but with the added numbers it seemed like this small area was starting to level out. They were successfully driving the forces back, only for them to meet the end of being trapped against the rocky mountainside and being easily cut down by those in front. There was no escaping for those trying to, all around them there was someone readying to defeat them. Many orcs soon laid at their feet, not that didn't stop others from appearing. Not so much to avenge their fallen brethren, but more just to get to someone to kill, or try to.

Liruliniel stuck near to Thranduil, both tried to aid the other where and when they can. It was sometimes hard to catch sight of those they arrived down here with, only because more Gondorians had appeared to join the fray. They all fought valiantly, and bravely. None of them showed any fear, even when dealt a killing blow they just seemed resolute. Liruliniel couldn't help but admire them, they showed such bravery. Although getting caught up in trying to aid one had her getting kicked in the stomach, Liruliniel tumbled to the floor and shielded herself from the boots around her.

She was rather stuck in the mud, she could only just peer through the forest of legs and feet around her to see the man she was trying to help, get success in killing the orc that kicked her. He didn't look around for her, which had her frowning. In some respects, she got it, he couldn't, there were too many around. But at the same time...Liruliniel's struggling to get up caught the attention of the wrong kind, holding up her sword she swatted the one which was raining down on her away.

Kicking out with her own feet, she succeeded in kicking against the rusty coloured plating around the shin, the orc stumbled and when that happened, she leaned upwards and stabbed through the crude armoured stomach. Only, she wasn't expecting to have the body suddenly fall on her. Forwards momentum and her sword still being stuck in the armour and flesh, she recoiled and squirmed. All the while her hands and feet, her whole being just seemed to get sucked more down into the mud. She all but kicked the corpse away from her, freeing her sword in the process and letting out a scream when she was suddenly hauled up.

Someone had grabbed the back of her armour, the tangled cloak which had become drenched in all sorts of matter was held onto too. Even as she was lifted up, she could feel the cloak slap with a disgusting noise against her armoured legs. The material felt heavy now, even more so from her wallowing and worming in the mud. The same went for her hair, utterly soaked through with mud it stuck to the back of her neck, causing a chill to run through her. Despite of all of this, didn't stop the person still dragging her by the back of her armour away from where she was stuck. All she could do was flail her arms and scream, her legs pathetically wheeled and kicked at the ground to resist. She couldn't even reach back and try and hit out with her sword, because of how she was being held, it made the armour on her shoulder lock with the mail down her body. Something somewhere had come loose, and the clinking sound said as much.

It wasn't until she was finally let go, that she had Thranduil appearing in front of her, black blood etched across his face and what was perfectly shining silver armour. He had seen her go down, and frantically he had fought his way through to get to her. All he could do was grab and pull, and hope not many got in his way to get her out of immediate danger.

Liruliniel was about to say something, when something bowled them all over. Both of them went ricocheting to the ground. Others around them did the same as something akin to a shockwave travelled through the air. It was a force so strong that no one could resist against it. Everyone was laid out, and the ringing in the air was echoing in everyone's ears. Her eyes painfully opened eventually, her vision a little blurry as she unsteadily reached up and shook Thranduil's shoulder. They had landed together, side by side and facing each other. This was the second time he'd been laid out, and she was disliking it even more now than the first time. She didn't like seeing him hurt.

His eyes opened not long after she shook him, he blinked a few times in an effort to clear the vision in his good eye. Liruliniel pushed herself to sit, she brushed mud and grass from the side of her face that impacted against the ground and looked about herself. Everyone was doing much the same, and all looked thoroughly confused. The only ones who didn't seem confused, were the orcs and uruks which seemed to look startled, frightened even as they looked about. They tried to escape but those that had already recovered were on them in minutes, cutting them down as they tried to retreat back fully into Mordor.

It wasn't until both heard a call that they aided each other in standing, Liruliniel tilted her head and warily looked around. "The Dark Lord is dead!" Someone had shouted, and she couldn't honestly believe what she was hearing. Thranduil seemed as much confused as she did, and everyone else. No one could truly believe what they were hearing.

"My friends!" Liruliniel turned on her heels, Aearion was striding towards them. A look of utter astonishment and relief on his face. He had lost sight of the pair, and he had worried, maybe more for Liruliniel than Thranduil, but he was still concerned. Seeing them both here had him sighing in relief even as people around them were cheering.

Liruliniel placed her hands on her knees and took several deep breaths. Aearion knelt down and looked up at her face. "It is over, truly?" She asked, her eyes looked into his uncertainly.

Aearion nodded, "It is. Word is already spreading that it was Isildur that dealt the finishing blow." He explained, watching as Liruliniel straightened up and looked upwards at the sky. Aearion looked about himself at those around him, it was hard to tell if the Gondorians were happy Sauron had been defeated, or because the final attack came from one of their own they were especially pleased. Perhaps it was a mixture of both.

"At what cost?" Liruliniel frowned, eyeing her friend up. She looked at her sword, whipping it in the air had most of the blood come off. She groaned quietly, looking to the rocks at the base of the mountain, she walked over and sat down. Resting her sword across both knees, she looked at both elves before her. "The loss between us all has been great."

"But those losses were not in vain." Aearion said, sitting next to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, she looked at him. "They weren't." He implored, Liruliniel just shut her eyes and nodded her head slowly. Aearion patted her shoulder one last time before standing, she opened her eyes and watched him. "I will see you both again soon, I must check to see who else has survived." Aearion explained, inclining his head to both before turning and running off.

Liruliniel watched him disappear. She couldn't help but muse that that was perhaps one of few genuine serious conversations they'd had. Couldn't really joke at a time like this though, right? Her eyes flicked upwards, she watched as Thranduil sat slowly beside her. "So..." She trailed off, his eye slid to the corner as he looked at her. He didn't move his head, his blind side being kept hidden for the moment. "You're my King now, it seems."

"So it would seem." Thranduil's voice was hard to distinguish. He didn't sound like anything. There was literally no emotion in his tone.

Liruliniel placed a hand on his shoulder, he turned and looked at her. Both mix-matched eyes staring into her sea coloured ones. She sighed softly, "I think you'll make a brilliant one." Trying to reassure him, although, deep down she was worried. How could she not be? This was a role he had been preparing for since he was young. But that therein still laid the problem, Thranduil was still young, maybe not in mortal eyes, but elven, yes he was. He was still young, and he had lost his father in this horrendous battle; where Oropher no doubt had more things to teach him, Thranduil would now need to figure it out for himself. He wouldn't be alone, Liruliniel would aid where and however she could. But she didn't know anything about ruling a kingdom. But the council within Greenwood did, and she was under no illusions that they may persuade Thranduil down a route of ruling, he may never be able to come back from, but may also contradict his father's rule horribly. She was worried. It didn't help that Vanadessë was equally in a similar position, they'd both have to figure this out as they went alone. That wasn't a reassuring thought.

"But you've always been championing away." Thranduil stated, watching as she shrugged and placed her hands behind herself. She leaned back and looked around at the masses around them. People were greeting each other, dwarves were...well, being dwarves and getting involved in conversation where some didn't seem to want them. They didn't care, they still did it anyway. Elves stayed clear of them, of course, yet looked relieved upon seeing a familiar face.

"Because I am your friend, Thranduil. If I didn't back your corner, I'd be failing in some part. I've had confidence in you since, well, forever. You've never given me a reason to not believe you won't be a good ruler." Liruliniel said, tearing her eyes away from those celebrating to him. Thranduil just looked at her, as if trying to discern whether she was being honest. As if she wasn't, of course she was and he just eventually nodded. "But we are not the only ones having to grow used to a new leader." Liruliniel said slowly, Thranduil looked at her with a tense frown. Liruliniel had been listening to nearby whispers, "King Elendil is dead. So is King Gil-galad, the last of the High Kings. That's a lineage that is gone forever now." Liruliniel explained with a heavy sigh, she rubbed her forehead slowly. She winced a little, she had a few unknown cuts and scrapes there that hurt to touch.

"I am sorry," he said slowly, earning a sidelong look from her. "I knew he was your friend."

Liruliniel smiled, "He was also a teacher. But I believe we've all lost friends today, I am not singular. But," she paused, shrugging and standing. She sheathed her sword and looked about herself with a small smile sent around at anyone who caught her eye. "I will mourn him, in my own time and way. We all came into this knowing the outcome. Come, we should try and see who else we may find." Liruliniel held out a hand to him, "Plus, we all need to find our dead, and care for them. Anyone who is hurt needs to see a healer, and you...I am sorry, definitely do."

"Real subtle, Liruliniel." Thranduil grasped her hand and stood when she tugged back.

She smiled awkwardly, "I am not skilled at the task, but I did learn some techniques from Lord Elrond. Perhaps, if we find him he will aid you."

"I am sure our own healers will suffice." Thranduil said, moving past her swiftly. Liruliniel frowned, the healers from Greenwood would not be as skilled as Elrond. She knew that, she knew he knew that, so why avoid the older elf-Lord?

He surely couldn't blame Elrond for summoning his father and bringing them all into war? Everyone took part in this today. The outcome if Oropher ignored the summons and stayed hidden would've been awful. Surely Thranduil knew that already? Regardless, she shook her head and followed after him. Although, hearing a cheer, she double took and smiled awkwardly. Veryan. Thranduil heard her name being called again, he watched as the elf that did so greeted her. He sighed and rolled his eyes and walked off. She was more popular than he thought.

Though she watched him walk off with a sad look. Perhaps being alone was what he needed? He had a lot to process and think about, after all. Not an every day occasion one goes to war, loses their father then becomes king. Liruliniel looked at Veryan though, he seemed relieved to see she was in one piece. "You must've had a good teacher," he had commented, making her roll her eyes.

"I had a few good teachers. You can't take all the credit, Veryan." Liruliniel pointed out, crossing her arms and shifting her weight in the muddy ground.

He held his hands up, "Perhaps not. But I was the one that you got stuck with the most."

Liruliniel rolled her eyes again, she'd let him have that one. "I am most glad to see you are in one piece. But I will have to leave you for the moment," Liruliniel said while stepping back and away. Veryan shrugged and seemed to understand, he too needed to go and find whoever else survived this battle.

They parted ways, promising to see each other when temporary camps were put up for everyone to recover before marching onwards home. That and her earlier words were true, they all needed to deal with their dead. This was no easy thing considering the masses which had fallen. Spying gold armour, she rushed forwards. She was soon surrounded by those from Greenwood, she felt relieved although rather solemn. They weren't a massive army anyway, but there seemed to be even fewer of them left now. Liruliniel looked at her muddy boots, so many footprints were trod in the ground around her. How many of the prints owners were still alive? Breathing slowly, she looked up at those around her. They all seemed as tired as the next elf, hearing a call from elsewhere about all converging and making camp, they looked about themselves. Liruliniel had even gone to start moving, only to pause when she noticed she was the only one doing so. That was awkward, wasn't it obvious to all remain together, to heal and recover, to mourn and then part ways? It seemed obvious to her, why didn't it to everyone else? Mainly because, as a collective army, they looked to their leader to prompt them, guide them and right now Thranduil was stationary and looking rather stern faced.

Liruliniel frowned, were they not joining the others? Surely he hadn't planned to march them back to Greenwood? Everyone was utterly spent, elves weren't prone to exhaustion, but this had taken it out of them. She tilted her head, she for one wasn't marching back home on tired legs, caked in mud and blood with minor injuries to her person. Regardless of everyone else's thoughts, even Thranduil's, she turned and walked off. She could feel the many eyes practically burning into her as she did so. She wasn't rebelling, or turning her back on any of them, in fact she was hurrying forwards to help set up camp so she could rest, just like everyone else.


(A/N: Basically, I may admit I've avoided using any Sindarin/elven language of any sort so far because I did it quite a bit in Thorin's story (Calm the Fire) and it did me in, although that was Khazdul too, nightmare. But, I kinda cracked here. Someone on Tumblr basically kinda roughly translated what Tauriel says when healing Kíli, so I nabbed it...nabbed and used it here. But here's what the English is, if it's wrong, okay correct me, yeah? xD Also, I actually quite liked writing this chapter. Just gonna go and say it, I really did. Not that I don't enjoy most chapters, but this one...yeah..)



Menno o nin na hon, i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth - May the blessing that was given to me, be sent from me to him, may he be released from death.

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