By unstablebibliophile

25.1K 1.5K 162

"We regret to inform you that you have been engaged. We wish you the best of luck with your new spouse. Make... More



1.6K 121 28
By unstablebibliophile

"So what exactly are we doing here?" Timothy asked me with a confused frown.

"Have you never been to the library?" I asked turning to face him.

"Not one like this. It's large and full of so many books. " He said looking around as if the books would attack him.

"That is what library usually means," I said fixing up the shirt he wore so he looked more presentable. " Okay, so listen here buddy. We are broke. So we are going to get you a job then get me a job okay?"

"Okay ." He nodded before shaking his head from left to right.


"Its have never gotten a job before. Will it be easy. " He chewed his bottom lip as he looked at me with concerned eyes.

"Yeah, of course.  Just do everything your boss tells you to do. I mean its a library all you have to do is stack books and write things down.  You can write, right?"

"Of course, I can write I am a full-grown man." He said knocking his elbow into me playfully.

"How am I supposed to know I don't know anything about you or your past," I said hinting at him.

His face clouded for just a second then as if he did not hear me he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the library. My face suddenly felt hot and my thoughts were flustered. Normal people didn't walk around holding hands in public. That was definitely public indecency. Wasn't it? I looked up to Timothy's unbothered face and he looked happy and at ease. Like nothing could stop him now.

"We are here to order a Job, please," Timothy said loudly drawing the attention of most people.

I pulled my hand out of his grasp then moved closer to the librarian and whispered, "He means we are here about the sign on the door?"

"That's what I said but with less boring words!"  Timothy said excitedly.

"Shh. " I whispered to him.


"Here is a form fill it in then proceed to the back through that door for an interview." The librarian droned before handing us the form.

"Come on Timothy," I said walking to one of the tables nearest to the door.

I handed him the forms and slipped out my phone for some much-needed Candy Crush therapy.

"Are you coming?" Timothy said looking at me like people were escorted to work interviews.

"Ah no sorry. " His face fell immediately. Boy, was he going to be disappointed when he realised I couldn't come with him to work? "Don't worry if you leave the door open a small fraction I can hear everything."

I sat down in the waiting room and prepared myself for this interview. In a way I needed it to work. At least if Timothy got paid we could somehow pay half of Jules' bills or even get our own place.

"So Mr Timothy First Edition... what made you want to work here?" I heard the interviewer ask.

"Well, I don't. But my husband did say if I am broke I can't participate in a lot of marriage activities."

I mentally facepalmed. Who gave answers like that. It was almost as if this guy had never met people before. And what sort of last name was first-edition? Maybe I should have double-checked his answers before letting him in.

"And um...First edition? That's your last name."

"Yes. I was supposed to change it since I am now married but like I said my husband won't let me be his husband until I am not broke. "  His answer wafted through the door clear as a bell.

Great now this stranger thought I was a gold digger extorting my husband. Maybe next time I should prep Timothy for any form of human interaction.

"Spouses tend to want financial stability." The interviewer said. "So if we were to employ you what value would you add to this place?"

"Well, I believe I could wake this graveyard up. I mean have you seen the lady at the reception?" He answered with enthusiasm.

"Yes, I have. That's my mother. " The interviewer answered.

"My condolences," Timothy replied with a sincere tone.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. This interview was going to give me an ulcer and I was not even the one being interviewed. What was Timothy thinking saying things like that? He had the people skills of an over-excited four-year-old. So many questions about his past life were now flooding my mind.

The door opened and Timothy rushed in his face looking panicked and sweaty.

"What's wrong?"

He just threw his arms over me and squeezed me in a tight hug. Then after a long silent pause, he answered, "I thought you left me."

I just let my hands hug him back. I felt the unsteady thrum of his heart against my chest. He was probably going to have a panic attack when I went to work tomorrow if this was how he reacted to me stepping out for fresh air.

"So how did it go?" 

"Oh, I got the job." He said like it was nothing.

"Wait you did ?"

"Why do you sound surprised?"

"I am not...I am just excited for you that's all. " I said squeezing him tighter into the hug.

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