Protecting an American

Od _sunflower_0705_

230 3 16

Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng have defeated Hawkmoth and have revealed their identities to each o... Viac

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

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Od _sunflower_0705_

We were laughing and eating and cuddling for a few hours when we heard a branch snap. We jumped up and looked around the somewhat lit area. We couldn't see that much, but I felt that something was off.

Adrien stood in front of me and looked around cautiously.

I heard someone trying to get my attention from behind us. I turned my head around to see Marinette poking her head out from behind a bush.

I lightly tapped Adrien on the shoulder.

"Shhhh. There's someone there." Adrien whispered.

"Yeah I know but Mari's right there." I pointed out.

He didn't even look back to where I was pointing. Out of nowhere, I felt a hand go over my mouth and I was forcefully pulled from behind Adrien. My first reaction was to grab his arm, which got his attention. He jerked his head around and started trying to pull my out of my attackers grasp.

When I felt them let go, Adrien picked me up and ran into the woods. We found a hollow tree and hid inside the hole. I was so scared, but I had to stay strong.

"We'll have to stay here until morning. I don't know where we are and I'm not getting lost tonight. Go to sleep and I'll keep an eye out." Adrien whispered.

I nodded my head and pretended to be asleep. A few minutes later, I heard footsteps outside the tree. I could feel Adrien tense up and I knew he was alert.

The footsteps faded, and all I remember was Adrien's breathing as his breath lulled me to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later to Adrien shuffling in his sleep. When I realized he was asleep, I went on full alert.

I didn't sit up because I knew the smallest movement would wake him up since he's got both arms wrapped around me.

I just kept staring around through the hole in the tree when I saw someone running towards us. I squinted but stayed still hoping they didn't see us.

I started trying to get up, but Adrien's arm tightened around me. He started mumbling words I couldn't understand.

The person stopped right in front of the tree and they bent down. I almost screamed, but I then noticed it was Marinette.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and crawl in here. There's plenty of room." I whispered.

She quickly crawled in and curled up in the corner, panting.

"Is everything ok? Why were you running?"

She held her finger up saying to hold up while she was catching her breath.

"Felix...he...found me and...was but away."

I nodded my head as I gestured towards the sleeping Adrien.

"You should sleep. I'll keep an eye out."

I didn't have to tell her twice. She laid her head down against the inside of the tree and immediately fell asleep.

I snickered at her as I continued to look out the hole.

I'm guessing the time is about 4 or 5am so I knew it wouldn't be long before sunrise.

I was really hungry, but I couldn't get out of Adrien's iron grasp so I'd have to wait until we leave.
I stayed awake another 3 or 4 hours before Adrien woke up. He looked at the corner of the tree and was about to get up when I stopped him.

"Calm down its Mari. Felix was chasing her earlier and she found us. I told her to go to sleep here until morning."

"How long have you been awake?"

"3 or 4 hours."

He finally let go of me and I sat up and semi-stretched. I reached over and shook Marinette awake.

She stirred awake and when she was conscious, she sat up and semi-stretched.

I was starting to crawl out of the tree when Adrien grabbed my arm.

"No let me go out first just in case."

I nodded my head and crawled next to Marinette.

Adrien crawled out and looked around the area before holding his hand out for me and Marinette to crawl out.

When we all made it out, we started retracing our steps back to the picnic area.

We didn't go directly into the area, since Félix could still be there, but we stayed in the tree line.

When we made it out of the woods, we realized Adrien's car was nowhere to be found. Great.

Now we had to walk all the way back to town. We walked about 10 miles before we found the beginning of town.

We stopped at a gas station and bought water and a snack. All of our phones died, so while Adrien was buying our water and snacks, I used the rest of my change to use the pay phone and call for Sabine or Tom to come pick us up.


"Hey Sabine! This is Bri. Me, Marinette, and Adrien are at a gas station near the end of town and we need you or Tom to come pick us up please. I'll explain what happened on the way back we just need a ride."

"Oh my goodness! Bri? I was just about to call the police and report you three missing! I tried calling all of you all night. I was worried sick!"

"I know and I'm so sorry. Our phones died and we couldn't charge them."

"Ok dear. Just tell me the address and I'll come pick you guys up."

"Ok hang on." I said. I called for Marinette. She came around the corner.

"What's up?"

"Can you ask the cashier what the address of this station is? Your mom is gonna pick us up."

She nodded her head as she skipped up front. She returned a few seconds later with a peice of paper.

"Ok Sabine you still there?"

"Yes dear."

"Ok the address is 3285 Frontier Street." (Just made that address up so don't look it up to see if it's real)

"Ok dear thanks. I'll be there in about 10 minutes."

"Thanks Sabine."

"No problem dear. Bye."


I hung up the phone and walked back to the front of the store. Adrien and Marinette were talking with the cashier.

"Sabine said she'll be here in about 10 minutes to pick us up."

They both nodded their heads.
10 minutes later and we saw Sabine's red Toyota Camry pull into the parking lot. We thanked the cashier and left the station.

I got into the passenger seat as Marinette and Adrien got in the back.

Sabine drove off and I started explaining what happened.

"And then we had to walk 10 miles to that gas station just to call you and get some food and water." I finished.

She looked just as shocked as we were, but quickly recovered as she asked "The Félix you're talking about, did he come in the bakery yesterday?"

"Yes maman. He's the one that looked exactly like Adrien, but his hair was styled different."

Sabine nodded as we pulled into my and Adrien's driveway. She dropped us off and we said our thank yous and goodbyes.

When we locked the door and walked into our bedroom, we basically collapsed in our bed.

We didn't even feel like cooking, but before I fell asleep I cooked us a bowl of noodles.

He was almost asleep, but I shook him. He groaned.

"Babeee I'm tiredddd." He complained.

"I know silly me too, but we haven't had a real meal since lunch yesterday so we need to eat before we go to sleep. Just eat this slowly and I'll clean the bowls so you can sleep." I said.

We ate quietly and when we finished, I collected our bowls and set them in the sink. I decided I'll wash them when I wake up.

I walked in the bedroom and Adrien was already knocked out. I giggled at him because he was hogging up the blankets and the bed.

I just rolled my eyes, forced him to let go of a blanket and went in the guest bedroom and slept in there.
When I woke up, I checked the time and it was 2pm. My back and shoulders were sore, probably from sleeping in a fetal position all night.

I got up and walked into the kitchen to see Adrien in the living room watching TV. I snuck up behind him and right before I could scare him, he jerks around really fast and scare me instead. I screamed and he laughed.

I pouted.

"Oh babe I got you good." Adrien said as he started to calm down.

"It's not fair!" I said, like a little kid when they don't get their way.

He chuckled as he started to walk up to hug me.

"No!" I said as I started running away from him.

"Babeee come back!!" Adrien whined.

"Ummm nope!" I said as I ran up the stairs.

I could hear him stomping up the stairs behind me. He was calling for me and I hid in one of the guest bedrooms. I slid under the bed and giggled as I watched his feet go from one room to the next. I waited until he was in the room over when I quickly slid out from under the bed and started running towards the stairs.

As I was running by, I didn't notice the Adrien standing in the doorway waiting on me to run by so he could snatch me up and throw me on the bed.

"I knew you would try to pull a stunt like that!" He laughed.

I pouted at the Adrien that had me pinned down on the bed.

I smirked as I lifted my head up to kiss him. He noticed and started to lean in also, but when he started to cup my face, I took that chance to flip him over and jump off of him. I ran out of the room and back down the stairs.

I ran in the living room and layed flat on the couch. I heard Adrien tip-toe down the stairs like he was sneaky. I heard him say "Boo!" Which was followed by a "wait what?". I then took my chance and snuck up behind him and jumped on his back.

"Oh shit!" Adrien said. I busted out laughing. He started laughing with me. We settled down on the couch and just started watching a movie. This time we didn't fall asleep and we just snuggled together under a blanket.

I loved every second of that movie. When it was over, I decided to get up and start making us some dinner.

"Hey what do you want for dinner?" I called from the kitchen to him in the living room.

"Uh just make whatever you want babe. You're an amazing cook."

I was about 4:15pm and so I called Marinette, Alya, Kayleigh, Nino, and Luka and asked them if they wanted to surprise Adrien and have a mini dinner party. They all loved the idea and said they would arrive around 6.

I smiled as I pulled out cream of chicken with herbs soup, sour cream, green onion, store-bought rotisserie chicken, Ritz crackers, and salted butter. I was planning on making my great-grandmothers chicken casserole that tasted so good.

I started making it and once I got all the ingredients together, I put it in the oven and started getting cups out and drinks.

Adrien came down the stairs all dressed up and my heart dropped. Did he know about the party?

"Baby did you know about the party?" I asked confused.

"What party? I was dressing up for you."

I smiled. "Well I ruined the surprise. I invited our friends to join us for a mini dinner party. While this is cooking, I'll go get ready. Keep an eye on it please?"

He smiled. "Of course baby." I started to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm really thankful that I was assigned to protect you. Only God knows what could've happened if I didn't take the offer. I love you so much and I couldn't imagine my future without you." I looked up at him and saw a genuine love and admiration in his eyes. I leaned forward and kissed him.

"Honestly, I wasn't too happy when you told me I was being targeted and that you were an agent trying to protect me. I wasn't fully on board with it. But you've showed me many times that you actually care about me and not as a 'oh I have to protect her or I get fired' kind of way. I'm really thankful I met you too Adrien and I really to love you." I said as I smiled up at him. We kisses again and we pulled apart.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to babysit the casserole while Madame gets ready." Adrien said as he ran into the kitchen. I giggled at his goofyness and ran up the stairs to get ready.

I threw on a cute shirt and blue jeans and left my hair down. I put on some mascara and threw on some tennis shoes. Not too fancy, but just right.

I ran back down the stairs and saw Adrien in the kitchen talking to someone. It sounded like an argument so I peeked in the kitchen to see who it was.


I quickly pulled my head back out of the kitchen and quietly walked back up the stairs. I texted Marinette and asked her where she was.
I'm just pulling in. Why?
No reason just that Felix is here and is arguing with Adrien in the kitchen. I'm gonna make a break for the door and hopefully make it out before Felix knows I'm here. Be there in a min.
I looked down the stairs and didn't see anyone. I started to slowly and quietly walk down the stairs, listening for any sign of Felix heading towards the door. The front door was right in front of the staircase, so I quickly but quietly ran down the rest of the stairs and opened the door.

I quietly shut it and Marinette was right there.

"Now what?" She asked.

"Now we act like we arrived together." I said.

I rang the doorbell and I heard shuffling to the door. The door opened and Adrien sighed a sigh of relief when he saw me with Mari.

"Good job." He whispered as he winked at me. I giggled as we walked in.

"Wow nice house you have Adrien! Who helped you decorate?" Marinette asked.

"Oh Alya, Nino, Kayleigh, Luka, and Bri."

"Why wasn't I invited?"

"Well that was when we weren't on speaking terms."

Mari nodded as I walked into the kitchen and Felix was no where to be found. I opened up the oven and took the casserole out. I turned the oven off and placed the casserole on the dining room table.

Alya, Nino, Luka, and Kayleigh had arrived together, so we all sat down and started as I poured drinks for everyone. (and no not alcohol. We had soda)

We all had long conversations and a good time. At one point I leaned over and whiper-asked Adrien where Felix went. He shrugged his shoulders.

That's when you-know-who showed up.

Felix. He was holding my bra up and was looking at it.

"Adrien, who's is this? I know you don't wear bras." He said as he looked at Adrien.

"Oh you didn't know?" Kayleigh asked. We all looked at her with a look that could kill. She shrugged her shoulders and put a fork full of food in her mouth.

"Know what?"

"Well uh, cuz, I have a..uh girlfriend." Adrien said.

He froze for a minute.

"It's you and the waitress right?" He blurted out.

"What?" Adrien asked.

Felix pointed at me. I held my breath.


Adrien looked at me. "Oh. No. She couldn't make it. Her dad doesn't like me so he wouldn't let her come."

I don't think he bought it. "Well cuz if the waitress isn't yours then don't mind if I do." He said as he rubbed his hands together and started walking towards me.

"Uh actually I have a boyfriend!" I blurted out. He stopped.

"Really? Who?" He challenged.

"Oh uh his name is I'm Aiden. He lives in London."

"Oh really? How long have you two been together?"

"Almost 3 years."

"So explain to me why your stuff is in Adrien's bedroom?"

I froze. Everyone was silent. "Easy. Because I live in London with my boyfriend, I needed a place to stay while I get a job and get the money to go back down to London. I was visiting my friends and Adrien offered to let me stay here until I get money."

"Well Adrien is pretty rich. Why didn't he just give you the money."

"I tried." Adrien chimed in. "But she's so damn stubborn that she said she 'wanted to earn what she had'."

He stood there for a minute taking in our lies.

"Oh. Well I'll be on my way then I guess." Felix said as he left.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding as me and Adrien exchanged glances.

"You think he suspects anything?" Alya asked.

"I don't know." Adrien said. "But we need to teach Bri how to fight off Felix. Because he has a special way of taking women."

Everyone agreed. They all nodded their heads.

"But we'll just finish eating this delicious casserole and then have a good time tonight." Nino chimed.

We all agreed and sat back down and continued the night.
A/N hey guys it's been a hot minute since I've updated. I've went through the whole story and edited and fixed any errors or misspelling that might have occured without my knowledge. If there are any more errors, leave a comment on the section it's in and I will fix it as soon as possible. Enjoy this chapter and until next time...

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