Eternally hers

By m1nd15p0w3r

225K 10.6K 589

Ok in all reality I suck at descriptions. This is my first story please give it a chance but speak your mind... More

I'm Pregrnant
Finding my love
Building More
Getting Along
The Runaway
The Return
The Meeting
F*ck falling I fell
I loved you
Lovin Her
Adoring Her
The Run
Truth and Knowledge
A glimpse
And then there was life
In the Name of Science
Better Times
Lab Rat
Brighter days
Closer than ever
Water Sports
Ohhh Puppy Love
Deja Vu
Chill day maybe???
I'm Sorry You're What???
Never happened before
What Dreams May Come
Woe Is Me
When Darkness Turns to Light
Turning of the Tide
The Fallen
When Darkness Fell
I Thought This Was Supposed To Be Light
Finally There is the Light
And the Light Burns
Untitled Part 46
the Shroud is Ripped in Two
Bittersweet Sorrow
Expect the Unexpected
Ice Water Bath
Finally Peace Within
Back as One
I'm Drowning
A River of Blood
Fragile Beings
I Didn't Expect This
How Do You Bounce Back?
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Pain Reminds Me That I Am Alive
Pain In My Soul
My Selfish Acts
Blinded but Not by the Light
A Mystery Indeed
I Will Never Be Like Her
There Goes That Shroud Again
Will the Real Adit Please Stand Up
The Calm Before
My Bryson tiller
Rien de mieux
Who Knew???
At First Sight
Needed This
Shattered Beings
What The Future Holds
About Damn Time
the End is the Beginning
A Long Kiss Goodnight

Who is Adit?

2.5K 104 10
By m1nd15p0w3r

"I am Adit"

"Adit" Kaira whispers almost sounding surprised.

"You know this person?" I ask Kaira, slowly getting up off the ground.

Moving away from this Adit and closer to Kaira, I place my hands on her shoulders. Adit turns towards us looking at Kaira.

"I don't believe I have actually met her but her name was a whisper always flowing through my village." Kaira says. "It was almost as if she was the reverse boogie man."

Adit smirks then moves to our living room talking a seat.

"Make yourself comfortable" I sarcastically say. Suddenly feeling ghost fingers around my neck. "Why are you here?"

"I am here for her." Adit simply states looking at Kaira. Seeming to guess my thoughts she sighs. "Not her but her." She says standing quickly and swiftly moving towards Kaira placing her hand in her stomach.

"What do you want with my child?" I demand.

"My reason to live." she answers throwing me off guard.

Taking a moment to study Adit, I take in her features and appearance. She stands tall well over 6ft, she has to be close to 6'7. Her eyes are an amber color almost gold. Her facial features are almost regal, strong and defined. She isn't heavily muscled but more like me, subtle. But the power that radiates from her is crucial. Her dreads runs down her back. From what I can see she is covered with tattoos but also some kind of intricate markings or brandings underneath them.

"Are you done checking me out?" she asks snapping me out of my daze.

"Don't flatter yourself?" I quip. "What do you mean my child is a reason for you to live?"

"Not a reason. My reason." And just like that in a span of less than a heartbeat she is gone.

"What the fuck?" I say, "where did she go?"

Kaira turns to me as she looks deep in thought before making her way to the living room. Following behind her as she sits down, I take her hands in my own.

"Baby, what do you know about this Adit?" I ask her.

She takes a deep breath seemingly trying to gather her thoughts.

"As I said earlier her name was always whispered throughout my village." she begins. "She is said to be the world's most powerful being. The creator of all life on earth. All the powers and longevity that my people have, came from her. I thought she was a myth. I remember who were known as the elders discussing her a few times and Ezzy the woman who raised me after my parents disappeared telling me stories about her. I do know she is also said to be the oldest being to walk the globe."

"If any of that is true why does she need our child as her reason to live?" I question. "Is this Ezzy person still alive? "

"Yes, but after the revolution many of my people scattered, so I don't know where she is or really how to find her?" her speech drifting off, "maybe."

"Why did they scatter?" I ask, realizing that I honestly don't know too much about Kaira's people.

"It became too hard to keep our kind hidden and keep our way of life. So many free slaves and settlers started to roam further and further into our territories." She murmurs the last part. "I need to go back though and see if anyone may know where she went and where she might be."

"Is it safe for you to travel?"

"Yes, baby I will be fine traveling." she says smirking.

Standing up to walk to our bedroom to grab the laptop before heading back to the living room. I retake my seat next to her.

"Tell me more that you can remember about Adit." I say while waiting for the laptop to boot up.

"I mean, there really isn't that much to tell. I never truthfully believed in her."

Scanning flights mentally rolling my eyes at the travel time and stops.

44 plus hours and 3 to 4 stops later. 25 hours of this is in fucking layover. I swear we have more than enough money I'm going to just buy a private jet.

I guess Kaira is picking up on my anxiety and apprehension grabs my hand. Bringing it up to her mouth she kisses my knuckles then rubs them along her cheek.

"I know you hate flying but we need answers babe." she gently says. "Finding out that Adit is not only real but has plans in our lives. We need to know what to expect."

I can only grunt in response.

"Can't I just buy us a jet?" I ask Kaira knowing its off subject.

Her opaque colored eyes glance up at me as she tries not to laugh.

"If you want."

"I want."

Tapping out of the site to look up any private jets for sale.

"Found one in Burbank, California for $60 million." I say happily before watching Kaira jerk her head in my direction. "Ok before you go off it's a 2019 Gulfstream G650ER. We can still fly to Haiti while I have it customized."

"Customize how? For that amount of money it better cook for us, fly and clean itself."

"Bigger TVs and turning the rear into a bedroom." I seriously state. "I mean think about it babe. It will help with our anonymity. And with the sudden appearance of this Adit being, I feel like we are about to be traveling more."

I can tell she is pondering my words. Plus it's not as if we don't have the money. We could buy every model of this jet ever sold and it would be like throwing a penny in the ocean. Its inconsequential. I decided to go for the gold.

"And with a baby on the way, I want you comfortable and safe. We have no idea how all this is going to change, your immune system, anything." I reasonably state.

"I really don't like you right now. Using our unborn child to get your way." she says shaking her head. "Fine get the jet."

Mentally fist pumping and doing my happy dance, I glance down at the time and calculate the time difference. Grabbing my phone I call one of our most trusted acquaintances and instruct him to purchase the jet and all specifications I want done to it. After transferring the funds and booking our flight out to Haiti I get up to start making dinner.


Stepping off the plane, at Aéroport International Toussaint Louverture in Port Au Prince(fucking finally), I take Kaira's hand in mine. Leading us through the airport to baggage claim, I retrieve our luggage before heading to the car rental. We opted to handle everything ourselves this go around since we have no clue what to expect here.

Signing the paperwork, and seeing that Kaira is safely in the vehicle, I put our luggage in the trunk. Sliding into the driver's seat, I spare a glance at Kaira, who seems to be at my level of frustration.

"You want to go to the hotel first?" I ask her as I entwine our hands for comfort.

"Yes. I can make some calls while we are there and we can decide after what to do." she breathes out rubbing her head with her other hand.

Now I know that I hate flying and it's not because of the planes, it's the people. Loads and loads of people. All hustling and bustling to get to terminal or better yet the airport itself. The constant bickering over any and everything. Quite a few times Kaira had to stop me from hurting someone for bringing their arguments too close to her.

Still looking at the frustration in Kaira's face, I believe it was the 13 hour layover at LAX that has caused this stress.

"The hard part is done babe. You going to be ok." I state leaving over to kiss her head before starting the car. Driving through the garage looking for the exit I take a moment to think about everything that has happened this past week.

First on my list is getting my ass kicked by a person who didn't even left a hand to lay a finger on me.

"How the hell did she even do that?" I unknowingly question out loud.

"Do what babe?" Kaira asks. Now mind you she and I don't keep secrets from one another. Overlooking the fact that she knew my swimmers were swimming thing. But I don't know if I admit this fear to her. "Tell me."

To buy time to answer her, I pull out into the main road, following the GPS directions to get to Rue Lassegue. Heading towards the Maxime Boutique Hotel in Petionville, as Kaira patiently waits for my to speak.

"It's just I'm afraid babe. I pride myself on being able to protect you and this Adit comes along and practically kicks my ass without even physically touching me. How am I supposed to fight that?" I rhetorically say. "I mean she wants our child. How am I supposed to stop her?"

Kaira leans her head against the window looking at me. Taking our entwined hands she kisses my knuckles.

"I know your ego and pride is wounded..." I go object "nah, nah, nah listen. Even though all this is true. I have no doubt in my mind you will be able to protect me and our child." she says laying our conjoined hands on her stomach. "You don't know how to give up."

"If your village is outside Saint Domingo, why are we staying in Petionville?" I ask feeling the need to change the subject.

"It's more of a central point. We can always charter out if need be." she answers "I don't think Ezzy has left Haiti all together."

"What makes you think that?" I ask.

"Ezzy is one of the oldest of my kind. She was here before Haiti became Haiti." she pauses as if she doesn't want to continue, "before my people figured out what we were some dabbled in the darkness or dark magic. It got worse after they figured out what we were."

"You mean voodoo?" I ask glancing in her direction.

"Yes. Many of the elders spoke of being visited in their dreams by different powerful beings. Ezzy included but she didn't believe it was from darkness so she shied away from that."

"What aren't you telling me Kaira?" Furrowing my brows at her.

"I need to find one who does play in the dark to find Ezzy." she whispers. "I know what you're going to say but we need to in order to find out who is Adit and what does she really want."

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