Intertwined By Time: Maleread...

By SSJ_Warrior

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You're the adopted child of James Amber but found he hid it from you. So you left to find your real mom and n... More

The Time Reversal
The Approaching Storm
The Supernatural
The Splish Splash
The Discovery
The Timeline Trouble
The Open Case
The End of the World
The Time Paradox
The Closed Case
The Moral Construct
Out of Time, Farewell Friends

The Superhero

2.9K 50 23
By SSJ_Warrior

Y/N: Ah called it, I knew we were gonna go to the junkyard

Max: Uhh... do you like hang out here a lot or something

Y/N: Uh yeah why

Max: No reason, none at all

Chloe: This is my secret lair

Y/N: What do you think Maxine's silver hammer

Max: I think your bad at nicknames

Y/N: Ouch... don't worry I'll come up with many Maximus names for the future

Chloe: Come on keep up

Y/N: Says to the people who actually have powers

Max: How many times are you going  to get pissed at us this week

Chloe: That depends on you, and how well you do in this phase of the test... welcome to the secret lair American Rust, my home away from hell

Max: Raw and rough its suits you

Y/N: Nice one

Chloe: Max do you know how awesome this is, I get my best friend back and she's all supersized... and my obnoxious friend back that doesn't even know his power yet

Y/N: I've been called worse, but I don't know what hurts more that I'm  obnoxious or I don't know my power

Max: We don't know for how long I have powers

Chloe: Exactly why it's time to have fun

Y/N: Yeah we could order a huge pizza and have left overs for life... now that sounds like real heaven to me

Chloe: You have very low ambitions

Y/N: A boy can dream can't he

Max: David might be a douche but you did steal his gun

Y/N: I don't think he needs an arsenal he's ready for world war 3 from the looks of it... and trust me you looked pretty bumbed when you saw a deer head on the wall

Max: But thats different, and is everyone armed in Acadia Bay now

Chloe: Only the one's who shouldn't be, like step-dildo until now

Max: I'm not in the revolution yet Che

Y/N: I'm down for the communist revolution

Chloe: You are the revolution, Max... so we should figure out how to best use and abuse your power with a test

Y/N: I just realized Arcadia Bays most famous drug dealer isn't even packing heat

Chloe: Let's keep it that way... drink

Max: Yuck

Chloe: You are so cute, you haven't changed a bit

Y/N: Yes bartender what do we have to pick from

Chloe: Beer

Y/N: You see I'm more of a Gin type of guy

Chloe: I would have flipped out if you said Brandy

Y/N: I'm not James

Chloe: But you took part of the name

Y/N: Only the better half

Max: Uh what's going on here

Chloe: Just reminiscing... okay let's do this, can you find five bottles while I prep the shooting range

Y/N: Cough Cough sit around Cough while we do the work

Chloe: Max can I do it

Max: Do what

Chloe: You know bang bang

Max: No you can not shoot him

Y/N: Yeah I'll still be dead so let's not I reverse with Maxine to find out

Max: Oh do it

Y/N: WITH MAX, MAX! you're playing with someone's life here ya know

Max: Beer and guns nice combo Chloe

Chloe: You can handle it, now go find five bottles, pretty please

Y/N: I don't think you can handle the combo together is what she's saying

You both walk off

Chloe: No making out you two... with out me at least

You look at Max whos blushing extremely red and just smile

Y/N: Yep that's Chloe alright

You both find the bottles and head back towards Chloe

Y/N: We finished our bottle quest junkyard queen

Chloe sets all the bottles

Max: You're serious about this

Y/N: Once she puts her mind to something, she's always serious Mad Max

Chloe: We're gonna shoot all these bottles without wasting a single bullet, you both have to help me aim... show me the way

Y/N: Fan that hammer first Price

She shoots and misses the target

Y/N: Rewind time Maxinum opus

Chloe: Show me the way

Max: Aim a bit to the right

Chloe: Sir yes sir

Chloe shoots as the bottle explodes

Chloe: Oh yes! Did you see that shit Max!

Max: Duh

Chloe: That was so fucking cool! now for the second bottle, now super twins, where do I aim

Max: You're on target pull the trigger

Y/N: She shoots... and she misses the crowd is disappointed to say the least!

Chloe: You better rewind quick Max!

Y/N: Okay then bye old Chloe... wait or is it future Chloe, or is it... well uh see you in the next dimension I guess

Time goes backwards again 

Chloe: Now super twins, where do I aim

Y/N: Up slighty

Chloe: Right between the eyes

She shoots right on target

Chloe: Watch out Nathan! now that was fun, let's pump up the volume and find me another target, I want to get creative here

Max: Uh let's take out these wheel rim on your left

Chloe: Taking out the wheel rim now

She shoots and the bullet ricochets at a can busting it open

Chloe: Hella yes!

Max: Nice shootin' Tex

Y/N: Yeah you're the new Clint Eastwood for sure 

Chloe: Now that's what I'm talking about

Max: Satisfied

Y/N: I'd hope so... I rather not go home with a missing eye thank you very much

Chloe: Like never, so I want one more ubercool trick shot

Y/N: Gimme it I'll 360 no scope that shit

Max: How about using that junker for a target now

Chloe: Dude, I need a target before I shoot

Y/N: The left wheel, junk queen

Chloe: Adios, spinning wheel of death...

The car slides down and flip over on the bottles

Chloe: Ubercool!

Chloe and Max highfive then fist bump

Chloe: I cannot believe this is for reals, my best friend is a superhero! now it's your turns to bust a cap

Max: I don't know...

Chloe: Max, your nose... damn

Max: I... don't... feel so super

Chloe: MAX!

Y/N: Ma...

You fall down and pass out... and see the storm in a vision and wake up near a car

Chloe: Dudes you both hella freaked me out, you both feel any better now

Y/N: Sorry you where right too much blow for me almost OD

Chloe: Dude can you quit joking for second

Y/N: Maybe a kiss would wake me up better

Chloe: In your dreams... you good Max

Max: A little, thanks for helping me, just... give me a minute

Chloe: Too much action for Arcadia

Y/N: More like too much action in general

Max: Or maybe not enough, this is kinda fun, scary and stupid, but fun

Chloe: Just let me know when you feel okay... okay then looks like you're  already ready to lock and load

Max: I don't know about this

Y/N: I never knew about this to begin with

Chloe: Are you afraid of getting in trouble

Y/N: Afraid there's nothing for her to be afraid of now you can own the world

Chloe: I know you can handle this, and I'm here to guide you, make me proud sista

Frank: Hey, it's Thelma and Louise or is it Bonnie and Clyde

Y/N: Woah Frank Bowers is that you damn... gotta tell you man not really a fan of the new emo look

Frank: Oh god your back kid... I take it back it's the three stooges

Chloe: Excuse us Frank

Frank: Oh sorry, Chloe, don't let me get in the way of your bonding, I heard the gunshots and the breaking glass, it's cute that you're playing with guns, just like me at your age

Y/N: I see so your just gonna ignore me Frank I thought we were friends or as close as you can get to a drug dealer

Frank: I ain't your damn friend maybe my old sunny disposition threw you off but as you know I have a whole other side to me which you like to see it kid

Y/N: Why are you here Frank

Frank: I'm here because me and your friend both need money, in fact, she needs it so bad that she owes me a shitload, don't you Chloe, huh

Chloe: You'll get your money

Y/N: What's he talking about Chloe

Frank: Your little friend here Chloe borrowed some money from me because she was desperate

Y/N: How much

Frank: Oh I'd saw about 3 grand


Frank: Did I stutter

Chloe: You'll get you money dude

Frank: Don't they all say that, y'know even when they're broke and acting tough... what are you hiding there girlie, let me see!

Y/N: Frank where did you get that damn bracelet

Frank: A friend, and it's none of yoyr goddamn business, Chloes my business now and I-

Chloe: That's Rachel's bracelet, why the fuck are you wearing her bracelet

Frank: Calm yourself, alright, it was a gift

Y/N: Calm myself that's my sisters fucking bracelet Frank

Frank: It might be hard to believe, but to contrary belief were not actually  friends kid I just sell you pot

Y/N: What about three years ago you helped us out

Frank: Shut the fuck up that was different

Y/N: I think Damon rubbed off on you Frank, you got his sailors mouth and your stealing peoples shit

Frank: And I think daddy DA rubbed off on fucking you kid now back the fuck up

Frank pulls out a switchblade

Y/N: Look were just talking Frank calm dowm... and tell me now!

Frank: Okay then let's fucking talk, about where my damn money is

Y/N: I know this is a bad time but I think switchblades are illegal

Frank: I think I do a lot of fucking illegal things dumbass I'm a drug dealer

Y/N: Fair point, but then why not just get a gun if your gonna have an illegal knife otherwise what's the point

Chloe: Dude just chill out I'll get your money if you tell why you have that fucking bracelet

You see Frank's attention on Chloe and smack the knife out of Franks hand

Frank: What the fuck did you just do

Y/N: What I'm just de-escalating the situation here Frankie B

Frank: Did you just fucking call me Frankie B

Y/N: What is that like a war crime I didn't hear about in school or something

Frank: Your being a real fucking smartass right now kid

Y/N: I mean better that than a dumbass though right... what you look like I just shit in your cereal... oh sorry your beans I mean... what

Frank hits you in the face as you fall to the ground

Chloe: Frank just calm down dude

Frank: I'm not your fucking dude... dude

Y/N: Ah... I guess this really does proof where not friends huh

Frank: I fucked you up good didn't I kid

Max: Please... please step back

Frank: Your kidding, put that down

You get up and grab the blade as you hear a click

Frank: That is hilarious! oh man I'll remember you, kid, I'll remember you almost shot me, and you'll wish I had no memory, because I never for-

Y/N: Get the hell away from her

You push Frank and hes falls on his ass

Frank: You wanna fucking die kid!

You pull out the blade

Y/N: Walk away Frank

Frank: Give me my knife back you fucking cunt

Y/N: You already have Damon's big ass knife

Frank: Fine I'll count this as more insurance your lucky kid I'll remember this and I never forget

Y/N: Heard it before just walk away

Frank: She's got until Friday to pay me, and don't pull this shit again or it'll be the last time you do... try bullets next time brainiacs

Y/N: Or knife

Franks walks away

Y/N: Well Frank's become an asshat now it a weird way he was one of the only adults left I respected too

Chloe: You've been gone too long

Max: I'm sorry

Chloe hugs Max as you pat her on the shoulder

Chloe: You were awesome, thanks for standing for me... let's blow, my secret lair didn't feel secret today, at least Frank is gone, he won't fuck with us again, he just wants his money, unless Y/N messed that up

Y/N: What he was waving a knife around what do I let him stab

You follow Chloe down the train station

Chloe: I still can't believe you pulled a gun on Frank then Y/N pulled Frank's own knife on his it was epic

Y/N: I wasn't gonna use it he knew

Max: It felt awful I'm glad there are no bullets in there-

Chloe: You can just rewind time in your hand and stick that barrel right up Frank's ass, you have the power!

Max: You're gross

Chloe: Don't fall

Y/N: I guess I'll just walk in the middle of the tracks... I feel like a third wheel sometimes

Chloe: I'm just glad you both were here

Y/N: Yeah always an adventure with Price she tell you about the time we fought off a drug, well another not this he friends with Frank ironically enough, broke in the DA's office who's my dad or was, we started a Forrest fire don't tell the cops though

Max: Wowser you guys get in a lot  trouble I mean a lot

Y/N: It all happened in the span of a week

Max: I'm glad I'm here with you all too, I think, Chloe, why the hell are you hanging around scary loser like Frank, it's weird

Chloe: Lets take a break and I'll talk, feels like a different world huh, wish we could stay forever

Max: Can we build another pirate fort and keep the world out

Y/N: Wait a second Chloe you said you liked pirates on that train and Max you brought her up too it all makes so much sense now

Chloe: Dude your just putting this all together

Y/N: Uh yeah

Chloe: To answer your question Max, I think we need a new secret hangout... at least Frank wouldn't find us, are you okay Max

Max: I'm still freaked out about what happened, that was awful, Chloe

Chloe: I'm sorry but Frank isn't as hardcore as he fronts, all he cares about is his cash, stash and mangy dog

Y/N: I can verify that... he also really likes beans, like a lot 

Max: He hit you Y/N

Y/N: It didn't hurt that much my x best friend hit me and that hurt more he barely he me even though I fell on ground but Frank was a good guy helped us with some shit years ago don't know what happened to him though now

Chloe: A lot from the looks of it

Y/N: Is Pompidou all grown up now

Chloe: Yeah the mutts ridiculously huge now

Y/N: Last time I saw he was just a little cute pup

Chloe: Well he isn't no pup anymore

Max: Okay listen to me guys no more guns

Y/N: I didn't get to do a 360 no scope bro

Chloe: Max, I know crazy shit is the new life for me

Y/N: I can relate

Chloe: That's why I had planned to leave Arcadia Bay without paying Frank off...

Max: Now tell me exactly what's going on between you and Frank... does he have a last name

Y/N: Frank Bowers his friends call him Frankie B, he's just a drug dealer

Chloe: We get are weed from him, like the one Nathan planted in Y/N's bag remember, anyway Frank and I kind of hung out

Max: Hung out you don't mean you

Chloe: No, we didn't have sex, gross man, he never even tried... besides that's what Y/N was for

Y/N: Uhh... come again

Chloe: God I'm joking, all I did was make the mistake of borrowing money so Rachel and I could bail outta here...

Max: That's it, 

Chloe: No I want to know how Frank got Rachel's bracelet... what do you think

Y/N: Rachel had that bracelet since she was born, speaking of it I thought she gave it to you Chloe 

Chloe: I gave it back

Max: Well whatever we do I think we have to be careful, and keep an eye on this guy, without him eyeballing us, okay

Chloe: It's so weird talking to you about this insane crap, we haven't hung out this much since we were tweens... and it's like no time has passed... I wish Rachel was here to meet you

Max: Did you think that Rachel and I would have been friends

Y/N: She would have loved you Max

Chloe: You're not that different, she had a great eye for images and for art, plus she's a smartass like you, we would all be hella best friends forever

Y/N: Yeah... we uh would

You wipe some tears away

Max: I know she must be as cool as you two are, I have no doubt we'll meet soon

Chloe: Railroad tracks always make me feel better... I have no idea why

Y/N: Same it's weird honestly

Max: Kerouac knew, it's the romance of travel and movement... the sound of the train whistle at night...

Chloe: Look at the beat poet here

Y/N: Back in are day we did a lot of train hopping

Max: I rather be a good photographer

Chloe: You are, you just have to stop being afraid

Y/N: And there that photographer goes... heh

You get a head ache then it becomes dark again and you see that storm again until your thrown back into reality where the ground rumbles well a loud train and screaming is heard throughout your ears 

Chloe: Max! Y/N! Help I'm stuck... what are you doing get up there's a train!

You get back on your feet confused 

Max: Hold on Chloe!

Y/N: These damn visions

Max and you grab Chloe's hands and try to pull her off but to no avail

Y/N: Shit is that a train... the lever

You run over to it and try pulling it

Y/N: What the hell it's god damn jammed

Max: The box we need to cut one of the wires

Y/N: I got it the switchblade

You run over to it

Y/N: Max there's three wires

Max: What do we do now

Y/N: The red one always the red one

You cut it with the switchblade and Max pulls down the lever as the train switches rail tracks and Chloe gets free

Max: You okay

Max hugs Chloe

Chloe: You both hella saved my life again, crazy now we're totally bonded for life!

Y/N: That was insane Price

Max: Damn, that was close

Chloe: Aren't you glad I took you away to a nice quiet desolate spot

Max: It was cool to spend time in your lair

Y/N: The amount times I've seen you die Chloe... you're gonna give us both PTSD

Max: We have to get back to school before my next class...

Chloe: Since you're the mysterious super twins... I'll be your faithful chauffeur and companion

Max: Are powers might not last, Chloe

Chloe: That's okay we will forever

A half an hour later

Max: Thanks for the ride Chloe right on time for my art lesson

Y/N: And science for me

Chloe: Dude I love science that's about the only think I liked at Blackhell and Mrs. Grant

Max: Wowsers you know Mrs. Grant

Y/N: She did go here, before she got expelled you know

Chloe: Well thanks for both coming with me, sorry for being so boring...

Max: Nothing exciting ever happens to us right

Chloe: Listen your rewind power has to be connected to that snow yesterday, that might explain both of your tornado visions

Max: I don't see how it's so friggin' random

Y/N: I can, this days just been super weird

Chloe: Exactly he sees, just wake up Max, you saved my life twice now, you altered the course of my destiny, yours, Y/N's and whoever, do you know about chaos theory

Y/N: Never heard of that one heard of the Mandela effect

Max: Uh... it means shit happens right

Chloe: No crazy shit happens because it can and will

Y/N: Max don't rewind to say that I'll tell the other Chloe you did

Max: Why me I'm just a geek girl in some small town

Chloe: A perfect example of strange attractors, don't they teach you kids anything at Blackwell

Y/N: I tend to sleep there... like a lot

Chloe: We have a tornado, rewind power and freak snow... hello Armageddon! so let's party with your power, rock star!

Max: Like you said, Professor Price... a superhero needs a sidekick

Y/N: Or we could be like the super team, super Maximus to the rescue

Chloe: How can it be such a shitty week and yet one of the best of my life

Max: Because were back in action

Chloe and Max highfive and fist bump again as you and Max get out after

Y/N: It really feels weird going back to school after today and yesterday

Max: Yeah it does

You walk inside

Y/N: Gotta use the restroom lets talk in Jefferson's class before the bell

Max: Okay have fun

You use the bathroom then wash your hands and leave and walk into Jefferson's class

Y/N: Max is probably talking to Warren I assume it my to favorite people ready to bug Max I assume

You walk over to Victoria and Nathan

Y/N: Oh great it's Vicky

Victoria: Oh its you Y/N you're still not hanging out with that punk Kari Price are you

Y/N: Oh and if it isn't queen bitch of the school... you know I wouldn't be surprised if Vicky date raped Mr. Jefferson seeing as she's used to dosing people (Cough cough) Rachel Amber... the Tempest 

Victoria: And still as annoying as ever

Y/N: I could say the same think about you Vicky

Victoria: Its not Vicky

Y/N: Really cause to me you seem as evil as Vicky from the Fairy Odd Parents from where I'm standing

Victoria: Well yeah uhh... well the feeling mutual

Y/N: Oh so you even agree you're an evil bitch

Victoria: I was talking about you

Y/N: Your an idiot

Victoria: Well but what about that one time we-

Y/N: Shut up!

Victoria: I was better than Juliet you know that

Y/N: More like you used me after a big breakup

Victoria: Or should I tell your new friend Caulfield that

Y/N: Tell her and Twitch will be in a body bag by tomorrow... besides she won't believe shit from you

Victoria: What happened to your happy go lucky personality 

Y/N: Nam happened 

Victoria: Huh...

Y/N: God its history man your so damn stupid



Nathan: What!

Y/N: Oh its nothing, by the way question.. whats the capital of Thailand

Nathan: I don't know dude


You hit him directly in the family joules 

Y/N: Now get out of this class Twitch

Nathan limps out of the class as Victoria helps him out

Y/N: Bye bye Vicky

She flips you off as she helps Nathan out the room and Max walks in soon after

Y/N: Maximus what's cracking

Max: Not your nicknames that's for sure

Y/N: You hurt me so Miss Caulfield... so aren't you friends with Kate Marsh if I'm correct

Max: Uh yeah why

Y/N: It looked as if she had been crying earlier from the looks of it, tried to say hi but she just ran past me

Max: Kate has a lot on her plate

Y/N: I guess I'm not good for anything anymore, not even a chuckle

Mr. Jefferson: Okay, I know you love me, but if your not in this class beat it... everyone else please sit down, we have a lot to cover today and so little time as usual...

Y/N: I'd love to stay and chat but sadly that's my queue, nice talk Maximus see ya on the flip side of things

You walk out and head towards Mrs. Grants class

Warren: Yo Y/N did you see Kate earlier her eyes were puffy from crying

Y/N: Yeah I saw that, one of these days Victoria is really gonna get in trouble for the crap she pulls, I know that video was her idea

Warren: She probably ruined any chance of a scholarship for poor Kate

You see Zack running towards Jefferson class

Y/N: Woah chill out you're gonna run someone down

Zack: Dude check it out some crazy shit is going down at the girls dorms!

You and Warren run down to the dorms with Jefferson's class close behind until you see it

Y/N: HOLY SHIT... this would be a great time for my powers or whatever the hell to work, screw this you don't need powers to be a hero Y/N

You run to the girls dorm entrance and kick the door open as you hear people scream and a not so pleasant sound you'll never unhear

Y/N: No no no no no no... 

You see her go back up and keep falling down

Y/N: Max... I gotta hurry

to go the upstairs door but feel weird like a weights on top of you

Max runs upstairs past you as you get the strength to keep going you hear them

Kate: What are you doing here, Max... stop, don't come near me! Did you come to get another Pulitzer shot like yesterday, Max 

Y/N: Stop!

Kate: Its you from yesterday 

Y/N: Yesterday feels so long ago... look I know I never formally introduced myself sorry for that I was in a rush... but Kate please step down think about this I mean you have a family right that probably love and adore you

Kate: You don't even know me why would you care

Y/N: Because your young and got so much to live for... I had a friend who hated the world blamed the entire world because she lost someone close to her, she felt so alone like everyone was out to get her I was all she had until she met someone who changed the world for her...

Kate: But I don't have anyone like that, its too late now theirs nothing here for me anymore

Max: Kate, your life is still yours and we can get through this together... just let us help you

Kate: I'm glad you both care about me that makes me feel better

Max: Of course I worry you're my friend Kate

Kate: I did feel better talking to you on the phone, I always feel like you really listen

You whisper something in Max ear

Y/N: if this doesn't work I've got a plan

Max: Kate, please trust us come stand by us, okay, we can help you now... I know I can... this morning I erased the web link to the video, it was written on the shower room mirror

Kate: Are you serious, thank you so much... that fact that neither of you cared about that video and would come up here to stop me... mean a lot

Max: I care about you because I believe you were drugged, we will find out who did this and make them pay

Kate: You sound so persuasive Max

Max: Kate we both believe you, will you believe us both now...

Y/N: Listen to her Kate please

Max: Please... you don't have to do this...

Kate: Max I'm in a nightmare and I can't wake up... unless I put myself to sleep, then everyone at Blackwell can post pics of my body... I'm already on the internet forever, no wonder they call it a web, nothing cam ever get out, like my video... I wish I could go back in time and erase everything

Y/N: (Fuck fuck fuck... it maybe time for plan be, Oh god)

You go on the ledge while shes focussed on Max

Max: Oh my lord Y/N

Y/N: Kate look if you jump I'm gonna have to jump so please don't... because  I don't want to die I wanna live a full life like you should please step down with me

Kate: Stop just don't no... nobody cares about me

Max: Kate please just listen to him.... Kate I saw that cute photo of you with your sisters in your room this morning... I can see how much your little sister loves you by her smile

Kate: That's Lynn... she's only ten... she does have the best smile ever... I would hate to see her sad

Y/N: Look Kate I had a little sister too you was awesome everyone loved her but she went missing and it's been tearing me apart ever since then you don't know what's it like going through something like that every night and day it's a hell I keep hoping, praying but nothing happens she's still gone... I know the pain and it's horrible so please as another person with a sibling to an other I ask that Kate you please think this through... I failed my little sister so please don't let me fail yours

Max puts out her hand for Kate and Kate grabs it and gets back in the room as you sigh in relief and go to get off but instead slip on the rain and grab on the ledge for dear life


You put you feet on the wall but they keep sliding off it from the rain

Max: Y/N NO!


Max: Take my hand now!

You look down and see another roof

Y/N: (I could try fucking falling on that only 10 or 15 feet then another 20 feet from the ground or take her hand... what if she falls with me  though she can't support my weight look at her... Dammit)

Y/N: Max I'm sorry but you can't support my weight and I can't either

You let go and drop falling about 10 to 15 on the lower roof on your back and slides off of it in the bushes right on your wrist as you scream out on pain and eventually pass out from the pain as people start to surround you

Y/N: Nope I'll take my chances with Max instead

You grab Max hand and she pulls you up

Y/N: Thank you Adeline rushes

Max: Y/N your okay

Max kisses you on the cheek

Max: Don't do that again... ow

Y/N: You okay super Max

Max: I think I pulled something in my shoulder lifting you up

Y/N: Sorry...

Kate: I'm sorry you could of died because of me

Max: What are you talking about, you saved me from talking in class

Y/N: And me from science...

1 Hour Later

Wells: Now, I know today was difficult  for everybody, but I'm so proud of the way Blackwell pulled together to save a young girl's and boys life... of course you're both heroes for getting Kate to come down Max, Y/N... but that almost came at the cost of one of are own

Max: I didn't do much

Jefferson: She's modest you saved two lifes today like a real hero

Y/N: All I did was almost get myself killed in the process

Jefferson: In my eyes your both heroes

David: Yeah real heroes

Y/N: (Totally not sarcasm from Blackwells favorite douche)

Wells: As principal of Blackwell Academy, I take my duties seriously, I take the well-being of every student  more seriously, what happened today should never happen in a hall of wisdom and knowledge... Mr. Madsen, as our head of security here, those roof doors should always be locked, that's just standard operating procedure, they were not, and that is indeed your responsibly, Mr Jefferson I know you can't be expected to know what your students are going through but Kate has assisted you in class, so you should have known something was amiss, Mr. Prescott, since you are responsible for Vortex Club parties, and since Miss Marsh did attend your last party, you'll have to answer some more questions... Miss Caulfield and Mr. Amber why exactly were you two on the room with Kate Marsh, did she tell you her plan or anything at all, please tell us everything

Max: Mr. Madsen was bullying Kate

David: Oh, grow up

Max: Excuse me, I was there! I saw you getting in her face

Y/N: Me too I saw

David: You have no idea what you saw, Kate Marsh was involved with a bad crowd, I was trying to find out who

Nathan: Kate had a double-life, I was super shocked when I found out...

Max: No you were part of the crowd... I like I said we personally saw David physically harass Kate Marsh

David: You lying little-

Wells: Shhh

David: Are you going to take this troublemaker's word over your security officer

Y/N: Told you Wells you should of promoted Skip Matthews instead

Max: Except we have proof... here's a photo I took of David and Kate yesterday

David: That's not- not proof

Y/N: On contrary it looks like it to me

Wells: Hold on this isn't a court room, but I feel it would be of best interest of Blackwell and this situation to put you temporary leave... we will continue this conversation later, when the police finish their own investigation 

David: Are you fucking kidding me, that kid threaten me yesterday what about that

Y/N: I did no such thing and have two witnesses to back me up and evidence

David: This is major bullshit, I led troops into battle and you're letting this punks lead you

Wells: No, I am sorry, David...

Jefferson: I think Max, Y/N and Nathan need a break before we grill them further, a friend and student just tried to kill herself... they don't need this forum right now

Nathan: Yes, I'm kinda devastated right now, I'd like to be with my family

Y/N: This is no kinda devastated there only is and ain't don't pretend you care, go see daddy Prescott you disappointment for a kid he seems to think so at least

Wells: That's quite enough! I'm sure we do not need to make so public an issue of your behavior today because your attitude and behavoir is very horrendous might I say right now... and if you mustn't stop talking now I will be forced to suspend you at this moment Mr. Amber... All right, Miss Caulfield, please sign here to confirm what you've told us you today and you as well Mr. Amber unless you haven't anything to add

Y/N: No I don't sir

Wells: Good, I'll continue this investigation from here

You both sign the paper

Wells: Well, I feel we know less now than we started and we'll be assisting the police with further inquiries, yes I know it's been a stressful day, I wish I had the power to change it all for the bettrr... so thank you, for coming in today, that is all

You all get up and walk out of Wells office, you and Max walk outside as she sits on the steps in disbelief, you sit down next to her

Y/N: Are you Max

Max: What no nicknames

Y/N: Well it's kinda been one of those days you know, it just takes it out of you I guess

Max: I was insane up there, it was literally slow motion as I grabbed her hand and then I could feel her grabbing mine

Y/N: Yeah and I almost died... you know for a spilt second I actually though of letting go I was scared that if I grabbed my hand you fall down with me but I'm glad I didn't

Max: Me too, wowser today was crazy... oh go look at us were both a mess

Y/N: Were both real life superheroes though, that have to deal with all the time

Max: I don't feel like it

Y/N: Stop being modest Max you saved mine and Kate's life today

Max: You saved her not me

Y/N: You grabbed her hand all I did was slip and almost die in the process

Max: She came down because of what you said

Y/N: No I could see after you talked about her sister her body language in her eyes she made up her mine and just said all that as like insurance

Max: I'm just still worried about Kate she did try to kill herself, all over a video

Y/N: I hate how Nathan just acted like he felt so bad I saw his face I think the creep was even smiling when he saw Kate up there

Max: He's definitely mixed up with this, something ominous is going at Blackwell I think that Kate Marsh is connected to your sister Rachel somehow along with Nathan and Mr. Madsen

Y/N: From what we've put together so far I'm sure where not that far off, Nathan went full blown psycho yesterday with the gun and with what we found on Sergeant Pepper yesterday it makes sense... but what do you thinks going on Maxi moo

Max: What the hell is this... the weather confirms this weird day, feel the chill

Y/N: Weird trust me if there was an eclipse scheduled for today Warren would of chewed my ear off about it

You see Max shivering, and scooch next to her and put your arm around her

Max: Yeah I'll believe it after this week I'd believe anything

Y/N: We should text Chloe, find out what really going on is this town together

A/N: Sorry for getting this chapter out so late I know, I've typing this almost all day my thumbs hurt very baldy at the moment, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter I very tired so I'll keep this short, bye fellas see ya in the next one word count 6416.

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