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By Aoiryl_Illea

12.7K 224 68

Living in the sewer for your whole life is hard enough, But living in the sewer...and being raised up by a mu... More

Mystic Mayhem (part 1)
Mystic Mayhem (part 2)
Origami Tsunami
War and pizza
Down with the sickness
Shell in a Cell
Repo Mantis
Minotaur Maze
A friendly reminder :3
The Fast and The Furriest
Bug Busters (Part 1)

Donnie's gifts

932 15 3
By Aoiryl_Illea

The scene began inside an alley, the turtles and the human were chasing some sort of a mutant. 'Silverfish', was what the turtles named it. But to Eli's judgment, it looked more like aliens that she saw on the TV yesterday.

"Okay, mutant Silverfish, you're eaten people's laundry for the last time!" Raph shouted. He punched the mutant with his tonfas but instead, it made the mutant to be split in two.

"What the?!" he said surprisingly then tried again but in the end, it split into two more and now it became four of them.

They started to gnaw at the laundry.

"Hey Raph," Donnie flew to him from above with his hoverbike. "Every time you smash them, they just split in two!"

"I know! Isn't it cool?!" he talked with excitement all over.

"No Raph, no it isn't," Eli replied. She was trying to take down the mutant without punching or stabbing at them.

"Think Raph. Think!" Donnie placed his hands on his head, doing a thinking pose.

"Oh...I guess that does double the problem," Raph paused for a second "Which means....double the smashing!"

"What?! Raph, no--!!" Eli stopped him before he could do something stupid. But she didn't succeed, Raph had already smashed the mutant Silverfish more and a few seconds later, they turned into an army. They all took a chance to tackle the big turtle as he was screaming loudly.

"I got you, Raph!" Mikey exclaimed. He threw his weapon as it wrapped at the Silverfish. "This situation calls for a dose of my psycho acrobatics! Ouch!"

He crashed into a fire escape and landed in a dumpster. He got attacked next by the silverfish inside and leaped out of it, he yelped in panic.

"Oh boy..." Donnie's facepalm while Leo grinned as he set his foot on the fire extinguisher.

"I got you, Mikey!" he said calmly as he sliced the fire extinguisher into slices, and water blasted inside of it. It splashed at the mutant and drenched Mikey.

Leo stood in front of the wet fish and placed his odachi on his shoulder. Eli walked up beside Mikey and Raph as they were behind Leo.

"Looks like these fish are..." he chuckled "Wait for it, you're gonna love this...all washed up!"

"Boo!" Mikey shook his hands in disapproval along with Raph.

"Really, Leo?!" Eli teased him, crossing her arms.

"Okay, okay, okay, how about this? Those bugs are so wet--"

"Uh, Leo?" Donnie cut him off before the Silverfish mutant pounced and attacked the three turtles and the human at the same time.

"Ah! Get it off me!" Eli exclaimed, taking out her gunsens and spinning them around uncomfortably, causing the three turtles to be pushed away and slammed against the wall by the wind.

The whole place was now looking like a mess.

"Oh, this is getting old." Donnie turned his staff into a tennis ball launcher that wrapped around his front shell. Then he hit the Silverfish out of his brothers and sister, saving them from the tackle of the mutant.

"Mission accomplished!" Mikey cheered as Donnie turned off his tennis launcher mode and his tech-bo appeared back.

"Nice hustle guys!" Raph informed, giving his brothers and sister a thumbs up. "I knew we could deal with this as a team!"

"Actually, it was mostly me!" Donnie pointed out "But segway, I have a little something to kick our skills into high gear!".

"Really?!" Eli wondered, putting her fans away.

Donnie nodded in response as he pressed a button on his communicator and suddenly, a drill came out from the ground, making the rest stare in shock, while some were in awe.

Mikey went over it and hugged it with his sparkling eyes.

"It's beautiful!" he gasped. The other just grinned while Eli placed her hand on her hips, smirking at how silly her older brother was. Only Donnie didn't.

"No, no, no, not that." Donnie denied it, shaking his hands in disagreement.

"What do you mean not that ?" Leo puzzled. "That should totally be the thing."

"This is just a little. It's in beta. Don't worry about it." Donnie explained to the group and waved off the drill. "The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful and I really hope you like it." he paused.

"And?" Eli added.

"And...If you don't, I will JUST be crushed!" Donnie finished.

His brothers and sister just gave him a surprised look.

"Donnie, just show it to us. I'm sure we'll all love it!" Raph encouraged the soft-shell turtle.

"Yeah, no matter how bad it could take. We're still gonna love them!" Eli joined in with a nervous smile.

"Alright, here goes." Donnie followed her by pressing a button on his communicator.

"Okay, so we're just moving past the drill?" Leo questioned as the drill spun around and threw the young box turtle off. It then opened up to reveal a suit, a collar, a helmet, and a pair of gloves.

"You even got my life colors right!" Mikey exclaimed, looking at the suit with his sparkling eyes. A broad name note 'Michelangelo' was next to the suit with beautiful handwriting.

"So, I guess mine is the gloves one? Nice." Eli said, picking up the black with a hint of seafoam gloves. It also had a board name next to it, which notes 'Elizabeth'.

"Wow! I don't know what this is, but this has got a lot of blinkity-bling!" Leo looked at the collar and chuckled to himself. 'Leonardo' was the name that the board name was written.

"Whoa! Jazzy headgear!" Raph said, looking at a red helmet that had a glass vizor, along with his name 'Raphael' placed next to the helmet.

They tried on their gifts and did a cool pose with them.

"Oh, I'm so glad you like 'em!" Donnie said delightedly before he typed something on his communicator. "Now let me show you how they work."

Then, a strange screech happened, which got their attention.

"What was that?" Raph cried out. The others ran toward the alley as Mikey stopped from ahead and read at the sign above his head.

"Chateau Prétenche?....I think I've heard of this place!" Mikey muttered to himself before Donnie dragged the young turtle with him.

The five peeked around the corner as they all kept their eyes on the strange mutant under the green light, who sneaked around with a bag in his hand.

"It looks soo pink!" Eli exclaimed, not too loud for the mutant to hear.

"Of course it was pink. 'Cause, it was clearly a pig!" Donnie whispered out loud, staring at his sister.

"Can we just talk about this later?" Leo shushed the two. He looked at the creature and wondered to himself "Hm, what's his deal anyway?"

The pig mutant grabbed a silverfish by its tail and stuffed it into his bag.

"You know what, that guy looks like the 'Meat Sweats'!" Raph commented as the others laughed, except Donnie. Eli looked back at him and elbowed the purple bandanna turtle.

"Aw come on, bro!" she chuckled "Why don't you put away the 'poker face' and come join us?"

Donnie took out his fake laugh and dodged her elbows.

"Ha-ha, very funny."

Meat Sweats jumped into a sewage hole before getting stuck due to his massive body. He managed to get unstuck before the turtles and the human followed him from behind. They all got to his lair, right beneath the subway. Then they decided to hide behind some empty oil crates.

As the pig mutant dropped the silverfish into a pod, he hummed to himself.

"Hm, a little salt. A pinch of savory, lemon for the tang."

Just that, Meat Sweats put a lid on the pod as he said out loud: "Unleash the favor!"

"Unleash the favor?" Mikey repeated, snapping out "Omigosh! It's Rupert Swaggert!"

"Rupert who?" Eli questioned.

"Oh yeah!" Raph said, then he asked Mikey "Uh, who's that?"

"The celebrity chef? Host of Condescending Kitchen? The show where he screams at the chefs until they give up their dreams?" Mikey exclaimed, looking at Eli.

"Come on, sis. We're in this together! Don't you remember him?"

Eli thought for a second before realizing Mikey's purpose. "Ooh, I see what you mean! No wonder he looks quite familiar."

Mikey snapped his fingers in happiness. "I love that guy!"


A memory flashed back to Mikey as he and Eli were watching a show in the living room. Mikey was staring at the screen while Eli was eating a slice of pizza. The show took place in a huge kitchen with lights and audiences everywhere.

"That's not how you bake a pork risotto!" Rubert Swaggert, who was a big man with red hair, a goatee, and wore a white chef uniform, shouted at a poor chef with his massive body.

Then anger had taken over him as he slapped the guy in the face with the pork.

"You've got to pound it to unleash the flavor!"

"Ouch! That was so gonna hurt the poor guy!" Eli commented through the pizza that she just chewed earlier. Mikey also took some of the pizza and stuffed it into his mouth.

Suddenly, a mosquito landed on his neck and stung it. The mutagen happened inside of the chef's body as he started to feel dizzy. The poor chef backed away in fear as a pig nose appeared on Rupert. After that, it slowly turned him into a pig mutant. Everyone started to grow worried as the mutant charged at the camera, causing destruction.


"You two saw a celebrity chef transform into a pig mutant and you didn't tell anyone?" Donnie burst out.

"I didn't wanna burn my risotto! And neither did El!" Mikey defended before running his fingers together. "Chateau Prétenche is his restaurant. No wonder he's here!"

Meat Sweats lifted the lid out of the pod.

"Oh, he's not gonna eat that bug, is he?" Donnie wondered, shivering.

"I don't think so..." Eli whispered.

The mutant removed one of his gloves to reveal some tendrils. He snorted before moving the tendrils over the pod, which held a silverfish, and sucked some green light out of it.

The turtles and the human looked away and cringed hard, trying not to throw up.

"The bacteria! Gross!" Mikey exclaimed in disgust.

"That was soooo weird!" Eli covered her eyes with her hands, cringing.

"Oh, that's so much worse!" Donnie commented.

Meat Sweats laughed, after sucking out all of the green light. "I feel the rush of your delicious energy! Anh the herbs du provence, what a nice touch."

All of the sudden, the mutant sniffed the air before smiling evilly.

"Am I picking up the delightful aroma of mutant with an after-stench of turtle?" he sniffed again, placing his hand together "And, a strange mint with an extra human being aura? I'm thinking like turtle tenderloin, over a bed of saffron rice with some mint for dessert."

"Oooh, that sounds good!" Mikey said with excitement before Donnie covered his mouth.

The other glared at him weirdly.

"Er-Mikey, I don't think he's talking about inviting you to his party," Eli explained.

"He's talking about eating us." Donnie finished.

"Excuse me for wanting to be eaten in style," Mikey replied sarcastically as he heard something. He looked up to see Meat Sweats hit the barrels away with his hammer, searching for his meal.

"That is not good at all!" Leo spoke up in fear, huddling together with his brothers and sister.

Raph grinned as he jumped up from the place, making the rest to be shocked. He tried to dodge the barrels from the mutant pig as he pulled out his tonfas.

"It's time to mash this pig's potatoes!"

Raph spun his tonfas around his hands, threatening the mutant pig.

"Hot soup!"

He charged against Meat Sweats, who was just standing there, smirking.

"Charging the enemy?" A female voice echoed as Raph stopped and looked back at Eli, confused.

"What?" Eli asked out loud.

Knowing that the owner of the voice didn't come from his sister, Raph looked around again before he realized something.

"Hey, this thing talks?" Raph tripped from a barrel and fell down very hard.

"Perhaps you should reevaluate."

Raph then stood up and looked back at his brothers. "Uh, Donnie? The helmet's talking to me!"

He got punched by the mutant after that.

"Oh goody, it's working!" Donnie clapped his hands, looking happy.

"You-hey, stop it, you--! Hey, hey!" Raph kept throwing barrels after Meat Sweats as he also dodged some of it in return.

"Your opponent is quite strong. Consider other options." The helmet said in a female voice.

"How's this for options? Smash and bash!" Raph exclaimed, smashing at Meat Sweats before the mutant pig split into many mini versions of him.

"Not again?!" Eli shouted in despair.

"Time to unleash the flavor!" The mini version of Meat Sweats said at the same time, attacking the snapping turtle as the other watched from afar.

"Fascinating!" Donnie thought "He must've absorbed the silverfish's powers. This represents a new level of mutant abilities!"

A mini Meat Sweat appeared from behind them along with his friend, smiling.

"Uh_oh," Mikey said. He and the others tried to run away from the mini Meat Sweats while Raph ran from behind, struggling to get some off him. They didn't notice their remaining brother, Donnie was being dragged away by the big mutants.

Mikey ran up from a pole and jumped down against the mutant pig. Before he could use his skill to attack him...

"Impact imminent."

"What the--?!" Mikey yelled as his suit inflated to make it bigger and bounced away like a ball.

"This totally messed up my stream!"

The mini Meat Sweats started to chase after him.

At the same time, Leo was fighting back against the big mutant.

"You'll beat me...." he ducked and pulled a tower off the big pig before saluting. "When pigs fly."

He suddenly got shocked and fell down.

"What was that?" he asked nervously as Mikey was still bouncing around in the background.

While Eli was kicking some of the mini Meat Sweats, another mini guy was standing from behind, attacking her. Eli struggled to get the pig out off her back as she took out her gunsens and opened it.

"Oh, you're soo doomed!" Eli cried out, wielding her fan as she tried to blast them away with her wind. But somehow, her gloves started to malfunction as a rope appeared and tied her hands up, stopping her from attacking the mutant.

"What is this for?!" Eli yelped surprisingly, dropping her fan as she tried to loosen the rope.

Leo kicked another tower of pig mutants away from him "These little piggies are gonna cry whee whee--"

He got shocked again.

"This thing doesn't like my one-liners?"

After loosening the rope out of her hands, Eli picked up her fans and spun them around but instead, her hands were being tied up by the rope for the second time.

"Where are these things coming from?!" she asked as Leo ran up to her, helping her out.

"Look out!"

Their eyes suddenly widen as Mikey bounced toward them. They both scrambled around before Mikey accidentally hit them as a train went by.

The mini Meat Sweats waved their hammers in victory as Leo, Eli and Mikey hid on the other side of the abandoned subway car.

"Dude, Mikey, what did you do?" Leo groaned painfully, dragging a part of his face as he stood up.

Eli sat beside Mikey, wondering at the same thing as she and Leo both glared at him.

"I don't know! It's this suit. Every time I do some razzmatazz, this thing inflates and throws me off my game! I need my razz and my tazz!" responded Mikey, who crossed his arms unhappily.

"My gloves just keep tied me up with its rope whenever I wield out my fans!" Eli exclaimed

"And every time I drop a killer joke bomb, this stupid collar zaps me," Leo said next.

Raph appeared in the subway car, crossing his arms also. "Well, my gift just keeps nagging me. I don't need to be told how to think!"

"Does Donnie really think I'm a crazy kangaroo who needs to wear a padded suit so I don't hurt myself?" Mikey questioned.

"Yeah, does he really think I need to be told what to do all the time?" Raph declared with anger.

"And stop me from creating any disaster with my wind? I can handle myself without him!" Eli added.

"Right?" Leo said "And who doesn't love my one-liners? They fire up the team, right guys?"

Raph looked at him weirdly as Mikey and Eli looked away, not bothering to answer.

"Anyway, we need to tell Donnie that he doesn't get to tell us what to be." Leo crossed his arms.

"Ah, I know. But he's got such a soft shell." Raph growled weakly at what he said.

"But it's like he's trying to fix us. What are we, broken?" Leo asked the others, proudly.

"No!" Raph, Eli, and Mikey exclaimed in unusion.

"So what are you gonna do about it, leader?" Mikey turned to Raph, requesting "Huh? You gonna stand up and tell him his gifts stink?"

"Yeah! Yeah, I think I am!" Raph informed as his phone started ringing constantly

"It's him!" he gasped.

The picture from his phone showed up Donnie with his pink bunny ears as Mikey, Leo and Eli teased him from behind.

"Oh, he's so gonna get it!" Mikey smiled delightfully as Leo grinned and Eli placed her hands on her cheek, watching her oldest brother, who turned around and picked up his phone.

"Ooh, hey buddy. Hey, um, really love the gifts you got us! Yeah, we-we know how long it took you to make 'em and it was soooooo thoughtful."

Behind him, Mikey waved his hand in protest, Leo shook his head and Eli stood there, smirking, knowing her brother so well.

"Uh, what's that? Hang on, hang on, I'm gonna put it on speaker." Raph pressed the button on his phone and yelling was being heard from it.

"Where did you guys go? They're all over me, they're gonna cook me alive!" Donnie screamed through the phone as Eli covered her ears and glanced at her brothers, who just gave each other a sad look.

Meanwhile, Donnie was being tied up and hung upside down above the fire as the mini Meat Sweats merged back to a bigger version of himself.

"Mm, a delicious soft shell, a sprinkle of paprika should unleash the flavor!"

The three turtles and the human hid behind the entrance as Raph's helmet started to scan the area.

"Hey, Raph, you need a plan!" offered the helmet.

"Okay, now according to Donnie's considering hat, I need to make a plan!" he told the others.

"What do 'ya got?" Leo asked. Raph sat down and held his head as he does the thinking pose. The error sign kept appearing on the visor as he groaned in annoyance.

"I'm not good at making plans!" Raph said, crossing his arms. Leo facepalmed and groaned.

"Of course your not," Mikey said. "And I'm not good at fighting if I can't.... razzmatazz."

"Or without my wind..." Eli said next but got interrupted by Donnie's scream on Raph's phone.

"I'm still on speaker--!" she pressed the end call button and huffed.

"And I'm not good at suppressing my lighting wit." Leo declared "The point is, who are we? We are who we are."

Eli clapped her hand in agreement while Raph removed the visor from his helmet.

"Yeah. And the only way we're gonna save the guy who's roasting on a stick is by being we!" said the snapping turtle, who put his hand in the middle as the rest put their hand on top of each at the same time.

Back at the lair, Meat Sweats were cutting up some carrots while Donnie struggled in fear. Until then, a voice came to the rescue.

"Hey! Meat Sweats!" Mikey shouted from behind. The big mutant looked back to see a shadow appear on the wall, making bunny ears.

"Dude, seriously? Of all the things you could do, you're choosing a bunny?!" Eli's voice echoed. The mutant just stared at it with a question and growled.

"Distraction Jitsu!"

Raph whispered from behind. Meat Sweats turned around and saw his meal was gone. He looked up again to reveal Raph, who carried Donnie out.

"Come back! I used an entire pound of butter on him!" Meat Sweats after him, throwing barrels. As he got out of his lair, a train passed by as Raph and Donnie were nowhere to be seen.

Before the mutant could realize it, Leo was already standing behind him. He pulled out Meat Sweats' pants and put his collar in there, grinning.

"Looks like you're about to get some shocking news!"

Leo crossed his arms as Meat Sweats got shocked after his one-liners.

"Oh ho ho, I love the smell of frying bacon in the morning," Leo said as the big pig gasped from being shocked again.

"Roasted flesh!" Meat Sweats sniffled "I must admit, I do smell delicious."

Donnie looked kinda confused "Huh? Wait, what are you doing?"

"We're getting the most out of your gifts Donnie," Leo replied, turning around and pointing at him. "Check it out."

Leo stood in front of the mutant, snickering. "Hey Meat Sweats, I hear baloney is full of you!"

Meat Sweats was getting shocked for the third time.

"Hey no, that's not how--" Donnie was cut off by Leo's jokes.

"He's getting a little hot under his--" before he could finish, Meat Sweat had already punched the blue turtle out of his way, causing him to get crashed on the other side.

"Chef Swaggert!" Mikey called from above as he stood on the pole while Eli sat next to him.

"We're your big fan! I was wondering, um, how do you get your meat so tender?" he asked, pointing at himself and Eli.

"You're gotta pound it--" Meat Sweats turned around to see nothing as he started to feel confused for a second.

"Impact imminent."

Mikey let out his laugh as he did a backflip from the air, making his suit inflate with a 'Boop!' sound was heard from it. Meat Sweats backed away a little but Eli stood from behind him. Eli smirked curiously as she took out her gloves and her fans on the other hand.

"Here's come the cannonball!" Eli screamed, throwing the gloves against the mutant as she wielded out her fans, sending out a gust of wind.

Thanks to her wind, the gloves were flying very fast as a rope appeared on it and wrapped the chef immediately, causing the mutant to gasp and fall to the ground, struggling to get out.

Then, Mikey started to cheer as he used Meat Sweats as a punching bag, knocking the mutant pig into a subway car. The young turtle landed safely beside Leo, not forgetting to give him a fist bump, along with his sister.

Donnie on the other hand was still being wrapped in the sausage. He hoped to them and cried out.

"Hey, hey, hey, that is not how you were supposed to use those. I spent a lot of time on--"

Before he could finish his sentence, a strange sound echoed from behind them.

"Oh snap," Mikey exclaimed.

Meat Sweat emerged from the subway car as a train goes by. The four just stared at him carefully, searching for any sight of the mutant. But in the end, the mutant pig was gone as the train soon left, leaving the empty rail behind.

"Where is he?"

"Uh oh!"

Meat Sweat attacked them from above.

"Omygosh!" Mikey shouted, running away with Eli and Leo ran away in different directions. Donnie was about to get hit until Raph blocked Meat Sweats's hammer just in time.

The big turtle punched Meat Sweats multiple times before getting grabbed by the helmet and thrown away. Raph dodged the hammer and crashed onto the floor.

"Hey, Raph, you need a plan." the helmet told him.

"Ah!" Raph clutched his head and placed the helmet on his hand, which was forming into a fist.

"Bad plan!"

"Hot soup!" Raph swooped in and punched the mutant pig with the helmet, knocking him out and into an oncoming subway train.

"Rubbish!" yelled the mutant as his voice was soon being dragged away by the train.

Raph held out his broken helmet to Donnie, who was still being wrapped, and looked away, annoyed.

"Donnie, your gifts really brought out the best of us!" Raph smiled as Mikey bounced in, Eli came from behind and helped the soft-shell turtle out by loosening the sausage.

"I'm funnier," Leo said proudly.

"I'm bouncier!" Mikey added.

"I'm messier!" Eli declared next with a warm smile.

"And I'm smashier!" Raph punched his fists together. "Your gifts are the stuff!"

"But you were supposed to-ah!" Donnie facepalmed and looked up at his brothers and sister, smiling. "Forget it. You guys are great the way you are! Bring it in! Group hug!"

The rest followed him by bringing out their hug against Donnie. They all looked really happy until...

"Impact imminent."

Everyone's eyes widen, including Donnie.

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