The boy from Neverland

Von zimbardo

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"You have no idea of what he truly is. That boys promise of eternal youth is not paradise, it's torture." ... Mehr

Intro : T.B.F.N
The New Foster Home - Part 1
The New Foster Home - Part 2
Run Away
The Shadow
Tormented At Night
Count Down From Hell
The White Deer
Lagoon and Waterfall
A Walking Nightmare - Part 1
A Walking Nightmare - Part 2
Ceremonial Challenge
The Red Crystal
Twisted Minds - Part 1
Twisted Minds - Part 2
Run For Cover
A Journey To Death
Fight Of Two
Tears Of Sorrow
Heart Of The Storm
Purple Skies
Electric Hero
A Day Off
The Games - Part 1
The Games - Part 2
Seeing Is Believing
Certain Circumstances
The Cold Truth
Falling Apart
Unknown Punishment
Pass The Breaking Point
Underwater Nightmare
Last Breath
What's Coming
Don't Let Me Fall Asleep
Darkest Fear
Final Hour
The Boy Returns
Suspicion Part 1
Suspicion Part 2
Hidden In The Dark
Hide And Seek
The Favour
Green Waves
Entering Rough Waters
A Dead Man's Tale
High Tides
The Switch
Rivals Within
A Siren's Song

The Dream Sequence

788 13 5
Von zimbardo

Pan's POV

At the shallows, her feet rested still against the surface, the quiet waves flooding past, keeping them from sinking to the depths below. There wasn't a single misgiving thought that filled her mind as she carried on walking, the tides brimming to life as they moved outwards, pulling the calm mirrored water away from each step she took. Her path had been set before her, guiding her towards the sinking sun and next for the open frameless door that would become the entrance into her mind; creating the beginning of the dream sequence.

The closer she ventured the less her purpose remained here in the gateway. I could sense it was coming to an end. I could feel everything changing the further we were apart. The soft rumbling of thunder brought my attention above and I tilted my head to the sky. I watched as scattered clouds began to wash away, their existence stripped from a field of stars as the comets wiped them out, their flying paths neglected, causing the silvery-blue balls of light to fall from the sky. They were small from afar, no more than stars themselves until the masses of space plummeted down leaving the undisturbed seas to erupt in waves, tearing up the calm waters.

The arrays of soft pastel hues had darkened, spreading quickly from my sight above, draining the light from the sky as dusk was quickly brought to midnight. Winds reacted in an uproar, carrying through earthy scents from the jungle out to the beach, lifting the finest grains of sand in swirling dust paths to the water's edge. Just as quickly, as though the trees behind me had inhaled a short breath, the howling and rustling that rushed past the branches were silenced at once. I looked over my shoulder to see it was all gone, nothing but endless darkness carrying seamlessly to the skies.

I could feel it, every little part of the gateway disappearing as though it were never here in the first place. It's for no more than a speck of time that the gateway remains open making the journey to sundown no easy path. Those that wish to proceed to the door will not be able to return. This world makes sure of it, a simple demand that leaves those in it defenceless. The power it holds is forged straight from the island. No depths of Neverland were left untouched by magic but this kind, like many others, was more than unforgiving. It was proven the moment I had taken us through as everything had broken down. I could sense all she could, especially here. Here she was vulnerable and in there...past the gateway, she will be most vulnerable to herself.

I knew much of this place but even with the magic I hold, there was only so little I could do. I brought her here, becoming the bridge that links her conscious state to the gateway, but once she has set foot here, her path is destined forward with one single intent, as shared with the gateway itself; to bring those who enter to the beginning of the dream sequence. There was no in-between, the interconnection between one's reality and their own mind is kept severed, but here, in Neverland, there is no breakage between the two. They are connected, passing through each other endlessly. Only here can someone travel within the two.

The only problem was she couldn't see it. She has always been blinded in a way, too stubborn to understand what has been in front of her. That's why this path chose Neverland, depicting the only reality she can see now...but it's not the island I know. It was the same universe, the same island, every living thing left exactly as it is, but there were smaller differences only I could see, ones she has changed without knowing. What was an island run with magic inside every part of it was now plain, the trees still, the colours and sounds faltering. It has been ridden of not only what she believes to be in her head but also the acceptance of its very existence. No one has ever been able to do that. They see this world, they see me...and they believe instantly, without question.

That's why I hadn't expected it...any of it until we were here together. Standing beside her was enough for all of it to come back, all that she had denied me from the end of that test. She had fought for so long to keep me away, build this barrier to prevented me from seeing all that I would for any of the other boys. Their thoughts to some extent were clear to me. Their pain, desires, hatred...I sensed all of it. For those minds that were less complicated, it was easy to persuade or manipulate them to follow me and the rules set of the island. But for her, it was different. She's becoming unpredictable. That's why this has to work.

Still, it wasn't enough. I needed more from her, and at the same time, I couldn't get what I wanted most. She had to do that herself. I had been longing for it for so long, out of all she has been through, something so simple for the rest of the boys is incomparable for her. After she unknowingly brought me into her vision, I knew there was a reason behind it all. It had only shaded what she believes, making it weaker...and I could never let it pass. That was something we both shared, a willingness to prevent that vision from coming true. She can try to find her way out of there but soon enough, if she allows it, she will be confronted by half of herself. She has no choice but to fight or give in to one side.

I could hear her voice clearly, "Do whatever it takes..."

I will...and the only difference is, I'll succeed.

What she doesn't know is I will keep her trapped in the dream sequence forever if it means avoiding her vision from coming true.

There was little time left for my thoughts to remain here. They were falling apart just like everything else, no matter how focused I tried to keep them. These small changes couldn't go unnoticed now that she was only a few steps away. My mind had been briefly steered but I was brought back to the world around me once my feet slipped beneath the sand. The ground began collapsing in on itself. Turning to either side, I watched vigilantly as craters broke apart the once smooth white line that formed endlessly around the outward curve of water. As though it were being poured by hand, the grains tipped into the darkness that seeped below. Moving back, I avoided the sinking holes but I knew, in the end, it would be inevitable. As a part of this world, just like everything else, I too would eventually break away from the gateway and fall with it. It was only a matter of time now. She will soon reach the door causing this world to plummet to its short end.

She was far but I could see her figure resting at the gateway, standing before the door where only a thin line of light was graciously left behind from the sun, the dying light now sinking to its depths. I let my chest rise, my lips parting taking in one last breath, the salt of the whisking storms leaving a strong trace on my tongue while my gaze set afar, turning away from the endless abyss surrounding my feet and venturing past all the chaos to her.

The last of her steps were taken through the door until she, like the rest, disappeared completely. The doorframe vanished and so did the light leaving the gateway to turn in on itself as the world tore. The gateway held a mind of its own as a sudden hit spiked the growing swells. Angered waves rolled over the seas heading for the shore to wipe out all that remained. Stars disappeared from the skies above drawing darkness to every corner.

The warmth was gone. Whatever remained was pulled from me, ripping apart just the same as the lightning striking overhead across the empty sky. Their flashes were quick and eventually, there was nothing left. It was agonizing feeling every part of my living being stripped away from this world and forced back to the one I entered from. This kind of complex and unforeseeable magic was not one I liked to tamper with. Never could I underestimate the power this gateway holds. Its endless strength now sought out to destroy anything that does not remain.

I had almost forgotten how painful it really was. Fighting against it was useless. Here, I was only seen as a bearer of magic; it runs through me, I can use it freely, but there is much the gateway will take back leaving me with nothing to do to stop it. I've been forced to bridge through it once in the past which took much strain from my magic, but this was unbearable compared to that. I knew what coming here would do to me but it was a risk I easily took.

I shut my eyes feeling the winds spiral past my rustling clothes, whipping violently across my skin as I gave into the empty abyss, accepting that I would be thrown inside it. The edge had passed my feet, my weight slipping under it as I titled back, falling through to the darkness below. I let the air catch me as I descended down. There was no flight that held me up; nothing came with it other than falling.

I opened my eyes, my blurred vision focusing on her resting features. Ignoring the clenching strain of my stomach and chest, I peered down to my hands, observing the warm pale-green light resting at my fingertips. The subtle glow flickered before slowly sinking back into my skin. She reacted to the disappearance of the light, undisturbed from her sleep-like state, her body fell to its side into my grasp and I set her against the covers.

A restless breath was drawn from the other end of the small room. I stood to my feet calmly as his footsteps urged closer until I caught them midway, turning to meet Will's burning gaze with my own. His teeth clenched, almost bared, eyes struck open containing hazel and green flecks which danced in fury, lighting up against the darkened room. Restraining him would be easy. I didn't need to lift a finger. He knew this, intimidation was something he was used to. Unfortunately, his mouth didn't run the same concern.

"Get out of my way," He breathed, "Now."

Too much was at stake for him to control his temper. As I expected, he continued forward, his hostile manner bringing a smirk to my lips. That was a look I hadn't seen in a long time, a dire need to get what he wanted. I had seen it a long time ago, close to the beginning when he was nothing more than a weak boy in need of something – someone to look up to. After what he had been through, forgetting all that he left behind was easy. He had been desperate enough to do anything and I used that drive to make him kill for me. I made him abandon any instinct that would counter his emotions, and soon enough, it turned him into a true lost boy.

Only now this change was for something else...for her. I could feel the hatred fuming, running through his veins knowing there was nothing he could do, nothing but watch as I let it happen. He wasn't going to show it. He didn't need to. He couldn't hide anything from me. He was completely helpless and I couldn't lie and say I wasn't enjoying it.

I followed his steps forward, easily bringing him back until he was forced to retreat, his dagger now drawn in hand, already close to my throat. His body adjusted in a perfect stance to attack, but I merely gave a second glance at his petty excuse to harm me. He was a decent fighter, one of my most skilled, but not against me, and that always infuriated him. I simply raised my hand to the blade having no need to be cautious over the sharpened edge as I took it from his now shaken grip. With the blade raised in my hand, his lips pursed and his back almost touched the wall behind him.

"Go ahead," I daringly challenged, wanting to see how desperate he truly is, "You know what will happen if you do."

Will's POV

The bastard found it entertaining, toying with me in any way he could. His lips curled, eyes sparkling as he did it as if he wished for nothing more. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of listening to his testing words, but he already granted himself that. The back of my neck flushed at the challenge where the small hairs had once stood frozen in fear. A feverish burn ran across my skin as I glared up at Pan who stood taller only by the slightest bit, his teeth bared in a wolfish grin at my expected reaction.

"A dream sequence is a nasty thing, isn't it?" Pan began, his eyes focusing down on me.

I knew exactly what he was doing. This was all a part of his nature, feeding the appearance of concern was just a distraction from the true meaning behind his words, which I knew belonged to nothing more than a practiced liar. Usually, he would put more effort in, convince anyone else to forget that he was the cause of the problem, but this was just his way of riling up the sick game he keeps playing to see how far I'll go.

"I wonder how long she'll last in there," He wondered carelessly, "That's if she makes it back at all-"

The heated rage I gathered had finally taken its toll. My tightly curled fists jolted to life, relieving the skin under my nails from their newly marked crescents. I felt my muscles twitching, guiding my raised arm. My hand roughly secured around Pan's that was still extended with my blade. With all the force I could gather, I pushed him back without warning, drawing enough space between us so I could finally escape his taunting green eyes. My chest heaved at the unexpected rush but my sudden breaths were cut short once I found a freshly marked cut across his lower neck.

A sound hadn't escaped him but his smirk had vanished completely. He stood still, head tilting down, attention carefully placed on my dagger. The glimmer of silver now shared a coating of crimson on one side of the sharpened blade. My stomach seized as I stared at the cut remaining marked on his pale skin, my brows soon pulling together as I waited for it to heal instantly as it should...but it stayed.

I should be relieved. I had finally done some lasting damage, but the unpleasant feeling in my stomach felt far from it. I wasn't sure what do next, but Pan certainly did. I only got a glimpse of his venomous expression before he vanished from where he stood, appearing just as quickly before me. With a quick motion of his hand, his magic easily threw me off my feet. The small gap left between the wall was not enough to simply fall back on.

A loud thump had broken the quietness of the small hut as I collided with the sturdy bamboo-lined wall, a silenced groan to escaping my parted lips. The back of my head throbbed filling my ears with faint ringing, my legs bent stiffly, struggling to hold my weight, while Pan's figure approached swiftly. A blistering, monstrous look was present while mixing with something more complex, something I hadn't seen before.

It was clear now. He had been caught. It was as though that cut was revealing an open part of him, something he didn't want anyone to see, and I was the first...the first to strike Pan.

"You're not healing..." I muttered under my breath, barely believing my words.

It seemed almost like a reflex that brought his crushing grip around my neck. I sank against the wall, chocking for the air that had already been knocked out of my lungs. His iron grip was the only thing keeping me standing, which I hadn't understood to be Pan's intention until I gathered back my senses, ignoring the uncomfortable ache around my body and began clawing at his hold. He waited with a deadly glare as I figured out the rest, my feet finding the floor, allowing him to finally let go.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Pan growled.

It wasn't instant, but slowly the blood staining his neck rose along his skin, every last drop that had been spilled was returned, only then did the open wound seal itself off. I had been paying such close attention to it when I should have been focusing on the blade itself that swiped through the air unceasingly. Pan paid reckless attention to the dagger, bringing it dangerously close to my face. I held my breath, trying to keep my stance; hesitantly looking down to the newly-sharpened, thin silver, the cold surface resting right below my eyes, tilting so I could see the hatred inside them. I stared at my reflection, my brows pulling together for a moment before I could draw away from the blade. I met with the malicious expression before me, my thoughts gathered.

I had seen it before. There was a fault in his magic when he was poisoned and after his return from the gateway. Both were the same, they required strong amounts of magic to control; a power only Pan had, but they also weakened him in a way I couldn't begin to understand. It was temporary...but it was something.

I knew he wouldn't be doing this if it costed his magic, not even for the slightest bit. First the storm, and now the dream just didn't make sense for him to risk so much of himself. That was until I remembered who had caused it in the first place. Emily had sent out on the tasks Baelfire gave her. All three of them working towards the same goal, each for a different reason that none knew. I had a responsibility of my own that ties this ending together, one told to me by Baelfire before his escape. There was much said that night, much I will need to do, but I remember it all clearly.

"You have no idea how important this is. The other part of her must be destroyed..."

"There's one other thing...Pan is the only one that can do it."

Baelfire didn't say it would be a dream sequence. I understood why. I knew there were things he couldn't say, but those details were leaving me in the dark. With Pan watching my back every second, I had no idea how I was supposed to help her. All I knew was Emily had to make it back. She has to succeed otherwise this won't work, all that he had set out for us to do would be for nothing. But how could I possibly do that when Pan was already two steps ahead.

"You knew this would happen," I pushed through gritted teeth, finally noticing my mistake.

A fire lit in my eyes as his attentive features became far too relaxed. I had finally said what he wanted me to. Breaking his stance, he leaned back, straightening his chest. His arm adjusted comfortably from its upheld position, the dagger never leaving its place firmly under my chin, not so much as a threat than to keep me still. With enough given space to breathe, he eased the blade ever so slightly from my skin. It was clear he wanted me to talk, but he was far from forgetting the cut I marked in his skin. His thoughts now turned in a new direction or rather looped back to where I need to catch up.

A grin warmed his lips and a dark husked chuckle parted from them, "You've finally caught up," He mockingly praised.

I would never be used to Pan changing from one extreme to another.

"Go on, explain it to me," Pan encouraged calmly, but not without a hinted warning, placing the wet blade flat against my skin, applying a decent amount of pressure. "I would be careful about what you choose to say."

Say the wrong thing and he will slit my throat. It seemed easy enough given the number of near-death experiences Pan has put me through, but there was something unsettling about even thinking back to that exact moment. It was so unlike Pan that I should have seen it there and then as it was happening. I had walked blindly into his trap, while he had formed a perfectly set out plan, one that would lure Emily to him without him having to put any effort in at all.

"You knew she would be there to see it," I confronted, analyzing the very moment, "You were ready to kill could have let me fall from that could have used your magic to save yourself but you chose not to..." I trailed off finding Pan's observing gaze, "...why?"

His flat expression changed shamelessly to a daring grin, giving me my answer.

"You wanted her to see."

"Everyone needs a little deceiving to do anything that desperate. I knew she wouldn't go through with her hopeless deal if I had left you to die."

Pan scoffed at the very thought, throwing around death as if it were a blunt blade in need of sharpening.

"I had to make it believable, didn't I?" Pan argued playfully, not a hint of sympathy in his darkening eyes, "Though if that deal hadn't been in place, I'm sure the ground would have caught your fall."

Swallowed thickly I remembered my legs numb, strung heavy to the ground with only the faintest tingling of my muscles trying to fight back. The rest of my body had remained still in excruciating pain. I had been fixed on Pan who had stood up from the ground unfazed by the fall, staring down heedlessly at me with cold eyes.

"She's ready to confront that demon in her head, all she needed was a little push, a loss of hope to put her trust in me. How else would she willingly chose to go through a dream sequence if it wasn't the only way-"

"-to lead her to her death," I finished digging my nails back into their marked crescents.

I shivered as the dagger ran off from under my chin.

"That's up to her."

Pan pulled the dagger back to his side, making his way to the open door, leaving me one last glance before disappearing from where he stood. I lifted myself from the wall, slowly approaching Emily's sleeping state while bringing my clothed sleeve to my chin, wiping the blood that had smeared there. I ignored my throbbing muscles, coming to a stop before the bed, careful to keep my distance.

My shoulders sunk, my features falling over the faintest breaths that left her parted lips. Her hand flinched from where it had been lying still, the smallest movements in her fingers allowed an unsteady sigh to of relief to escape into the silent room, lying so still, it did almost seem as though she wasn't alive. Her expression twisted, brows pressed together as her chest fell with uneven breaths. I hesitantly took a few steps back and she stirred calmly.

All I could do was wait until she wakes up which left only one thought circling my mind.

What was I supposed to do if Emily wakes up and it's her...

Emily's POV

"Emily...wake up."

"Your time is almost up to choose."

I shuddered, turning miserably to avoid the snake-like whispering that proceeded to swerve in and out of my ears. The voice was louder than I remembered it inside my head, as though she was by my side.

That horrifying thought allowed me to come to my senses. Though tempted to pull myself awake and see if she really was waiting beside me, a deadly sting kept my eyes sealed. A fire lit, burning flames beneath my closed lids leaving tears to forcibly slip down my skin. The thick lines dried off course leaving behind a salted path as powerful winds wiped them clean across my cheeks. I waited for this blazing sting to pass, shutting my eyes tightly and letting the final stray tears fall.

I remembered it so clearly as though my eyes hadn't closed at all...walking on the surface of the water, waves crashing around my legs the closer I reached the giant falling sun, stepping through the doorless frame, and then...nothing. My thoughts were hazy, my eyes were burning and I had no idea where I was. But I do remember why I'm here and what I have to do. I could dread it forever, as it felt like I already had, or I could face it now.

Blinking rapidly through wet lashes, I let the light seep back in despite the strain it brought. The stream of white soon focused to a small ball of light resting still against the dark blue sky. Sitting up and rolling over, I immediately seized the flat-rock surface, the daunting voice slipping my mind completely as the forcible winds brought me forward. I stared wide-eyed down at the drop below, my hands trembling at the sharp abrupt edge that awaited a decent fall down where dagger-shaped rocks waited keenly.

Stumbling back against the flooding winds I found my movements cut short as the same fate was found on all sides of the small, thin, mountainous rock. Pulling away from the drop, I found the rest of the cliff severed more than a safe distance away, towering trees carved over the edge before me, their trunks covered in luscious green vines and thorns, running thick in the undergrowth.

"Where am I..." I mumbled breathlessly.

As though my thoughts were heard, the winds suddenly picked up, whipping me forward to the very edge I crawled from. My legs collapsed to the hard surface again, the skin scraping from my knees as blasts rushed past, sweeping my hair over my face and weakening every strength I had to hold myself back. The trees whipped violently, sucking the air and pulling the branches back pointedly into the depths of the jungle.

I wondered, letting my mind be wiped of my worst thoughts and focused curiously on the jungle swaying slowly before my eyes. I eased my stone grip, crouching on the rocked surface watching as the branches responded timidly, leaning closer. I thought I had mistaken their movements as intentional but I was proven wrong as I gradually rose to my feet, standing before the tangles of green. The branches leaned towards me, bending over the edge as I first remember seeing them, the winds following and dying down to a warm, shallow, circling breeze.

It's too easy. I wouldn't have dared to follow any kind of unnatural instinct before, but this seemed too clear to ignore. Never had I chosen to read how the trees moved around me. Maybe they hadn't before, maybe I didn't notice, but it seems even here, in the deepest part of my mind, magic remained flowing seamlessly around me. This time I could see it and understand that, for once, I had to listen to it. I had to get across and follow where it was guiding me.

I turned my back to the edge of the cliff testingly, facing the outstretched calming sea. The winds became outraged, howling in my ears and pushing my balance closer over the edge, the crackling and splitting of rocks could be heard as they dropped from where my feet had stood, falling moments later with an echoed crash. The anger only settled once I turned back to the jungle, facing the cut space between the cliff. The small mountain of rock I was stranded on seemed to only get smaller as I stared at the distance left to get across. Swallowing thickly, I found my feet retreating back, giving all the space I could manage to jump across. The winds did not protest this time which only meant I was now following their signals correctly.

A burning rush had shot through my legs, a cold splinter following up my spine as I ran at a dead sprint across the mountainous rock and leaped from the edge. Keeping my eyes ahead, my hands extended desperately to the rocked edge. I was so close, but my stomach seized, realizing sooner than I did, that I was falling. All I could muster was a breathless gasp, my eyes widening as the trees began to tower down on me, but moments before my eyes could leave the edge, a force brought me up quickly, lifting me effortlessly forward to the grass-covered edge. I knew it immediately to be the same strength that had drawn me closer to the cliff in the first place.

I was quick to grab the closest branch, gripping it tightly with shaken hands and pulling my weight further into the surrounding trees. My chest heaved in relief as I stood in the undergrowth looking back over the edge, a fit of nervous laughter overcoming me.

"I can't believe that worked," I grinned.

"Thanks," I mumbled expecting nothing in return, thinking myself stupid to communicate with a force of nature, but a soft breeze swiftly moved my hair out of my face bringing nothing but a joyous feeling to beam in my chest.

It was something I hadn't felt in quite a long time. It seemed to have been drained after all that happened since the miserable end of that test. I could only wonder how long it would last, since I knew all too well, that the test had never really been over. Only this time it was my own fault for letting it happen.

Continuing through the jungle, treading through the masses of plants and trees became easier than ever. Having minds of their own, they moved their thorn-covered branches out of the way, creating a clear make-shift path to follow. Who would have thought that getting through a jungle would actually be easy?

"If only Neverland were like this," I grumbled but my words were cut short.

The lower branches had become stiff into place, drawing closer to my sides as I set out onto the clear dirt path that disappeared on either side of the jungle. I stood on the flat ground, making no point to continue as I turned with eerie confusion both left and right. The part of the jungle I had come from couldn't be anywhere near here, but it seemed to have already made up its mind, sealing itself off, becoming so still it resembled nothing more than a crowded green wall of stone.

The breeze travelled with a soft whirl along the narrow passage, without interfering with the walls of trees standing along either side of the path, but I no longer needed its assistance. I knew exactly where I was. Following the path to the right, I set off on the narrow, twisted, winding walk. As expected, it eventually expanded, fading into the giant open space cut out from the jungle.

I stood before campus but it was unlike anything I had ever seen. The usual dark, clear-blue sky was cast over with a thick blanket of cloud, filling in every gap without a single escaping stream of light. A strange musky haze filled the open area, leaving it trapped in a deep, permanent orange dusk, with an inescapable dim light coating the clouds above which pulsated overhead with weak inconsistent flashes. The guided winds circled the outskirts of trees that had been extracted of their vibrant greens, brushing against their defensive barrier, entrapping the warm breeze inside, and moving the branches unnaturally slow. Though the line of huts remained the same, there was no one to be seen. The large area that was once lively was now abandoned and silenced of voices. The massive bonfire that sat in the heart of the space, usually roaring with high flames, was gone.

I walked tentatively across the grass, staring ahead at a hut I knew to be Will's which stood out from the rest. The door was open, creaking as it swayed, but it was too dark to see inside. I wondered if he was still in there, just as he was before I fell asleep. Maybe he could help me get out of here, I thought hopefully. I moved to take an eager step towards the hut when a splitting cry escaped the door, echoing and bouncing across the open area as though empty concreted walls had suddenly been placed to trap the sound. I froze, trembling as a cold rush was brought across my skin. Will's voice was flooding my ears, his torturing shouts growing louder, pained in distress.

"Help me! Please! Someone help!"

No...this is all in my head.

He can't be here.

"Emily, please! Hurry!"

The thudding in my head eased as I closed my eyes to block out the screams. I searched my mind, trying to find something that would put a stop to Will's calls. Eventually, I found Pan's voice clear, his instructions coming back to me instantly.

"This will all be happening inside your head which means it will be up to you to get yourself out and wake up..."

"You're not here," I mumbled to myself, turning away from the line of huts.

I heard the door slam shut and the screams had cut short. Slowly, I opened my eyes and lifted my head, but only then did my heart sink, my stomach twisting in a painful knot of nerves as I stared ahead to see her standing on the opposite side of campus.

I had seen it many times before but never had my own reflection looked so real. She stared back, most of her features covered by swaying strands of tangled hair. Her eyes were open wide, lightened in their most unnatural fiery glow. Her arms, resting by her sides, were almost entirely covered now with black branch-like veins, carrying across her skin, traveling to the tips of her fingers up to a very noticeable darkened streak across her face.

A conniving smile was brought to her lips as she set on a direct path to me, her bare feet treading the ground as though she possessed everything she touched. The wind had remained somewhat calm until she began her strides forward, their movements now chaotic, brushing the surrounding trees together, creating a storm of their own.

My face fell once I realised that the help I had received before was not for me. It was not for my benefit at all. It had been kindly leading me on a blinded her.

She bared a complacent grin, her chest rising, breathing longingly.

"Finally, our time has come."

I found myself staring, legs stiff and jaw set. Now that she was here standing before me, breathing and speaking so clearly, I couldn't deny it any longer. I had to get rid of her forever. The only problem was...I had no idea how. There was no way for me to know how to put up any defense here. The times I had seen her before were different. It was as if she wasn't really there, nothing more than a shadow stripped from my back to follow me around, lurking and waiting for an opportunity to strike, and now she's finally got it.

It only dawned on me, a weighing, dreadful feeling of what was going to come that I couldn't possibly be ready for. I could hardly stop her before, I let her in easily, let her manipulate my thoughts which was enough for her to lure me to find her. She's in control here, so how could I possibly do this? How could I defeat her? How could I get back?

"The answer you're seeking is quite a simple one."

My face fell and hers rose.

"Yes, I can read your thoughts much clearer here. Now that you've found me, I no longer need to waste pitied time chasing after you. Feeding off illusions could only work for so long, especially when your mind could easily be trailed off by others," She said scowlingly, with such dislike her features creased before she could continue calmly, "but I knew it was only a matter of time before you would give in."

My mouth had run dry but I forcefully parted my lips, finally gathering the courage to speak.

"You asked me to come here. Now that I am, what do you want from me?"

A grin spread on her face, her eyes glinting.

"It's time for you to do as you were always meant to...for both of us to become the same body."

The winds held no disturbance against her words, but I could hardly settle on them as I had already made up my mind long before. The only problem now was testing her limits here, with this world on her side.

"What if I refuse?"

A light, coiling chuckle left her lips, "You see, I'm afraid you still don't understand. We are one and the same, which means neither one of us can go back ourselves," Her features softened though her eyes glowed eagerly, her voice lacing with empathy I knew all too well to be believed, "Once we are together, you won't have to be afraid ever again, we will be strong unlike ever before, and you will finally be able to get what you leave this island."

My eyes widened and my stomach gave a horrible lurch. She knew that I wanted nothing more than to leave Neverland, to escape this nightmare. I had come close in the past but I was misled for the wrong reasons and she is no different. I clenched my fists, gritting down on my teeth as I stared at my reflection with utmost hatred. I won't fall for it again. I'm not making that same mistake again.

She may be strong but thanks to her, I have been able to see her exactly for what she is. I was afraid of her, terrified of what she showed me, but those visions allowed me to see what she really wanted. What she says was no doubt true, we would be strong, I would never be afraid I understood that was what scared me most, to not feel anything, to have my worst thoughts take over. If I allowed her to, I wouldn't be able to turn back, not with the strength she has now. Still, that wasn't enough for her to do as she wished. She craves power. I know she needs me in order to use it and get the revenge she so desperately wants. She needs me to give up everything so she can get back and take over. I wasn't going to let her.

"We may look the same, but you don't know me at all. If you think I'm going to fall for that, you should try a little harder," I growled, feeling my shaken legs stand firmly against the ground, the rustle of grass prickling at my ankles.

Her grin disappeared, her glowing eyes narrowing as a dangerous look set over her face.

"I have been patient with you, yet it doesn't seem to be enough." She managed herself collectively, though the threat that followed was poorly concealed. "That doesn't matter now. See, I needed you to come here willingly. Now that you have, I don't need to play so nicely anymore."

I expected this. She hadn't taken lightly to my refusal in the past. The only difference now is I have nowhere to run, no one to help, and more than a lifetime to spend here if I don't figure out how to get rid of her.

"If you challenge me, you'll regret it," She warned. "This is not a test you're going to win."

I've managed to get through enough tests alive so far, this is just one I needed to finish.

Her lips pursed as I made no effort to back down.

"I know why you're really here."

"Then you know I won't leave until one of us is dead."

Her words remained ringing in my ears, faintly humming as I tried to grasp what they meant.


I was brought back by a loud cackling laugh, my attention lifting from the ground, meeting her amused glowing eyes.

"I never said I needed you alive," She grinned, as though it were so obviously hinted.

A sudden wash of silver poured at her hand. Blinding for a moment, the flicker dimmed, an enchanting sword appearing in her grip. Her fixed gaze kept an intent watch over me, not daring to break away as she waited expectedly. She seemed consciously aware of summoning the sword out thin air since the grin never swept from her curling lips. That couldn't mask the vicious turn to her glowing eyes which widened, never blinking as the pair glared at me.

Hesitantly, I skidded my foot back along the grass, finding my second retrieved step halted as a blinding light engulfed my hand, flickering faintly before a cold, weighted silver sword dropped itself against the palm of my hand. I lifted the weapon, staring cautiously between the two that mirrored each other.

"Yes, unfortunately, this world insists on making our chances even," My voice caught my ears though the words were not spoken from my mouth as my lips were sealed shut. "Still, I'd like to see how long you'll last."

There wasn't a wasted moment as she pelted forward having glided the distance between us in no more than a second. I had drawn my arms forward instinctively, catching her raised sword which collided abruptly against my own. The quick chiming and scraping of thin metal dominated over the howling winds as her harsh hits were cleanly delivered, tearing down and twisting around until my wrist throbbed and I was forced to stumble back.

"I must say," She started calmly, her breaths steady, "I was expecting you to try a little harder."

My own words felt like a slap across the face coming from her lips. My trembling hand eased as I gripped the handle firmly. Holding it steady, I glared her down, rolling the sword through the air, feeling the weight of the blade swing around with ease. I hadn't duelled in a while, but it was coming back easily. For once, I was grateful for the countless training sessions I endured. It was time to finally use the skills I was taught. I couldn't lie. I wanted this. I wanted to hurt her. I wanted her to feel exactly as I felt.

"That's it," She encouraged darkly, "Let the anger course inside you."

I lunged towards her, ready this time. I brought my sword down against her defensive block, advancing quickly to her side, pushing her back, and striking one hit after the other. My chest heaved as I carved at the air between us, the clashing of silver splitting across the open area. I groaned as I carried the blade forcefully against hers, the twin set colliding and holding until she skidded back against the burnt-orange grass, kicking up dust from the ground. She drew a quick easy breath, a smirk now on her face while I panted, nostrils flared, and fingers tingling around the cool silver metal.

"That's more like it."

A flare erupted in her eyes, glowing vibrantly as though flames were moving inside them. I stared deeply into their trance-like state, having them so close made them harder to avoid. I couldn't afford to lose focus now. She took advantage of this distraction, circling her sword and darting towards me so fast I could only catch a glimpse of a sharp, white flash before my eyes. A burning sting slashed down the underside of my forearm, wounding my fighting hand.

I wasn't sure how bad it was, I had no time to stop and see the damage as another untimely strike had thankfully hit my blade rather than slicing back into my skin. Our blades locked for a second, a defining chime filling the air between us, before I scraped them up and apart, instantly pushing my body weight forward, getting in a few strikes - one of which I noticed catch her by surprise. She recovered from the unexpected hit that had drawn upwards and fended off to the side of her face, but a sequence had already been prepared carefully in my head by the time she directed her attention back to my blade.

I advanced quickly, both hands clasped around the handle steadily as I delivered three strikes, drawing back for a second to seize my sword up, and working with rushed breaths to deliver two more, the last trapping her own. It was enough to clear some distance between us so neither could make another unpredictable move. My eyes widened as I noticed her sword almost slipping from her grip as she staggered back, feet grazing the dirt. Ignoring the tightening swelling in my chest, I watched anxiously as her head lifted.

Her once mocking expression now twisted maliciously. Forming on her pale face, where the very ends of the black tree-like veins disappeared into her skin, marked a visible cut on her cheek, resting right below her right eye. The thin red line began to split, droplets of blood running slowly down the side of her face.

"You know," She began lightly, ignoring the red lines staining the underside of her neck, "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and I am rather...disappointed that it has turned out this way."

I watched her cast the sword away, the clunk of metal falling to the ground a distance from her feet. I straightened up uneasily, my arms sinking to my sides as my own sword suddenly lost its valuable shine, its lightweight blade now heavy, eager to join its other.

"As entertaining as this petty swordplay is, I would rather see how well you can fight against something a little more exciting."

My sword, becoming useless as the other rest aside, left me defenseless no matter how hard I clutched the handle.

"Don't worry. You've faced this before, remember?" She comforted darkly, wiping the blood on the back on her hand, "But you couldn't get too, not when your dear friend lay dead at my feet. You ran away instead, leaving him to burn alive."

It felt as though someone had wrapped a hand around my lungs and squeezed until I could no longer draw another breath.

"Tell me, would you like to die the same way?"

My answer was not needed. It wouldn't matter if I said something or nothing at all. She won't see it any different as she had already decided, extending her arms out from her sides, the black-pulsing veins clear to her hands which gestured forward curtly. A blazing wave of fire caught the grass alight, moving furiously at her feet, the flames dancing around her excitedly, waiting for a command to destroy anything in their path. Breathing as she did, the tips of white light began rising and falling together.

My legs, now constricting to stone, left helpless thoughts to wonder my mind. The warmth of my own body seemed to be drained leaving instead a cool stream of ice-cold water to running down my spine.

"This can't be happening again...not again," I mumbled.

This was just a dream, a nightmare. I had seen those flames before. They burnt their path to ash and smoke, their flames did not hurt, they were cold. I just had to wait. Someone will come. This will stop, it will all stop, she will be gone...and I will wake up.

"These thoughts!" She spat outraged, her face twisting in disgust, the flames rising in anger. "A pathetic cry for help! That's all you've ever done, wait for someone to save your own skin!"

Storming closer with clenched teeth she brought with her an army of fire.

"It will only bring you down and I will take pleasure in using it to kill you."

A harsh jerk of her arm sent a tidal wave across the grass to my side, running along with the outer trees of campus, the bright yellow flames moved in around my other side, drawing together a tight wall of fire that swept with the winds. Closing in from one side, a slither of flame detached itself from the rest, burning the grass and leaving a thick trail of smoke after it. Turning too late, the creeping blaze brushed the back of my legs, singeing the skin. Stumbling forward, my voice became thick as I let out a pained cry.

Will's POV

Quickly rising to my feet, I pushed off the bamboo-lined wall. The scream that left her lips cut through the long silence of the hut, splitting through the air and escaping me from my thoughts. Rushing to the edge of the bed, still keeping a foot away I watched over her with furrowed brows. A layer of sweat coated her skin, her features creased, straining in pain, while her arms and legs jolted. Incoherent mumbles broke past her sharp breaths.

I had no idea what she was facing but she shouldn't be moving at all. The dream sequence should have left her paralysed in sleep. It was as if she was trying to wake herself up.

I unknowingly moved towards her as I noticed a flicker of light shining behind her closed eyes. Her arms trembled by her sides, her head tilting frantically before another agonizing cry filled the room. Letting out a shaken breath, I hesitantly reached for her arm, hovering helplessly over her hand, knowing that any kind of disturbance would worsen her chances of waking up and might even keep her there for good.

Pan appeared not a second later, his eyes turning from her distressed movements to me with glowering eyes. Having seen instantly where I stood, his hand rushed out in front of him, his magic casting me aside to the opposite wall without breaking his stride. He looked down at her, his face impassive, though I could see he too knew something was wrong.

"What's happening to her?" I asked hastily, holding my hand to the back of my head and pushing off the wall angrily.

Pan stared down fixedly at her, ignoring me.

"What did you do," I accused as he refused to speak.

"It's whatever she's doing that's more concerning," Pan said casting me a glare.

There wasn't any sign of her calming down.

"Get her out of there," I demanded while staring at her shuddering body.

"I can't help her and I don't want to," Pan said dismissively with an irritated sigh, as though this was a waste of his time. "She's not going to wake up until what's keeping her there is gone. She's the only one that can help herself."

"You put her up to this in the first place!" I said through gritted teeth.

"I wouldn't have had to waste my time if she had finished that test properly in the first place," Pan argued simply, his features indifferent, "She should really be dead for bringing that thing through the boundary with her."

"You-" I started but Pan appeared before my eyes, jaw set and green eyes glaring down on me.

"You," He said tilting his head, "...should keep a dagger in hand, just in case someone you don't know so well wakes up and is not so friendly anymore."

And with that he disappeared again, this time vanishing completely from the hut leaving me fuming with clenched fists. Swearing under my breath I turned back to Emily noticing my voice suddenly silent against the quiet of the small hut. Still moving ever so slightly, her shouts had stopped but she was still in distress, sweating through her clothes and shutting her eyes tightly.

Emily's POV

I wasn't sure if the circling flames had engulfed the entire area of campus by now. Trapped inside, my eyes welled from the flaring heat. Slashes of fire burned across any open surface of my skin, the snake-like whips persisting to strike without warning. My breaths were strained as the air became thin and hot, the thin material of my clothes threatening to catch alight.

"Stop!" I screamed.

Dragging my knees on the small circle of glass left, I lifted my head to see her in the distance, standing within the wall of flames unharmed, her arms holding leashes of fire. Angered tears fell from my eyes, burning down my skin. Reaching shakily to my feet, my skin continued to throb, having turned bright red, shinning where the skin seared away but I ignored the burns and faced her nonetheless, trying to breathe, waiting for her to see that I was still willing to fight, that she was wrong and not yet defeated. And she did, with a smirk on her face she lifted her arms before her, bringing them down quickly causing the ropes of flames to become darkened patches of grass. The walls broke apart, splitting down the middle of both of my sides letting in soothing cold winds to wrap around my body.

Trembling in shock, I stayed put, hoping it would be enough time to relieve my suffocating lungs before she closed the walls of flames back around us. This granted time, however, was on her side - this whole place was. But it's all I have. Hoping that someone would come and help me, and take me away from this nightmare was useless. I hated to admit it, but she was right. I couldn't afford to think that way before, as it had never led me anywhere in the past and it certainly wasn't going to help me get out of here alive. I had to remember how it always had been, to survive on my own, to be left alone in a world that took every opportunity to bring me down. The island was no different...this was no different. I needed to save myself. And if she was a part of me, then I needed to save myself from her too.

A sword wasn't going to help me against the power she has. My refusal to believe anything else could work goes beyond reason, but this, this was my only option. If I could try, I would rather see than suffer burning alive in those flames again. She had said it herself...this world insists on making our chances even. I thought it was useless, pointless to even try such a thing but I shut my eyes, breathing in a shaken breath then a second with ease. I could no longer see her, she seemed wiped from my mind for a moment, and that was what I needed.

A blinding flash was brought down from the thick clouds above, their uneven beams of light disappearing as a bolt of lightning hit the ground before us. A rip through the air followed a second later as a booming, deafening crack echoed throughout the area. Having flinched, I shortly let my arm fall, uncovering my eyes which set on a black scorch mark where the bolt hit the now flattened, dinted ground. Crumbled chunks of dirt and grass lay alight in small natural flames.

"Oh, you silly girl! Don't you know, lighting only creates more fire!" She cackled ruthlessly.

I glared at her, a rush of anger taking over my emotions before I could understand what I had done and another flash of blinding white light shot across the sky above us. Her laughter eased as the bolts kept their distance from the ground, knotting in and out of the clouds above. Though she still seemed carelessly confident with the flames at her back, I could only stare up at the sky in horror.

"Why are you so surprised?" She hummed, a smirk set on her face. "Of course you know how to use my power, we are the same person after all."

I stared at her unable to understand how it was possible, causing an amused light chuckle to escape her lips.

"You should know by now, a storm is best at its worst."

Her play on words caused a strange unsettling feeling to sink in my stomach. I had heard her clearly yet my own voice still sounded muffled as I repeated it in my head. There was a meaning behind those words that caught me off guard. She knew something I didn't...something I should have known all along. Staring at the implied glint in her glowing eyes I found my creased features easing.

"It was you...this whole time."


Her expression changed to a somewhat impressed look but she continued unfazed, knowingly expecting this result.

"You have been using it this whole time, you just never knew it. I wondered how long it would long I would have to wait until you developed this gift..." Her expression hardened to the same dislike she had shown before, "...but you found distractions which made it harder for you to focus. They led you away from the path I needed you to follow, and so I seized an opportunity...a challenge to test your strength and allow you to see what you could become up close."

"My darkest fear..."

"Exactly. By seeing me, I knew you wouldn't be able to forget. You, of course, did not realise at the time what you had done, bringing me through the barrier was only the beginning to the path I have set you on, which meant all I had to do was wait, and here we are now."

It was hard to let this sink in. A part of me wasn't sure I should believe it at all but the rest knew this was all true.

"You can't deny me any longer, you must see what you have already done."

The orange glow of her eyes brightened as they remained locked with mine.

"The crystal...the lightning storm...the you really think this was all just a coincidence? Tell me, how is it that Pan knows all of his island, but all that you have done and caused have been out of his control?"

"I didn't know what I was doing. That wasn't me..." I thought out loud, my eyes shifting to the burnt scorch mark between us, the cracking of lighting overhead becoming louder, though still remaining in the clouds, preventing the bolts from striking the ground as I wished them not to.

"You're right, it wasn't you, it was me. Without you knowing, those little slips opened an unknown part of you which allowed you to take control of it - you could get a feel of the power you can withhold..."

She spoke with a strong desire - an excitement that now disappeared as I looked up to face my reflection.

"All of which you could have had if you had not been so weak," She spat, her voice lowering with a wave of anger I knew she had been trying to hold back, "You fear it! Such power I can give you and you can't even use it."

"Every moment of time I spent using it I was fighting for my life! I had almost died each time and nearly killed those around me who were trying to help!"

"Which is why you don't deserve to go back. You run from it when it could help you become so much more than you are. The best part is you don't even know why this has happened."

Lifting her arms she brought the wall of flames circling back around us, her anger now fueling the fire around her to turn, the winds helping to moving the circle if fire so that we were both trapped inside. My throat closed up again, short breaths leaving my parted lips. There was nowhere to run, nothing I could do but focus. The storm had grown, generating the same power as the flames. Thunder split the hot air, crackling within the thick clouds above while distant low rumbles fought between each strike of lightning.

I turned away from the small spot of visible clouds falling down the tunnel of fire to glare at the flaming ropes that now formed back in her hands, the ends slithering along the burnt grass. My fists curled as my own voice lingered in my head. I wasn't weak. If she can't see that then I just have to prove it to her.

I watched the ropes of fire carefully as they reached the small flames within the ruble, sliding through them and almost reaching my feet. Keeping my ground, I concentrated on the scorched grass where the ropes - having minds of their own - seemed to have become attracted to the natural light. Having found my target, a tingling sensation filled my hands, a spitfire sparking in my fingertips as I stared at them, ignoring my reflection completely.

A blast of white light hit the ground bringing with it a deafening crack. I kept my eyes open, wanting to witness exactly what was about to happen as a bolt struck the ground, the stream of sizzling light split in all directions. Tackling a rope each, the force of nature broke apart the line leaving small harmless and uncontrolled flames within the growing rubble.

It didn't seem fulfilling enough to stop there. A giant surge of energy had erupted from my chest, a new feeling of control I had never felt before swelled, allowing me to forget about the burns from earlier. The surrounding walls of fire did not seem so intimidating anymore. All it took was another thought, a need to cause her pain, for her to know exactly what it felt like to hurt, for a flash to erupt from the clouds once again.

The lighting cast down suddenly, a loud rip echoing through the air as the bolts landed right before her eyes causing an explosion against the ground. Clumps of dirt had tumbled out of the dinted ground, some flying into the wall of flames that had now stopped circling around us. I couldn't help but grin as I watched her stumble backward, her glowing eyes finding mine while her expression contained both hatred and surprise.

I approached her, moving away from the wave of flames that broke apart from the falling walls. Another white flash set over my head, a bolt now reaching her feet. The flash was so bright the red and orange flames cowered away; losing their height as they fell. I could no longer see her but it was my own screams that made me stop in my tracks. The flash of light subsided, my eyes widening to see her on the ground, her body trembling. The feeling was gone, washed from my chest as though the whole of campus had suddenly been doused in water leaving behind a sickening turn.

Will's voice filled my ears, his words clear as I remember them to be before I ended up here. His reassuring last glance and his voice in a soft whisper all clouded the thoughts that had taken over.

"Don't give her any reason to change you..."

This was it.

This is what she wanted all along...for me to become her.

Relaxing my curled fists the rumbles of thunder silenced, the uneven flashing clouds returning. The sky was open at last brining in the cooling winds while the wave of flames remained behind her, slowly extinguishing.

Without knowing, I had done exactly what I tried to prevent. If I were to kill her, no matter how much I wanted to...I would be no better than she is. My face fell as I finally understood what I should have accepted from the beginning. She's my worst self yet I can't destroy her. If our chances really are even, then there can't just be one or the other but a balance between the two.

A roar of laughter echoed the open area. Bringing me out of my thoughts, I watched her stand to her feet, a manic grin on her face.

"That is what makes you weak."

My face fell as I stared at her chest where a fiery glow emitted brightly, the very centre casting a smaller circle of light. She seemed unaware that I had noticed anything different as she continued towards me, bringing the last remaining fire with her.

I had seen it before in the visions, a blinding light I could never reach. Only now, looking directly into her eyes, could I trace it all together...the source of her power. The flames, burning hotter than ever, stood burning before my feet. She grabbed a fist full of my shirt pushing me down to the ground, glaring down at me with the same fire in her eyes. I glanced at the flames avoiding the stream of light coming from her chest in case she noticed I could see. I needed once chance to get it and destroy it.

"Are you ready?" She asked with a deadly grin on her face.

I simply stared back knowing exactly what she was intending to do. I waited, my pulse thudding loudly in my head as I watched her draw her hand up, extending it back, the flames rising in a final wave, waiting for her call to end my life.

Before she could move her hand, I shot up, grabbed hold of the light source and pulled it from her. I stood back expecting a wave of flames to come crashing down but instead, they vanished. The violent winds had come to an abrupt stop leaving the usual warm breeze to carry through campus. I furrowed my brows, confusion overriding everything else as I stared at her expression which turned from anger to a pleased smirk.


I followed her eyes to the light source, my eyes relaxing over a large, round, stone necklace that rested heavily in my hand. My fingers were shaking around it as I stared at the firey light now resting inside the impressive stone. A number of thin, unharmed cracks were sealed around it. Unknown symbols circled the frame that held it in place, ones I couldn't understand but remember clearly to have a similar appearance to those I saw Baelfire recording in his notebook from the cave walls.

"What happened?" I mumbled breathlessly. "What did you do?"

Her glowing eyes had returned to my soft light brown as she turned away from the stone.

"Me? It's you that has finally done what I asked."

"What are you talking about."

There was a pleasant look on her face that was completely unexpected.

"I knew you wouldn't ever become me. Now I don't need to force you to because this will do all the work for me," she cast a glance to the stone with a wicked grin, "I don't have to worry about containing it anymore now that you have made this so much easier."

"What is that?"

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Her eyes reflected the light in the stone as though they were still glowing. "You'll find out soon enough."

There was a look of utmost satisfaction on her face, a glint in her eyes that made me think this is what she had been hoping for...this is what she had been planning from the very beginning.

"You will find it eventually by mistake in the future. You'll do it to yourself."

The stone began to glow as brightly as it did before it revealed itself in my hand, a faint ringing filled the air and it disappearing completely, leaving my fingers to touch the air hesitantly.

"Where did it go?" I asked quickly.

"It's hidden for now, but don't worry, you're now linked with it. You will find your way to it soon enough."

I stared horridly at my burnt hand that was still tentatively falling to my side.

"What have I done," I whispered.

She let out a dark chuckle having caught every word.

"You have just awakened it...the sempiternal stone."

I stared at the roof of my hut, blinking slowly at the bamboo-lined roof for a moment before shooting up in a sitting position, breathing raggedly. I watched Will run toward the bed from the corner of my eye but Pan had appeared in the hut making me flinch. I turned to find his eyes staring intently, his hand holding Will back cautiously, grabbing hold of the dagger in his hand and bringing the blade swiftly to my neck.

"Emily?" Will said behind Pan's shoulder, his voice wary.

"Yeah?" I replied slowly, watchful of the blade under my chin.

Pan had drawn closer, his face before mine, green eyes attentive as they still held their gaze.

"She's gone?" Pan asked immediately.


I stared at the wooden floors as Pan moved away, seemingly confident in believing my answer as he left the hut.

Will's POV

Pan left but I still found myself unable to move as I stared at her shaken expression. Her hands rubbed the skin along her arms carefully, a relieved look finally settling and the colour flooded her pale face.

I waited as I said I would...until she stopped glancing at her hand and clutching the air unknowingly...until she could breathe calmly and look up to me with a faint smile...until she mumbled the first words she had spoken that evening, barely in a whisper, thanking me for staying with her. I waited until I got her back, and once I did, thoughts I had pushed back since this morning before all of this started, came back in an instant.

Baelfire's long explanation of secrets had taken its toll. I could no longer keep it to myself. I had awaited his instructions, making sure to follow them precisely as he had given them, and now I had to share it with Emily, Ethan, and Ben.

This was it.

This is what I have been waiting for.

It's finally time.


Hi everyone!

It's been a long time! How are you?

I'm finally back! I needed a bit of a break to relax over the holiday period, and to get away from social media a bit (highly recommend btw). I hadn't stopped writing completely but did a bit every now and then since I have been busy with everyday life things. Thank you so much for waiting so long, and I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time! I know that can be really frustrating as a reader but trust me, nothing is more frustrating than getting writer's block -.-

A little about this chapter...

Alright, so, I have been planning this chapter and moment since the dark ages and now it's finally here. This was quite a building and tipping point for TBFN so I wanted to be happy with it before I let you guys read it. I envisioned details within this chapter so vividly and had to make sure it was all there, which meant that a lot of rewrites and changes were needed. I'm kinda proud of this chapter so I really hope it was clear to read!

About the oncoming chapters!

You might have noticed the last chapters have contained a lot of detail, it's been quite serious, and we have seen a lot of Emily, Pan and Will's perspectives with their shared conflicts. In the next leading chapters, you will see the four (Emily, Will, Ben, and Ethan) interacting together a lot more, kind of like old times, which I honestly missed writing.

If you have any questions ask away! Messages are welcomed as well!

I'd love to know any theories you have. You never know, you could be on the right track O.o

Anyway, again, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next chapter!

- zimbardo


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