They Don't Know You Like I Do...

By ashleii_leii

35.4K 1K 536

They want to tell me what's right, what's wrong, what's black, and what's white..... but they don't know you... More

1) I Will Name You Yiying
3) Lan Clan of Gusu's 3000 Rules
4) The Boy With a Broken Finger
5) Mom, Dad, I Have a Secret
6) Xue Yang's Adoption
Kind of an Author's Note Not Really lol
7) Someone You Really Miss
9)A Lecture in Gusu
10) A Present From An Old Friend
11) You Don't Know Him
Author's Note
12) Better Left Unsaid
Author's Note
Quick Question

2) Xiao Ying Must Leave the Mountain

3.2K 103 72
By ashleii_leii

Five years have passed and Xiao Ying has grown into a cheerful little child. She had come to learn that all her older brothers and sisters were like her, abandoned and left without parents. Never once did she mind it though, she felt blessed to have as many older siblings as she did. Throughout the years she grew closest to Xiao Xingchen. The two would go everywhere and do everything together. The older boy always remembering to care for the little girl as if she was the most delicate feather.

As lessons ended for the day, Xingchen got up to put his books away and Yiying followed. "Gege will you go with me out to see butterflies?"

"Of course I will go with you. Why would I not?"The little girl giggled and gave him a big hug.

The two walked outside and saw a man with several senior disciples all dressed in light blue with cloud headbands being led by a Celestial Mountain disciple towards Heaven room where Baoshan Sanren was. "I wonder what they are doing here?" Xingchen said to himself.

"Gege who are they?"

"Gusu Lan Clan. They come from far away."

"Oh. I don't know who that is but they have very pretty headbands." Xingchen simply smiled at the young girl and continued on towards the farther side of the mountain.
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Lan Qiren, the sect leader of Lan Clan along with ten senior disciples arrived at the entrance of Celestial Mountain and are let in and led to Heaven Room. They walk past a young boy and girl who are on their way towards the far side of the mountain. The group greets Baoshan Sanren with a unified bow.

"Baoshan Sanren, I believe you have received my letter."

"Yes, I did Sect Leader Lan."

"I'm here today to pick up my niece and take her back to Cloud Recesses."

"I understand that you want to take her to the home of her father, but I'm not sure if she will be willing to leave. I do not want her to leave as much as the rest of my children, they all have a very strong bond, but it would be rude of me to make such a decision. Please, let's leave the decision up to her."

"I understand, but I want to take her home. Let her see where her mother grew up and visit her father's home. I want her to be in contact with the outside world."

"Forgive me if this is rude but how do you know for sure that my disciple is a missing disciple from your clan? Let alone your direct blood-related niece?"

"A bracelet. If she has the bracelet, I can prove it is her, and I can prove myself. If I am wrong, then I truly apologize for wasting your time, but I can not be wrong."

"How did you even know? How did you find us?"

"About a month ago, Lan Clan's disciples were night hunting around this area and found a dirty Lan Clan headband buried under leaves and dirt. It had blood on it meaning the said disciple wearing it would most likely be injured or deceased. The latter was more of a realistic thought as no Lan Clan disciples had been in the area since five years ago when Wen Clan members were trying to kill my sister and her husband. The two ran this way to get as far as possible but they caught up and killed them. Before being killed, they hid the baby. I didn't know where, but I knew she wasn't dead. The headband that was retrieved was my sister's. I know it was hers because her name was embroidered onto the back of it, all this leads to my theory I have. I would like to see if this disciple of yours is my niece."

"As I said, we will leave the decision up to her."

"Baoshan Sanren, I beg of you, if she is family, let the child go home with me. Her senior brothers only saw her once before losing her on that tragic day. Please help convince her."

She simply looked at the man before having all the disciples gathered into the Heaven Room.

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Once they arrived, the duo began to run around, playing with the butterflies and enjoying their time together. They continued to play until they were tired and sat down in the shade under a big blossom tree. "Gege?"

"Yes, Xiao Ying?"

"Do you ever wonder about what life would be if we all had parents and didn't live with Baoshan Sanren?"

"I used to when I was younger, but once I got older, I realized that those thoughts wouldn't actually happen and just enjoyed having all the siblings here on the mountain. Why? Do you wonder?"

"Not really. I more so wonder about who my parents are rather than if they were here. I just wonder who my parents are and why they left me. But I don't want to live anywhere else than here on Celestial Mountain. I like having lots of senior sisters and brothers. It isn't lonely because we are all together."

"I like it here too. I also like it here because I get to take care of you. I never really talked to the others before you arrived. I was too shy and scared to talk to anyone, but when you came you only wanted to play with me, and I appreciate that."

"You are the best 师兄(senior brother) anyone could ask for!"

"And you are the best 妹妹 (younger sister) anyone could ask for. Let's play a little more before you have to go to bed. If we play more you will be more tired and go to sleep faster."

As the two got up and continued to chase the butterflies, another disciple rushed towards them.

"Xingchen, Baoshan Sanren wants all disciples to report to Heaven room immediately."

"We'll be right there." Yiying jumped onto Xingchen's back for a piggyback ride as they hurried towards Heaven Room.

Upon arrival, Xingchen lowered his body so Yiying could safely land on the floor. They held in their giggles as they entered the room and went to their respective standing positions. Lan Clan stood in two straight lines in the center of the room with Lan Qiren standing in between the two neat lines in the front.

"Now that everyone is here, please listen up. This is Lan Clan from Gusu. This is Sect Leader Lan." said Baoshan Sanren. "Xiao Ying, please step up to the front."

Am I in trouble? I haven't done anything wrong. I looked back at Xingchen but he gave me the "don't worry, everything should be fine" look. I walked to the front of the room and stood in front of Baoshan Sanren. "Xiao Ying turn around and greet Sect Leader Lan and introduce yourself." I slowly turned around and bowed.

"Greetings Sect Leader Lan. My name is Xiao Ying, courtesy name Yiying."

"How old are you Xiao Ying?"


"Do you ever wonder who your parents are dear?"

"Why would she? Why would any of us? We have each other." said an older disciple standing in the back. (Think of Jingyi vibes lol).

"Yulan, don't interrupt Sect Leader Lan and Xiao Ying's conversation."

"Sorry Master." He said as he bowed.

"I wonder who they are sometimes, but it doesn't make me sad. If they didn't leave me on the edge of the barrier that day I wouldn't have met all my senior brothers and sisters. I like it here on Celestial Mountain."

"Did you have anything with you when you were found?"

"Um... yes I did. It was a bracelet! It's still too big for me so I keep it in my pocket." The little girl pulled out her blue and white bracelet from her pocket and showed the man in front of her.

Lan Qiren took the bracelet from her and examined it, "妹妹(younger sister), I found her," he said to himself. The Celestial Mountain disciples caught his whisper and began to whisper amongst themselves. Only Xingchen stood frozen in place, catching onto the situation, as his heart began to sink and the world felt like it was crashing down. Baoshan Sanren felt her tears begin to gather at the rim of her eyes.

The little girl, oblivious to the situation looked at the man with a tilted head and confused expression. "Sir, is something wrong? Do you not like my bracelet?"

"No dear, it is beautiful. Xiao Ying, what if I told you, I am your uncle? And that you have two senior brothers waiting back in Gusu for you to return home?"

"Home? I am home. And how could you be my uncle? No one even knows who my parents are."

"This bracelet belonged to your mother. Your father made it for her when they got married. They truly loved each other, like a prince and princess in a fairy tale."

"Well, that's nice to know that they loved each other." (This little girl isn't getting the drift y'all lol).

The man sighed, realizing he would have to tell her straight-forward. "Xiao Ying, I've come to take you home. I'm taking you back to Gusu with me. So you can go be with your senior brothers there and grow up as a Lan Clan member, to honor your mother and your father."

"But, my home is here. My home is on Celestial Mountain with Baoshan Sanren and Xingchen gege, and the rest of my senior brothers and sisters. Can't you bring those senior brothers here?"

"Xiao Ying, you know that visits to Celestial Mountain don't work like that dear, no one from the outside world should be able to enter at all." Says Baoshan Sanren from behind her. The child turned and looked at her master.


"No buts. You know the rules. No one from the outside world can enter the gates. This right here is an exception. You also know that whoever leaves can never come back. This man is your uncle, it has already been confirmed. He wants to take you home. Will you go with him to see the rest of your family?"

Xiao Ying didn't know what to do, she had just told Xingchen and everyone in the room she didn't want to leave the mountain. She doesn't understand why bringing the rest of the family once wouldn't be allowed. Xiao Ying ran to Xingchen who knew exactly what to do, he bent down to her eye level and picked her up.

"Why are you crying 妹妹?" He had asked more so to distract himself from his falling tears rather than to comfort her. The others just looked on as the pair as close as blood siblings had their moment.

"I don't want to leave the mountain! I don't want to leave Xingchen gege! I don't want to leave all my senior brothers and sisters! I want to stay here and get new junior brothers and sisters! I don't want to leave! Why can't senior brothers in Gusu just come here?! Why is the world against me?!" Xiao Ying continued to cry and sob into Xingchen's shoulder, the boy could only silently console her and stroke her hair as he let his silent tears fall.

Everyone was shocked! How could such a phrase leave her mouth? The child in Celestial Mountain who was the most cheerful and hopeful in life was breaking down in tears of despair and falling apart.

Baoshan Sanren got up from her throne and walked down towards the two. She took the crying Yiying from Xingchen's arm and turned her to face her. "My dear, I have never once forced any of my children to leave my mountain. Everyone knows that if you stay here I would be filled with such joy, joy that you don't get tired of the life here secluded from everyone else in the world. But, I think you should go with your uncle, return to your roots, see who your parents are."

"But, Baoshan Sanren, why would I sacrifice a whole family, to see two people who are no longer here to take care of me? You always taught us to keep family close, if I go, I lose all of you forever. I will never get to come back to see anyone."

Tears ran down the woman's face, "My dear, you may not understand our decisions now, but someday you will. If I could truly just keep you sheltered and locked away forever in this mountain, believe me, I would. I really would, you are an amazing little girl with so much talent, you put your mind to anything and everything you want to accomplish. I have taken care of you and loved you as my own, but that is why I must let you go. I just know that this big world will need you. This world will need you to exorcise its evil and need your fighting spirit. Which is why I have made the decision, to give you over to Lan Clan. You will go with them to live in Gusu."

"But I-"

"Remember that Baoshan Sanren is always here to help you. If you are truly in need of help, my teachings will always guide you."

"You're lying, you're lying!"

"No, I am not dear I-"

"Yes, you are! Once I step out of that gate, you will change the talisman holding up that barrier and I will never be able to find you guys ever again! Don't do this to me! Why is everyone against me!" The girl continued to cry and hiccup from how hard her sobs were. Xingchen grabbed her hand and they hurried out of the room. Lan Qiren was about to stop the boy when Baoshan Sanren spoke up "Don't. Let them leave. Xingchen has been like her blood brother since the day she arrived. He is the only person who can calm her down, he's the only person she ever wants. Let him take care of her, everyone else dismissed. Sect Leader Lan, one of my senior disciples will escort you and your students to the few guest rooms we have." The Celestial Mountain leaser was so absorbed in talking Xiao Ying into agreeing that she forgot to even pay attention to her other students in the room. As she looked upon their faces, all she saw was sadness and solemn tears. None of her disciples have ever had to part like this. The two disciples in the past left by choice, the parting still hurt but they understood that they left to benefit themselves. This one though? Baoshan Sanren was forcing a little ray of sunshine out of their lives all due to respect and the evidence that had proven she truly was a Lan Clan disciple. She could only convince herself that this was the right thing to do by repeating over and over again to herself that the world would truly need the little girl one day to save them, and that if she stayed on this mountain she wouldn't be able to go out and protect the world from its own dangers.
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Xingchen took Xiao Ying's hand and ran out of Heaven Room towards his room. As they entered he closed the door and locked it behind him. He set the little girl on his bed and bent down onto his knee to her eye level. " Xiao Ying, stop crying. Don't cry anymore, you won't feel good."

"How are you telling me not to cry when you are crying too?!" (She gotcha there Xingchen).

"I know I am crying, but that's because you're crying."

"Gege, I don't want to leave the mountain."

"Don't you want to know who your parents are?"

She shook her head. "Knowing my dead parents isn't worth leaving you and everyone and the mountain."

"I don't think Baoshan Sanren is giving you a choice meimei."

"Why can't I just stay here with you?"

"What if I make you a promise?"

Xiao Ying just sat there and stared at Xinghcen quietly debating on her options, not that she really has any.

"What if I tell you I will leave the mountain too?"

"To go with me?" she said as her eyes lit up with some hope.

"No, not today. Not right away, but what if I told you when we are older, and when the world needs help, I will leave the mountain to help? When I leave the mountain to help the world, I will also come to find you."

"But, that is so long from now. What if you forget about me?"

"I would never forget about you Xiao Ying. Have I ever broken a promise?"


"So, will you go then?"


"How about this, you go first, explore and see the outside world. When I come to find you, you can show me everything you've seen, it'll be like a little adventure just for us."

"Okay then, but, how will you find me?"

"Here, take this." He said as he handed the younger, one of his bracelets.

"But, you love this bracelet, I can't take it."

"No you silly girl, I have two remember? I'll give one to you so we can always find each other. The way these bracelets work is the closer we are to each other, the brighter it will glow. That way, I'll always know where to find you."

Xiao Ying took the bracelet out of Xingchen's hand and put it in her pocket. "The bracelet is too big for my hand right now, I will keep it safe in my pocket with the one my parents gave me." She paused before looking back at him in the eyes and putting her small pinky out to him. "You have to promise that we will meet again. If you lie, I'll tell a monster to eat your hand when you grow old enough to go night hunting!"

Xingchen chuckled at her insult while linking his pinky with hers. "I promise."

Xiao Ying smiled at him and gave him her biggest hug possible. She knew at this point that she couldn't convince anyone to let her stay on the celestial mountain, so she told herself over and over again in her head that she would go first, and Xingchen would follow. She would see the world first, and show him everything there is to see when they finally met again.

Xingchen picked her up off the bed and pulled away from the hug. "Let's go wash your face, you have tear stains."

"You do too!"

"Fine, let's go wash OUR faces."

The two broke out into a fit of giggles as they headed towards the pond.

Lan Qiren watched the two children leave towards the pond and sighed. I feel bad taking her away from her friend, but she must go home.

Once done washing up, Xingchen tucked Xiao Ying into bed and left to sleep as well.

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The Next Morning

Xiao Ying was quiet the whole morning as she packed her belongings. She would be asked a question and answer with short answers or just nod her head yes or no. 

Lan clan disciples helped carry Xiao Ying's bags as they all walked down the mountain towards the entrance to Celestial Mountain. Yiying walked beside Lan Qiren and just looked at the ground, not daring to look anyone in the eye in fear of crying. "Yiying, you will be happy in Gusu. It will take some time to warm up to as it is very different from the Celestial Mountain, but you will learn to love being with your senior brothers." The little girl just nodded her head. 

Lan clan and Celestial Mountain clan finally came upon the entryway. Lan clan bowed towards Baoshan Sanren and her disciples. "Baoshan Sanren, we shall now be on our way. Thank you for letting me take my niece home."

"Have a safe trip, please take care of her well, I've raised her as my own, I'll miss her."

Xiao Ying finally looked up from the floor, she ran to Baoshan Sanren and hugged her waist. "Master, thank you for taking care of me up until now, I think of you like the best mother any child could have. I won't be bad in my new home, I promise." 

Baoshan Sanren's tears began to fall, "I know you will do just fine dear, I've never had to worry about you. I know you will grow up well in Gusu. I will always be with you, you may not be able to return to Celestial Mountain, but I'm sure I will see you again one day, you always find a way."

Xiao Ying ran to her senior brothers and sisters giving them all hugs and saying her goodbyes as they all wept, losing someone so close. Yiying finally got to Xingchen, they looked each other in the eyes and broke down, engulfing each other in a hug. Tears fell from the two's eyes with no sign of stopping.

"Remember, you go first, I will find you," Xingchen whispered in her ear. She nodded and let go of the hug. Xiao Ying looked at her brother one last time before following Lan clan out the entryway, never to return to Celestial Mountain.   

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Wow, this was a REALLY long chapter... I'm sorry it took so long to write! I had an important essay to write and turn in before going on a trip over the weekend to Phoenix to see Stray Kids! I went to the Unlock tour and honestly it was amazing, lost my voice, still sore af from all the jumping and how crazy I was being. I will see you guys in the next chapter! Oh and just a small note, we will be seeing Xue Yang very soon! Is anyone as sad as I am that Yiying and Xingchen are parting? 

I haven't really edited this chapter so if there were any errors please excuse those :) 

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