Zootopia: Guardians

By Garrett_ZTR

71 2 0

This time speed won't be enough! Bellwether escapes from prison and Levi, Nick, and Judy must find her befor... More

Chapter 1: Cadet Wilde
Chapter 2: The Escape to Zootopia

Chapter 3: A Ram's Plan

16 1 0
By Garrett_ZTR

Previously, Cody and Maria escaped Haiyan City and found themselves in the big city of Zootopia, but they weren't the only ones making plans.

ZPD Headquarters 10:00 PM Local Time-

Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde had just signed out after a long day at the ZPD. As the two walk outside, Judy notices a dark grey van behind them. They continue walking down blocks, Judy looks behind her to see that the van was still on their tail. Judy grabs Nick's paw and they take off running. Nick is confused as to why they were running until the van accelerates and stops right in front of them. Other vehicles suddenly joined in and within seconds Nick and Judy were surrounded. Rams surge out of the vehicles with weapons drawn. In the swarm of rams, a familiar and unfriendly face shows himself.

???: It's been years since you two first showed up on my property. You didn't even give us time for a proper introduction.

Nick and Judy's jaws drop as soon as they pieced together who that ram is.

Nick: Is that Doug?

Doug: Yes it is. The last time you guys showed up, you blew up my lab and imprisoned my boss. I had to rebuild with the spare parts I had. Then, I find that you've jailed her again with the help of a "super sonic" arctic fox. Now it's payback time! Tonight I'll kill the two of you, then I shall bust Bellwether out for good. Now, say goodnight. It really is a shame your brother couldn't be here to watch you insects suffer.

Nick: Big mistake, 'cause he's right here!

The wind starts to rapidly accelerate around Nick, Judy, and the swarm of rams. When it stops, the shadow of a fox on the light pole appears through the cloud of dust.

Levi: My, that's a pretty snazzy performance there!

The rams immediately open fire on Levi Wilde, who quickly jumps off the light pole. He charges back and runs through the croud to get to Nick and Judy before Doug can do harm to them.


Nick and Judy grab onto Levi's paws. Levi then speeds away like a drag car taking off from the strip.


Dougs army of rams quickly run into their vans and speed off to follow the three. Levi holds onto Judy with one paw and Nick on the other as the rams slowly start to catch up. They fire multiple bullets and rockets, desperate to stop the three from getting away.

Nick: Rockets aren't legal, are they?

Judy: Nothing that ram does is legal!

Levi: Just hold on tight and I'll get us out of here!

Levi darts into an alley but are cut off by a vehicle driven by two hostile rams. Nick and Judy let go of Levi, who then nocks the two rams occupying the vehicle to the ground. He then cannonballs right through the car.

Levi: We won't be safe here for long. Let's move!

As Levi, Nick, and Judy quickly leave the area, a certain someone on the roof of a smaller building sat there watching their every move.

Cody: I finally found him. Levi Dash Wi-

???: -What are you doing up here?

Cody flinches and quickly looks behind him to see a small fennec fox with a very deep voice who had found him stalking the three on the roof.

Finnick: I'm going to ask again. What are you doing up here at such a late hour?

Cody: I-I'm looking for a fox named Levi! ... Oh snap...

Cody face palms and already regrets the fact that he just spilled the beans to a random civilian. Finnick raises a brow at this.

Finnick: You mean Levi Wilde? Why are looking for him?

Cody: He... had something important business he wanted to discuss.

Finnick: I know him. I can help you find him in the morning. You look like you've gone days without sleep.

Cody: I guess so...

Finnick: What's your name kid? Don't think I've seen you from around here.

Cody: My name? M-my name's Cody.

Finnick: Finnick. You'll need some rest if you want to meet Levi tomorrow. Come with me. I've got somewhere for you to get some rest.

Cody: (Who is this guy? He's just inviting me in? Just like that? This probrably isn't a good idea, but if he knows where Levi is, then I need him if I'm going to do this before time runs out.)

Finnick: (I've never seen this guy before. What does he really want with Levi? I need to keep a close eye on him to find out what he really wants.)

Meanwhile in Tundratown, Doug and the rest of his rams call off the puruit and now drove for their hideout in Tundratown. However, they were now the ones being pursued. A bunny by the name of Angelina Hopps and her partner Nicholas Shelemy were right on their tail. They stop when they come across a metal fence surrounding the hideout. The hideout was well protected with guards by every entrance and snipers watching from a distance. They even had sirens installed to alert them of intruders. Breaking in to a place like this would be suicide.

Nicholas: I was expecting a bunch of dudes with cheap security. These guys feel almost military.

Angelina: After my sister and her partner blew up Doug's previous lab and arrested his boss, he went off the rails crazy and started making creations no mammal even thought were possible. He dumped a lot of money on fixers to assist him in illegal activites and security for this joint.

Nicholas: That's... slightly terrifying. You sure you wanna go in there?

Angelina: I don't want to, but I have to. I need to find out what he's planning.

Angelina busts through the front gate and in seconds the siren sounded and security was right on her. Security takes no time for questions and immediatly open fires on the rabbit. Angelina dodges the shots fired at her and manages to disable a few fixers, but at this point she was regretting the decision to break in without a plan.

Angelina: I NEED BACKUP!!!

Nicholas: Of course you do. HOLD ON! I'M COMING!

Nicholas runs into the battle field to reunite with Angelina but now they are both now trapped.

Angelina: We need to get out of here quickly!

Nicholas: Everywhere we go there's ram!

Angelina looks off in the distance to see a possible escape route and notices one of Doug's computers in one of the vans.

Angelina: Hey, you got a thumbdrive on you?

Nicholas: I do! We did come to get info from Doug didn't we?

Angelina: Yes, and we're about to complete our objective.

Angelina rushes to the computer to retrieve the data Doug was hiding, dodging bullets and rams on her way. She plugs the thumbdrive into the computer and quickly starts to download the files off the device. It took a while, but eventually it finished. She pulls the drive out and prepares to make a run for it, but notices that all the guards had stopped firing.

Nicholas: Angie... We've got trouble.

Doug: Well, well, well. Angelina Hopps, is it? The fake rabbit created by Britton has come to steal from me. I am very dissapointed, bunny. You were created to be so much more, but I shall not allow you escape with that drive. Meet my latest creation. The "RAM Shuck".

Angelina looks up to be staring face to face at a giant, black robot ram. She is surprised that Doug built something so advanced, expensive, and dangerous. This thing was twice the size of an elephant.

Angelina: This is incredible! This is way too good even for you. Unfortunatly for you, it's getting trashed. Let's get this over with.

Angelina runs with the robotic guard ram right on her tail. While running, she looks for pissible weaknesses RAM Shuck might have. Angelina was almost caught when the machine takes a chomp at her and only missed by inches.


The RAM Shuck stops chasing her for a few seconds, giving Angelica enough time to hop on it's head. The ram runs around to try and shake her off, but it fails to dodge the brick wall she steared it into. The robot shut's down from it's damages and the building suffers major damage from impact. While everyone was distracted from the crash, Angelina and Nicholas escape with the data.

Doug: Ugh, she's almost as annoying as her sister. But I'll have this machine ready for jailbreak tomorrow. Now, where'd they go?

The guards stand there without an answer to give, as they were too distracted from the crash to see where Hopps and Shelemy went.


Angelina and Nicholas make it back downtown where they lost Doug's fixers, but they now knew they were facing an even bigger problem.

Angelina: Wow, I've never expirenced anything like that in all of my career. This even tops that first chase I did with Wilde last year.

Nicholas: Something tells me Doug's got a lot more coming and we've only seen the start of it!

Angelina: This doesn't look good at all, but we have to get this data to the ZPD if we expect to take him down!

You've reached the end of this chapter.

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