Impossible (KOTLC Sokeefe Hum...

By huntersflapjack

182K 2.1K 4.7K

Ranked #1 in Sokeefe on March 10, 2020 Sophie Foster is sort of drifting through life at her high school, Fox... More



7K 87 197
By huntersflapjack

Sorry guys! I'm so lazy and I should have posted this sooner, but here it is now! I was seeing everyone post, like, every other day, and I was like, I need to post! Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy!

The morning classes went by quickly, and Sophie was glad when it was time for lunch. Normally she sat alone, reading a book, but today she saw Dex sitting by himself so she sat by him. Less than a minute later, their table was filled by Keefe, Fitz, Biana, and a boy and a girl who Sophie assumed were twins. The girl had olive skin and her face was framed by straight black hair that was dyed silver at the tips. She was wearing a simple pale pink tunic with a pair of black leggings. The boy had the same skin tone and hair color, and his long bangs covering his face were dyed silver. He was wearing a black hoodie with the hood pulled up over his head.

"I'm Linh!" the silver-tipped girl said with a cheerful voice. "And this is my brother, Tam. He's doesn't talk to much, and tries to come off as emo, but he's really a big teddy bear." Tam glared at her, but Linh just giggled.

"Well it's nice to meet you! I'm Sophie Foster. Are you the two others that were invited to Team Valiant?"

"Yeah," Tam gruffly answered.

"So how did you find us?" Sophie asked.

"Well we were good friends with Biana in ju- I mean, we are family friends with the Vackers," Linh said, her face flushing. Tam looked like he was about to strangle Linh.

"...Okay, well, I love your hair!" Sophie said, quickly trying to change the subject to get rid of the awkward energy that just floated up.

"Oh, thanks. Tam and I melted the sliver of the huge watches that our parents gave us to get back at them. They kind of disowned us after... some stuff happened. But it's ok now. We have an amazing guardian, Tiergan."

"You mean Wylie's dad?" Dex jumped in.

"Yeah!" Linh replied. The conversation continued, getting to know Tam and Linh and exchanging stories. The lunch bell rang and it was time for History. Sophie was mentally trying to prepare herself for another excruciating lecture, but before she stepped through the doors, someone grabbed her waist and pulled her backward. Sophie almost screamed, before realizing her captor was Keefe.

"What do you want?" Sophie asked.

"Ditch with me, Foster!" Keefe exclaimed. Before Sophie could protest, he continued. "We know Bronte's just gonna give us more work, and the class is sooooo boring. Plus, we already know everything. And I need to ask you a couple of questions." Keefe winked. 

Sophie considered the pros and cons before finally agreeing. She was having a rough day and needed a break from everything, even if it was with Keefe. "Yeah, why not," Sophie replied. 

Keefe smirked. "You'll enjoy this, don't worry."

"Yeah whatever," Sophie responded rolling her eyes. "Let's go before we get caught. Lead the way." Keefe grabbed Sophie's hand, ignoring the glances that the other students were giving them. He pulled to a hallway that Sophie had never seen before and turned to the first door on the right. 

"Ladies first," Keefe offered, holding the door open for Sophie. Sophie walked in and gasped. The room was small, but it was filled with every type of sweet imaginable, and more! There was cake, cupcakes, ice cream, brownies, candy, mallowmelt, ripplepuffs, custard bursts, blitzenberry muffins... 

"What is this place?" Sophie asked Keefe.

"Welcome to the teacher's lounge," Keefe joked. Sophie rolled her eyes.

"No it's not, the teacher's lounge is a room with a copy machine, vending machine, and a few couches."

"Fiiiiine, it's my ditching room. I brought all of this and stocked it up." 

Sophie turned to Keefe with a smirk, "Someone likes sugar," she teased. Keefe blushed.

"Yeah, whatever, help yourself," Keefe replied. Sophie piled up a plate and sat down in a chair.

"So what questions do you have," Sophie asked, cutting up her mallowmelt.

"Well, I wanted to make sense of what you said yesterday- at your house?" It came out like a question and Sophie smirked again.

"What did you think I meant?" 

"I don't know... you said- you said maybe you wished..." Keefe trailed off. Sophie looked at him, encouraging him to go on. "Do you wish?" Sophie paused. She knew this was coming, she'd been preparing what she was going to say, but suddenly nothing seemed like the right words.

"I- Keefe- yes. I wish. I wish a lot," Sophie stuttered. Keefe grinned, but his eyes were sad. "What's wrong?" Sophie asked, scooting closer to him on the couch.

"Nothing, just, why?" he asked.

"Well you're hot..." Sophie said and looked over to see a grinning Keefe.

"Continue," Keefe responded, running a hand through his hair. He was so hot when he did that.

"And you're caring, even though you try to act tough. You're sensitive, you're nice, and I don't know. I mean, your Keefe Sencen. But, why do you like me?"

"Is it bad to say that I don't know? I've been attracted to you since 9th grade, but I could never figure out why. I mean, you're smart, sweet, clumsy, beautiful, and sassy."

"I think you just answered your question, Sencen," Sophie answered grinning. 

Keefe clutched his chest in mock hurt. "I thought we were on a first name basis," he said.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "You're one to talk," she replied sarcastically.

"Right, I forgot about that. I thought you were on a first name basis with me," Keefe corrected himself. Sophie facepalmed.

"Whatever Sencen. I think we need to get to class now." Sophie glanced at her watch. "Crap! The bell rings in less than a minute. We need to go!"

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