The Library Book

By unsureavenger

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In a world without demigods, Annabeth Chase has been on the waiting list to check out a book for months. As i... More

The Library Book
🔺 part one 🔻
#1 - Nice Uppercut, By the Way
#2 - You're, like, a Garden Gnome
#3 - Like Really, Really Smart
#4 - I'm Not Pining
#5 - The Phone Call
#6 - Monday Blues
#7 - Rumours
#8 - Because I'm Your Friend
#9 - Loan Sharks
#10 - Like Spiderwoman
#11 - The Unexpected Play
#12 - A Giant Teddy Bear
#13 - I Have An Announcement To Make
#14 - Love Is In The Air
#16 - Luke's Party
#17 - The Spring of Break-Ups
#18 - Exchange Students
#19 - First Date
#20 - It Was Always Percy, Wasn't It?
#21 - Dodgeball
#22 - Say Goodbye
#23 - Tastes Like Coffee
#24 - Pancake Saturday
#25 - Prom Night
🔺 part two 🔻
#26 - Homecoming
#27 - Jose Mortelli
#28 - Springing a Trap
#29 - The Careers Convention
#30 - Seven Minutes in Heaven
#31 - Three Words, Eight Letters
#32 - The Blackmailer
#33 - Playing Matchmaker
#34 - The Meaning of Family
#35 - SOS
#36 - My Future, Our Future
#37 - The Bruise
#38 - Gabe Ugliano
#39 - Buy One Divorce, Get One Free
#40 - Deck the Halls
#41 - College Applications
#42 - Court of Judgement
#43 - Miles Away
#44 - The SATs
#45 - Ivy Day
#46 - Dates and Bait
#47 - Think, Annabeth
#48 - Promposal
#49 - The Last Night
#50 - A Bittersweet Goodbye
🔺 part three 🔺
1. The Break-Up
2. The Fear
3. The Wedding
4. The Graduation
5. The End

#15 - Spring Break

8.3K 221 298
By unsureavenger

Chapter 15 - Spring Break
published: Wednesday, 1 April 2020

"This feels like that scene in High School Musical 2," Piper told Annabeth and Hazel as they took their seats at the larger table.

When she was met with raised eyebrows and puzzled looks, Piper sighed exasperatedly, "You know. When they're counting down the seconds to summer break." Without a reaction, Piper threw her hands up in the air helplessly. "My friends are uncultured."

"Well," Hazel interjected. "You'd be counting a whole lot of seconds, Piper. We have the entire day till spring break begins. Geography's the first lesson in a long day."

"And then we have exams," Annabeth moaned.

"Stop being so negative," Piper complained. "You're both killing my vibe. It's spring break. God knows I could use a holiday right now."

Annabeth's attention had been caught by something else happening by the door. Rachel Dare had just entered, only to be knocked askew by Drew, who was stalking in with a full body of nasty energy.

"I see she's got a new target," Piper murmured.

Ever since Percy and Rachel has started dating, Drew had become even more determined to get him back. She made Rachel's life absolutely miserable, attacking her in the cheerleading squad (according to Piper) and every other aspect whenever she found the opportunity to do so.

Annabeth felt sorry for her. She'd experienced the same thing mere weeks ago.

"Rachel," she called out before she could stop herself. Annabeth ignored Piper's piercing look. "Do you want to sit with us?"

"What are you doing?" Hazel whispered.

"Being nice," Annabeth murmured out of the corner of her mouth. "She's Percy's girlfriend, and one of Drew's victims. She's been through enough."

The redhead's relieved expression was enough.
"Thank you," she breathed, setting her bag down in the seat on Annabeth's left. "Drew's been a real pain in my ass."

Annabeth laughed. "Tell me about it." She gave her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry about her. We're not all like that."

Rachel smiled. "Yeah, I don't think I've really talked to you guys before. Percy told me about what happened to you once we got together," she frowned. "People can be bitches sometimes."

Annabeth grinned. "Y'know, I like you."

"Thank you," Rachel said cheerfully. "It's nice to properly get to know you. I mean, now that Percy and I are..." She gestured vaguely.

Annabeth's gaze flickered to Hazel's expression. She'd learnt how to read people over the years, and Hazel didn't seem as engaged in the conversation as Annabeth would've thought.

Then she realised that Hazel had probably been through this with a couple of other girls, considering that she'd been one of Percy's best friends for over two years now.

Hazel had to have welcomed all of his new girlfriends, and yet, none of them lasted. She probably didn't see any point in getting to know Rachel.

Hazel didn't think Rachel and Percy would last, Annabeth realised with a start.

Sending silent telepathic conversations going on, Piper restarted the conversation with a polite, "So are you going to Luke's party later?"

Rachel nodded. "I think Silena's the designated driver tonight."

That reminded Annabeth of the usual precautions she'd have to take tonight. Seeing as she had to go back home to her parents and little brothers, she never got drunk at parties, especially because she was terrified by the idea of not knowing what she might do.

"Percy always drives Frank and me," Hazel added.

"He doesn't drink?" Rachel asked in surprise. "Why?"

Obviously, her question was as innocent as an angel, but Annabeth suddenly made the connection between Gabe's drinking habits and Percy's lack thereof.

"Doesn't have a taste for alcohol," Annabeth cut in with a plastered smile. Her mind wandered back to the night Percy had a beer bottle smashed over his head.

It was to be horrible for him to be around it all the time at parties. Annabeth felt her stomach churn sickeningly. The whole situation constantly made her want to find him and protect him from the entire world.

"Silena and I were trying to decide what to wear," Rachel explained. "See, we do this dumb thing where we do coordinating outfits and take stupid pictures." She laughed. "It's weird, I know, but it makes the night more fun..."


"Hello," Percy dragged out the last vowel as he hurried to take the free seat next to Annabeth. Ever since everything had settled down, they'd been sitting together in AP Biology, pretty much the only lesson they had together without any of their other friends.

Annabeth hadn't tied up her hair today, and her free curls glinted under the rare sunlight.

"Hey," Annabeth said abruptly. "Are you coming to Luke's later?"

Percy shrugged. "Probably. I mean, everyone's going, even though Luke's kind of a dick."

That earned a snicker. "C'mon, he's not that bad."

"You're only saying that because you used to like him," Percy insisted. "He's horrible. You should hear the locker room talk — seriously, he and Sloan could make a priest cry."

"I don't like him anymore," Annabeth protested. "That was ages ago."

"You said you were basically in love with him," Percy corrected.

"I wasn't," Annabeth said embarrassedly, elbowing him in the side. "He was a football player, and is really good-looking, could you have expected anymore of me?"

"Good-looking?" Percy echoed disgustedly. "I am so hotter than that guy."

Annabeth hid a smile. "Sure, sure."



Annabeth tapped her hand on the door handle as she waited patiently for Percy to top up on gas.

Since he lived around them, Percy had offered to give both Jason and herself rides to the party.

"Did you know that Percy doesn't drink?" Annabeth blurted out. Following a squabble over shotgun, she and Jason had decided to both take backseats.

Jason winced. "I mean, he never did at our football parties. I always assumed his parents were really strict or something."

"Yeah, no, just Rachel mentioned it today," Annabeth trailed off.

"You talked to her?" Jason asked in surprise.

Annabeth nodded. "Drew was tormenting her in Geography, so I invited her to sit with us."

Jason snorted. "Drew still won't let it go, huh."

"Nope." Annabeth glanced out the window to see Percy hurrying back to the car, his good pulled over his head to block the rain.

"Personally," Jason said absently. "I think you and Percy would make a much better couple."

Annabeth's jaw dropped. She made to interrogate him, but Percy had already climbed back into the car.

"Sorry that took so long," Percy apologised as he revved up the car's engine. "My mum said I could only take the car if I filled up the gas on our way out."

Annabeth glared pointedly at Jason. He'd better shut up about this while Percy was here. Piper must've somehow corrupted him too.

The ride wasn't too long, seeing as Luke lived further out in the suburbs, but it was filled with alternating conversations.

"This is not what I was expecting," Annabeth said, staring at the house. The driveway was empty, but pulsing lights could be seen shining through the windows of the first floor, and deafening music could be heard even from afar.

Percy snorted. "I mean, I heard he was rich but..."

"Guys!" Luke hollered as he stumbled out of the front door, a red cup in hand.

As he high-five Jason and a very reluctant Percy, Luke turned to flash Annabeth a toothy smirk.

"You look nice tonight," he offered, and Annabeth was too astonished to take a step back at the stench of his breath. She looked down; she was wearing a t-shirt and a skirt. She knew for a fact that she kind of looked like a slob. So why was Luke paying her attention tonight of all nights?

"Thanks," she returned uncertainly as they followed him inside. "I hope we don't trash your house too much."

"It's no big deal," Luke said, falling over his words. He was clearly already a little tipsy, and it was only 10. "My parents are away till next week."

As soon as Annabeth stepped inside, she wanted to put on headphones and hug her family. There were a lot of drunk students doing things that would make their parents cry.

"Percy! Jason! Annabeth!" Matt slurred as he staggered over to Luke's side. "Can I get you anything?"

Annabeth caught Jason's eye and infinitesimally shook her head. At the last party, Matt had added vodka to Beckendorf's coke and gotten him drunk out of his mind.

"I'm okay," she said sweetly. "Just looking for my friends."

"I think saw Piper making out with a hunky dude back in the kitchen," Matt winked at Jason. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

As the duo left them, Percy shook his head. "Wow, they are going to make some bad decisions some day."

"Some day," Annabeth repeated, her gaze following to where Matt had canonballed into Luke's backyard pool. "Bold of you to think they'll even make it there."

"Hey, guys!" Drew whirled around, accidentally crashing into Annabeth, a fit of giggles. "Wh-what's up?" Her speech was messy, giving away her inebriated state. "Wanna dance, Annie?" she begged with doe eyes.

Annabeth turned back to Percy and Jason. "I think drunk Drew's a whole lot nicer than normal Drew," she laughed.

As Drew dragged them onto the dance floor, Annabeth found herself twirled by both the other girl and random people around her.

"I don't know why I don't like you," Drew shouted over the music. Her eyes were cloudy and unfocused.

Annabeth didn't quite know how to respond to that. Even though it was a little of a backhanded compliment, Drew hadn't been nice to her since middle school. This was completely new ground for her.

"Is it because of Percy?" Annabeth suggested. She couldn't exactly make things worse between them. And it wasn't like Drew would remember this tomorrow.

"No," Drew said decisively. "I didn't like you before I had a crush on him."

Annabeth shook her head. It always boiled down to Percy, didn't it. "Why do you even like him, Drew?"

Drew gave her a strange look. "Why do you?"

Taken aback, Annabeth tripped over the carpet and fell into someone's arms.

"Sorry," she groaned, pushing herself off of Luke.

Luke spun her around smoothly, giving her a smile. "It's okay." He glanced around. "You're having fun, right?"

Wow, I'm a hot topic today, Annabeth thought. First Drew, now Luke? All I need is Matt to make three miracles.

"I am," she reassured him. "It's a nice party. Nice setup."

"You haven't even had anything yet," Luke reminded, passing her a cup.

Annabeth wrinkled her nose. "This is tequila and cheap champagne."

"Lighten up," he insisted. "It's a party, Annabeth." Luke stopped dancing to plead, "I'm the host. I need everyone to have fun."

Rolling her eyes, she took a sip. One cup wouldn't hurt. Besides, it wasn't like she was a lightweight.

Half an hour later and Annabeth regretted it. The bubbles had gone straight to the head. She could still think straight, but her vision shook every time she took even the tiniest step.

"Yeah, I think I need a minute," Annabeth confessed, setting her cup down and waving goodbye to Luke. He returned it as she stumbled to the kitchen, ears ringing with the blaring music.

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