BOOK ONE | jace wayland imagi...

By surelynottoday

70.6K 1K 62


1. wrongful jealousy
2. the one with a broken heart
3. can't act anymore
4. i'll always choose you
5. the one with the book
6. 'friends'
7. i'm not good for you part one
8. shadows on the subway part one
9. shadows on the subway part two
10. till i see you again part one
11. same old four walls
12. till i see you again part two
13. living in the shadows part one
14. till i see you again part three
15. living in the shadows part two
16. living in the shadows part three
17. i'm not good for you part two
18. living in the shadows part four
19. living in the shadows part five
20. living in the shadows part six
22. i'm not good for you part three
23. lost
24. a caring gesture
25. rivers
26. be careful
27. comforting jace
28. catching the wind
29. too shy to be noticed
30. together
31. she was gone part one

21. living in the shadows part seven

1.2K 22 5
By surelynottoday


"Magnus! I need you to make that spell. I need my emotions back" You rushed to say at your newfound realization.

"Slow down, Pumpkin, where is this coming from? I thought you didn't want them back?" Magnus said in confusion.

"I need them to find the Cup," You said which made everyone's head turn towards you.

"How will that help you?" The Warlock asked.

"I just have this feeling. I can't explain it. Please, you have to trust me on this one" You pleaded.

He looked at you for a second with a thoughtful look but agreed. "Alright, I'll have to make some arrangements for some of the ingredients. I'll be back soon"

He made a portal appear and stepped through it, leaving you and your friends in his apartment.

"Care to explain what was that all about?" Alec asked.

"I would love to, but it's hard to explain. You just have to trust me" you told him and the others.

Your eyes wandered towards Jace but he was busy looking through your sketchbook. Alec followed your eyes and noticed how quiet and distant his best friend was.

"I think it's time for our talk," He said as he stood beside you.

"Yeah," you replied, turning your attention to him.

"First of all, what's going on between you and Jace?" He started.

"He told me he liked me" you mumbled quietly while looking at the floor.

"So he found the courage to tell you" Alec replied in a monotone.

"You knew?" You asked surprised.

"Yes, he told me earlier" he answered "did you reject him? Is that the reason he's all grumpy?"

"I didn't necessarily reject him..." you trailed off.

"But you did" he finished for you.

"I just don't know, Alec. Like I feel drawn to him but that's it. I don't feel anything other than that" You tried to explain.

"Your emotions are really far gone" He mumbled.

"You think I like him?" You asked.

"There's only one way to found out. Let's hope Magnus is getting back soon" He replied.

"Yeah..." You sighed in defeat "But how are you and Jace?"

"We're okay again. We'll maybe have to talk about it again at one point. But, we're good" Alec smiled slightly.

"And you and Magnus?" You asked quietly, making sure no one heard.

"What about us?" He asked, his voice also lowering.

"Come on, Alec. You can't deny the chemistry you two have" You pressed on.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He answered, not looking you in the eyes which made you smirk "What?"

"Nothing I believe you" You clearly lied.

Suddenly a portal opened up again and Magnus walked through.

"Speaking of the Devil" You chuckled lightly, making Alec give you an annoyed look.

"I got the pure Angel blood" He announced.

"How? I thought there was no more left?" Jace asked.

"I know some people who I owed a favor from" He explained mysteriously.

"Now, I only need a sliver from your soul and from your one true love," Magnus said.

"Well, that's kinda the problem. I don't have-"

"Nonsense, Jace!" Magnus said as he snapped his finger and looked at the said man.

Alec nearly chocked in his own spit by Magnus bluntness, Clary was giving Jace a hopefull look and you looked everywhere except for Jace.

A couple minutes slowly passed and you had fixated your gaze on the ground. You could hear Jace suddenly stand up "I'll do it"

This took you by surprise so you looked up at him, staring right into his eyes. His face showed no emotion but you could tell there was another reason behind what he was doing.

"Thank you," You said, bearly louder than a whisper. He heard you, however, and nodded as a response.

As Jace walked to the potion stand you could hear Magnus whisper to Alec "Touchy subject?"

"Something like that" Alec whispered back.

You sighed and followed Jace. The table was the only thing between you.

"Alright, this might sting a bit," Magnus said as he snapped his fingers and his blue magic started to cloud his fingers.

He took a sliver from you and Jace's soul at the same time. You both looked at each other while gritting your teeth.

"There, it's done," Magnus said, "now give me a minute to finish it"

The tension was thick as everyone waited patiently for Magnus to finish the potion. Nobody dared to say a word.

"Let's hope this works," Magnus said as he gave you the bottle with a purple liquid.

"You're not sure if it's gonna work?" Clary asked.

"I do not even know if it's gonna have side effects" he confessed.

"Well, we're about to find out," You said and chugged it down.

Everyone was looking at you in anticipation, but nothing was happening.

"I guess we'll have to find another way-"

You suddenly had an extremely bad headache and you were stumbling around looking for something to lean on.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N), are you okay? Talk to us" Jace said as he caught your body before it fell.

"I'm good, I'm good- I'm not good" You suddenly changed moods.

You first could feel all the positive emotions coming back like happiness, hope, and love. But then it took a turn for the worst. Sadness, regret, anger, betrail, and grief all flooded your mind. There was, however, one emotion sticking out and that was jealousy.

"Make it stop!" You cried out as Jace place both of you on the couch, with him holding your trembling body tightly.

"Magnus, do something!" He called out in despair.

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do," Magnus said somberly as he looked at you with sadness in his eyes.

Everyone was watching you as you were softly whimpering. "My book"

Clary quickly gave you your old sketchbook and you scanned through it. You found the song you were looking for and read the music.

"Clary is the key" You whispered as one last tear rolled down your cheek.

"What?" Jace asked next to you.

"Clary is the key to retrieving the cup" You whispered as you thought about where the cup could be, "the Tarot cards, of course! why didn't I think of it sooner!"

"Slow down, (Y/N). What are you saying?" Alec asked.

"People write music because they feel a certain emotion. There was one emotion sticking out when they all came flooding back, jealousy. I've never felt jealousy in my life, except for one moment. That was when Clary drew her first drawing. Do you remember that day?" You asked your sister.

"Yeah, we were sitting outside drinking lemonade and I wanted to draw the glass. What does that have anything to do with it?" She asked in confusion.

"Except you didn't draw it. You somehow pushed it in the picture making your glass disappear. You thought I stole it which made you mad at me. Mom came to stop us fighting and when she saw what you did she was so proud. You thought that it was because of what you draw, but you inherited her powers. It made me so jealous that a wrote a song about it, see?" You explained as you handed the book to Clary.

"Mom has special powers?" She asked as she looked at the song in amazement.

"Yes, I saw her do what you did once but she didn't see me" You answered. "here you need to try it"

You handed Clary her old sketchbook and flipped to the page of the lemonade glass.

She stuck her hand through the paper and held a glass once she pulled back. She looked in realization back at you.

"The Tarot cards mom gave to Dot... One looks exactly like the cup! (Y/N) you're amazing!" Clary exclaimed. "Why aren't you guys happy about this? All we have to do is find... Dot."

"If Dot had the cards when she was taken, we don't have much time. If Valentine gets his hands on the Cup—" Jace started to say but Magnus cut him off.

"We know. If Valentine started creating Shadowhunters or gained control of demons, it'd be like Beyoncé riding on a dinosaur through Times Square. People would notice." he said

"But he can control demons. I've seen it." Clary said

"Mmm, paying off a few demons is easy, especially since they rarely survive long enough to collect," Magnus said.

"Still waiting on Valentine's thank-you card," Jace said rolling his eyes.

"Opening the gates of hell, that's a little more tricky." The Warlock sighed

"Valentine doesn't have the cards. I do. They're in my desk back at the precinct. When Clary went missing, I went to the loft and I cleared everything out, 'cause I didn't want the Circle to track her." Luke, who stumbled in the room, said.

"That's great. This should be easy." You said standing up, but Jace gently pulled you back down on the couch.

"Mmm, that's what General Custer said." Magnus pointed out.

"Magnus is right. Valentine has spies everywhere, even in the NYPD. We have to be discreet." Luke agreed.

"Discreet? You look like something out of The Mummy movie." You said earning a chuckle from Magnus

"We'll go in the morning. Werewolf healing, remember? This is nothing a couple of hours of beauty sleep can't fix." Luke said.

"We'll go back to the institute. We'll be at the precinct first thing in the morning" You told Luke.

"You're not seriously thinking about going on this mission," Jace said in disbelief.

"Why not? I'm fine" You quickly replied.

"(Y/N), what you just went through isn't normal. You need to rest." He said.

"I'm fine, Jace. My mother is missing and I've hardly done anything to get her back. And I-" You said as tears once again started to fill your eyes "Why am I crying? Why can't I stop crying? What is wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong with you. Your body doesn't know how to react to all these newfound feelings, it'll need time to adjust. I think you should listen to Jace and sit this one out." Magnus gave you an understanding smile.

You looked at Clary for help but she just nodded her head in agreement. You huffed "Fine"

You thanked Magnus for everything he had done and went back to the institute.

The next morning Jace had tried to talk to you, but you ignored him. You were mad at him for making you sit this one out and making everyone agree to it.

You knew that what you did was childish, but it was like your emotions had taken control of your body. Everything you felt, you felt thousand times more intense.

You were walking aimlessly through the institute and eventually decided to join Alec and Izzy.

"He said he'd be an hour. It's been three." You heard Alec complain to Izzy.

"If I was there it would've been one," You said as you stood next to Izzy.

"Have you talked to Jace about his confession?" Alec asked.

"Did he finally confess he likes her?" Izzy squealed.

"You knew?" her brother asked confused.

"Oh come on, it was so obvious," She said rolling her eyes.

"Really? I thought he liked Clary?" You said.

"Oh, honey, no, Clary likes Jace but it has never been the other way around," Izzy said. "Anyway, what did you say? Did you guys kiss? I want to know everything!"

"She rejected him," Alec said before you could say anything.

"Shut the front door! You did not" She said in shock.

"In my defense, I didn't have my feelings back then," You said, defending yourself.

"What about now?" Alec asked.

"I don't know. I'm so overwhelmed with everything hitting me at once. One minute I'm feeling like I'm on the top of the world while the next I'm as low as I've ever been" You answered truthfully.

"Give it some time. Love can't be rushed" Izzy said, giving you a bright smile.

The conversation was interrupted by Jace calling Alec for backup.

"Please let me come, Alec" You pleaded. You had already won over Izzy, but Alec was a whole other story.

"No, things are finally good again between me and Jace. I won't fuck it up this time" Alec refused.

"Come on, Alec. I'll take the blame" Izzy tried as well.

"I'll take full responsibility. Besides, you know I'll follow you anyway once you leave. This way you can keep an eye on me" You reasoned with him.

"Fine, but you gave me no choice. You both take the blame if this backfires" He said and went to grab his bow and arrows.

You and Izzy also did a little happy dance before getting your weapons as well and following Alec to the precinct.

"Someone called for backup?" Izzy announced your presence to Jace and Clary

"What she doing here. Alec, I told you that she couldn't come on this mission" Jace told his Parabatai.

"It's not Alec's fault. I take the full blame. You know I would've come anyway. Alec could've done nothing to stop me" You defended him.

"You are unbelievable," he said throwing his hands in the air "You know what? Fine, but you're sticking with me. I'm not gonna let you out of my sight, understood?"

You nodded your head happily as Clary told you guys they found the Cup.

"The Cup?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah, but then we lost it. We have to sneak back in the precinct to get it." Clary explained.

"This is a disaster." Alec sighed.

"Hey, demon pox is a disaster. This is an inconvenience. We just need a plan. That's all." Jace said.

"What about a glamour?" You suggested.

"We tried that. Anyone working with Valentine will see right through it." Jace dismissed your plan.

"Can we ask Magnus Bane to portal us inside?" Clary suggested but Alec was quick to dismiss that plan as well.

"That'd be awkward. Magnus can only portal us to places he's been to before." Izzy covered for her brother.

Clary's phone suddenly started to ring making her groan in annoyance "Not again. Just give me a second."

It turned out that Simon was calling her making Jace annoyed. He eventually got so worked up that he took her phone and hung up.

"Simon's little problem can wait. I've got a great plan." Jace said.

"Oh, there's a first," Clary said making Jace laugh sarcastically.

"You're going with Alec and Izzy. (Y/N), you follow my lead. Oh, and don't worry, in my plan, no one gets slapped." He said, the last part directly at Clary which made her smile sheepishly.

"So what is this great plan of yours?" You said as you and Jace parted your ways with Izzy, Alec, and Clary.

"We'll head up towards the vault. Alec, Izzy, and Clary are handling the rest. All we have to do is wait for their signal... and grab the Cup." Jace explained as you waited for the elevator to open up.

The elevator doors open and someone walks out, making you and Jace hide quickly.

You got in and Jace pressed the stop button.

"So are we gonna climb up the elevator shaft now or what?" You asked, making Jace tested the panel on the top to see if it'd budge.

"Now, why didn't I think of that?" He smiled slightly.

"Because I'm a genius" You joked making him laugh lightly.

"I need you to draw this rune. It's like night vision. You can copy mine" He ordered.

You looked at your arms who were already cover in runes. The only places you had left were on the back of your shoulders or just your back in general.

"I think you're gonna have to help me this one," You said as you showed your arms making him chuckle lightly.

"Someone has been busy learning about the runes," He said as you pulled your shirt a bit down so he could reach the back of your shoulder.

"I'm a Shadowhunter now, might as well learn everything to survive." You said.

"You got a point there," He said as he started to trace the symbol.

"Jace listen about earlier-"

you got interrupted by the lights in the elevator going out and an alarm starts to blare.

"Hold that thought, we have to find the Cup first," He said as he pulled himself up the elevator shaft and helped you get up as well.

Jace busted the vents open and got out with you following right behind.

"What is all this crap? Lunch receipts?" Jace asked as you could hear someone coming.

You quickly grabbed your Stele and glamoured yourself and Jace.

"Nice reflex" He complimented "Maybe give a heads-up when you're gonna do that next time"

You nodded your head as the policeman left. You both started to look for Luke's stuff until you found a box.

You open it and the first thing you saw was a picture of you with your family. Tears welled up in your eyes once again and one even escaped.

"Not again" You whispered as you quickly whipped it away.

"You okay?" Jace asked concerned.

"Yeah," You said and held the box upside down. You quickly found the card you were looking for and showed it to Jace.

"That looks exactly like the Mortal Cup," He said amazed.

"That's it, we need to get this to Clary, quickly." You said

"Let's go" Jace agreed.

You got out without a problem and met up with the others.

"Did you get it?" Alec asked.

"Yeah" you breathed and gave the card to Clary.

She tried to retrieve it, but nothing worked.

"What's wrong? Why is it not working?" Alec asked.

"I don't know. I just have to figure out how I reached into my notebook before. It's... It's not an exact science." Clary explained.

"Can't you just pull the Cup out? Or is this theory just complete nonsense?

"I can, theoretically. I just... It's not as easy as it looks, Alec." she defended herself. You didn't have anything to say for yourself. You didn't have anything to prove that this was indeed the Cup so you stayed silent.

"Listen, you two can discuss theory as much as you want when we get back to the Institute. But right now, considering we just stole from the cops, I suggest we get home." Jace interrupted the two.

"Guys... I think the mundanes might be the least of our worries." Izzy said as her necklace started to pulse

"At least we know the demon necklace works." Alec pointed out.

"Never a dull day. Let's go." Jace sighed as you all started to walk.

"Guys, slow down." Clary said and bumped into an old lady "I am so sorry"

Not a split second later the lady's mouth becomes one of a demon.

"Grandma," Jace said before killing the demon

"What the hell?" Clary said confused

"Language. Not in front of grandma." Jace joked.

"How did it find us?" Alec asked, ignoring his Parabatai joke.

"I don't know... but she brought friends." Jace said as he looked at the policemen that stepped out of a car.

"How can you tell?" Clary asked.

"How can you not? It's as clear as a day" You said confused by why Clary didn't see the demons.

Jace nudged you and shook his head "It's like seeing through a glamour. You just gotta pay attention to the details."

You left Jace to teach Clary how to see while you started to walk faster with Alec and Izzy

"there are too many people." You said as you took everyone around you in.

"We gotta get outta here." Alec agreed.

"Hey, this way!" Clary called out making you all follow her.

"What's the Unlock rune again?" Clary asked making you roll your eyes. Either she learns the runes or she does it the old fashioned way.

Jace decided to go old fashioned and kicked the locked door open "Open sesame. Go."

Alec deglamours his bow and arrows and gets ready for attack.

"Hey, what are you doing? Jace asked him.

"Holding them off. Take Clary back to the Institute." Alec ordered but Jace refused.

"No, if you're staying, I'm staying. We fight together."

"Don't be stupid. If the demons get the Cup, we're dead anyway" His Parabatai reasoned.

"I'm not leaving anyone behind," Jace said, standing his ground.

"You don't have a choice," Alec said.

"I do. Jace, get Clary and Izzy to the institute. I'll help Alec" You said.

"What? No! That's a terrible idea" he protested.

"Clary has the cup. She needs people to defend her. You and Izzy are more skilled than me. Go" You said.

"No, I-"

"Jace, go. I'll keep an eye on her" Alec said looking him straight in the eyes. He hesitated for a minute but eventually gave in.

"Don't worry. It's not like this is the first time Alec has saved your life. I doubt it'd be the last." You could hear Izzy say, making you chuckle.

"Let's do this," You said to Alec as you deglamoured your Katana.

You both fought off as many demons as you could and at some point, Luke even showed up to help.

While you were fighting a demon got way to close and left a nasty scratch on your stomach. It's claw marks clearly visible.

The last demon was soon enough killed with an arrow through his head. You let out a long sigh and could feel the pain of the scratch mark seeping through as the adrenaline faded away.

You closed your eyes for what felt like a second and next thing you know Luke and Alec were standing over you with a concerned look.

"What happened" You whispered, feeling the room spin around you.

"You lost a lot of blood and your healing rune isn't working." Luke explained shortly as he moved a strand of hair out of your face "Alec, you need to get her back to the institute. Now"

"Yeah, okay. You should go and help Clary. They went that direction" Alec pointed towards the way Izzy, Clary, and Jace went.

He crouched down to pick you up and you clung your arms around his neck.

"It's gonna be okay, alright? I just need you to stay awake" Alec told you softly as he got you two as fast as possible to the institute.

Once inside the old building, Jace and Izzy immediately spotted you.

"Oh my god, (Y/N)" Izzy said as she was quick by your side.

"Alec, what happened?" Jace said as he took you from him.

"A demon got her while we were fighting. Her healing rune isn't working" He explained.

"Get her to the infirmary" Izzy ordered Jace as she and her brother followed behind.

"Jace" You whispered softly but he immediately shushed you.

"Keep your strength, you need it," He told you softly.

"No, Jace. I need you to know. I need you to know that I like you too" You said weakly.

"You can say that to me once you're better. Right now you need to focus on healing" He said and laid you on the bed so Izzy could start fixing you up.

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