Forgotten Legends (DRAFT VERS...

By KatWingfree

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"The Prophecy may say you are a hero, but you'll never be what the universe needs to survive." Cloud Star has... More

Guide to the Tribes of Dragnaple*
The Defender Prophecy*
Chapter 1*
Chapter 2*
Chapter 3*
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note #2

Chapter 5

192 19 108
By KatWingfree

No. No. No, no, no, no, no!

Coal looked as though he had just won the lottery.

It felt more like a blow to the gut to Cloud. A Defender? It had to be some kind of cruel joke! There was no way in all of the Dark Realm he could have been selected to be a protector of Dragnaple! There were so many reasons why he couldn't be a Defender. The Defenders were strong, smart, and daring. They were the true heroes. Not dragons like him. It wasn't possible. It just didn't happen. Not to him. Not now. Not ever.


Coal, who'd been staring dumbly at him for the last minute and a half, started. "No?" he echoed. "What do you mean 'no'?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

Coal leaped to his paws in outrage. "No!" he yelped. "No way! I won't allow it! I'm putting my talon down right now! You are not throwing an opportunity like this away!"

"Watch me."

"Cloud. Hopeful. Star. You can't do this! Do you realize what you would be giving up? You've been chosen! Thousands of hatchlings would give an arm and a leg for what you've got!"

"Well, give it to one of them then," Cloud grumbled. "Just leave me out of it!" He turned and started walking away. There had to be more important things to do than listen to this nonsense. He had fish to catch, sparring techniques to perfect. He didn't have to stay here and take this nonesense. And he wouldn't.

"Cloud? Cloud!" Coal charged down the hallway after him. "It's not that bad! So, what if you are a blue-scaled dragon that everyone fears and wants to destroy? Doesn't nature seem to have a way of working itself out for the best?"

"Only this nature has a name and messed up big time," Cloud shot back, shaking out his wings tiredly. "Look, Coal, being a just isn't for me. I'm not the kind of reptile who will dive headfirst into a battle if I can avoid it."

"Says the dragon who leaped straight into that fight back there without even the slightest regard for his own well-being," Coal fired back in return. "And before you start, you are brave and strong. And blue scales or no, you are exactly what this world needs. Will you accept that or am I going to have to bash it into your thick head?"

"This is insane!" Cloud exclaimed. Never in a million years could I have envisioned this. A Defender. I'm a Defender. "And the even crazier thing is that I believe you! Now what?" he questioned, glancing at Coal for guidance. "Is there some sort of initiation ceremony or am I just automatically a Defender?"

"Don't look at me!" Coal protested, throwing his talons up in shock. "I'm not Clouddusk! How should I know?"

"You're the one who knew about Clouddusk's team in the first place!" Cloud exclaimed. "You must know something!" He noticed Coal's wide-eyed expression. "Anything?"

"Well," Coal stammered, "a-according to the stories--"

"Which we now know are more than stories."

"Right. Anyway, the scrolls say that a true Defender--"

"--must pass a deadly trial, yes, I know," Cloud interjected, exhaling tiredly and letting his gaze drift toward the bubbling water once more.

Coal looked at him flatly. "Do you want my help or not?"

He was being serious. Cloud could see it in his eyes. These weren't just stories to him. They were true. And Cloud was definitely not an expert in ancient folklore. He was going to need Coal's help, so he figured it would be better to listen and not ruffle Coal's scales too soon.

"Yes," he hastily corrected himself. "Yes, please continue."

"I need something to write with," Coal grunted, standing up and moving from one shadow to another as silently as a ghost. "Can I use a piece of charcoal from your room?"

"Uh...yeah sure."

"Thanks." There was a rattle and Cloud could hear Coal's tail as he shuffled across the room and off down the hall.

Cloud sat there in silence, waiting. It was almost too much to take in. How could he have been chosen as a Defender? Him, a blue dragon, a hatchling born to rampage and destroy. Had Clouddusk chosen him? Why? He must have run out of options, Cloud thought dryly. What other reason could there have been? Cloud knew he wasn't the kind of dragon anyone would select unless they'd run completely out of other candidates.

If that's the case, why pick me and not Coal?

The question rattled around inside his brain. Coal was a better fighter. He was more resilient. He was stronger and he was faster. Coal was the natural choice for a Defender.

Coal was a hatched hero.

Cloud was a hatched disaster.

In any other world, the two of them would likely have ended up on opposing sides of the spectrum. Hero and villain. They'd be intent on destroying one another. Cloud was glad such a world didn't exist. He struggled to imagine a reality where he hadn't grown up alongside Coal. They'd been friends since the day they hatched. Brothers, even if not by blood.

Coal's talons clattered against the smooth granite as he reemerged. Immediately he went toward the wall and began to shape an image onto the limestone. "Dragnaple," he began, "is a galaxy containing nine known planets--or Realms. It is rumored to be a tentative seven thousand years old and life has been co-existing with dragon-kind since the beginning of time. The first civilization was founded by King Ash on Starrlande about a hundred years later. Several generations passed and the kingdom prospered in an era of peace and technological advancements. Ash lived a long life and, over time, had many hatchlings. Eight of them, to be precise. After many decades, however, the dragonets began to grow dissatisfied with what they had and started to quarrel amongst themselves. This eventually led to the Blazing--a full-scale war in which no one could hope to be the victor--three thousand years later."

"To prevent mass genocide, King Ash banished his children and their followers on the remaining eight planets. From there, the eight Realms began to grow, each according to their environmental advantages. Those who were banished to Watterlaek learned to swim well and designed their entire kingdom under the sea. Those who were banished to Tundrae learned to survive in the bleak nothingness of ice. And so it went with the rest of the kingdoms. "

"Is there a point to this story?" Cloud interjected. "I don't mean to be rude, but how does this concern me? It's all ancient history."

"Just wait," Coal answered as he sketched eight rough circles onto the wall. "You'll see. The important part is what comes next." He drew lines connecting the circles (which Cloud supposed where the planets). "King Ash did not wish to be permanently separated from his children so he created a kind of bridge between the Realms so his descendants could always find a way back home. Legends say it is a portal." His voice dropped a few decimals in an eerie fashion. "A portal that can only be activated by dragon's blood."

"Blood?" Cloud wrinkled his snout. "Isn't that just a little gruesome? Why not a talon-pad or eye-scanner?"

"Technology of that extent was not known at that time," Coal explained. "But imagine the possibilities if the portals could be found! For the first time in centuries, the Realms could be connected! All dragons could come together as one!"

"And start a second galaxy-wide war?" Cloud sighed heavily. "That sounds like a hundred ways for something to go terribly wrong and for the planets to detonate into fire and death like something in your science fiction scrolls."

"And that's all science fiction is," Coal argued. "Fiction. It has no scientific value whatsoever. Strange two-legged beings that fly huge metal contraptions through space and time, shooting and killing each other with laser weapons? That's not realistic or scientific."

"Since when did you become an expert on what's scientific?" Cloud questioned, meandering around the hall, intent on looking at anything but what Coal had drawn on the wall.

"Since I actually pay attention in class." Coal sighed and flopped down on a rock across the way. "Look, the point of the story is this; King Ash built the portals so his family wouldn't always be apart but, after his death, dragons started using them for their own selfish reasons, creating a mad conquering spree. It's rumored that the first blue dragon appeared about the same time as the portals were being built. Perhaps that is the key to your past, Cloud. Maybe that can explain why you were chosen."

"So where is this portal?" Cloud quizzed.

"That's the catch. Only a few individuals have ever been able to find them. And even then, not many have ventured far enough to explore the depths of their true abilities."

"What happened to those who did?"

Coal shrugged. "Nobody knows. No one's heard from them again."

"Well, that's not ominous at all," Cloud growled sarcastically. "So how are we supposed to find them if everyone who's tried has ended up missing?"

"Legend has it the Winged Five found it once," Coal explained. "Clouddusk accidentally used it to jump to Watterlaek, where he met Violettail."

"Yes, yes, I know the story," Cloud interjected. Everything always seems to come full circle and end up with Clouddusk. How much has he been keeping from us? "So, he would know?"

"If the legends are true, yes."

"So, let's go ask him." Cloud adjusted his wings and started down the passageway toward the surface. "And then we find out just what in Dragnaple is going on."

"And exactly how do you plan on doing that?" Coal questioned, following him. "Clouddusk may be in the Dream Realm but that's a big area. How do you plan on finding him?"

Coal's right, Cloud realized, much to his disappointment. I don't know where Clouddusk is. To find one dragon in the whole vast expanse of the heavenly realm would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

He groaned.

Coal noticed this and paused near the entrance to the caves. Outside, Cloud could hear the steady plunking of raindrops and the gentle wind that rustled the trees and sent leaves twirling to the grass. At least the rain should put out the rest of the fire. He felt bad for the dragons who lived in the village. No one deserved what had happened to them. He was even more disappointed in himself for not being able to help. He just couldn't get the thought out of his mind. If only he'd been stronger or...or quicker, then maybe he could have been able to save them.

Coal seemed to know exactly what he was thinking. "Being a Defender can change everything. And since you're blue, you have a chance to make even a bigger difference," he reminded him. "So, there's no need to be worried."

"I'm not worried," Cloud lied.

Coal gave him a withering glare.

"Well, I'm not!" Cloud protested. "And don't give me that look!" He glanced away from his friend and stepped out into the rain, ignoring it as it trickled down his horns to his snout. He took a deep breath, enjoying the freshness in the air. He felt Coal's curious gaze burn into his back and turned, spotting the hatchling watching him from the safety of the caves.

"So, you're not concerned at all about having a team?" Coal called after him.

Cloud skidded to a halt. His talons slid on the wet grass and he almost fell flat on his face. "Team?" he echoed, whipping around to face him. "Who said anything about a team?"

Coal looked ready to facepalm. "Cloud. A Defender isn't just one dragon! Clouddusk had a team! Four other dragons which he fought and trained with and trusted with his life! I'm sure you'll be getting a team as well!"

"How absolutely delightful," Cloud groaned, suddenly regretting ever bringing the subject up in the first place. "I bet I'll last about a minute-and-a-half against four highly trained warriors. Send flowers to my grave, would you? And say something nice at my funeral?"

"Oh, come on, Cloud, you're not going to die," Coal scoffed. "Just you wait and see. I'm sure they'll love you." He followed his friend out into the rain, blinking as he took the lead and headed down the slope toward a small pond.

Cloud snorted. "I doubt it."

The rain was coming down by the bucketful as two hatchlings reached the pond. Coal settled down underneath the cover of a large willow. Water poured down his head and his neck, all the way to his tail, and he shuddered. "I'll never understand how you enjoy this," he complained, flicking an ear and sending the water flying. "Icky revolting water. And what good does it do? Takes perfectly good dirt and makes it into nasty mud."

Cloud sat in a patch of reeds beside the pond, staring into its enticing aquamarine surface. Below the waves, he could see schools of bluegill floating lazily about. Sometimes he wished he could just swim away like the fish, escape forever. But not now. Now he had a purpose. A responsibility. To run away now would be to show weakness. Cloud was many things, but a coward was not one of them.

He blinked and glanced up, suddenly noticing how quiet it had become. "Coal?" he called, no longer hearing the soft grumbling of his brother. He got no reply. "Coal?" he repeated, more urgently, starting to get to his paws. "Coal! Where are--"

A talon came flying out of the mist and clocked Cloud in the back of the head. Cloud let out a shocked yelp as the force of the impact sent him careening backward. His talons slipped and he fell into the pond with a tremendous splash.

As soon as the water enveloped his head, he began to panic. Help! Someone! Please! Help! I can't...I can't swim! He thrashed wildly, lungs throbbing as the waves bashed him on all sides. I'm drowning! Somebody help! He clawed desperately for the surface. He could see it, hovering just out of reach. He could see a figure standing there, possibly watching him. His attacker or Coal?

Help me! he cried mentally to whoever it was.

His breath was running out. He could see the underwater world beginning to fade around him. He swung his head around, struggling to clear his vision, searching for a ledge or something to grab on to. There was nothing. The pond was entirely smooth. His talons brushed the bottom. Sand. He wouldn't even be able to get a good grip on the floor to push himself up.

He suspected his attacker had known this.

Everything was going dark around him. Coal! Cloud opened his mouth to roar and a jet of bubbles came shooting out. He thought of his friend. What would happen to him now? He would be by himself. And what about Dragnaple? He was supposed to be a Defender! He was supposed to protect them! But he'd failed, killed by the very element he was supposed to wield. Ironic in every sense of the word.

That was the last thing he remembered as his breath ran out and he sunk into unconsciousness.

The forest was on fire.

Dragons were dying.

He stood amid a ring of flames, searching desperately for a way out. The fire licked his face and scorched his scales. He leaped backward, swinging his head around, scanning the clearing for some way to escape.

Pain shot through his tail and up his spine and he whirled around with a roar of anguish as the fire crept nearer and nearer. The flames seemed to be alive, hissing and spitting at him. He felt a whimper rise in his throat and he could barely force it back down. He laid his ears back, feeling his legs trembling as fear pierced his heart.

"You think you're good enough?"

The hiss seemed to come from everywhere. Cloud whipped around, searching for the owner of the voice. The trees beyond the ring were pitch black. He could see nothing but his own reflection in the flames. A terrified hatchling. A failure. A blue mistake that should never have happened.

"You think you're worthy?"

The flames suddenly erupted. Cloud screamed silently, his voice non-existent. He scrambled backward, casting fleeting looks around him as though expecting the speaker to suddenly materialize out of the inferno.

"You were never going to be a hero. You never had what it took. You were never good enough," the voice sneered. "How could a blue dragon like you...ever be anything but a monster?"

The flames closed in. Clouddusk! Cloud shrieked silently. Where are you? This was a dream. It had to be. This wasn't real. It couldn't be. He tried to scream aloud but no sound came out. He felt constricted. The fire was on top of him now, driving him to the ground, forcing him to throw his wings over his head and prepare for the end. CLOUDDUSK!

A roar split the darkness.


The world exploded around him. The fire blew out instantly. The earth fell away underneath him and he dropped. far he could see nothing but blackness.

And then he was thrown roughly out of the dream

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