Short stories i made in Engli...

By Lord_Of_Augest

27 3 1

Just a quick storys I made for class as an assignment and I likes the way it turned out. Please like them... More

Alice in wonderland spinn off

Oh, fuck!

25 2 1
By Lord_Of_Augest

"The Whiskey rebellion all started when..." Droned the teacher. Almost the end of the day and I couldn't wait. While staring at my notes on my old, ruined, wooden desk, a note came floating through the air to find its home on the corner of my desk.

Will you come and meet me in the back of the school in the red-bricked ally after school? The four way folded note said. Curious enough, I looked up from my notes to see if there was anybody looking at me, and there wasn't. After another ten minutes the bell rang, signaling the end of the day and my departure to the back of the school.

Texting my mother, telling her that I'm going to be a little late coming home, I made my way to the old ally made with dark red bricks. After a few minutes, I considered just leaving until I heard footsteps. Multiple footsteps. Soon, the bricks weren't the only things surrounding me.

About five of the football players and three of the basketball players stood around me. Cracking his knuckles, the football captain stepped forward. "I can't believe the stupid brainiac actually came. For a genius, he really is stupid when it comes to human motives. Well, what do you say, boys? Beat him to teach him a lesson on human behavior or let him off with a warning?" He asked. Most of the teens said the first one, the one I wanted the least to happen.


Scared out of my wits, I stupidly backed up all the way till my back hit the red bricks, soon not the only red thing on the wall. The three basketball players stepped forward and started to punch my gut, my chest, and my face. Already going numb from the amount of harsh blows to my body, my brain started to blackout, but not before another person stepped forward.

Their features blurred by the pain and hot, sticky blood gushing into my eyes from a gash on my forehead from when the tallest pushed me to the wall, opening the wound as it scraped against a sharp part of the red brick, now a crimson because of my blood smearing along the wall like a morbid picture to a rough canvas.

Hearing the fwip sound of a compact knife slides out of its protective sheath. The sound made my pounding blood run cold, and sending a shiver down my spine. The chuckling around me turns to all-out laughter as the blurred teen approaches me.

No. No, no, no nononono!! Fearing for my life, I started begging for the first time throughout this entire beating. "Aww, he's shaking! This is what you deserve, Jack." The way he said my name made me start quaking even more. The blurred figure started prowling toward me once again, this time, the only thing I could make out of his feature was a malicious grin, clearly ready to stab me at any time, anywhere, anyhow.

Suddenly, a blinding, white-hot pain raked through my body, originating from my chest. Looking down, I see a white, translucent handle, holding a silver blade protruding out of my chest, both sheened with the dark ruby color of my blood.

Feeling dizzy from the major amount of blood loss, the eight people surrounding me left me with the now, even darker, red bricks and the grisly sight of my own blood pooling around me.

Feeling more tired than I ever had, I felt my eyes start to close as a sound, almost a siren sound, get overtaken by the sound of static.



Opening my eyes, I found that I was not in my room, in a hospital, nor even that alley. I only saw dark, cavernous like walls and a huge chandelier hanging over my head like a broadsword hanging on a thread. I tried to get up, off my butt, but I found that I couldn't move. At all. Looking around, I saw a door open to the right of me. In walks a figure. A monster.

Huge ram-like horns sprouted above long, pointed ears, covered in black studs. Their hair was a mixture of black, gold, and silver. An odd combination but it oddly worked. Sharp toxic purple eyes that seemed to pierce my soul set on an angled face with a jawbone sharp enough to cut mount. Everest in half. Over seven feet tall, his legs looked like that of a goat with hooves to prove my theory. Wearing a black tailed coat over a silver vest with a golden bow tie. The creature gave off a serious aura of You-mess-with-me-and-I'll-make-you-hurt-so-bad-you're-ancestors-will-smart-from-it.

The thing opened its mouth to reveal fangs. Kind of like the vampires girls screech over. I still don't understand why they like mythical creatures more than actual beings. I mean, I understand going crazy after a supermodel but not the supernatural. I just-

"Well, welcome to the under-realm. I'm here to tell you that you are now dead and I have a choice for you." A deep and rumbling voice cut me off from my thoughts.

"A choice?" I managed to squeak out from my parched throat and frozen tongue.

"Yes, either you can stay here and 'live' here peacefully or I can send you back to Earth and help you get revenge on the ones who killed you. If you pick the former, you will have a nice mansion and plenty of food but you'll turn into a demon to do our errands. If you choose the latter, you will be revived, but you have to at least kill the one who killed you. If you fail to do so in the three months we give you, you will be summoned back here and still become a demon, but if you do manage to kill the boy, you will be sent to heaven. Think carefully over this choice, for it will affect your future greatly." The creature then decided to leave me to my own devices.

Of course I will choose the latter, I'm still pretty ticked over the fact that I was killed by classmates for no obvious reason!

" Have you made your choice yet, Jack?" The demon, appearing out of thin air asked. Seemingly upset that he had to deal with something.

"I choose to go after the one who mercilessly killed me." I said, fully confidant of what I was saying.

The demon, if that is what it is, seemed to agree with my choices as he nodded his head. "Then farewell, Jack. Good luck, you're going to need it." The demon snapped it's fingers and soon, everything went black once again.


It's been a month since I have woken back up. Woken right back up at the place I died at. The red bricks still crusted with my blood, now a brown color because of the oxygenation of the iron in the blood. When I woke up, it's already been two weeks from my death. I didn't learn that until I decided to go to my house only to be yelled at by my own mother, saying that I wasn't real and how I was six feet under. That I was a product of her grief by losing her only, and beloved son just a couple of weeks ago.

To live on your own and try to figure out who it was exactly that stabbed you, was extremely harsh on your mental state. Sometimes I would find myself back at the red bricked ally to find clues or in a place I don't even recognize or know how I got there.

Walking along the streets I once called home, I remembered an important clue. The knife. The white, translucent handle with a silver blade, about five inches long.

Hearing my stomach growl, I was reminded that I need to eat but then my gut decided to turn it's back on me and stabbed me with hunger. Falling to the sidewalk, I don't even remember passing out.


Slowly peeling my eyes open once more, I find myself, once again, in a room I don't recognize. This time though, I seem to be in a girls room.

White walls covered in posters about an anime called My Hero Academia, where in almost every one, there's a young boy with green curly hair and overly-large eyes with four freckles underneath in a diamond shape. A pile of books in chairs and all over the room with a dresser to the left of me and a wall to the right. I'm covered in soft, fluffy blankets and in front of me, a giant shelf filled to the brim with stuffed animals and toys. I'm on the bed that was strategically placed in the far corner of the room to give optimal space for the person to maneuver around the small bedroom. Looking back over to the dresser,no notice about twenty hats covering the top of the thing with a lamp and two pictures. One seemed to be a girl, probably just finished high school and very pretty with long brown hair and kind chocolate eyes. The other picture was one made with other pictures. They showed a young girl, seven, maybe eight years old, in a dance costume. Two solo pictures, both showing the girl but with different outfits on. One bright yellow and the other a dark blue and black ballet dress. The other two were class pictures. The girl was in the middle both times because it looked like she was taller than the other girls.

Sitting up, off the bed produced a large creaking noise that caused the door to burst open after five seconds later.

A girl, the same one from the dance photos, but clearly older now, fifteen, maybe sixteen with short brown hair, brown kind eyes, flustered cheeks and glasses resting upon her short but protruding nose. The flustered girl, red from probably rushing to see if I was awake, looked a lot like the other girl, the one in the frame, maybe they were cousins. Opening her mouth, she blurted out, "Are you okay? I found you on the sidewalk, passes out from starvation! I brought you to my house, I hope you don't mind. Here, let me get you some food!" Then she rushed off.

About ten minutes later, she came back with chicken noodle soup and a few pieces of bread. "Try to eat slowly so your body has time to get used to the idea of food again. Oh, and, can you tell me your name? My name is Gwen."

"Jack" I responded quietly. I have always been nervous but this girl makes me very relaxed so I put up my guard.

"Nice to meet you Jack! Is there anything else I can do for you?"

An idea popped into my head. "Umm, do you know someone with a white translucent switchblade with a silver blade?" I asked nervously. Seeming to ponder the question, it took about thirty seconds to remember the knife.

"Yeeeeeeaaaahhhh" she pulled the word out. "There is a guy on the football team named Jason who loves to show off that exact blade!" Gwen exclaimed, proud of herself to remember the thing and to be able to help out.

"Do you know where he is right now?"

"Yeah, right now he is at football practice because school just let out ten minutes befor you woke up. It ends in fifteen minutes, though."

And with that I bolted out the door with a very quick thank you. When I was out on her driveway, I heard her yell from her window, "Glad I could help!" And then I was too far to hear the rest.

I quickly made my way to the school to see the players about to leave the building. So I decided to quickly write a note to all the football players to meet behind the school to the red-brick ally, and I waited.


After five minutes of waiting, they showed up. Many of them seemed surprised that I was there, while others looked confused out of their minds.

"Who here is Jason?" I asked before any of them could speak. Slowly, the crowd turned and singled out a guy with blonde hair, ice for eyes and baby cheeks.

"I thought I killed you, you freak!" Jason yelled at my face while approaching with a raised fist. I simply stalked forward and I felt my nails grow longer, up to ten inches.

And I simply shish-kabobed him through the heart. The blood flowing freely down my elongated nails and arm. Ripping my hand out of his abdomen, the blood splattered across the walls that also had my blood.

Falling to his knees, Jason started to choke on his blood. His last words where, "you damned freak!" Before he bled out and died. It was kind of poetic that the Murderer was killed right where he killed his own victim and died by the hand of the one he had slain.


Feeling satisfied, I felt all of my energy drain and I myself fell to my knees and disappeared.


"So, you're back already? You did it in a month and a half. A new record, it was right to choose you as my champion..."

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