Djinn (A Destiel Fanfic)

By KittyHazelnut

49.2K 2.3K 1.6K

In here, Castiel is loved. Out there, Castiel is expendable. So why would he ever leave? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

1.5K 91 55
By KittyHazelnut

Michael stretches his arms out in front of him, every joint cracking as he does. Castiel and the Winchesters watch him warily. He said he would help them, but if they've learned anything from Lucifer and Gabriel, it's that archangels aren't to be trusted. Fortunately, it doesn't look like Michael's first order of business is murder.

"So?" Dean says impatiently. "You game?"

"Of course," Michael says. "What would I gain from asking you to let me go if I were to just to let the world end immediately after?"

"Well, Lucifer didn't see it the same way," Sam says.

Michael eyes him for a few moments, for so long that Sam looks at his brother as if asking for help. Dean just shrugs, which is exactly how Castiel feels about this.

Finally, Michael says, "You look well."

"Um..." Sam glances between Dean and Castiel before saying an awkward, "Thanks?"

"You've recovered from Hell remarkably well," Michael says. "How did you manage that?"

"Um..." Sam seems taken aback by that. "Dean had Death put a wall in my head."

"And it hasn't broken?" Michael says in surprise. "Interesting..."

"It's a sturdy wall," Sam says. "It's holding up just fine. Has been for years."

"That's... very interesting," Michael says.

"Woah, hold up, are you expecting it to break?" Dean asks. "Do you know something we don't know?"

"I doubt there's much risk," Michael says, "but nothing lasts forever."

Everyone looks at Sam, who doesn't speak, but he does seem to grow paler at Michael's words.

"Well, one problem at a time," Dean says finally. "The car's outside. We'll take you to the bunker."

"In a car?" Michael scoffs. "Not a chance. Tell me where it is and I'll meet you there."

"If you think we're leaving you and Lucifer in the same room together without us watching, you're dead wrong," Dean says. "Car. Now."

Michael sighs but seems to accept it. "If you're going to spend the next few hours driving, Adam was wondering if he could get a burger."

It's a good thing Castiel doesn't need a steady heartbeat to live, because he swears how heart stops at the sound of Adam's name. He hasn't heard it in years. He'd always assumed Adam was a lost cause. It hadn't even occurred to him that they could probably pull him from the cage in his world the same way they did with Lucifer. Would that work? Dean and Castiel's relationship has changed a lot between worlds, but it couldn't have affected that, right? So maybe there's still a chance for the real Adam.

Of course, Sam and Dean don't realize there's another universe, so their first thought is about this Adam.

"Adam?" Sam says in awe.

"You can hear him?" Dean asks at the same time.

"Of course I can hear him," Michael says. "He's my vessel."

"Can he hear us?" Sam asks.

"Of course," Michael says.


That's awkward.

"Well," Dean says slowly, carefully looking for the words, "I guess we probably owe you an apology. We should have —"

"Would you like to apologise to Adam himself?" Michael asks.


Michael's posture shifts ever so slightly, and a smile grows on his face. But it's not his face — not anymore.

It's Adam's.

"Hey, guys," he says. "It's been a while."

Sam scoffs. "Adam? Is it...?"

"Me?" Adam finishes. "Sure feels like it."

"Man, it is so good to see you again," Dean says.

"And you look great," Sam adds. "Like, really great."

Adam cocks his head to the side, confused. "Thank you?"

"I just mean, when I got out, I had to have Death put up a wall in my head just so I could function, but you..."

"Well, Lucifer had it out for you the whole time you were there," Adam says. "Once you disappeared, Michael kinda started protecting me from him."

"Michael protected you?" Dean repeats skeptically.

Adam nods. "Yeah, you know, we pretty much only had each other, and Lucifer wasn't exactly easy to deal with alone."

"Lucifer's at the bunker right now," Castiel says, the first thing he's said since they saw Michael — and probably the last. He never was Michael's biggest fan, and after Castiel Molotaved him, it's unlikely Michael likes him, either. It's probably best to stay out of his way. Unfortunately, it seems no one else is going to ask, so he should probably do it. "Are you going to be okay, being near him all day?"

"I'll be fine," Adam says. "Michael is literally inside of me at all times. I won't have to deal with Lucifer alone." After a pause, he adds, "But if he tries anything, he might not be okay. Michael's not very happy with him."

"Is he ever?" Dean deadpans.

"So Michael's just gonna leave you be?" Sam asks. "He just lives inside you and lets you eat burgers?"

Adam shrugs. "Looks like it. I don't know. We haven't been doing this vessel-sharing thing for long, so we haven't exactly worked everything out yet."

Sam scoffs. "That's..." He shakes his head. "Wow. I can't even believe it."

"Why did you get the cool archangel?" Dean asks jokingly.

"I don't know, but I'm damn glad I did," Adam says. 

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